• Record Label: Yep Roc
  • Release Date: May 3, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 43
  2. Negative: 4 out of 43

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  1. MarkL
    May 5, 2005
    Magnificent - right up there with Spring Hill Fair and Liberty Belle. A quite remarkable return to form from two great songwriters. The first two tracks, Here Comes a City and Finding You are Foster and Mclennan (respectively) at their very best...and it just goes on from there. Easily the album of the year so-far.
  2. nadinem
    May 5, 2005
    this is a wonderful album which matches the heights of 16 lovers lane and tallulah
  3. MartinL
    May 7, 2005
    Excellent album - best since they reunited.
  4. RebeccaM
    Jun 21, 2005
    Good to the marrow.
  5. JamesR
    Aug 11, 2005
    Don't listen to David M, this is the best cd of the year so far. Not a dud on the whole cd, just a stellar group of songs.
  6. DSHelder
    May 12, 2005
    Quite simply one of their best ever, and maybe the best produced one of them all. McLennan has never had so many brilliant songs on one album before, and Forster gives us two new songs for upcoming collections: Here Comes A City and Darlinghurst Nights.
  7. dretek
    May 13, 2005
    wow consistently delivers
  8. Gazcomsat
    May 26, 2005
    This is easily the best Go Betweens album since the classic "Tallulah" many years ago. There are no poor tracks and the songs are both melodic and varied with Robert Forster and Grant Mclennan taking it in turns to sing. I do however have to agree with the previous reviewer who said that the album sound was "loud and distorted" although I only really noticed this after i had converted the This is easily the best Go Betweens album since the classic "Tallulah" many years ago. There are no poor tracks and the songs are both melodic and varied with Robert Forster and Grant Mclennan taking it in turns to sing. I do however have to agree with the previous reviewer who said that the album sound was "loud and distorted" although I only really noticed this after i had converted the CD to MP3. Still a great album though. Expand
  9. davids
    Jun 8, 2005
    Far and away the strongest of their reunion albums. The album gets out of the gates with a song that borrows heavily from Talking Heads
  10. peterg
    Jul 13, 2005
    Best pop album since The Shins "Too Cute To Narrow" Impeccable is the world. Its not gonna get better than this, enjoy it while it lasts.
  11. Oct 7, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "I blow the dust from your lips and beg forgiveness/But there's too much moonlight on your skin/I rise and face the day/Another weary sinner/I can't feel your touch in the blaze of noon

    from "The Statue"

    Be well.

    Never far from my mind.
  12. AlexanderP
    May 20, 2005
    Excellent album, not many groups can deliver this Quality after all these years seen them live at the ferry in glasgow 11th may stunning concert,the only problem is this album was recorded in digital and somebody messed up big time, loud and distorted
  13. BJ
    May 8, 2005
    Possibly their best album of their career, an amazing return to form.
  14. Tallulah
    May 12, 2005
    "Quite easily their best ever"?? Man have you ever heard "16 Lovers Lane" or "Before Hollywood"? This is their best record since 1988, no doubt about that, but calm down.
  15. JohnL
    May 6, 2005
    Very good stuff..best since 16 lovers lane...fall in love with them all over again....cant wait to see them live in June!
  16. DustyL
    Nov 14, 2005
    It's now been reissued and remastered so the sound is better - clearer, warmer and no distortion. Goes from a previous steady 7 rating to a glorious 9! There's only one bad song ('This Night's for you') the rest are good to great.
  17. mikes
    Jul 15, 2005
    A very solid effort, i enjoyed the the cd the whole way through
  18. MusicMaven
    Jun 1, 2005
    It's probably the best of their post-reunion releases, but I don't think it reaches the heights of their finest 80's work. By any other measure this is a fine album (though at times overly loud and distorted as others have noted). As with their other post-reunion albums, it's not a place to start for people new to the Go-B's, but a treat for longtime fans.
  19. EricR
    May 4, 2005
    A very good record...their best since the reunion. A solid collection of songs that doesn't match the brilliance of Tallulah/Liberty Belle/16 Lovers Lane but certainly makes a nice addition to their catalog.
  20. DaveB
    May 10, 2005
    This record is wickedly creative and well-written and has a fine collection of songs. But I've got two problems: (1) this might just be the loudest, most compressed record I've ever heard. It becomes somewhat exhausting to listen to. (2) Especially when a few of the cuts ("Darlinghurst Nights" especially) are stretched needlessly long. Still, it's great to hear newly This record is wickedly creative and well-written and has a fine collection of songs. But I've got two problems: (1) this might just be the loudest, most compressed record I've ever heard. It becomes somewhat exhausting to listen to. (2) Especially when a few of the cuts ("Darlinghurst Nights" especially) are stretched needlessly long. Still, it's great to hear newly written material by these guys, they craft decidedly smart, adult pop gems like "Lavender" and "Statues". I don't think it surpasses Bright Yellow Bright Orange as far as 21st century Go-Betweens goes but it's still quite good. It could still grow on me a bit. Expand
  21. HamishW
    Jun 6, 2005
    The best of the reformed G-Bs albums by some distance and almost back to the brilliance of Liberty Belle etc
  22. StevenP
    May 12, 2005
    Return to form after a couple of weaker albums.
  23. CeneK
    May 13, 2005
    One of the best records released this year so far, and up to par with their greatest 80s releases.
  24. HarryH
    Jun 28, 2005
    Brilliant pop songs, just don't expect it to turn your life upside down! "Here Comes a City" is certainly one of the best songs to come out of 2005.
  25. PeterB
    Jul 28, 2006
    Some great songs (Grant's in particular) let down by horrible sound quality - limited and compressed. Newer copies sound less distorted but still grim. Shame.
  26. TylerX
    Sep 5, 2005
    Finally got around to listening to one of their reunion albums. I wasn't thrilled or disappointed with Oceans Apart because I knew it wouldn't be as good as the songs collected on Bellavista Terrace. Here Comes a City would be better if it was split into different songs - the music excites and the lryics seem to depress. Finding You has a good match with its lyrics and music - Finally got around to listening to one of their reunion albums. I wasn't thrilled or disappointed with Oceans Apart because I knew it wouldn't be as good as the songs collected on Bellavista Terrace. Here Comes a City would be better if it was split into different songs - the music excites and the lryics seem to depress. Finding You has a good match with its lyrics and music - it just not that great - might grow on me. Born to a Family is one of my favorites, but it is a little shallow and simple, I think it could have been more. No Reason to Cry is very good, but I've never been to Lisbon or stayed in a black hotel. Boundary Rider is alright, sounds like Americana alt-country. Darlinghurst Nights - this song isn't good. I think they might have been going for a improvisational jazz-like track punched up with some rock n roll, but it just doesn't sound good. And the lyrics are perhaps too self indulgent, but it fits in with beats-go-rock feel. Lavender - forgettable. The Statue - odd vocal mix. This Night's for You has a decent chorus. The Mountains Near Dellray, and the album fades out. I was eager to listen to the first 'side' again, but utimately if I get this album it will just sit idle behind their eighties albums. Expand
  27. DavidM
    Jul 27, 2005
    Not bad...but plays it oh so safe, even for pop. Good for neutral moments when you don't care what you're listening too, but hardly something you'll turn to for inspiration. Simple in concept and execution and seriously overrated considering the many fine, superior albums it's presently rated higher than on megacritic.
  28. GlennD
    Jan 11, 2006
    Top class tunes let down by poor lyrics. Which s odd, given their reputation. Perfect example - Lavender
  29. PedroB
    May 6, 2005
    A few nice tracks but quite dull on the whole
  30. MikeL
    May 5, 2005
  31. JeremyG
    May 11, 2005
    When will this band sod off, and stop boring us with their p*ssweek take on intellectual music. They're lyrics are band, melodies non-existent. I'm from Australia where the Go-Betweens are from (Brisbane mind you, full of John Howard voting hicks) and I'm tired of radio stations playing this band ... mainly due this band's alleged past glories. G-Betweens get lost.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. With its imagination, startling creativity, and sheer pop soul, Oceans Apart is the first great Go-Betweens' record of the 21st century.
  2. Blender
    The album is wonderfully cohesive. [May 2005, p.119]
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    They remain one of rock's most pleasurable hand-me-down discoveries. [29 Apr 2005, p.148]