• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jul 17, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 74 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 62 out of 74
  2. Negative: 10 out of 74

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  1. JustinT.
    Apr 6, 2008
    A wonderful album filled with many emotions. You'll love it.
  2. Steve
    Mar 29, 2008
    Ocean Avenue was far better, but this is good enough to keep Yellowcard at the top of my list of favorite bands. If you know earlier Yellowcard, think of this as a more evolved, better recorded version of One for the Kids .
  3. ShannonS.
    Mar 6, 2008
    I personally believe that this is one of the best albums out there today. All of the songs are beautifully composed with harmonious music to go along with the lyrics. The lyrics of the songs are amazingly written and are powerful and stay true to the message Ryan and the rest of Yellowcard convey in each song. The songs are all memorable and range from different moods and paces which I personally believe that this is one of the best albums out there today. All of the songs are beautifully composed with harmonious music to go along with the lyrics. The lyrics of the songs are amazingly written and are powerful and stay true to the message Ryan and the rest of Yellowcard convey in each song. The songs are all memorable and range from different moods and paces which makes this album really great. The violin, guitars and everything else are awesome and smoothly work together. One more important factor would be Ryan Key's voice. I believe he has a truly beautiful and hypnotic voice that is evident in all the songs especially You and me and one Spotlight and Shadows and Regrets. Unlike some people I don't believe in any way that his voice is "whiney" and I'm also suprised of the lack of praise this album is recieving. Expand
  4. ZiftK
    Dec 10, 2007
    Solid album. This is a first for Yellowcard for me, and I like it. Five becomes Four, and Afraid are fantastic. I look forward for future albums of yellowcard. Worth a listen, period.
  5. Pix
    Nov 29, 2007
    This is the greatest album in 2007 !!!! Excellent record !
  6. TerronM.
    Oct 18, 2007
    Yellowcard's "Paper Walls" is probably the best punk rock album you've never heard.
  7. JoseG.
    Oct 17, 2007
    LAME! Sadly, that's par for the course when it comes to this band.
  8. ItzhakV.
    Oct 15, 2007
    This album is amazing; definitely the best of the three major-label Yellowcard CD's. Every song is memorable and has intelligent lyrics. Put that with incredible vocals (his voice may be a bit whiny, but it still sounds excellent) and great guitar, this album is the quintessence of excellence.
  9. DanM
    Oct 1, 2007
    I am quite surprised at the rating many have given this cd. Lyrically this album is amazing. It deals with love, memories, regrets (the usual topics of choice for musicians). Unlike most musicians however, Yellowcard fills their music with a passion to back up their lyrics. This is most definitely the best album that Yellowcard has come out with to date. Songs like You and Me and One I am quite surprised at the rating many have given this cd. Lyrically this album is amazing. It deals with love, memories, regrets (the usual topics of choice for musicians). Unlike most musicians however, Yellowcard fills their music with a passion to back up their lyrics. This is most definitely the best album that Yellowcard has come out with to date. Songs like You and Me and One Spotlight, Dear Bobbie, and Keeper are some of the best songs I have heard acrossed all genres. Expand
  10. AdrianaA.
    Sep 23, 2007
    It was a good album. I mean some of the songs like Dear Bobbie and Cut ME Mick were a little weak and didn't make sense but that is what reading the lyrics are for. Other then that all the songs had a pretty strong meaning. Of course all of the songs were a tiny bit repetitive in their themes.
  11. [Anonymous]
    Sep 12, 2007
    Repetitive whiny annoying songs, album does little to differentiate itself from all the other bands playing whiny repetitive annoying songs.
  12. RobertD.
    Aug 24, 2007
    Utter garbage. More sugary wannabe punk bullshit.
  13. Becky
    Aug 20, 2007
    I mostly enjoyed this album, i loved some tracks such as Keeper and Light Up the Sky. But this album lacks originality. You've probably already heard these types of songs played better. Also all of these tracks sound similar. It's just an OK album.
  14. MarkE.
    Aug 16, 2007
    Bad taste prevails!
  15. billyj
    Aug 14, 2007
    great cd... i love it
  16. TedS
    Aug 14, 2007
    This is the best CD i have ever gotten! Key has said it is an album of coming back after you have hit rock bottom, and me Ted Striker have hit rock bottom but have starting going up again and Yellowcars music of paper walls has helped me climb back up and out of the past and move on and not to look back. thank you yellowcard from a big fan, ted striker
  17. MichaelC
    Aug 14, 2007
    They should have just released it as a Kids Bop record. Because that's all this is; a child's idea of powerful music. It's kids music, and nothing more. Anyone above the age of 12 should grow up and find something better. This is garbage.
  18. EricC.
    Aug 14, 2007
    Exactly what fans of this genre have come to expect; the most uncreative alternative nonsense that borrows from other bands of the genre, so that they all sounded exactly alike. Really, you could be buying a handful of other cds for the price of one. They just want to be on a cell phone comercial or a teen movie. They'll get their money, but zero respect from anyone who cares about music.
  19. Daniel
    Aug 8, 2007
    AWESOME that is all that can be said, this album rules
  20. ChrisW.
    Aug 7, 2007
    Although I don't like the style and beats QUITE as much as Ocean Avenue, the lyrics are deeper and this is certainly better than their last effort. One of my favorite purchases of the year thus far, however.
  21. YellowC.
    Aug 1, 2007
    Another excellent Yellowcard album. The is something great and every track on the CD and plenty of diversity between the various songs. Paper Walls took the awesome sound from Lightsd and Sounds and combined that with the excellent lyrics from Ocean Avenue. Simply put if you have even a passing interest in Yellowcard's music this is a cd to get.
  22. ToddW
    Jul 30, 2007
    I once went to a zoo with my then fiancee and, being somehow drawn to the monkey compound, got into a sod throwing contest with a chimpanzee. After a few fun tosses, I realized how my actions were appearing to annoy said primate. It was probably just trying to tidy up its environment, whereas along came this presumptuous human who thought to have some good, dirty fun at the chimp's I once went to a zoo with my then fiancee and, being somehow drawn to the monkey compound, got into a sod throwing contest with a chimpanzee. After a few fun tosses, I realized how my actions were appearing to annoy said primate. It was probably just trying to tidy up its environment, whereas along came this presumptuous human who thought to have some good, dirty fun at the chimp's expense. I mention this memory scrap because I now think I know how the monkey must have felt when I infringed on its housekeeping. For when my youngest son, a big Yellowcard fan, interrupted my music continuum and played for me their latest offering I felt like tossing it out the window, or at least burying it in some hole. Simply put, Yellowcard should be red-carded. I mean, guys, put down your instruments and just walk away. Expand
  23. AntonyL
    Jul 30, 2007
    this is by far the best YC cd, it blends the open and honest lyrics of ocean venue/one for the kids with the rock of LnS, a nice blend, its easy to and a very strong sound
  24. DomW
    Jul 28, 2007
    Not as good as Ocean Avenue but is still a must have for any -punk-rock fan. With slitly heavyer songs, Ryan Keys lyrics are still some of the best around. They're honest and are from the heart which turns a beat into a song.
  25. NigelM
    Jul 26, 2007
    This is certainly their best album to date, every song is a hit and i would highly recommend it to punk rock and rock fans!
  26. StephG
    Jul 26, 2007
    Paper Walls combines the best aspects of Lights and Sounds, Ocean Avenue, The Underdog EP, and One For The Kids, into one record. By far the best YC record yet.
  27. alexf
    Jul 25, 2007
    This album was a HUGE let down. The worst Yellowcard album ever. Paper Walls sounds just like One For The Kids. I was waiting for this album to come out all sumer. And now it has and it is a big let down. I loved Lights and Sounds and thought this album was going to be even better but it's not.
  28. AaronG
    Jul 24, 2007
    I like this CD alot. The album opener is a great song, especially the drumming on it. Actually the drums on every song are amazing. I'm not a big fan of the first single "Light up the Sky". It's kind of bland. Probably the best songs are The Takedown, Paper Walls, Shrink the World and Shadows and Regrets.
  29. KenzieB
    Jul 22, 2007
    this CD will make you like Yellowcard if you never were a big fan of them. The way that they put the guitar and the violin together is pure genious. It's hard to make it work, but they do it perfectly
  30. bena
    Jul 22, 2007
    This album is a HUGE comeback for Yellowcard. I actually enjoyed some parts of L+S, but in the end, it was just a boring album. Paper Walls is YC at their energetic, melodic best. While some may criticize their subject matter, they are just doing what they do best, making catchy fun pop rock. So take it for what it is, because it's one of the best releases in this genre.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. It's prototypical Warped tour rock - but, to be fair, at the top level of that particular realm, with thoughtful lyrics and tightly crafted guitar arrangements.
  2. Unsurprisingly, the lyrics are direct and honest, while they've broadened their sonic palette to allow a tad more dissonance in with their urgent and propulsive pop-punk.
  3. O pure musical terms they're more gripping than many of their peers, displaying a restless sense of musicality that often makes Paper Walls interesting even if means they can stray toward areas that are just a shade too indulgent for their own good.