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Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Apr 8, 2016
    Awesome industrial electronic noise rock stuff! This album has all great tracks, and it is a fantastic record! I absolutely love their sound here, and the songs sound awesome and interesting. Everything about this is just really cool! I know we're only in April, but this is still my favorite record so far this year, and it just keeps growing on me! It's just so awesome. I would getAwesome industrial electronic noise rock stuff! This album has all great tracks, and it is a fantastic record! I absolutely love their sound here, and the songs sound awesome and interesting. Everything about this is just really cool! I know we're only in April, but this is still my favorite record so far this year, and it just keeps growing on me! It's just so awesome. I would get it or look it up online. It really deserves a few listens! Expand
  2. Feb 9, 2016
    Not so much an album as much as it is a soundtrack, it sounds post-civilization in nature and has something about it that is just as compelling as some of the best dystopian fiction.
  3. Feb 2, 2016
    The sheer sound of Pop. 1280's latest record is without a doubt the best thing about it. It ushers listeners in to its harrowing brand of synth-tinged gothic post-punk with an evil grin, and it remains exceptionally terrifying throughout. The production here is dark, spacey, and perfect for Pop. 1280's approach to their genre. Where the record falters for me, however, is in theThe sheer sound of Pop. 1280's latest record is without a doubt the best thing about it. It ushers listeners in to its harrowing brand of synth-tinged gothic post-punk with an evil grin, and it remains exceptionally terrifying throughout. The production here is dark, spacey, and perfect for Pop. 1280's approach to their genre. Where the record falters for me, however, is in the songwriting. It isn't bad by any means, but most tracks here are somewhat forgettable, leading to a listening experience that grabs you on first listen, but can't quite hold on.


Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Feb 16, 2016
    Pop. 1280 are still concerned with the dark underbelly of the human experience, though the sneakily measured Paradise proves that even the most degenerate souls deserve some sanguine aggression, too.
  2. Feb 2, 2016
    This descent into industrial retro-futurism provides a fitting artistic and aesthetic parallel to the corresponding descent society has made into technology worship, into a disempowering worship of things at the expense of an appreciation of the social, political, and economic realities in which these things are situated.
  3. Feb 2, 2016
    Dominated by unrelenting synthesized bellowing battling slashing guitar figures and femur-snapping drumming, Pop. 1280 summon a hellish wall of sonic abuse that manages to also be curiously compelling, a neo-industrial attack that starts in high gear and never stops pouring fire and brimstone on the listener.