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Generally favorable reviews- based on 242 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 73 out of 242
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  1. Nov 20, 2018
    es un álbum bastante simple, en la mayoría de sus ámbitos, pero es bastante entretenido. Más que un nuevo álbum, es como una continuación de EVOLVE y en sí, se disfruta mucho el albúm ya que lo mejor de este, son las letras; "Bad Liar", "Love", "Natural" o "Boomerang" son ejemplos de ello. Aunque están lejos de ser el próximo Night Visions y/o Smoke + Mirrors, si llegan a un nivel dees un álbum bastante simple, en la mayoría de sus ámbitos, pero es bastante entretenido. Más que un nuevo álbum, es como una continuación de EVOLVE y en sí, se disfruta mucho el albúm ya que lo mejor de este, son las letras; "Bad Liar", "Love", "Natural" o "Boomerang" son ejemplos de ello. Aunque están lejos de ser el próximo Night Visions y/o Smoke + Mirrors, si llegan a un nivel de calidad más que decente. Expand
  2. Mar 2, 2019
    Degradation. Even in comparison with the previous album, which was not scolded only lazy. If you cut out all the repetitions in the lyrics from this album, each of them will have a maximum of 5-6 lines. In addition, the texts are not only replete with repetitions, but also terribly banal. Probably the worst love lyrics released in 2018. If you listen to their previous works and this one,Degradation. Even in comparison with the previous album, which was not scolded only lazy. If you cut out all the repetitions in the lyrics from this album, each of them will have a maximum of 5-6 lines. In addition, the texts are not only replete with repetitions, but also terribly banal. Probably the worst love lyrics released in 2018. If you listen to their previous works and this one, you might think that these are two different groups that should not stand side by side on the stage. Expand
  3. Feb 4, 2019
    This Imagine Dragons album is NOT GOOD! I've not really been a big fan of because of their reputation and typical sound basically overblowing the trappings of pop rock to the point where they are arena sized soloists. I can't say I've heard a single Imagine Dragons song that I didn't think was overly dramatic overproduced blown up to the point where the band is making these mountainousThis Imagine Dragons album is NOT GOOD! I've not really been a big fan of because of their reputation and typical sound basically overblowing the trappings of pop rock to the point where they are arena sized soloists. I can't say I've heard a single Imagine Dragons song that I didn't think was overly dramatic overproduced blown up to the point where the band is making these mountainous songs out of molehills. Where did we all go wrong? Expand
  4. Aug 6, 2020
    (I’d give this album a 9,8/10, but I can’t add that exact rating so I’ve rounded it up to 10/10).

    Again, a great album. No “meh” songs here. Only things is that it’s too poppy and too overproduced, but it’s so uplifting, happy and fun that it bumps up to 9,8/10.
  5. Nov 9, 2018
    Excellent album! This is a completely new sound, I really like it, the songs are permeated with deep lyrics. Dan's voice, as always, fits perfectly into every song! Favorite song- "Bullet in a Gun"
  6. Nov 10, 2018
    This album is really good. It has some characteristics that you don't see in the earlier albums, but still sounds totally imagine dragons-esque
  7. Nov 9, 2018
    Very good album, taking even "inspirations" in several bands, very beautiful in both lyrics and rhythm, without any doubt the best album of Imagine Dragons
  8. Nov 14, 2018
    Ok, I think that this new album is everything that i wanted. I just started to listen the old music of Imagine Dragons, and when Origins arrived and i heard it, I could remember some rhythms from Night Visions paying homage to his name, like Natural that represents the energy that Radioactive had. Too, this new songs have a good message to explain, like Bad Liar that it's based on DanOk, I think that this new album is everything that i wanted. I just started to listen the old music of Imagine Dragons, and when Origins arrived and i heard it, I could remember some rhythms from Night Visions paying homage to his name, like Natural that represents the energy that Radioactive had. Too, this new songs have a good message to explain, like Bad Liar that it's based on Dan Reynolds 's unstable relationship whit his wife. Additionally, Digital is an anthem that has a lot of energy, making a weird song but good for listening (very good). So you can't say that this album is bad just because Imagine Dragons doesn't belongs to your likes, in that case it's wrong to review whitout solid arguments (like some persons do). Expand
  9. Nov 10, 2018
    What's great about this album is that it has music for everyone. It has a couple pop songs, a folk song, a dubstep song, a couple alternative/rock songs, and even an EDM song. Also, the lyrics have a lot more meaning in this album than Evolve had. In summary this album is absolutely amazing, and definitely groundbreaking for Imagine Dragons.
  10. Nov 30, 2018
    Wow. This is just as bland, predictable and forgettable as their other records
  11. Nov 16, 2018
    Not bad. I liked the album, but the night visions will remain the best for me.
  12. Nov 14, 2018
    Great album, my favorite from the band alongside S+M. It sounds fresh and looks like it will be step in a new, hopefully right direction for Imagine Dragons.
  13. Nov 9, 2018
    Their best album for sure, still generic, some songs seems soda's commercials songs, but is very listenable and not boring.
  14. Nov 10, 2018
    What a disappointment. After promising singles I believed that Origins would be great. But what i got ? Musical mess. When i heard preview of Digital, i was thinking that it could be my new favourite ID song. Then i heard it all and i was asking myself "wtf is this"? Dubstep ? Really ? I was in already in shock when i heard Bullet in a Gun, which is awful too. I quite like West Coast,What a disappointment. After promising singles I believed that Origins would be great. But what i got ? Musical mess. When i heard preview of Digital, i was thinking that it could be my new favourite ID song. Then i heard it all and i was asking myself "wtf is this"? Dubstep ? Really ? I was in already in shock when i heard Bullet in a Gun, which is awful too. I quite like West Coast, which has some good Mumfordish-like vibes. But what next ? Cool Out is joke, as are Stuck and Love. Fortunately, Birds are really good and at the end the best - Real Life is best song on the album. I really love it and i just do not understand, why ID dont try to make more songs like this. To sum up, Origins as the whole is really bad album. It has some unforgettable songs,but that is not enough. I hope that they come much more stronger and more focused on what are they really good at with their next album.

    Listen to: Zero, Machine, Real Life
    Avoid to listen: Bullet in a Gun, Digital, Stuck, Love
  15. Nov 9, 2018
    Welcome to the Dan Reynolds school of writing choruses where all 12 on the album sound interchangeable with the one before, or after, it.

    A monotonous blob of "yawn."
  16. Nov 9, 2018
    An introspective album that focus principally on the pure meaning of the songs.
  17. Nov 10, 2018
    Well put together album, strong lyrics, good instrumentals and Dan Reynolds' vocals in the album are excellent, and what a song 'Birds' is.
  18. Nov 10, 2018
    Here you can see how the Imagine Dragons guys change. Great songs! great work! Pround of them.
  19. Nov 16, 2018
    Imagine Dragons SUCK, terrible and extremely overrated band considering their popularity
  20. Nov 10, 2018
    This album so so good, each song is too super producer, "origins" became one of the best album of the year!
  21. Nov 16, 2018
    Origins no cumple la premisa del título del álbum. Intenta volver a los orígenes de Night Visions y Smoke + Mirrors pero en una forma actual, con ritmos modernos logrando perder la esencia y el título de ser llamados "Banda de Rock". Si bien hay títulos dentro del álbum (3 ó 4) que te harán estallar, bailar, y dejarte totalmente enfocado y sumergido en la melodia y producción, en sonidosOrigins no cumple la premisa del título del álbum. Intenta volver a los orígenes de Night Visions y Smoke + Mirrors pero en una forma actual, con ritmos modernos logrando perder la esencia y el título de ser llamados "Banda de Rock". Si bien hay títulos dentro del álbum (3 ó 4) que te harán estallar, bailar, y dejarte totalmente enfocado y sumergido en la melodia y producción, en sonidos comúnmente buenos, Origins no promete nada, más que ser olvidable. Un trabajo con tan buena producción y composición lírica se vio opacado por referencias electropop bastante malas. Cuando crees que han hecho un buen trabajo, con elementos de sus anteriores álbumes pero, francamente renovado y fresco, llegan a la mitad y tiran todo en una espiral de sonidos y mezclas de ritmos que no terminan de funcionar.
    La voz de Dan por primera vez no pudo hacerlo más rescatable. Buen disco por las entrañas, desde su interior pero inmensamente malo conforme vas al plano y comercial exterior. 6.7 para Imagine Dragons
  22. Nov 11, 2018
    This album is really great. Despite what some critics say, all tracks from the album are different and likeable in their own way.
  23. Jan 21, 2019
    Not ready to call this a bad album I think it starts to get better as you listen but it is definitely nowhere close to Night Visions and Smoke + Mirrors, I don't even think it's better than Evolve. Songs like Bad Liar, Bullet In A Gun are very deep and song amazing, while Zero and Natural and great but that's basically it. Cool Out is good, Boomerang is Good, Birds is Beautiful but
    Not ready to call this a bad album I think it starts to get better as you listen but it is definitely nowhere close to Night Visions and Smoke + Mirrors, I don't even think it's better than Evolve. Songs like Bad Liar, Bullet In A Gun are very deep and song amazing, while Zero and Natural and great but that's basically it. Cool Out is good, Boomerang is Good, Birds is Beautiful but that's all I got for you the rest is weird, confusing to me and lyrics are not deep at all. Most the songs sound the same while the lyrics look the same. At least Evolve told more stories, Mouth of the River, Rise Up, Next To Me, Whatever It Takes are amazing and Believer wasn't bad lyrically was very good. But again that's it, Night Visions and Smoke + Mirrors are head and shoulders over these albums. Night Visions having classics like (Kinda Overrated) Radioactive, Amsterdam, It's Time, On Top Of The World, Nothing Left To Say, Every Night, Bleeding Out and this is just half the album the rest of the songs are also amazing. Then you got my favorite album Smoke + Mirrors which explores Dan Reynolds dark mind and makes me care, Shots was beautiful Gold was good (For the record I think Gold was the worst song on the Album) and from there it just got better with underrated songs like It Comes Back To You, The Fall, Summer, Friction, that are amazing in every way possible, I understand it's hard to compete against these albums but Origins doesn't have that grab, it doesn't make me care, I still think it's not as good as Evolve I would much rather listen to Thunder than Digital and I thought Thunder was the worst song they've ever made, Digital definitely tops that. I don't feel any emotion like I thought I would get after getting Bad Liar, I expected Dan Reynold truely writing his feelings but he didn't it's largely a bunch of heartbreak songs that song and looks the same. Again the only songs that stand out to me were Bad Liar, and Birds, the rest were just good or meh. This is normally not what you get from Imagine Dragons which is why I may seem so frustrated it's because as a fan I definitely am, it's okay to listen to your bads old songs but when you listen to nothing but there old stuff that's a problem. Again not a bad album but definitely not a good one, if your trying to get in to Imagine Dragons I would recommend listening to Night Visions, Smoke + Mirrors and try to listen to some of there EP's like It's Time, Hell and Silence, Imagine Dragons (EP), and Demo EP. 30 Lives is still one of my all-time favorites and everyone should listen to that song.

    Edit: 7/10
    This is my opinion about a week after they released the album and it is definitely worth giving a chance when you truly give each song a fair chance you realize this is a very similar album to there old ones. I now think it is better than Evolve, with the first 8 tracks being pretty good and I still think Digital is complete garbage and Only, Stuck, and Love are all very generic and boring, the Deluxe tracks is what makes this album from being another disappointment to a really good album. It starts off with Birds which is my 4th favorite song on the track it keeps a feel to Smoke + Mirrors definitely with them trying to plant an image of birds flying in your mind. My 3rd favorite song Burn Out is another song that sounds like Smoke + Mirrors I mean it sounds similar to The Unknown, and if you compare the two you really can hear the similarities. Finally, Real Life my favorite song on the album takes me back to It Comes Back To You from Smoke + Mirrors, it feels good and it sounds good you can feel the heart of Dan Reynolds in all 3 of these songs and my 2nd favorite song is Bullet In The Gun which is a lyrical masterpiece, just sounds odd. I definitely don't think this as good as Night Visions or Smoke + Mirrors but it is a step in the right direction from Evolve. And I think it's important I show the opinion a week before and a week after as it will show how much i've changed my mind, it takes time but it's definetly worth listening to. Still would rather listen to Thunder than Digital though...
  24. Nov 16, 2018
    Que puedo decir, si ya de plano no me gusto EVOLVE menos este. Parecen descartes de EVOLVE.
  25. Nov 10, 2018
    It is not the best album if we thing in music hits and hype, but in this one its musics sound deeper and with great lyrics. And yes, they're out of their confort zone.
  26. Dec 22, 2018
    The album is by no means perfect but when an album like Night Visions exists it's hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice. Most of the singles are great, especially Zero, Machine as well as other songs like Digital which was insane but good. Unfortunately it's let down by cuts such as Stuck, Only and Bad Liar. Regardless, not as bad as everyone thinks
  27. Jun 1, 2019
    this album is great. i disagree with critics opinions. Imagine Dragons keep giving the public music and I like that
  28. Jul 28, 2019
    Another solid record from Imagine Dragons. Birds is my favourite from this album.
  29. Feb 9, 2020
    "Not real music" boomerisms aside, the music Dan Reynolds and the fellas have created here is uninteresting, flat and completely devoid of personality
  30. May 29, 2020
    "Cool Out" and "Natural" don't belong on an album as rushed as Origins. Imagine Dragons should have repackaged this project as a Bsides collection for Evolve.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Q Magazine
    Nov 20, 2018
    It follows the million-dollar formula laid down on 2017's Evolve a little too closely. ... But as emotional Trojan Horses go, few do it better. [Jan 2019, p.110]
  2. Nov 15, 2018
    Imagine Dragons are confident in their capability and knowledge of pop music, but Origins tries too hard to demonstrate their varied interests with the results generic and indistinct.
  3. 40
    More often than not Origins falls flat, with insipid choruses and melodramatic refrains. Big, bold and a little bit naff, this is another bread and butter album from a mindbogglingly huge group.