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Universal acclaim- based on 123 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 11 out of 123
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  1. Jun 9, 2018
    It's been years since I last faced an album with such genuine intimacy as I did with No Shame. Lily has reached her absolute peak, songs such as Three carry an absurd emotional power whereas others like Apples reach into that place between the end of a relationship and the end of a feeling to bring us back to what it's really all about. The special way in which she deals with pressureIt's been years since I last faced an album with such genuine intimacy as I did with No Shame. Lily has reached her absolute peak, songs such as Three carry an absurd emotional power whereas others like Apples reach into that place between the end of a relationship and the end of a feeling to bring us back to what it's really all about. The special way in which she deals with pressure coming from her feelings and public image gives the record the "absolute perfection" trait. Congratulations Lily, you just gave the world a musical masterpiece and as a longtime listener and fan, I couldn't be more proud of you! Expand
  2. Jun 9, 2018
    This album is a nothing short of a masterpiece. The production, witty yet deep lyrics delivered with such a fine vocal has made this album of the year for me. Everything to Feel Something is one of the best songs ever made. No doubt. I love how it was a nod to her first album, the beat choices and vocal delivery gave me fond flashbacks to 2006. Lily Allen is one of the most originalThis album is a nothing short of a masterpiece. The production, witty yet deep lyrics delivered with such a fine vocal has made this album of the year for me. Everything to Feel Something is one of the best songs ever made. No doubt. I love how it was a nod to her first album, the beat choices and vocal delivery gave me fond flashbacks to 2006. Lily Allen is one of the most original artists the world has been blessed to hear.

    No Shame is her best project, deserves so many awards. This is what a pop album should sound like, Lily has out beaten all of her peers. Congratulations.
  3. Jun 9, 2018
    Sincere, heartbreaking, sad but at the same time catchy. It’s Lily at her best.
  4. Jun 23, 2018
    Lily Allen as it best. Amazing lyrics, songs an beats. Pushing Up Daisies is my absolutely favorite. Congrats Lily!!
  5. Jun 8, 2018
    O Melhor, ela consegiu se reerger e agora esta melhor do que nunca!! Waste dona do Álbum
  6. Aug 10, 2018
    No Shame(8,8/10)
    01 - Come On Then 10/10
    02 - Trigger Bang (feat. Giggs) 10/10 03 - What You Waiting For? 8/10 04 - Your Choice (feat. Burna Boy) 6/10 05 - Lost My Mind 10/10 06 - Higher 9/10 07 - Family Man 9/10 08 - Apples 100000/10 09 - Three 6/10 10 - Everything to Feel Something 10/10 11 - Waste (feat. Lady Chann) 10/10 12 - My One 8/10 13 - Pushing Up Daisies 10/10 14 -
    No Shame(8,8/10)
    01 - Come On Then 10/10
    02 - Trigger Bang (feat. Giggs) 10/10
    03 - What You Waiting For? 8/10
    04 - Your Choice (feat. Burna Boy) 6/10
    05 - Lost My Mind 10/10
    06 - Higher 9/10
    07 - Family Man 9/10
    08 - Apples 100000/10
    09 - Three 6/10
    10 - Everything to Feel Something 10/10
    11 - Waste (feat. Lady Chann) 10/10
    12 - My One 8/10
    13 - Pushing Up Daisies 10/10
    14 - Cake 8/10
  7. Jun 8, 2018
    Lily conseguiu nos mostrar seu lado mais pessoal e transparecer intimidade e vulnerabilidade da forma mais pura possível. O álbum está impecável, do início ao fim. É nítido o seu amadurecimento tanto pessoal como musical, desde Sheezus. As letras estão mais maduras, sinceras e profundas, mostrando uma Lily que pouco conhecíamos, juntamente com o instrumental perfeito e o conceito do álbum.Lily conseguiu nos mostrar seu lado mais pessoal e transparecer intimidade e vulnerabilidade da forma mais pura possível. O álbum está impecável, do início ao fim. É nítido o seu amadurecimento tanto pessoal como musical, desde Sheezus. As letras estão mais maduras, sinceras e profundas, mostrando uma Lily que pouco conhecíamos, juntamente com o instrumental perfeito e o conceito do álbum. Um comeback digno de Lily Allen. Expand
  8. Jun 25, 2018
    Quiet, raw and emotional. Her political loudness aside, and after the fluke of her last album, she managed to produce one of the most honest and heartbreaking albums of the past years. Welcome back, Lily.
  9. May 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it's sad and happy. we cry while we dance and that's extremely interesting in an album. Expand
  10. Jul 24, 2020
    Love this album. As always Lily is serving it to us! More toned down than her other albums but i love it!!!
  11. Oct 31, 2020
    Amen, pobre Biblia infravalorada. sin duda No Shame es el mejor álbum de Lily.
  12. Nov 22, 2021
    It's pretty obvious how she have grown as a artist and it's lovely to see that as her albums go
  13. Nov 24, 2021
    This album is amazing, probably her most personal yet, her voice is a great asset just like the smart lyrics
  14. Nov 25, 2021
    Her most mature album, different from her other work, Lily Allen give us another great album
  15. Nov 25, 2021
    Lily Allen's latest work is amazing, I love her vocals and the lyrics here are as good as ever
  16. Jun 16, 2018
    Lily Allen is such a great artist. She managed again to reinvent herself, musically and lirically, without losing her personality, her vibes, her style. No Shame is full of themes and musical genres, and Lily sounds perfect in just every song. From being a mother, to being a star, from being a lover to being a person, that's what this album is all about. Just simple and direct, like theLily Allen is such a great artist. She managed again to reinvent herself, musically and lirically, without losing her personality, her vibes, her style. No Shame is full of themes and musical genres, and Lily sounds perfect in just every song. From being a mother, to being a star, from being a lover to being a person, that's what this album is all about. Just simple and direct, like the other 3 Lily's albums, but effective. Expand
  17. Nov 13, 2020
    Buen álbum, bastante r&b, pop, algo de hip hop y rap. Muy bueno, le doy un 9/10
  18. Jun 11, 2018
    As far as pop albums go, this is one of the best i've heard in a while. The instrumentals match really well with Lily's genuine voice.

    The experience shown in form of song is shown in passionate, but clever lyrics.

    Favorite songs: Come on then, Three, Trigger Bang
    Least Favorite Songs: Lost my mind, apples
  19. Jun 21, 2018
    I do enjoy Lily Allen but it gets to a point where there isn't much going on and things start to feel slightly repetitive. The album is OK and the issues on the tracks are very well written its just her presentation of them doesn't hit me hard enough which is a shame cause I normally enjoy her body of work.
  20. Jul 2, 2018
    It's not as inspired as Lily Allen used to be, but "No Shame" has its moments. "Trigger Bang" is a goddamn great song and "Family Man" has a power hard to get out there.
  21. Sep 18, 2020
    Lily Allen is dealing with the skeletons in her closet on No Shame - burying them in her backyard and giving literally zero f*ks. ‘It’s finally time for her to lose the shame, get outta her way.’ Most of time she sounds mature when touching topics like divorce, bad reputation and drug abuse. But there’s a few moments on this record when Lily sounds uninspired, cheesy and one would almostLily Allen is dealing with the skeletons in her closet on No Shame - burying them in her backyard and giving literally zero f*ks. ‘It’s finally time for her to lose the shame, get outta her way.’ Most of time she sounds mature when touching topics like divorce, bad reputation and drug abuse. But there’s a few moments on this record when Lily sounds uninspired, cheesy and one would almost wanna say stupid, like on My One or Your Choice, which are the weakest tracks on this thing. If it weren’t for them (and few others), the whole album would be great. Lily puts herself in such a vulnerable position where she gets more personal than ever. Like on Three, which is a beautiful and touching piano ballad about Allen’s split up with now ex-husband, written from her then-three years old son’s perspective. There are many highlights on this record - Family Man, Everything to Feel Something, positive Cake or the lead single, Trigger Bang, which I love. When it comes to No Shame, there still is a bit of it after a few dive-ins. And Lily is the one to blame here. She could have had a record in her catalogue that she’s proud of. Unfortunately she could’t help herself from a few missteps in tracklisting and it ended up half way. 5/6 Expand
  22. Jul 21, 2018
    Even without reaching high notes in Family Man, this song is probably the best song on the entire album. There is a great lack of content on this album, not only that but the melody isn't great either.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Jun 26, 2018
    The somewhat dated soundscape presents the album one relative weakness, but truthfully, sticking to her guns serves Allen and No Shame just fine, with the clear spotlight allowed for her vocals.
  2. Jun 21, 2018
    Songs about divorce are hard enough, but Allen really gets the tears rolling on "Three", written from the perspective of her children whom she feels she has neglected with her busy touring schedule and life in the spotlight. ... While these sober moments are perhaps the most impactful on the album, Allen connects with her dreamy voice on less heart-wrenching tracks.
  3. 67
    It is an album far less fun than her previous ones, but that’s the point: Allen’s a bit tired of fun, and isn’t afraid to admit that “fun” can sometimes be the source of your troubles.