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Universal acclaim- based on 72 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 69 out of 72
  2. Negative: 1 out of 72
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  1. Jul 25, 2015
    With all due respect to Carrie & Lowell by Sufjan Stevens, I think this is the best album of the year! Once in a while an album comes along that is fairly well regarded by critics, that actually blows me away. This is that album for me. Title track is great but so are 7 of the 9 songs. "Extreme Wealth and Casual Cruelty" and "Necessary Evil" are my favorite right now but it changesWith all due respect to Carrie & Lowell by Sufjan Stevens, I think this is the best album of the year! Once in a while an album comes along that is fairly well regarded by critics, that actually blows me away. This is that album for me. Title track is great but so are 7 of the 9 songs. "Extreme Wealth and Casual Cruelty" and "Necessary Evil" are my favorite right now but it changes often. The cornerstone of any great album I would say..... Expand
  2. Jan 23, 2020
    My favourite album of all time. Urban Neilsen is a genius and his lo fi indie masterpiece does not fall flat on all nine tracks.
  3. Oct 27, 2015
    To say the least, Multi-Love is a colorful, eccentric album with crafted quirky production awesome hooks and melodies. Where the album reaches lo-fi notes, it reaches them deliberately and they blend in nicely with the quirkiness of the track. My personal favorite track of the album is "Can't Keep Checking my Phone" where Ruben's creative and rather nostalgic style is artfully blended intoTo say the least, Multi-Love is a colorful, eccentric album with crafted quirky production awesome hooks and melodies. Where the album reaches lo-fi notes, it reaches them deliberately and they blend in nicely with the quirkiness of the track. My personal favorite track of the album is "Can't Keep Checking my Phone" where Ruben's creative and rather nostalgic style is artfully blended into a catchy track without stepping into the realm of meaningless obscurity. The title track "Multi-Love "also comes through with strong, yet fitting stylistic changes along with punchy and colorful instrumentation. The low point in the album from me is "Stage or Screen" in which Ruben steps away from this vibrant production and moves back into obscurity plagued with exaggerated lo-fi.
    Overall, however, UMO pulls through with a nostalgic, vivacious record proving that the band has indeed come a long way.

    This is my first review.
  4. Feb 16, 2017
    The funkiest a pop-driven psychedelia album can get. All songs range from somewhat funky to pure dance floor bliss but always keeping the mild experimental and psychedelic edge.
    Some melodies reappear throughout the album, at times more pop and mellow, at times more upbeat and straight-psychedelic. But there are no fillers in this pop-rock-psychedelic masterpiece, which is probably the
    The funkiest a pop-driven psychedelia album can get. All songs range from somewhat funky to pure dance floor bliss but always keeping the mild experimental and psychedelic edge.
    Some melodies reappear throughout the album, at times more pop and mellow, at times more upbeat and straight-psychedelic. But there are no fillers in this pop-rock-psychedelic masterpiece, which is probably the most underrated album of 2015.
  5. Jun 15, 2015
    Excellent album. I have only just discovering this band and am finding them a great complement to other psych-pop bands like Hiatus Kaiyote and Tame Impala. This album in particular reminds me a lot of Metronomy's excellent "Love Letters."
  6. Jun 3, 2015
    Multi-Love is an absolute blast of psych pop and rock melodies, combining the two in a way that pushes the envelope both compositionally and sonically. The production here is extremely dense, hiding instrumentation between layers of sound - this was off-putting at first, but on repeated listens I began to appreciate the subtleties and details even more for it. There are a couple songs onMulti-Love is an absolute blast of psych pop and rock melodies, combining the two in a way that pushes the envelope both compositionally and sonically. The production here is extremely dense, hiding instrumentation between layers of sound - this was off-putting at first, but on repeated listens I began to appreciate the subtleties and details even more for it. There are a couple songs on the track list that are not quite as strong as others, and on an album with so few tracks this is a problem, but it does not prevent Multi-Love from being a great album. Definitely recommended. Expand
  7. Jul 10, 2015
    Really confident, catchy and diverse project from these guys. Loving the atmosphere, very direct and convincing. 'The World Is Crowded', 'Necessary Evil', and 'Like Acid Rain' are highlights for me
  8. Sep 2, 2020
    el álbum se siente como un viaje debajo de una piscina. me gustan mucho las canciones, son realmente buenas y cumplió con mis expectativas. mis canciones favoritas son i can't keep checking my phone, multi-love y necessary evil

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Oct 2, 2015
    Top-loaded with mildly engaging songs drawn out past the point of intrigue, Multi-Love sorely misses the psychedelic fancy that informed its predecessors.
  2. Jul 24, 2015
    Just as in his personal life, Multi-Love sees Nielson coloring outside the lines for a vibrant vision of connection.
  3. Jun 9, 2015
    Multi-Love demonstrates that the band isn’t beholden to a singular, lo-fi aesthetic. And for now, that’s more than enough.