• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Apr 7, 2015
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. May 18, 2016
  2. Apr 11, 2015
    This is an album of very good Brian Wilson songs which considering he's in his early 70s now is great.
    Al Jardine, Blondie Chaplin, Nate Ruess and the other guest artists enhance the album in most cases. Negatives: Too much "technical wizardry" messing around with some of the vocals. Since I seriously doubt Brian knows how to start "autotune" then I will lay the blame
    This is an album of very good Brian Wilson songs which considering he's in his early 70s now is great.
    Al Jardine, Blondie Chaplin, Nate Ruess and the other guest artists enhance the album in most cases.

    Too much "technical wizardry" messing around with some of the vocals. Since I seriously doubt Brian knows how to start "autotune" then I will lay the blame elsewhere for that one.
  3. Apr 7, 2015
    Easily could've been another Wilson classic. Most of the songs are decent enough, featuring the type of harmonies and lush tunes you'd expect and I even like 'Runaway Dancer' more than some. Unfortunately Joe Thomas puts a tinny saccharine rich sheen on proceedings, reminiscent of bad 80s production ( as is his style) and nearly ruins everything. Sometimes you sense JT won't be satisfiedEasily could've been another Wilson classic. Most of the songs are decent enough, featuring the type of harmonies and lush tunes you'd expect and I even like 'Runaway Dancer' more than some. Unfortunately Joe Thomas puts a tinny saccharine rich sheen on proceedings, reminiscent of bad 80s production ( as is his style) and nearly ruins everything. Sometimes you sense JT won't be satisfied until he's ruined everything by cramming in as much dorky saxophone, electric guitar and drum machines as is humanly possible (one of the songs on this cd wouldn't be out of place on the XANADU soundtrack. Did you ever think that could be possible on a BW album?)...I've spent my life convincing others of wilsons genius and all my hard work goes out the window when I play em this album. Still despite this the album succeeds. It's no 'Pet Sounds' or 'Smile' but it's an enjoyable listen if you can ignore these issues and it's not quite as bad as previous Wilson/Thomas collaborations. Though I pray they never work together again. Collapse
  4. Apr 7, 2015
    If patience were a virtue, few of the reviewers left of me on the page would be virtuous, as, yes, the album is weird, and it continues to appear weird unless one is willing to listen to it without the sometimes intrusive influence of the songwriter's past, and lets its magic seep into you; as though it were an exotic tea one is not accustomed to, the album may seem outrageous and evenIf patience were a virtue, few of the reviewers left of me on the page would be virtuous, as, yes, the album is weird, and it continues to appear weird unless one is willing to listen to it without the sometimes intrusive influence of the songwriter's past, and lets its magic seep into you; as though it were an exotic tea one is not accustomed to, the album may seem outrageous and even awkward, but a full gestation, nay, a full consideration, is more than enough to let it yield its subtle though diverse threads of luminousness. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 23
  2. Negative: 2 out of 23
  1. Apr 24, 2015
    No Pier Pressure is another patchy collection that includes some of his best recent work alongside his most risible.
  2. Mojo
    Apr 21, 2015
    Tellingly, Al Jardine and David Marks return here, their harmonies shining in the gorgeously dreamy Whatever Happened. [May 2015, p.93]
  3. Apr 16, 2015
    No Pier Pressure shows just what too many cooks can do to a Beach Boy's broth.