• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jul 12, 2019
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 246 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 92 out of 246
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  1. RDR
    Jul 12, 2019

    Icónico el patrón de la década. Todas sus colaboraciones fueron demasiado buenas. Se reinventó y nos dio otra biblia
  2. Jul 19, 2019
    Otimo. Ainda mais veio com parceris com a queen Cardi B. Amoo mas eu queria com a Taylor né
  3. Jul 12, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um álbum maravilhoso com vocais muito bom , mas as letras das músicas não conduz com a melodia . Expand
  4. Jul 12, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfeito, maravilhoso, majestoso e tudo de bom

    O Ed me surpreendeu com esse álbum, trouxe vários estilos diferentes e todos ficaram muito bons. Todas as parcerias funcionaram bem.

    Destaques: Antisocial, Cross Me e Remember The Name
  5. Nov 1, 2021
    Eu amo esse álbum. O Ed conseguiu mostrar parte da sua versatilidade nele. Incrível demais
  6. Jul 24, 2019
    An absolute fantastic album. Glad to see Ed reach back into his original roots.
  7. Aug 30, 2019
    They seem to put it together in a rush , but i think most of the songs are still all right , i think it deserver higher score than it is now
  8. Oct 11, 2019
    Todas las colaboraciones son buenas, un álbum que varía en generos, excelente
  9. Feb 18, 2020

    Todas sus colaboradores son muy buenas, se reinventó y nos dió una Biblia.
  10. Jul 24, 2020
    Ed Sheeran did makes an amazing album, because there are amazing songs and collaborations, i love it.
  11. Aug 31, 2020
    A great side project while Ed Sheeran is recording his next studio album of lo-fi acoustic type songs, and deserved to receive a grammy nomination for best pop album. Plenty of catchy tunes with all the featured artists, along with a few deep cuts.
  12. Aug 30, 2020
    A bop swiffer sweefers, fadga stans and pop gays can only wish to have this success
  13. Oct 29, 2021
    A great experimental album! Beautiful People, Remember The Name and Take Me Back to London are my favorites.
  14. Jun 8, 2023
    A good collaboration album with deep focus with featured artists as well as with his new try in music.
  15. Jul 12, 2019

    No. 6 is his best music work since Multiply and I'm dying of joy and love for it.
    A really magnifique and fresh production with smart lyrics are just the old Sheeran awakening finally
    If Plus and No. 5 had a son, it'd be this trap pop masterpiece
  16. Jul 12, 2019
    Loved it !! for being different from what I was expecting, my favorite is antisocial
  17. Jul 12, 2019
    This album has Ed giving the world a masterclass in creation of pop hits. While this album isn't the most daring in his repertoire, it surely underlines his ability to provide us with a wide range of different musical styles. From rap to rock to pop, this album contains quite a few songs you won't forget anytime soon.
  18. Jul 12, 2019
    The album is actually pretty good. Although it does have a different sound than his older albums, but i guess that's the point, because as it says in the title it's a "collaborations project" not a sequel to his previous studio albums.
  19. Jul 12, 2019
    There's nothing too special about this album to talk about but most of the songs are pretty good, and it's pretty consistent in it's quality overall. That's all, really
  20. Jul 12, 2019
    Completely different side of Ed Sheeran. Loving his new vibe. This man is a musical genius!
  21. Jul 13, 2019
    Un álbum bastante interesante debido a diversas circunstancias, entre ellas podemos destacar que se trata de un álbum repleto de colaboraciones con grandes artistas y el cual no defrauda.
    No. 6 Collaborations Project es sin duda un disco muy ambicioso en todos los sentidos, repleto de generos a los cual Ed Sheeran nos tiene poco acostumbrados.
    Recomiendo altamente las canciones
    Un álbum bastante interesante debido a diversas circunstancias, entre ellas podemos destacar que se trata de un álbum repleto de colaboraciones con grandes artistas y el cual no defrauda.
    No. 6 Collaborations Project es sin duda un disco muy ambicioso en todos los sentidos, repleto de generos a los cual Ed Sheeran nos tiene poco acostumbrados.
    Recomiendo altamente las canciones "Beautiful People", "Cross Me", "Remember The Name" y "Blow" que desde mi perspectiva son las mas magicas en todo el disco.
  22. Jul 22, 2019
    According to Ed, this is a fun project he wants to release by working with artists he admires and making a record out of it. Some of the songs, such as 'I Don't Care' featuring Justin Bieber, or Remember The Name featuring 50 Cent and Eminem make the album sound like it's nothing worth listening to, but ignore the skips and you'd see there are pretty memorable and good songs on the record.According to Ed, this is a fun project he wants to release by working with artists he admires and making a record out of it. Some of the songs, such as 'I Don't Care' featuring Justin Bieber, or Remember The Name featuring 50 Cent and Eminem make the album sound like it's nothing worth listening to, but ignore the skips and you'd see there are pretty memorable and good songs on the record. 'Best Part of Me' featuring Yebba reaches that vulnerable core of Ed Sheeran that we all know and love. BLOW with Bruno Mars and Chris Stapleton is one of the most experimental tracks Ed has done and it succeeds with Ed's grit. Although there are some songs where you'd rather urge to skip past and never hear again, there are a few tunes that'll get stuck in your head, and show you that the record isn't so flawed after all. Expand
  23. Jul 18, 2019
    I had great expectations on this album after listening to the first 4 songs that Ed Sheeran released, in addition to the large number of artists that make up this album. "Divide" I hated it, I think it's his worst job and I thought it would go for the worse, but in this new album I think he got over it, it's his best work, with many changes of genres, going through pop, rap, hip hop andI had great expectations on this album after listening to the first 4 songs that Ed Sheeran released, in addition to the large number of artists that make up this album. "Divide" I hated it, I think it's his worst job and I thought it would go for the worse, but in this new album I think he got over it, it's his best work, with many changes of genres, going through pop, rap, hip hop and ending with a great rock song. Unfortunately the album falls frightfully in half, becoming boring, with songs so mediocre, having great artists, I can not get them to shine and look like filler songs, only to complete a long album to be a current pop artist. "Best Part of Me", "Antisocial", "Put It All On Me" and "Nothing On You" are the worst songs on the album, are those that break the continuity of the album or are simply laughable and stupid. "Cross Me" and "BLOW" are undoubtedly the best of all this collection of collaborations, they manage to listen to Ed from another perspective, especially in the last song of the album. "I Do not Care" is fine, I am a victim of the satanic mantra of so many times that I have heard it, that I like it. It's a good album, it has a good bill like any pop album, I expected something a little better, I think it should not have been 15 songs, with 10 or 11 it would have been perfect. Expand
  24. Sep 14, 2019
    Horror, este es su album más pasable y tiene esa crítica
    Ese amarillo se lo merece mierDivide y sus otros abortos
  25. Jul 16, 2019
    While I love the collaborations when Ed is just Ed I find the album much more appealling.
  26. Jul 18, 2019
    A lot of the songs on this album are very unique. I'm definitely not a huge fan of Ed Sheeran, especially prior to this album, but this has changed everything for me. Sheeran transcends fluently between so many genres and can sing all of them well. I believe some of the songs sounded similar to older songs though, as if they were not very original melodies. Some of the people he featuredA lot of the songs on this album are very unique. I'm definitely not a huge fan of Ed Sheeran, especially prior to this album, but this has changed everything for me. Sheeran transcends fluently between so many genres and can sing all of them well. I believe some of the songs sounded similar to older songs though, as if they were not very original melodies. Some of the people he featured on the album were, in my opinion, poor choices for the type of music he had chosen; others were very smart picks. All in all, the music is a great blend for any kind of listening. Hopefully, Sheeran leaves behind the direction he was going in with Divide and continues on with what he has going for him now. Expand
  27. Jul 12, 2019
    This album is okay, not particularly good but there's surely a big improvement since Divide
  28. Jul 12, 2019
    Beautiful people 7.5/10 I like the beat, Ed and Khalid do a good job with it but nothing really stands out here.
    South of the Border 6/10 the beat is ok and so is Ed, Camilla serviceable and Cardi is good.
    Cross Me 7/10 the beat is really good, Ed is great here but PnB Rock is ok and so is Chance. Take Me Back to London 7.5/10 the beat and Ed are good and Stormzy is great. Best Part of
    Beautiful people 7.5/10 I like the beat, Ed and Khalid do a good job with it but nothing really stands out here.
    South of the Border 6/10 the beat is ok and so is Ed, Camilla serviceable and Cardi is good.
    Cross Me 7/10 the beat is really good, Ed is great here but PnB Rock is ok and so is Chance.
    Take Me Back to London 7.5/10 the beat and Ed are good and Stormzy is great.
    Best Part of Me 5/10 it is good but it is really really slow, Ed and Yebba are ok but nothing more.
    I Don't Care 6.5/10 the beat is fine, Ed is ok and Justin is average.
    Antisocial 8/10 everything about this song is great, Ed and Travis do an amazing job with the beat.
    Remember The Name 8.5/10 the beat is really good, Ed is great and so is Eminem but the flow is weird at some parts, Fifty is really good but the his flow isn't as good as the other flows.
    Feels 6.5/10 the beat is good, Thug is fine, Ed is good and so is J Hus.
    Put It All on Me 7/10 the beat is ok, Ed is ok and Ella is great.
    Nothing On You 6.5/10 the beat is ok, Ed is good and both features are ok.
    I Don't Want Your Money 8/10 the beat and Ed are good and H.E.R is great.
    1000 Nights 7.5/10 the beat and Ed is Great, Meek Mill is really good and Boogie is good.
    Way To Break My Heart 7.5/10 the beat is great and Ed is good here.
    BLOW 8/10 the beat is really good and everyone is great here but the song is really out of place in this album.
    Overall 7.1 this is a really good album but most of the beats are to similar in my opinion.
  29. Jul 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is a solid 3.5 stars. Some songs feel very fresh and modern (South of the Border and Take me Back to London) others kind of tacky (I don't care). Still nice to listen and it was sometime since we had a blockbuster of singers teaming up. Expand
  30. Jul 16, 2019
    Ed inspired me to first learn guitar with "Lego House" and "The A-Team". No. 6 Collaborations Project is a far departure from those soft vocals and talented guitar lines that made him famous, his enormous talent and unquestionable musicianship best evident in live shows and loop pedal recordings.

    While I was initially disdainful of this incredibly poppy album crowded with artists, after
    Ed inspired me to first learn guitar with "Lego House" and "The A-Team". No. 6 Collaborations Project is a far departure from those soft vocals and talented guitar lines that made him famous, his enormous talent and unquestionable musicianship best evident in live shows and loop pedal recordings.

    While I was initially disdainful of this incredibly poppy album crowded with artists, after a few listens, there's a few solid songs in there. Up and coming club hits are there, rap songs are there and even a heavy rock piece. I like the majority of them, at the end of the day. They're catchy.

    However, this isn't the Ed that I and everyone else fell in love with. He's sacrificed his folk-loving fans to appeal to the larger crowd of partygoers and clubbers. I'll listen to his new album, but his songs don't connect the way they used to. His older songs - primarily from "+" and earlier - feel so personal, and you feel the connection through music.

    If this album was dropped by an anonymous up-and-coming musician, I would give it a more positive review. However, knowing the beautiful, heart-rending, personal music that Ed is capable of, this falls a bit flat. If this is just a fun collaboration project and an anomaly, then I would say 8/10, but if this is an indicator of Ed's permanent new style, I am bitterly disappointed.

    At the end of the day, to me music should inspire deep emotion and bring people together. I think despite Ed's claim that he is not one of the "Beautiful People", the lack of real feelings and substantial content shows that he is receding into the diamond-studded lifestyle he so condemns.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 14
  2. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. Jul 22, 2019
    A cynic would call this hotchpotch of genres and guests a laser-guided exercise in streaming monopoly, a credibility-by-osmosis playlist primed for summer dominance. And that person would be 100% correct.
  2. Jul 19, 2019
    While there are plenty of people who are able to seamlessly blend their preferred musical genre with Hip Hop (Machine Gun Kelly, Travis Barker, Billy Ray Cyrus), Ed Sheeran isn’t one of them. And because he spent the whole album trying too hard, it falls flat, overall.
  3. Jul 19, 2019
    On this record, he’s taking a stab at, well, every genre. It doesn’t pay off, though, because this effort results in a sense of emptiness, an abyss of authenticity or real feeling. And that’s the problem: Despite writing “emotional” ballads for a huge part of his career, none of us really have any idea who Ed Sheeran is.