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Generally favorable reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 45
  2. Negative: 7 out of 45
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  1. Aug 20, 2023
    Innovative, creative, and infectious. Favorite tracks - Fish Paste, Scopie, Evil Boy, & Rich ****
  2. May 6, 2020
    Loud, rude and unapologetically trashy, Die Antwoord created music like no one was listening, resulting in balls-to-the-wall entertainment. You 100% understand who this band is with this release, and it's extremely fun.
    Unfortunately, their following releases removed the spark and rawness of $O$, and capitalized on the shock factor and club sound that was only ever a back-drop for this
    Loud, rude and unapologetically trashy, Die Antwoord created music like no one was listening, resulting in balls-to-the-wall entertainment. You 100% understand who this band is with this release, and it's extremely fun.
    Unfortunately, their following releases removed the spark and rawness of $O$, and capitalized on the shock factor and club sound that was only ever a back-drop for this album, adding too much sugar - all except for their Opus "I fink u freeky", which was the perfect transition from the debut. A grimey, well produced banger, which unfortunately never materialized into a worthy second album.
    Still, this album stands strong and is an intriguing insight into a group of misfits.
  3. Mar 15, 2020
    Fresh till this day. It deserves a 10 for doing something this risky and different from stuff from that time. Favorite tracks: enter the ninja, wat kyk jy?, fish paste and beat boy.
  4. May 22, 2016
    Still their best release. I bought this album after I watched the video on youtube that has part of Beat Boy in it. Ten$ion was good, but Donker Mag sucked a bit. I've got a good feeling about WE HAVE CANDY because Suck On This is great.
  5. Sep 14, 2015
    This album is amazing, I think Yolandi's voice was different that know, now it looks more scary hahah, I love how they rap on 'Beat Boy' and 'She Makes Me A Killer' I love all the songs in the album although lyrics are kinda stupid like in 'Fish Paste'
  6. Apr 20, 2013
    Absolutely amazing! This is the thing, that I never, ever heard before. The music of this album break all the rules and go to another level. I'm usually listen Eminem, but now, I'm in love with Die Antwoord.
  7. May 17, 2012
    I'm still fairly new to Die Antwoord. I like the cheeky, unapologetic raunchy lyrics and the booty-poppin' beats. My favorite track by far is Evil Boy, with its pentatonic bass riffs and tribal kick drums. Enter the Ninja is probably the group's signature track. Fish Paste has nice bouncy bass. The rest of the album was so-so, in my opinion. If you want an album that has catchy rhythmsI'm still fairly new to Die Antwoord. I like the cheeky, unapologetic raunchy lyrics and the booty-poppin' beats. My favorite track by far is Evil Boy, with its pentatonic bass riffs and tribal kick drums. Enter the Ninja is probably the group's signature track. Fish Paste has nice bouncy bass. The rest of the album was so-so, in my opinion. If you want an album that has catchy rhythms with off-the-wall lyrics, this is up your alley. Expand
  8. Mar 12, 2012
    Some have labelled Waktin Jones' new project as gimmicky, but Die Antwoord's rave-rap style is a fresh offering amongst the sea of commercial, radio-friendly hip-hop that's been flooding the market of late. While not entirely consistent, $O$ offers some diverse, and often hilarious tracks.
  9. Dec 30, 2011
    amazinf interesting very ecnomical swah swag butt **** wack **** ya know what u hurd golf wang wwwowpowp

    antiquarianism is extremely vulgar and so is bifocal reduction and osmosis
  10. Aug 14, 2011
    This album has ups and downs but mostly ups. It certainly has good musical moments and its satire is pretty clear. It has crude lyrics but they are funny and we keep playing it here.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Yet as mere listening the best songs here‑-especially "Fish Paste" and the signature "Enter the Ninja"‑-convey the disturbing comic character Watkin Tudor "Waddy" Jones has created.
  2. Dec 22, 2010
    $O$ is mostly forgettable, not working as either a comedy piece or as actual, you know, music
  3. 50
    $o$ sounds like the most half-baked efforts of Hadouken!, LMFAO and Eugene Hutz.