• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 30, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 41
  2. Negative: 3 out of 41

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  1. Dec 3, 2012
    OK Go takes the pop-punk fun of the first album and refines it to a more polished form. Where the first album fell flat in some of its efforts, "Oh No" is successful. The infectious fun of the songs keeps plugging away, song after song. It does tend to get tired in the second half, however. While still some shine through, it can't hold up to the consistent thrill of the first half. RemoveOK Go takes the pop-punk fun of the first album and refines it to a more polished form. Where the first album fell flat in some of its efforts, "Oh No" is successful. The infectious fun of the songs keeps plugging away, song after song. It does tend to get tired in the second half, however. While still some shine through, it can't hold up to the consistent thrill of the first half. Remove 2 or 3 songs, this album would be a 10. Collapse
  2. Jun 29, 2012
    They are REALLY GOOD making videos, but some songs are really boring and common. But most of the songs (especially the ones that have amazing video clips) are good, and catchy
  3. Captaind.
    Jul 9, 2007
    This album is an amazing piece of work that contains more than just the treamill song. Ok Go shows real potential and depth with great tracks like get over it and invinvible. All in all, an excellent rocker of an album
  4. Sarah
    Jan 5, 2007
    This is one of my favorite albums of all time. If anyone needs to "lighten up," it's the critics.
  5. annah
    Oct 6, 2006
    an awesome album, i couldn't wait until it was released in australia. they do sound pretty franz ferdinandy, but with the same producer it isn't surprising/ love them both to bits though and still love and worship their here it goes again film clip.
  6. MattR
    Sep 10, 2006
    Don't be put off by the critics, this is a fantastic album. And the critics will look back and eat their words when they make it big.Oh no, is a brilliant, fun and most importantly catchy album, long live Ok Go!
  7. brunoc.
    Aug 9, 2006
    There's a lot of difference between overrated Arctic Monkeys and OK Go... OK Go play the instruments better, the singer sings better, their videos definitely rock (when was last time that self-directed videos were so Gondrinian? Guess never)... Please! What were drinking/smoking most of music criticians when rating OK Go worst than Arctic Monkeys? Don't they remember that There's a lot of difference between overrated Arctic Monkeys and OK Go... OK Go play the instruments better, the singer sings better, their videos definitely rock (when was last time that self-directed videos were so Gondrinian? Guess never)... Please! What were drinking/smoking most of music criticians when rating OK Go worst than Arctic Monkeys? Don't they remember that overrated bands expectations get destroyed after 2nd album? Don't you remember a hype named The Strokes? Expand
  8. TaylorC
    Jan 17, 2006
    Who cares if it's not new edge and critically artistic. Its fun as hell, energetic and catchy. I want music to entertain me, I don't want to have to think about deeper meaning.
  9. JoeM
    Nov 14, 2005
    Freakin' Epic. a real work of art, a gem if you will
    Nov 10, 2005
    There awsome theres always room for improvment, a lot of people refer to weezer when they speak of ok go which completley freaks me out because I'm in love with Weezer for possesing a completley different energy
  11. HilaryN
    Nov 7, 2005
    I love, love, love this cd... so much! xoxoxox
  12. MuradA
    Nov 4, 2005
    An album for all us indie kids with a soft spot for the catchy. Just pick up where they left off with the hyper-fun self-titled first album.
  13. BradR
    Oct 23, 2005
    Amazing Power Pop, Indie, and Power Cord Mix. This album will leave you playing air guitar all while trying to preform their video dance. Each song is equally catchy and will be stuck in your head for days. Favorite tracks: Do What You Want, Here It Goes Again, No Sign of Life, Oh Lately Its So Quiet
  14. CliffR
    Sep 27, 2005
    Oh No is an incredible second release, excellent from top to bottom. Too many bands blow their wad on their first try...hoping to catch on. These guys actually put out a better cd the second time around, proving they are for real. Power Pop at its best, you will not be able to get these songs out your head...nor will you want to. The video for "a million ways" is hysterical!!
  15. KellyM
    Sep 18, 2005
    The album is almost too catchy. I often find myself singing or humming the entire CD from beginning to end (granted, I have listened to it well more than 14 times). This album surely is different than 'Ok Go', as well. The band has certainly matured from their first release to their second. This album is one not to pass up.
  16. EmB
    Sep 14, 2005
    Can't trun my Cd player off now!!
  17. JasonT
    Sep 13, 2005
    This is a great album. A much different sound than their first but every song is really good.
  18. TylerE
    Sep 8, 2005
    Sophmore slump this is not... if anything, this album will make them pop superstars. When "Get Over It" burst onto the radio and TV back in 2002, it immediately caught my attention for it's raw, but polished production that seemed to glitter it's way into the subconscience and proclaim, "Rock and Roll Is NOT Dead!" Now, 3 years later, their new single, "A Million Ways", is Sophmore slump this is not... if anything, this album will make them pop superstars. When "Get Over It" burst onto the radio and TV back in 2002, it immediately caught my attention for it's raw, but polished production that seemed to glitter it's way into the subconscience and proclaim, "Rock and Roll Is NOT Dead!" Now, 3 years later, their new single, "A Million Ways", is furthering that statement by saying "And it doesn't always have to be the same!" The new tune is beaming with the witty lyrics and catchy hooks that only OK GO knows best in this day of age. "Oh such grace, oh such beauty, with lipstick and callis, fishnets and mallice, oh darling, your a million ways to be cruel." The entire album is complete with melodic melodies that soar to the greatest hights of Cheap Trick and The Cars (Here It Goes Again, Good Idea At The Time), but cruise to the uniqueness and everlasting appeal of bands like 10cc (Oh Lately It's So Quiet). One things for sure, if you believe rock is meant to be an assortment of flavors for the ear, with melodies and hooks that move you and take you in, OK GO's OH NO will happily be waiting for you at your local Best Buy or Walmart by the time you finishing reading this. Enjoy. Expand
  19. Mark
    Sep 7, 2005
    The entire CD is brilliant, with only two low points that interrupt the great songs. The final track is more filler, but according to the band (I emailed them on their site), there's a very good reason it's there. Whatever it is.
  20. Matt
    Sep 6, 2005
    I'm no snob (music snobbery is a waste of time) - but this is power pop that jams nicely but lacks much melody. I also hear Strokes influence, which doesn't fit them.
  21. MattS
    Sep 5, 2005
    The band come back withut the "whistles and bells" and have a more down to earth album with "OH NO". The songs stick in your head like gum on the bottom of a shoe but unfortunately a lot of the sogns sound alike. OH NO consists of retro songs that sound alike with exceptional exceptions like "A Million Ways" "It's A Disaster" and "Oh Lately It's So Quiet". The album is still The band come back withut the "whistles and bells" and have a more down to earth album with "OH NO". The songs stick in your head like gum on the bottom of a shoe but unfortunately a lot of the sogns sound alike. OH NO consists of retro songs that sound alike with exceptional exceptions like "A Million Ways" "It's A Disaster" and "Oh Lately It's So Quiet". The album is still reccomended for anybody who ever thought The White Stripes or Franz Ferdinand were good. Expand
  22. DrunkenMaster
    Sep 1, 2005
    Faux "indie" garbage. If you think The Strokes and The Killers are "indie", this band will be right up your alley...but if you have any taste you will continue to buy from bands on labels like Merge, French Kiss, and Dischord. Ian MacKaye could kick this entire band's asses single handedly.What a waste of studio time.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Fresh slices of power-chord sunshine. [2 Sep 2005, p.79]
  2. Songs like "Invincible" and "Do What You Want" don't disappoint and should be on the playlist for any retro dance party.
  3. Alternative Press
    Their songs are categorically contagious and surprisingly smart. [Sep 2005, p.164]