• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 27, 2017
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 123 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 123
  2. Negative: 36 out of 123
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  1. Oct 27, 2017
    I can't believe we're getting back to this all over again. I mean, seeing that Weezer did fantastic works with their previous two albums, it's incredibly disappointing that this album just managed to be Raditude all over again, with excessive pop and tunes that don't fit well with the band. I couldn't bring myself to hear the tracks more than once, just like it happened with Linkin Park'sI can't believe we're getting back to this all over again. I mean, seeing that Weezer did fantastic works with their previous two albums, it's incredibly disappointing that this album just managed to be Raditude all over again, with excessive pop and tunes that don't fit well with the band. I couldn't bring myself to hear the tracks more than once, just like it happened with Linkin Park's One More Light.

    Just what the hell is happening with the rock bands we know and love? Seriously.
  2. Oct 27, 2017
    Weezer are in this weird sate where everyone knows they can make a good album, but they only choose to do it half the time. Therefore it only makes sense that after the White Album they make this.

    This album is the dreaded fun pop weezer except it's not fun and what regular pop fan even knows the name Weezer? It's an album full of mediocre pop dozers with about 3 memorable songs.
    Weezer are in this weird sate where everyone knows they can make a good album, but they only choose to do it half the time. Therefore it only makes sense that after the White Album they make this.

    This album is the dreaded fun pop weezer except it's not fun and what regular pop fan even knows the name Weezer? It's an album full of mediocre pop dozers with about 3 memorable songs.

    Weekend Woman, Sweet Mary and QB Blitz are the only songs I would maybe consider listening to outside this album, though I doubt I'll come back to this album much. I don't know if I want to give this a 5 or a 0 so I'll just leave it at a 3

    I also have to admit Feels Like Summer ain't too bad.

    Good songs: I guess Weekend Woman and QB Blitz

    Bad songs: Mexican Fender, Beach Boys, Happy Hour, La Mancha Screwjob, Any Friend of Diane's
  3. Oct 27, 2017
    I'd like to give this a lower score, but as a fan {former fan?} I just can't do it. Pacific Daydream is arguably a career nadir for Weezer. Worse than Raditude? Possibly; but the songs are so instantly forgettable I cant be bothered to give them enough repeated listenings.

    Perhaps it's time to call it a day boys.
  4. Nov 12, 2017
    There's not much I can add to the other critical reviews. Weezer must be one of the most inconsistent bands out there, and unfortunately Pacific Daydream is up there, if not on a par with their very worst.
  5. Nov 7, 2017
    Weezer have put a few albums out in quick succession in recent years but quantity and quality don't always go together as this offering proves. As others have said, PD is a career low.
  6. Nov 3, 2017
    There are about 3 songs on this album that I can listen to. They're not even up to par with some of their recent B-sides. I have always found something to like in Weezer albums but Raditude, Hurley, and even the black sheep DTFM are better albums than this one. The sad truth is that Rivers has terrible taste in music while also being a composer capable of genius (including White andThere are about 3 songs on this album that I can listen to. They're not even up to par with some of their recent B-sides. I have always found something to like in Weezer albums but Raditude, Hurley, and even the black sheep DTFM are better albums than this one. The sad truth is that Rivers has terrible taste in music while also being a composer capable of genius (including White and EWBAITE). This album shows him to be a follower rather than the leader we know he is capable of being. You would think rave reviews of EWBAITE and a Grammy nod for White would satisfy him. The truth is he doesn't want music fans. The fan club has been left dormant. He wants that soccer mom and teenager money. Expand
  7. Oct 27, 2017
    I recently read one interview with Rivers Cuomo where he said "To me this {Pacific Daydream} is the most different-sounding Weezer record ever". He's not wrong, only this is also arguably the most boring album they've made to date.

    I only hope that if the Black Album ever gets made it's damn good otherwise I think I'm done.
  8. Oct 30, 2017
    I'm gonna be as lazy as this Album sounds, so, like other user said before, "Pacific Daydream is an insult to Weezer fans". .
  9. Oct 30, 2017

    Please, please, please don't rush the next album {Black Album?}. Take your time. If it doesn't come out next year or the year after , so be it.
  10. Oct 27, 2017
    The 'Daydream' of the title should have been changed to snoozefest. Weezers latest might well be their most underwhelming and disappointing. There's barely a song on the album that merits repeated listenings. Totally forgettable.
  11. Feb 9, 2018
    I initially wrote a review on my Facebook wall after listening to this a few times. I scored each song very generously, in my opinion, and determined there are about 3 songs with any melodies worthy of ever hearing again and the rest were either instantly forgettable or outrageously horrendous. Now looking back months later, I have to say that this album is about as forgettable as itI initially wrote a review on my Facebook wall after listening to this a few times. I scored each song very generously, in my opinion, and determined there are about 3 songs with any melodies worthy of ever hearing again and the rest were either instantly forgettable or outrageously horrendous. Now looking back months later, I have to say that this album is about as forgettable as it gets, but unfortunately not so forgettable that I can literally write it off as never happening. The highlight for me is easily "Weekend Woman" which is only somewhat good because the melody was written in 1999 or so. I saw someone on here say that this isn't as bad as Make Believe which made me literally laugh out loud. This is as bad as it's ever been. I'd say as bad as it gets, but I cannot underestimate Cuomo enough it seems. Clearly wanted to make a modern pop album with the assistance of modern pop songwriters (none of whom are actual "artists", just largely white dudes who get rich off of writing radio hits), and I can say that he achieve din writing an album that sounds like a modern pop album except NO ONE CARED. A few publications gave it 3/5 so they could keep Weezer in their good graces but for real, who is this for? A casual Spotify listener? Hoping to get their songs in as many playlists as possible? I can't rationalize the decisions other than Cuomo seems desperate to stay relevant and he's going down the same road every other rock band is going down. Have you noticed that? Pick any band that was popular between 1995 and 2005, ask yourself if they're still together, and then listen to their most recent release. It's probably going to go down this same road. I could go on for way longer but I'm already just ranting at this point. Rivers has written some of my favorite music of all time and I am just forever disappointed in seeing how low he will go. This is the first album of theirs (outside of DTFM) that I cannot defend at all. I fear the Black Album will be just as bad, if not worse. Rivers is becoming further and further someone whose music I can relate to and that's an endless bummer. Expand
  12. Oct 28, 2017
    We belong in the rock world
    There is so much left to do
    If we die in obscurity, oh well
    At least we raised some hell

    {Back To The Shack}

    Pacific Daydream is an insult to Weezer fans. Evolving and experimenting with different sounds is good up to a point, but this lazy excuse of an album is something else.
  13. Dec 15, 2017
    This is even worse than Raditude, which is saying a lot. Overproduced, autotuned, and with terribly fake sounding drums. The songwriting is lazy and lacks any edge. It is a shame because the last two albums were really good. This album made this big Weezer fan angry. and I'm not one of those that only likes the first 2 or 3 records.
  14. Oct 27, 2017
    One of the most boring albums that I've ever listened to. I've listened to the album a few times now and can barely remember any of the songs. Weekend Woman is the only reason that I'm rating this higher than a 0. Overproduced.

    I thought Weezer would never go down this road again but look where we are. Thanks for the crappy music!
  15. Oct 27, 2017
    It's not a terrible album, it's just a terrible weezer album and an example of a band trying to be something that they aren't. This album was really disappointing,
  16. Oct 27, 2017
    Raditude is better than Pacific Daydream and Raditude is a horrible album. Congrats Weezer for somehow making your worst album after releasing two of your best.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Nov 27, 2017
    Much of the album’s electro-lite flavoring does provide some hummable moments, but as the cringingly tricked out Mexican Fender and stomping chants of La Mancha Screwjob suggest, they’re most likely to suffer a slow and gradual death at your local Forever 21.
  2. Magnet
    Nov 21, 2017
    The lyrics are often stupid as hell. ... What's novel about Pacific Daydream is that its giant, overcompressed choruses really do burrow their way into your skull. [No. 148, p.51]
  3. 80
    It’s the ever-present hint of neurosis in Rivers Cuomo’s voice and vaguely bi-polar lyrics (thankfully not produced using the cut-up technique he employed for last year’s self-titled release) that give this band their perennial edge of strangeness, and reaffirm Weezer’s unique place in American rock fans’ affections.