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Universal acclaim- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 71 out of 81
  2. Negative: 8 out of 81

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  1. ThomasJ.
    Aug 29, 2009
    Perfect album. Can't see it bettered this side of 2010.
  2. JohnG
    Sep 2, 2009
    This cd is incredible and by far the best of the year. The prob is for those who don't kno mew, it may take more than 1 listen to fully appreciate. So listen to it a few times before judging it and u will be rewarded.
  3. MaxM.
    Sep 4, 2009
    On track to be my fave album of the year. I do love the previous releases but this one, somehow, just will not let go of my head... or heart. Here we go.
  4. JohnL.
    Sep 29, 2009
    Stunning. Album of the year, and the best of Mew's career.
  5. KasperH.
    Aug 28, 2009
    It is clearly their best work yet, and that says alot when you consider the strength of their former albums.
  6. TroelsS.
    Aug 29, 2009
    Being a dane I obviously have a different relationship with Mew, than people who're not from Denmark. It get's under my skin faster than it would with foreigners. This is the essence of danish music, as well as being the album that must reach out for the masses, not just in Europe, but in the world. Mew have found the balance between the introvert and personal and the bombastic Being a dane I obviously have a different relationship with Mew, than people who're not from Denmark. It get's under my skin faster than it would with foreigners. This is the essence of danish music, as well as being the album that must reach out for the masses, not just in Europe, but in the world. Mew have found the balance between the introvert and personal and the bombastic and outgoing. It will appeal to anyone who appreciates music (sofisticated and innovative music that is). There are songs that will grab on to everyone with a preference for hook-based pop melodies (beach, vaccine), but also the ones who'd rather listen to something complex and grandiose (Hawaii, Cartoons and macramé wounds). At the same time the grandiose doesn't precent the hooks, so if you appreciate Hawaii, you're just as likely to love Beach. With No More Stories... we can only hope that Mew will have the international breakthrough they clearly deserve. Let yourself into the heart's delight of this '09 masterpiece. Expand
  7. GRange
    Sep 13, 2009
    Quite possibly the most beautiful record to be released in 2009.
  8. EdenC.
    Sep 17, 2009
    unbelievable album, one of the best i've ever heard, i can't believe the shit that slant magazine writes, none of them probably write, or produce music, they are the worst critics
  9. CharlesK
    Sep 2, 2009
    I have been listening to this album non-stop since it came out and it has slowly become my favorite of the year so far. It's a slow grower for sure but your patience will be rewarded with repeated listens. The songs sound deceptively simple but reveal a lot more beneath the surface.
  10. NathanR
    Aug 28, 2009
    I was a little worried the first time I put this album on. Somehow I was expecting a continuation of "Glass Handed Kites." A few listens later, I have found that each track is truly magnificent in it's own way; in fact they go above and beyond "Kites." All I can say is this is a fantastic album, well worth the patience of a few listens. Check it out.
  11. AndrewT.
    Sep 27, 2009
    This album seems to be a contradiction, Cheerful and good-natured, cold and brooding, Simple song structures executed in brilliant complexity, straightforward messages with twisting and winding lyrics, this album is by far one of the most fantastic albums of 2009. I'm glad No More Stories gets to bask in the attention it well deserves
  12. Oct 9, 2012
    An excellent, progressive, and complex album. "No More Stories..." is just another beautifully arranged and executed effort from this unique and intelligent band.
  13. DustinC
    Aug 29, 2009
    it's good to see critics get it right every once in awhile. This album is a wonderful addition to the Mew catalogue. They treat the songs as individual works and not so much as part of a grand picture as they did in Glass Handed Kites and it works to their benefit.
  14. JimB.
    Sep 23, 2009
    One of the best progressive albums I have heard in a long time. Mew challenges the listener but offers up lots of delicious melodies to balance out the experimental flourishes. A heart felt classic that I can't stop playing.
  15. JonT
    Oct 4, 2009
    Duped again by the critics into buying something awful....doesn't happen every time (my meager excuse for continuing to take a flyer on a band I've never even heard of). I like good pop as much as the next chap, but this isn't it. Can someone please invent a way to sell your used iTunes downloads?
  16. JohnK.
    Aug 28, 2009
    Further proof that critics have no clue...there's nothing here that is all that great. It's '90's alt-rock polished to within an inch of its life.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Despite its ominous (and lofty) title, No More Stories/Are Told Today/I'm Sorry/They Washed Away/No More Stories/The World Is Grey/I'm Tired/Let's Wash Away is a dreamy blend of circular melodies and odd time signatures that requires multiple listens (this is par for the course with any Mew album) and a significant amount of cinematic stamina from the listener, and though it may not appeal to the masses, its mass is definitely appealing.
  2. It's hard to know where you stand with it. There are moments where the listener is engulfed in it all, but others when it feels cold and detached.
  3. Always inventive, often beautiful and occasionally totally sublime, Mew have always stood out from the pack, and this latest--with producer Rich Costey back on board--sees them raise the bar that extra inch higher.