• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Jun 28, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7

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  1. MickO
    Aug 18, 2005
    This CD is certainly a mixed bag, compared to FoW's usual inspired standards of pop songwriting. But hey, that's expected on this sort of kooky collection of out-takes, B-sides and covers. Overall, the album shows that FoW continue to be masters of cheeky and fun guitar pop, while also having an ability to evoke heart-aching melancholy. The undoubted highlight for me is the new This CD is certainly a mixed bag, compared to FoW's usual inspired standards of pop songwriting. But hey, that's expected on this sort of kooky collection of out-takes, B-sides and covers. Overall, the album shows that FoW continue to be masters of cheeky and fun guitar pop, while also having an ability to evoke heart-aching melancholy. The undoubted highlight for me is the new song 'The Girl I Can't Forget'. This song has got to be one of the most perfectly written, most joyous pop tunes I have heard for a very long time, and it alone is worth the price of the CD. It also earns the whole album a good rating from me ! Expand
  2. JoelE
    Jul 26, 2005
    Girl I Can't Forget makes it onto my short list of perfect pop songs. The other new tunes are very good. The others are fairly hit and miss, but almost every one has SOMETHING that makes listening a pleasure.
  3. Gazcomsat
    Jul 12, 2005
    I really like Foutains of Wayne. Welcome Interstate Managers was their best album to date in my opinion. With this in mind I was looking forward to a new Cd by the band considering it must be a year since their previous release. Whilst I don't mind this new compilation Cd, I hope it's not been released instead of a new studio album. Sure, it's good value for money and has I really like Foutains of Wayne. Welcome Interstate Managers was their best album to date in my opinion. With this in mind I was looking forward to a new Cd by the band considering it must be a year since their previous release. Whilst I don't mind this new compilation Cd, I hope it's not been released instead of a new studio album. Sure, it's good value for money and has allowed me to obtain the one or two tracks I didn't have from the singles etc but ultimately, it's not a patch on the newer stuff. The new single "Maureen" is good as is the other new song "The girl I can't forget" but by the bands own admission, most of the other songs have been put onto Cd because they "All had to be put somewhere". All in all, good value for money but there's better FoW albums out there. Collapse
  4. EkimS
    Jul 6, 2005
    If viewed as a followup to "Welcome Interstate Managers", this could be seen as a big disappointment. However, taken as a collection of leftovers, its pretty good. The two discs could have been edited to 1 for a stronger collection, but seeing as it sells for a 1 disc price, worth the investment for power pop fans.
  5. MusicMaven
    Jun 30, 2005
    This one is for the fans. It's two discs at a nearly a single disc price, full of b-sides, covers, and unreleased material. There's several diamonds in the rough (my current favorite: "I'll Do The Driving"), a few near-misses, and a couple of clunkers. Sure it's not as consistent as their albums, but there's a lot to love for power pop fans. Newbies should start This one is for the fans. It's two discs at a nearly a single disc price, full of b-sides, covers, and unreleased material. There's several diamonds in the rough (my current favorite: "I'll Do The Driving"), a few near-misses, and a couple of clunkers. Sure it's not as consistent as their albums, but there's a lot to love for power pop fans. Newbies should start with the proper albums. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Some of it is pretty good.
  2. Barring a few notable exceptions, these are the songs that either weren’t good enough or didn’t fit into any of the New Jersey-based group’s proper releases.
  3. Out-of-State Plates is a ragged collection of hits and misses that will satisfy FOW completists, while being of intermittent interest to recent converts or general power pop fans.