• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jan 29, 2021
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 162 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 162
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  1. Jul 4, 2021
    really, it's not my style of music, it didn't live up to my expectations...
  2. Feb 12, 2021
    Weezer stopped taking themselves seriously as musicians many, many years ago, and so I did the same.

    I wouldn't say they've become a parody, but evidently their music over the years has shown a pitiful inconsistency. You have to be honest, after the green album, I doubt that anyone outside of their fans can say that there is any real significant difference in their sound or style.
    Weezer stopped taking themselves seriously as musicians many, many years ago, and so I did the same.

    I wouldn't say they've become a parody, but evidently their music over the years has shown a pitiful inconsistency.

    You have to be honest, after the green album, I doubt that anyone outside of their fans can say that there is any real significant difference in their sound or style. And I'm talking about 10 albums. And that's not counting the delayed Van Weezer.

    OK Human is just Rivers Cuomo again turning the same ideas around and making it very clear that being prolific is not the same as being good.

    Even considering all the demos that he just put up for sale, I doubt there is much material in their vaults considering how much material they end up releasing regardless of the quality of it.

    OK Human is just one more time, more of the same.
    I respect the band having fun, they've built a career and a fan base that way, but personally I didn't find anything really salvageable or noteworthy on this disappointing album.

    Notable Tracks

    > Playing My Piano
    > Bird With A Broken Wing
    > La Brea Tar Pits
  3. Feb 5, 2021
    Maybe better than their last few albums, but that bar is SUPER low. Bonus point or two for mixing up the production and bringing in the orchestral arrangements. That is cool at times... but otherwise this is blah. I listened once and probably never will again.
  4. Jan 29, 2021
    Best Songs: “Aloo Gobi” “Numbers” “Bird With A Broken Wing”

    (This is how I felt after 1 listen. 10 listens later... I like it a lot!!! The lyrics are River’s best since Pinkerton, the songs are mostly as catchy as Weezer’s top songs, and over all it’s a risk thay mostly pays off. Some beautiful songs here.) This is one frustrating album. There are moments where Ok Human reaches heights
    Best Songs: “Aloo Gobi” “Numbers” “Bird With A Broken Wing”

    (This is how I felt after 1 listen. 10 listens later... I like it a lot!!! The lyrics are River’s best since Pinkerton, the songs are mostly as catchy as Weezer’s top songs, and over all it’s a risk thay mostly pays off. Some beautiful songs here.)

    This is one frustrating album. There are moments where Ok Human reaches heights not seen in Weezer World since perhaps 2016’s White Album. “Aloo Gobi” sounds like mid-00’s Weezer mixed with these last three albums of riff-less melodic mixed bags. It’s catchy and replayable. Cool. I hate the single (corny by even Weezer standards) so this second track kicks it up a notch. I’m excited for the rest of the album now...

    And we’re back in Pacific Daydream/Black album mediocrity. “Grapes is Wrath is everything right and wrong with Weezer in one song. It has the melody and more introspective lyrics that vaguely harken back to the perfection that is “Pinkerton”. Then the hook rehashes some of those wast basket Weezer songs from the last few years. Can Rivers please take note: you have a loyal fanbase (member since 1994 here). We get it, you’re an artist. Experiment and do your thing but break us off with something we want to. One for you, one for us? Van Weezer was supposed to be out first and I get that they wanted to save it for when they can tour again. That said, this is 3 albums straight devoid of riffs and that rock sound that got you in the door. What a tease! Maybe I just have to adjust expectations after being stoked for a return to those crunchy guitars that defined the band in the 90’s and that they returned to triumphantly with “Everything Will Be Alright In The End” and the even better “White Album”. It was a return to form with a modern twist, seemingly pleasing us longtime fans while giving Rivers and Co a chance to explore. Anyway, Im spinning this new recor.... spotifly album a second time and it grows on you. I’m a sucker for catchy pop so Rivers will always steal my money and have my loyalty even if I can’t play the music around my alternative rock snob wife. The long time fans want “Pinkerton” or “Blue Album”. That’s wishful thinking and understandly not gonna happen. Dude is 50 and has been rich for a while. Like Connor McGregor’s most recent fight, this album looks solid in spots but ultimately the hunger isn’t there anymore. Nothing wrong with that. Listen if you want to. My struggle is that “OK Human” shows glimpses of greatness like if Rivers could just avoid some of his lesser tendencies (corny and/or lazy lyrics and purposely avoiding tasty solo’s and proper riffs) he has that great record in him.

    I believe Weezer will drop one more classic record that gives all Weezer fans what they want. “Ok Human” is definitely worth your time and with a couple more listens, I might come back and edit this review. Wait is that a pan flute or some **** opening “Dead Roses”?!? FOH Rivers. I ‘ll always love you for the memories but Bruh! Give us Van Weezer and do what you do best!

    Ranking Weezer Albums:

    1) Pinkerton (classic, perfect, my high school soundtr)
    2) Blue Album (perfect power pop, just flawless)
    3) White Album (as close to the first 2 classics as ya get... LA Girls!)
    4) Everything Will Be Alright In The End (return to form with an update. Mostly strong offering)
    5) Green Album (dude obviously wanted to return to blue album vibes and kind of succeeds but a bit hollow)
    6) Red Album (a few classic songs mixed with some dudes. Dont let the other members write or sing please)
    7) Make Believe (hated by many but come on... “Perfect Situation” is one of Weezer’s best songs)
    8) Maladroit (rushed, loud, sick solos, but sounds like an EP)
    9) Raditude (i can listen to this but i usually dont. A couple decent songs but this is when i was ready to declare jimmy eat world my fave band)
    10) Ok Human (see above)
    11) Pacific Daydream (“Mexican Fender” is excellent. The rest? Nah, hard pass. I hate this album.)
    12) Black Album (long rumored to be some classic Weezer record. Instead, we get guitar-less, bland silly ass songs that belong in a dumpster.)
    13) Hurley **** this album! I mean this album puts hate in my heart forreal)
  5. Jan 29, 2021
    Went into the album with very little expectation after hearing it was an orchestral album as I never thought Rivers could pull it off.

    So some songs did stand out, “playing my piano” starts off great but once he increases his range I can’t do it anymore. “All my favorite songs” one of the better songs off the album. No wonder they chose it as a single. “Here comes the rain” isn’t bad
    Went into the album with very little expectation after hearing it was an orchestral album as I never thought Rivers could pull it off.

    So some songs did stand out, “playing my piano” starts off great but once he increases his range I can’t do it anymore.

    “All my favorite songs” one of the better songs off the album. No wonder they chose it as a single.

    “Here comes the rain” isn’t bad either. Just isn’t exactly mind blowing good.

    A lot of the album felt filler. Like they did one take and threw it on the album to have an album. A lot of the album, while creative, still felt Samey as well throughout the entire thing. A lot of the violins sounded pretty identical without much distinction.

    Don’t get me started on some of the singing... or this hit the 5000 character limit.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Mar 2, 2021
    An unlikely masterpiece. [Apr 2021, p.89]
  2. Mojo
    Feb 19, 2021
    It's Numbers that punches hardest, it's compassionate message about the futility of measuring ourselves against others deftly handled. [Apr 2021, p.86]
  3. Feb 3, 2021
    The record isn’t groundbreaking material, but it’s definitely nice to have a new Weezer album that isn’t trying to recreate their old material and instead looks to the future of their sound.