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Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 38
  2. Negative: 8 out of 38
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  1. May 12, 2020
    He poured his soul in here, lil baby's best body of work to date. His flows on point his bars on point no joking around no silly witty playin. You get to feel his character his pain his emotions at every track he sounds one hundred percent real.
  2. Dec 13, 2020
    Lil baby’a best project. Baby keeps getting better lyrically with songs like Emotionally Scarred. The album opens with an great track in Get Ugly and has a handful of great tracks like Live off my Closet, Emotionally Scared, Sum 2 Prove, Forget That and Grace. The album also closes on another solid track in Solid. Too much of a reliance on features limits the albums ability to receive aLil baby’a best project. Baby keeps getting better lyrically with songs like Emotionally Scarred. The album opens with an great track in Get Ugly and has a handful of great tracks like Live off my Closet, Emotionally Scared, Sum 2 Prove, Forget That and Grace. The album also closes on another solid track in Solid. Too much of a reliance on features limits the albums ability to receive a higher score. Expand
  3. May 28, 2020
    Lil Baby is nothing more than an uninspired Young Thug rip-off minus all the things that make Thug entertaining. He has less good songs than a lot of artists have good ALBUMS. He should go ahead and retire from music and let his (slightly) better accomplice Gunna be the main ripoff Thugger.
  4. Feb 20, 2021
    I had a really hard time trying to fight the huge hype of this project. It constitutes one of the most solid crust I've ever seen to access the real matter. And oh boy, what a matter. Don't know where to start. Yeah, firstly, unbelievable to think that numbers and statistics compare him to McCartney and Prince when 'My Turn' came out. Tragic.

    There is no work on his voice. I directly
    I had a really hard time trying to fight the huge hype of this project. It constitutes one of the most solid crust I've ever seen to access the real matter. And oh boy, what a matter. Don't know where to start. Yeah, firstly, unbelievable to think that numbers and statistics compare him to McCartney and Prince when 'My Turn' came out. Tragic.

    There is no work on his voice. I directly listened to the deluxe version: that's one hour twenty minutes straight with the same tone, only the delivering changing sometimes. It is more than an hour with the same mumbling tired voice. This guy is clearly aiming to three minutes songs. This fact is so obvious I calculated the mean duration of the tracks: it's 2.9 minutes/song (again for the deluxe verison). At least we see him trying to avoid to deliver a concept album with less than two minutes tracks. However the main issue appears here: Lil Baby has not that much to say. In more than one hour he certainly tackles some interesting and deep parts of his life but it always sadly ends up talking about who*s, drugs and mmh let's think... oh yes, money. I guess he is only aiming to be another meaningless and unoriginal rapper altough it appears that he struggled with deep and raw events in his life. This guy is the best to maintain just enough hype and mystery to make people listen to him.

    Beats, flow and instrumentals are generic and recylced as I never saw before. Lil Baby obviously had to share the mic with friends and we sooo surprisingly find 42 Dugg, Lil Uzi Vert and Gunna among others on that record. Why changing a winning team huh?

    I can't even understand myself quite enjoying this mess on the first time I listened to it. But 'My Turn' has absolutely no re-listen-ability. You do it once for fun, twice if you want to suffer but three times only if you are as brave as me and doing this to explain to others why they shouldn't do so.
  5. Mar 8, 2020
    maybe this lil baby should leave the rappin to grown folks
  6. Feb 24, 2021
    Lil Baby high key overrated but can make good songs 4/10
    Lil Baby high key overrated but can make good songs 4/10
    Lil Baby high key overrated but can make good songs 4/10
  7. May 1, 2021
    My Turn is a great trap album, although Lil Baby can come across as someone whos music has a hig work ethnic but not enough love for it. other than that. there are 3 misses on this album and the rest is really good well writted and produced, one of the best albums from 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Apr 2, 2020
    The stuffed effort could be Lil Baby's attempt to showcase his growth. But one mark of artistic maturity is exercising restraint — less is often more.
  2. Mar 4, 2020
    My Turn succeeds as a showcase of Lil Baby’s talent, but it still feels flat on due to its excessive length, the fact that every song is almost exactly three minutes, and the way it recycles 808 patterns and harmonic structures.
  3. Mar 4, 2020
    In other hands, that much material could turn into a tedious slog, but Lil Baby manages to keep every moment fresh, finding a unique and unlikely midway between artistic inspiration and commercially viable entertainment.