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Universal acclaim- based on 133 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 5 out of 133
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  1. Mar 21, 2023
    Not their best album, but still a real masterpiece. The riffs and solos are top tier as always.
  2. Jun 23, 2020
    My favourite song is from this album-God Hates Us. Also Natural Born Killer,is very fast-paced,especially at the beginning
  3. Feb 15, 2020
    A fast drums, an addictive bass line, two powerful guitarists and a powerful vocal coupled with a brilliant lyrics made them enter the gates of true heavy metal.
  4. Dec 9, 2015
    Best album by this amazing band! The record contains great instrumental work, amazing agressive vocals and great dark atmosphere with both really hard and emotional content. The album is more heavy than self-titled, but still contains the classic sevenfold sound of guitar, which is more "heavy metal" than the guitar in Hail To The King.
  5. Apr 9, 2015
    Ok, let's start this. Avenged Sevenfold's Fifth OR SIXTH (including diamonds in the rough) album, starts with the title track, obviously called NIGHTMARE. it starts with a slow and simple riff, and after a variation in the notes used in the riff, it is repeated with heavier guitar sound, and it ends with Shadows screaming ''NIGHTMARE'' and a rhythm changing to start the verse.
    Overall it
    Ok, let's start this. Avenged Sevenfold's Fifth OR SIXTH (including diamonds in the rough) album, starts with the title track, obviously called NIGHTMARE. it starts with a slow and simple riff, and after a variation in the notes used in the riff, it is repeated with heavier guitar sound, and it ends with Shadows screaming ''NIGHTMARE'' and a rhythm changing to start the verse.
    Overall it is a great song, with a catchy and quite badass rhythm, and a great solo from Synyster Gates, it can be a good workout song if you don't pay too much attention to the lyrics. 9/10

    Welcome To The Family: i don't have too much to say about this song, but it's a great song, with a fast rhythm and a catchy melody, going to another great solo from Syn, and ending with whispered vocals. 8.5/10

    Danger Line: it wasn't a good song to nightmare's atmosphere, i think it is too ''city of eviled'', with high notes riffs and a ''happy but sad'' ending. 7/10

    Buried Alive: starting with a ''led zeppelin'' style slow intro and going to a heavy rhythm section, it is a good song that will remind you some metallica songs, like Orion and Ride The Lightning. 8.5/10

    Natural Born Killer: another point to nightmare! a fast paced rhythm and a hardcore solo, starting after the 2nd chorus, it's a funny and satisfying song to listen. 9/10

    So Far Away: written by Brian Haner JR. AKA Synyster Gates to his dead grandfather, after changed to be a tribute song to the Rev, it is a really sad but beautiful song to listen to, and it's music video will make you cry. 9/10

    God Hates Us: THE HEAVIEST SONG IN THIS ALBUM, with a slow and sad intro, changing to a badass fast paced riff, and a BADASSer solo close to the end. 9.5/10

    Victim: starting off with church bells and female vocals, this is an emotional song, that can give you all the power and feeling as possible while listening to it. 10/10

    Tonight The World Dies: i think this wasn't a point to a7x. i think this is the weakest song in the album, a depressing riff and a chiché and repetitive chorus. i'm sorry, avenged sevenfold, but your album isn't that perfect, BUT the redemption is coming...6/10

    Fiction: OK, let's discuss here: your doctor says: you will die 30 year old, or some **** like that. you know that you need to end your life in a badass way. what do you do? if you're like the rev, you make a creepy haunting song, in piano, giving that perfect dark atmosphere to the song. what i need to speak now? fantastic song, the golden gates are expecting for you and they are happy. 10/10

    Save Me: when it started, A7X dropped a bomb in my face! this masterpiece starts with a 2 minute eargasmic intro, and the verse starts with bells and a fast rhythm. this song connects perfectly in every single part, it has a great solo, and it blows up in 7:34. it just killed and revived me. this song is BY FAR the best avenged sevenfold song, AND THEY WILL NEVER MAKE A SONG BETTER THAN THIS!

    OK, this was the best avenged sevenfold work in my opinion, and it still their best album to me. A7x foREVer!
  6. Jun 24, 2013
    This is what a mature band sounds like, Every single song is well produced, the Lyrics are great, Riffs are perfect, the Bridges are always top notch (like in every album they have) everything is well put together. This album was released after their drummer (The Rev) passed away, and because of that I thought they weren't going to put very much effort in their album which came a fewThis is what a mature band sounds like, Every single song is well produced, the Lyrics are great, Riffs are perfect, the Bridges are always top notch (like in every album they have) everything is well put together. This album was released after their drummer (The Rev) passed away, and because of that I thought they weren't going to put very much effort in their album which came a few months after. I was wrong, they came with their best album, yet. This album sounds different from anything they have done before, it is a much slower album and it sounds a lot more melodic. Favorite songs; So Far Away, Victim, Buried Alive and Save Me. It's a definitely buy. Expand
  7. Jan 2, 2013
    In my opinion every track on the album is totally specific , divergent ... the disc is actually a mixture of sentimentality and heavy rhythm with strong voices . The hard sound of guitars merged perfectly with the vocals of M. Shadows and made each track had its identity . This time the length of certain songs do not bother , it was a good point to . Not to mention the arrangement of theIn my opinion every track on the album is totally specific , divergent ... the disc is actually a mixture of sentimentality and heavy rhythm with strong voices . The hard sound of guitars merged perfectly with the vocals of M. Shadows and made each track had its identity . This time the length of certain songs do not bother , it was a good point to . Not to mention the arrangement of the tracks , their placement on the tracklist is perfect . Expand
  8. Aug 25, 2012
    Nightmare' is a great album, simply put. It's a hard hitting, but also emotional album that does justice to Jimmy "The Rev Sullivan", who unfortunately only worked on a couple of songs before his death. The very last song he worked on was originally titled 'Death' but was changed to 'Fiction' and is one of the very best songs on the album. Mike Portnoy helped finishing recording the album,Nightmare' is a great album, simply put. It's a hard hitting, but also emotional album that does justice to Jimmy "The Rev Sullivan", who unfortunately only worked on a couple of songs before his death. The very last song he worked on was originally titled 'Death' but was changed to 'Fiction' and is one of the very best songs on the album. Mike Portnoy helped finishing recording the album, and his drumming, although not on par with The Rev, still manages to get the job done well. The heavy hitting songs such as 'God Hates Us' and 'Natural Born Killer' are some of the heaviest A7X songs since the 'Waking the Fallen' album, and none of them disappoint. I personally like/love all of the songs on the album, even if some may find 'Danger Line'or even 'Buried Alive' to be sub-par. The album in general is mostly heavy, sometimes very emotional, and shows that A7X still has it in them. 8.5/10 Expand
  9. Aug 14, 2012
    After the tragic passing of drummer 'The Rev', Avenged Sevenfold set out to pay tribute to him in style, and with singles: 'Nightmare' and 'Buried Alive' it appeared that A7X were stronger than ever; however (unfortunately) I cannot say the same for the rest of the album. It kicks off with the aforementioned 'Nightmare' which is a great start and an astonishing display of M.Shadows vocalAfter the tragic passing of drummer 'The Rev', Avenged Sevenfold set out to pay tribute to him in style, and with singles: 'Nightmare' and 'Buried Alive' it appeared that A7X were stronger than ever; however (unfortunately) I cannot say the same for the rest of the album. It kicks off with the aforementioned 'Nightmare' which is a great start and an astonishing display of M.Shadows vocal talent. 'Welcome To The Family' however uses a recycled riff and has a forgettable chorus, a real throwaway track which would never have appeared on previous albums. Unfortunately after 'Buried Alive', the album spirals quickly into a poor album - only picking up with final track 'Save Me'. In conclusion, this album fails to capture the spark which ignited on the near-perfect 'Waking the Fallen' and the shift in style seen on 'City of Evil', therefore only buy this album if you're an A7X fan, otherwise look to buy 'Waking the Fallen' - a true masterpiece of modern metal. Expand
  10. Jun 21, 2012
    Very good album. Totally awesome tribute to The Rev as well. These guys do still sound good, but it won't sound the same without The Rev in there. This album had great music, as do all of the other A7X albums. Hope they can keep up the awesome work. A7X rocks!
  11. Apr 11, 2012
    This album is not just an Avenged Sevenfold album, it is an emotional acknowledgement of their former drummer Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. You must respect them for this, because even though some of the songs are not completely devoted to the drummer, the album is a respectable piece of work. Songs such as the title song, "Welcome To The Family", "Buried Alive", "Natural Born Killer", "SaveThis album is not just an Avenged Sevenfold album, it is an emotional acknowledgement of their former drummer Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. You must respect them for this, because even though some of the songs are not completely devoted to the drummer, the album is a respectable piece of work. Songs such as the title song, "Welcome To The Family", "Buried Alive", "Natural Born Killer", "Save Me", "Fiction", and "So Far Away" are tear jerking ballads to Jimmy. "Nightmare" is a return to the style of "City of Evil"'s songs, and "God Hates Us" is a return to their metal-core roots. Avenged Sevenfold is grieving , respect them for it. Expand
  12. Jan 8, 2012
    I am obviously a late comer to this album but I find that this is one of the better Metal albums in quite some time. Avenged Sevenfold has always intrigued me with their melodic guitar riffs that follow the vocals quite often. Avenged is one of those bands that is different enough from the pack that you have to appreciate how difficult that is in today's age of simplistic rock / sexI am obviously a late comer to this album but I find that this is one of the better Metal albums in quite some time. Avenged Sevenfold has always intrigued me with their melodic guitar riffs that follow the vocals quite often. Avenged is one of those bands that is different enough from the pack that you have to appreciate how difficult that is in today's age of simplistic rock / sex themed riffs that are boring and add nothing to our experience. Worth every dollar spent for this album. Expand
  13. Dec 29, 2011
    Okay so this is my first music review and I will make an in-depth review which I haven't seen yet here, so basically I'll just review every song and then take an average of let us begin:

    1 - Nightmare: The song is fast paced has a good solo and follows a pretty standard composition, it is good but nothing that fans haven't already seen. 6/10 2 - Welcome to the Family: So this
    Okay so this is my first music review and I will make an in-depth review which I haven't seen yet here, so basically I'll just review every song and then take an average of let us begin:

    1 - Nightmare: The song is fast paced has a good solo and follows a pretty standard composition, it is good but nothing that fans haven't already seen. 6/10
    2 - Welcome to the Family: So this track has a faster solo, faster timing but is basically as simple as the first, except that we had a change at remembering why Mike Portnoy is a great drummer, and one of the best currently. 7/10
    3 - Danger Line: Again the same basic pattern, however the pace is slight different, so I consider it a bit more developed, but nothing new as well. 7/10
    4 - Buried Alive: Now here things start to get better, first because there are three different paces, the vocal parts, the chorus and end, the solo is good as well so it's...7.5/10
    5 - Natural Born Killer: Again the same basic composition, at this point I was starting to think Avenged Sevenfold were going to stay simple and another average band so....6/10
    6 - So Far Away: Alright the girl melter, so in every album there is a very dramatic song pretty much like this one, however this song has the best feeling that any of their previous ones, specially the solo. 8/10
    7 - God Hates Us: This sounded like a step back considering the other songs and has a simple heavy structure, possible to listen but impossible to love. 5/10
    8 - Victim: Now this track in the beginning reminded me of Pink Floyd (with that feminine back-vocals), and the pace changed, and the song changed but it continued great and is in my opinion one of the best in the album. 8/10
    9 - Tonight the World Dies: This one "looks" a lot like the previous song so there really isn't much to say about it, M. Shadows' vocals are good but it really seemed like a copy from Victim with a few changed chords. 6/10
    10 - Fiction: It was great to see a song that didn't have overdrive guitars and that wasn't a ballad as well, the homage to Sullivan in this song was admirable and the composition not very complex but very emotive. 8/10
    11 - Save Me: This is the best song in the album, Why? Because it has different paces, well placed turns, a more complex composition than any previous from Avenged and it was an outstanding way to finish the album. 9/10
    *12 - Lost It All: Okay so this is basically just more of the same, nothing to say about it really. 6/10
    **13 - 4 AM: Seemed a good song because of the change of pace (yes I realize I've used a lot the word "pace", but it is the best way to describe a song) but is overall another average Avenged song. 7/10

    *This song was from a deluxe iTunes version.
    **This track was from the Welcome to the Family EP, I decided to add it because it was released practically along with the album.

    Final Score Calculation: (6+7+7+7.5+6+8+5+8+6+8+9+6+7)/13
    Final Score: 6.96 = 7
  14. Dec 25, 2011
    This is a great album with a lot of pace and power. The album also brings about a new depth that hadn't been expressed as much by A7X in the past. If nothing else, all modern metal fans need to listen to "nightmare".
  15. Dec 8, 2011
    After the sudden death of Jimmy â
  16. Dec 3, 2011
    It's a good album. The album have a return to metalcore with "God Hates Us" that remember that M. Shadows can still doing an amazing vocal work. So Far Away is a really touching song, with a great solo by Gates. Natural Born Killer is a fantastic thrasher song, like the City of Evil songs. Fiction is a beautiful song and the last song writted by The Rev. And Save Me, I think that song isIt's a good album. The album have a return to metalcore with "God Hates Us" that remember that M. Shadows can still doing an amazing vocal work. So Far Away is a really touching song, with a great solo by Gates. Natural Born Killer is a fantastic thrasher song, like the City of Evil songs. Fiction is a beautiful song and the last song writted by The Rev. And Save Me, I think that song is one of the better songs by Avenged Sevenfold. The song have a great bass drum work by Mike Portnoy, a emotional bridge by M. Shadows and the awesome ending too. Expand
  17. Nov 18, 2011
    The album is overall a strong effort. Similar musically - although not lyrically - to City of Evil, whilst Nightmare does not quite have the power of that release, it is certainly worth a listen. The lead single and title track is one of the strongest songs on the album, the other being Welcome to the Family, which is sufficiently different from the former to provide some initial variety.The album is overall a strong effort. Similar musically - although not lyrically - to City of Evil, whilst Nightmare does not quite have the power of that release, it is certainly worth a listen. The lead single and title track is one of the strongest songs on the album, the other being Welcome to the Family, which is sufficiently different from the former to provide some initial variety. Although the tracks lose some of their power as the album progresses, they still have the punchy A7X feel that fans will know and love. Their second-best release, after City of Evil, anyone who is a fan of the genre should definitely pick this up. Expand
  18. Sep 3, 2011
    This was A Little Better Then the self titled album It seems like a Mix of City of Evil and The Self Titled album but with its own dark Twist that sound Great and This is an emotional album following the passing of The Rev and it definatly serves as a Nice Tribute to him so if you havent heard it already i suggest that you do
  19. Jul 28, 2011
    Why the **** did you damn critics give this a 60??? this deserves a 100! nightmare was one of sevenfolds best albums!! you critics must either have no taste in music or you were high when you reviewed this album!
  20. Jun 28, 2011
    Not exactly a return to glory form as I hoped, but it's a step back into the right direction after their shaky self-titled affair. It's nothing too outside the bubble but there's still hints at experimentaion in a lot of the songs to keep things refreshing.
  21. Jun 22, 2011
    I would like to give this album a higher rating. I really would. But I just can't. Matt has said that Jimmy was the center of A7X, and it shows. The only really good songs on this album were ones that Jimmy took part in, and those are few.
  22. Mar 30, 2011
    All the songs on the album sound almost exactly the same!
    The problem appeared slightly in their fourth album but now its impossible not to notice in nightmare. This is mostly due to the guitars backing down once shadows starts to sing every line the same (daaaaah daaaaah daaaaaah daaaaah daaaaaaaaaaaaaah) while dropping down a note each time. Its just getting really old. I believe the
    All the songs on the album sound almost exactly the same!
    The problem appeared slightly in their fourth album but now its impossible not to notice in nightmare. This is mostly due to the guitars backing down once shadows starts to sing every line the same (daaaaah daaaaah daaaaaah daaaaah daaaaaaaaaaaaaah) while dropping down a note each time. Its just getting really old. I believe the band does not know where to go from this point.
  23. Jan 11, 2011
    Avenged Sevenfold did an amazing job making this album a tribute to Jimmy. There is so much emotion through each and every song. They even went back to play some heavy material, something that hasn't quite been done since Waking the Fallen. These guys are not afraid to be their true selves when it comes to their music, and I think that is what makes this band so great. If you are lookingAvenged Sevenfold did an amazing job making this album a tribute to Jimmy. There is so much emotion through each and every song. They even went back to play some heavy material, something that hasn't quite been done since Waking the Fallen. These guys are not afraid to be their true selves when it comes to their music, and I think that is what makes this band so great. If you are looking for an album to go on an emotional roller coaster trip, this would be the one to listen to. Expand
  24. Nov 27, 2010
    Nightmare is a different but still satisfying offering from the band following the passing of The Rev. While the catchy radio friendly songs like Afterlife and Almost easy are missing from this album they do have songs that are more similar to that of City of Evil with Danger Line and Natural Born Killer. The first have of the album is heavy and in your face but the last half does get aNightmare is a different but still satisfying offering from the band following the passing of The Rev. While the catchy radio friendly songs like Afterlife and Almost easy are missing from this album they do have songs that are more similar to that of City of Evil with Danger Line and Natural Born Killer. The first have of the album is heavy and in your face but the last half does get a bit slow as they use several tracks to pay tribute to The Rev. Fiction is this album's A Little Piece of Heaven and besides the verse that sounds like hes mumbling its overall a good and very creative song. But behind all the double pedals and dueling guitars this album definitely packs in a lot of passion and heart coming from heavy inspiration. You see the band come into full maturity and if Portnoy sticks around Avenged still has many strong years in front of them. Collapse
  25. Oct 21, 2010
    Although it didn't beat City of Evil or Waking the Fallen in my opinion, Avenged came very close. Although the death of the Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan is tragic, that couldn't stop them. I know the Rev is proud. I hope they all knoww that.
  26. Sep 20, 2010
    It's a touching tribute to the passing of A7X's drummer, "The Rev", and if you can keep that idea fresh in your mind, then it's worth a listen. Otherwise, if you didn't enjoy Avenged Sevenfold before, you won't enjoy them now. It is nice to see that they were able to bring back a bit of their older, heavier side, instead of making another album where EVERY song is the same radio-friendlyIt's a touching tribute to the passing of A7X's drummer, "The Rev", and if you can keep that idea fresh in your mind, then it's worth a listen. Otherwise, if you didn't enjoy Avenged Sevenfold before, you won't enjoy them now. It is nice to see that they were able to bring back a bit of their older, heavier side, instead of making another album where EVERY song is the same radio-friendly crap. In the end, at least it gives the die-hard redneck fans something to listen to for the next few years. Expand
  27. Aug 26, 2010
    Nightmare is Avenged Sevenfold's best work to date. It has everything for everyone. Hard rock driven songs, hard songs with pop influences, all out metal, and the ballads. This is the perfect mix of music and a fitting tribute for the late great Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan (R.I.P foREVer.)
  28. Aug 19, 2010
    After the hit-and-miss affair we've seen with the self-titled album Nightmare might indeed be the strongest Avenged Sevenfold album along with City of Evil and Waking the Fallen.
    It's great to see that the fast pace is back along with the dark scales from Waking the Fallen which is something that the fans have been crying for since City of Evil.
    The title track is a suitable opener and
    After the hit-and-miss affair we've seen with the self-titled album Nightmare might indeed be the strongest Avenged Sevenfold album along with City of Evil and Waking the Fallen.
    It's great to see that the fast pace is back along with the dark scales from Waking the Fallen which is something that the fans have been crying for since City of Evil.
    The title track is a suitable opener and displays the Metallica influence fans were speculating since May. So does Buried Alive ('One' from '...And Justice for All' anyone?). Welcome to the Family is a very rhythmatic tune but it's Natural Born Killer that displays the City of Evil style shredding that was mostly absent from the previous album (and missed). Danger Line was alright, even if it was recycled from Blinded in Chains but it's God Hates Us that really sticks out. Being half-singing and half-growling, it proves that Matt still has a screaming voice to be reckoned with and hopefully (a little rant if I may) it will finally dispel the false and highly exaggerated rumour that he exploded a blood vessel in the back of his throat and somehow managed not to drown in his own blood. It was just vocal chord surgery and nothing more, people.
    As for the ballads? They're a lot better than anything they did previously (Gunslinger and Dear God were pretty trite in fairness). So Far Away is simply composed but effective and it's nice to see Papa Gates returning for a guest appearance. On Victim they included the background choir again but it works a lot better this time and doesn't complicate things. The church bells are especially spooky and suiting for this album. I was kind of expecting an epic thrasher from Tonight the World Dies but it's still a decent song. However, it's Fiction that the fans have really been looking forward to. The Reverend's demo vocals were included along side with M. Shadows' in a very ghost like manner and we all know why that is (!) Although The Reverend's goblin-like voice still might not be to everyone else's tastes (remember A Little Piece of Heaven?) the song really shows what a skilled composer he was. It's so musically straight forward but beautifully done with emotional lyrics and vocals adding to Fictions haunting nature, which really continues to haunt even after the album is finished. The album closes with Save Me which is also the longest Avenged Sevenfold song. A grand closure that's like M.I.A. in some ways with it's moody bass line drumming, although it does feel a little dragged on towards the end.
    The only complaints I have about the album are probably the same as I had before. Even though Synyster Gates' guitar solos are always well worked out and complex they still feel a little too technical. As for M. Shadows' vocals: in terms of scales he is as competent as ever but still comes across as slightly obnoxious in places. The over use of pro-tools is still just as bothersome as with the self-titled album.
    That aside, Nightmare successfully brings together City of Evil and Waking the Fallen elements and refines them into a well rounded off yet dark and moody sound so it was definitely well worth waiting for. Mike Portnoy is also a very fitting replacement for The Reverend after his unexpected death.

    A final note is about the majority of fanboys who think that Avenged Sevenfold are the greatest thing to happen to metal since Blaze Bayley left Iron Maiden while also placing this band on a pedestal and considering every other band a distant third:
    Yes, you are entitled to your opinion but I think most of you are basically deluded. Avenged Sevenfold are not the greatest band ever. Avenged Sevenfold are not the greatest band on the planet. Avenged Sevenfold aren't even the best live band ever. Avenged Sevenfold are simply an excellent band.
  29. Aug 11, 2010
    This album is a great tribute to Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. So much untouched emotion the A7X hasn't really expressed before. At the same time, Avenged Sevenfold have recorded some of the heaviest material they've ever recorded, case in point, "Natural Born Killer" and "God Hates Us". While some might complain it's more of the same A7X, they stay true to their principles and refuse toThis album is a great tribute to Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. So much untouched emotion the A7X hasn't really expressed before. At the same time, Avenged Sevenfold have recorded some of the heaviest material they've ever recorded, case in point, "Natural Born Killer" and "God Hates Us". While some might complain it's more of the same A7X, they stay true to their principles and refuse to change their original vision of great songs. Soaring vocals, shredding guitar solos, near-acrobatic drum fills. This band is one of the only bands who still upholds the golden age of metal. Just for that, while they might not be entirely original, they are holding up the original Hard Rock/Metal attitude. Not to mention the final performance of The Rev on "Fiction", one of the alternatives on the album, a piano driven alternative metal opus to their fallen brother. All together this album very well could be their best effort. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Luckily, the sound of the band remains unchanged, and as one of the best drummers in the business, Portnoy picks up the reigns and rides the Deathbat's double kick in complete synchronicity with Gates, Christ, and Vengeance.
  2. With imagery haunted by death and lyrical allusions to alienation and angst, Avenged Sevenfold's fifth full-length is almost impossible to appreciate unless you fit the prime demographic: tormented teenage boys.
  3. If there's criticism, it's that Nightmare still falls back on cliches, building with aggressive force to then rely on a safe melodic chorus. However, there's enough of a change to see A7X lash out beyond their core sound, making Nightmare their greatest achievement to date.