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Universal acclaim- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 38
  2. Negative: 2 out of 38

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  1. Apr 26, 2013
    Often considered as the album that killed Taking Back Sunday, is the most underrated album under the band's belt. The previous release, "Louder Now", was a strong but weak at times effort to follow up on a great album ("Where You Want To Be"). If I could've had it my way, this should've been the album that followed it up. "New Again" shows sorrow and pain in the largest of things, whetherOften considered as the album that killed Taking Back Sunday, is the most underrated album under the band's belt. The previous release, "Louder Now", was a strong but weak at times effort to follow up on a great album ("Where You Want To Be"). If I could've had it my way, this should've been the album that followed it up. "New Again" shows sorrow and pain in the largest of things, whether it be God or relationships, and nails it. Tracks like "New Again", "Swing", or "Carpathia" show a deeper side to Lazzara's writing more than "Louder Now" ever did. The standout track on this album is definitely "Everything Must Go", building up to a Appleseed Cast-esq post rock epic chorus in spite of divorce. "New Again" definitely doesn't get a lot of time in the spotlight enough, considering it may be one of the best Taking Back Sunday albums to date. Collapse
  2. Feb 20, 2012
    Apart from the truly great 'Sink into Me' and 'Everything Must Go', Taking Back Sunday's 4th outing sounds like slight deja vu- a step backwards to what made their first two releases ok, but ultimately better than the dross of Louder Now. Either way this is not going to make fans from first time listeners.
  3. EuanM.
    Jul 10, 2009
    Its nice to see a bit of passion back in the TBS camp. I felt that Louder Now was a difficult third album for the band and it came across quite clinical and distant, was fairly disappointed after being a huge fan of Tell All Your Friends and Where You Want To Be. This album has kicked back into gear and Adam has certainly improved lyricly. Thumbs up TBS, good to have you back! (though Its nice to see a bit of passion back in the TBS camp. I felt that Louder Now was a difficult third album for the band and it came across quite clinical and distant, was fairly disappointed after being a huge fan of Tell All Your Friends and Where You Want To Be. This album has kicked back into gear and Adam has certainly improved lyricly. Thumbs up TBS, good to have you back! (though with another different line-up). Also as a footnote its nice that this album doesn't have a pace stopping acoustic track, even the slightly more ballad like tune at least has some distorded guitar in there. Expand
  4. JadeD.
    Jun 16, 2009
    Okay, so it's not quite "Where You Want To Be", but songs like "Cut Me Up Jenny", "Catholic Knees" and the single "Sink Into Me" are up there with the best TBS songs to date. "Make Damn Sure" you get a copy.
  5. JamesM
    Jun 9, 2009
    I took out all of my old TBS cds and have been listening to them for the last few weeks in anticipation of this new cd. What a let down. The new cd is boring. I can't figure out exactly why. I want to like it, but it just doesn't do it for me. Maybe that guy that screamed in the background really was that important to the sound of this band...hahaha.
  6. TrippD.
    Jun 8, 2009
    This gets a ten because I'm sure like most bands, TBS did their absolute best in making this, and in their eyes it is the best they can do. So instead of bashing it for not being what I want to hear, I'm going to learn to hear it as they do... As really good. TBS isn't pandering to teens anymore. So if you want the "angst" back, just listen til you understand-- Adam was a This gets a ten because I'm sure like most bands, TBS did their absolute best in making this, and in their eyes it is the best they can do. So instead of bashing it for not being what I want to hear, I'm going to learn to hear it as they do... As really good. TBS isn't pandering to teens anymore. So if you want the "angst" back, just listen til you understand-- Adam was a teen when he made Tell All Your Friends, and wrote and sounded like one. Now that he's an adult, he's going to speak like one, just like any person. Expectations are the worst thing you can have when it comes to a band you like. Each album is unique, and needs to be judged with different criteria. And that's why that Spin review is garbage. He compares them to U2. Expand
  7. ShaneH
    Jun 7, 2009
    I think this is the best Taking Back Sunday CD ever released! Personally, and I say personally because everyone has different tastes in music and always will disagree, I think all the songs really show Adam's unique vocals. I've been following the band from the beginning and I believe that they have only improved more and more with every album. If you have been following TBS and I think this is the best Taking Back Sunday CD ever released! Personally, and I say personally because everyone has different tastes in music and always will disagree, I think all the songs really show Adam's unique vocals. I've been following the band from the beginning and I believe that they have only improved more and more with every album. If you have been following TBS and really enjoy their music, you will greatly enjoy New Again! Get a copy it really is amazing! Great CD, my favorite album of 2009 so far! Great work guys! Keep it up! Expand
  8. ChrisM
    Jun 2, 2009
    Wow. Just picked it up today. Amazing!
  9. houndoJ
    Jun 2, 2009
    This is a well composed and solid album. There are numerous stand out tracks. I wouldn't connect the dots with comparing it to mega bands as in the strange review from Spin. Adam puts himself out there much more than Louder Now and if you"re a fan and have been following his past few years it's an explanation of things that had happened to him personally and with in the band. Cool.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. New Again leaps forward as the best album of Taking Back Sunday's career to date.
  2. On New Again, the emo survivors manage to reinvent themselves as mainstreamo shredders.
  3. 50
    Frontman Adam Lazzara's temper tantrums sound more sore- than full-throated, but they still freeze blood for short stretches, while the revolving choruses are as enormous and polished as Boeings.