• Record Label: Red Ink
  • Release Date: Aug 29, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26

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  1. jasone
    Jan 31, 2007
    grows on you. Undercover is an instant hit.
  2. VanneO
    Nov 27, 2006
    best album yet
  3. HarryC
    Oct 1, 2006
    As another reviewer said, this CD grows on you. "For Us" is right up there with Pete's best work ("Strange Condition," "Closet," "Pass Me By," Burrito," to name a few). And while "The Man" is a great slowball with Natalie Maines on backing vocals, "Ice Age" is a ballad on a par with "Turn of the Century" and "Crystal Palace." As with all of Pete's CDs, I don't like every As another reviewer said, this CD grows on you. "For Us" is right up there with Pete's best work ("Strange Condition," "Closet," "Pass Me By," Burrito," to name a few). And while "The Man" is a great slowball with Natalie Maines on backing vocals, "Ice Age" is a ballad on a par with "Turn of the Century" and "Crystal Palace." As with all of Pete's CDs, I don't like every track -- even musicforthemorningafter had a few that never really made their way into my heart -- it's a great listen overall. Expand
  4. jeffk
    Sep 21, 2006
    ice age and broken bottle are the best songs Yorn ever released. and the man aint bad either.
  5. WadeT
    Sep 20, 2006
    Pete Yorn's Nightcrawler seems to have the chance to be a record that slowly grows on you much like his first record. My first listen was that middle ground of not being overwhelmed by any one song while knowing a little seed had been planted in my head for future listens. Undercover is the album highlight showcasing Yorn stretching his core style as far as it can, and should be stretched.
  6. MattD.
    Sep 14, 2006
    This one is more power pop than his others, and I'm a fan of that sound. Great CD, but sometimes he mumbles a bit, which made me give a 9 instead of a 10.
  7. MattF
    Sep 12, 2006
    Pete Yorn has definitely hit the spot with Nightcrawler. Though his last 2 records were good, they lacked a the rock sound that I look for in music- but in this album he definitely stepped it up. My favorite song is "For Us", but there's a range of musical styles- from the slower "Ice Age" to "Maybe I'm Right", which sounds much like John Mayer, to the upbeat "How do You go On". Pete Yorn has definitely hit the spot with Nightcrawler. Though his last 2 records were good, they lacked a the rock sound that I look for in music- but in this album he definitely stepped it up. My favorite song is "For Us", but there's a range of musical styles- from the slower "Ice Age" to "Maybe I'm Right", which sounds much like John Mayer, to the upbeat "How do You go On". Nightcrawler is an awesome CD worth every penny! Expand
  8. VarunL
    Sep 12, 2006
    Inspired by personal drama and music legends, Pete Yorn
  9. Jenna
    Sep 9, 2006
    Nightcrawler is a must have for both new and old Pete Yorn fans. Some songs reminscent of his work on Musicforthemorning after, but others, like Vampyre show a newer, deeper side of Pete than we've seen before. Ice Age and For Us are some of the standouts on this record. Pete Yorn is definitely one of today's best singer songwriters - pick up this album to see why!
  10. LeamanR
    Sep 6, 2006
    Like "Day I Forgot," another very solid album with at least 4-5 outright gems. But as we know from listening to "Music for the Morning After," Pete Yorn is capable of being way more than merely solid. Some artists make better music when the sound is more stripped down/laid back, but Yorn seems to be at his best when the sound is generally more layered. Regardless, new music from an artist Like "Day I Forgot," another very solid album with at least 4-5 outright gems. But as we know from listening to "Music for the Morning After," Pete Yorn is capable of being way more than merely solid. Some artists make better music when the sound is more stripped down/laid back, but Yorn seems to be at his best when the sound is generally more layered. Regardless, new music from an artist like this is always a positive. Expand
  11. ZackH
    Sep 6, 2006
    His most mature album to date. 14 solid songs and not an ounce of filler. I love it!
  12. gregk
    Sep 5, 2006
    I think it continues in THE YORN style of transferable, suggestive lyricism. It's his finest in my opinion.
  13. JurgisR
    Sep 2, 2006
    This is a great album. If you're like me, Day I Forgot was mediocre, with each song sounding similar. This effort is a vast improvement.
  14. jaanh
    Aug 31, 2006
    this record is ALL KILLER.
  15. Jon
    Aug 30, 2006
    Nothing extraordinary but it's a solid album. Takes a few listens to really enjoy.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. 70
    Pete Yorn’s songs sound so damn good, it’s easy to assume they’re not smart.
  2. Despite it missing the fire of his first record, it's a worthy piece of work.
  3. Taking no risks, "Nightcrawler" shows little growth and makes one wish for the morning after.