• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Aug 13, 2013
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 37
  2. Negative: 1 out of 37
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  1. Jun 20, 2020
    This albums sets a mood, rather than telling a story or being revolutionary in any sense. But it succeds in a very spectacular fashion by making an intense and absorbing atmosphere by a combination of densely packed electronics, reverb, intense basslines and slow rhythms. Also, it's very consistent throughout all the songs. The two opening tracks are epic and the climax, I'm talking aboutThis albums sets a mood, rather than telling a story or being revolutionary in any sense. But it succeds in a very spectacular fashion by making an intense and absorbing atmosphere by a combination of densely packed electronics, reverb, intense basslines and slow rhythms. Also, it's very consistent throughout all the songs. The two opening tracks are epic and the climax, I'm talking about the song Paracosm, is such a bliss... This album is perfect for taking in some drugs... It is indeed a beautiful trip where the last two songs serve as a good way down to reality in such a peaceful and satisfactory manner. The rating I gave the album is because of that, but another reason why I gave it such a high rating is because it was the soundtrack in a very important part of my life. I believe it was the best part of my life and I didn't knew that back then. Collapse
  2. May 30, 2014
    I think this album is close to perfect. There is no skip content and its all this fantastic electronic sound. Like few other albums I have listened to it makes me feel something through its sound and lyrics. I honestly love the entire album from start to finish.
  3. Jan 2, 2014
    This album reminds me of the value of listening to entire albums that is often lost in our singles-driven music world. Not just a couple of catchy tracks with filler, Paracosm takes the listener through journey of emotions with tracks that seem to catch exactly what you are feeling at that time. There's something for everyone here: despair, sorrow, elation, and hope. When does one end andThis album reminds me of the value of listening to entire albums that is often lost in our singles-driven music world. Not just a couple of catchy tracks with filler, Paracosm takes the listener through journey of emotions with tracks that seem to catch exactly what you are feeling at that time. There's something for everyone here: despair, sorrow, elation, and hope. When does one end and the other begin? Find out in the fantasy that is, "Paracosm." Expand
  4. Sep 19, 2013
    Washed Out for me has, from the very beginning, always been about the search for the fragile balance between contrasting emotions and states. Loving/losing, home/away, past/present, present/future. The most delicate of these emotions surface most when you're out of your comfort zone, in a stimulating environment a dreamworld so to speak. With this album you are taken to a tropical placeWashed Out for me has, from the very beginning, always been about the search for the fragile balance between contrasting emotions and states. Loving/losing, home/away, past/present, present/future. The most delicate of these emotions surface most when you're out of your comfort zone, in a stimulating environment a dreamworld so to speak. With this album you are taken to a tropical place when you rethink your decisions and your life. The biggest contrast of them all, melancholy and happiness, tends to show its face once everything in your environment falls into place. The tropical birds, foreign instruments and dreamy chords take you to such a place, leaving you to absorb the amazingly simple but effective lyrics. "It All Feels Right", "Don't Give Up", "All I Know" and "Great Escape" for example swing you back and forth between ultimate joy and sad feelings about what could have been. A true winner, and one that has been on repeat for weeks! Expand
  5. Aug 28, 2013
    I began listening to this album prepared to dislike it, based on the sheer number of pallid, synthy bands are out now. I was overwhelmed with warmth and goodness that came off it. It has turned out to be my favourite album of the year so far. Just perfect. Maybe slightly too perfect. But go ahead and love it.
  6. Aug 21, 2013
    Ernest Greene has crafted a near-masterpiece of the "chill-wave" sub-genre in Paracosm. This sophomore effort is a euphoric, and bittersweet album that seems to miraculously capture the essence of summertime as its coming to a close. A kaleidoscope of both organic and other-worldly sounds laced over dreamy vocals and hypnotic percussion. While many of the tracks stand strongly enough onErnest Greene has crafted a near-masterpiece of the "chill-wave" sub-genre in Paracosm. This sophomore effort is a euphoric, and bittersweet album that seems to miraculously capture the essence of summertime as its coming to a close. A kaleidoscope of both organic and other-worldly sounds laced over dreamy vocals and hypnotic percussion. While many of the tracks stand strongly enough on their own, this music truly shines when the album is listened to from beginning to end. B+ Expand
  7. Aug 20, 2013
    We love albums where we can hear an artist perfect their craft. That’s exactly what Ernest Greene aka Washed Out did with his sophomore release, Paracosm. This has to be one of the warmest, most colorful albums ever written. Greene carefully crafts cheerful beats from authentic drums and mixes in huge layers of synths, electronic melodies and vocals absolutely doused in reverb. If thisWe love albums where we can hear an artist perfect their craft. That’s exactly what Ernest Greene aka Washed Out did with his sophomore release, Paracosm. This has to be one of the warmest, most colorful albums ever written. Greene carefully crafts cheerful beats from authentic drums and mixes in huge layers of synths, electronic melodies and vocals absolutely doused in reverb. If this album has a fault, it’s that it reaches near one-trick pony level; one can only stand so much happiness shoved into a record! This record’s sound is so unique and promising, and it’s presentation so professional, we have to include this on our must-listen albums list. Expand
  8. Aug 13, 2013
    This album is a very beautiful warm dreamscape, seamlessly drifting from track to track. It feels like very Warm drowsy music. If you are interested in chillwave at all give it a listen.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Dec 17, 2013
    One of its strongest allures was its comfort and maturity.
  2. Dec 5, 2013
    The results are a Technicolor Washed Out. Greene titles these tracks for the easy vibes they invoke.
  3. Sep 5, 2013
    Paracosm deserves to be praised and enjoyed now, not in 20 years' time. He's not quite cracked it, but it's a big step in the right direction.