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Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
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  1. Sep 26, 2017
    It's easy to over analyse an album by someone as iconic as Alice Cooper and compare new material to previous legendary releases. With someone like Alice I think the best test is to ask yourself "Do I find myself singing the songs to myself?". In this case I have to answer "Yes!". The songs are catchy and I can enjoy them all. There are also some very clever and witty lines. Unlike manyIt's easy to over analyse an album by someone as iconic as Alice Cooper and compare new material to previous legendary releases. With someone like Alice I think the best test is to ask yourself "Do I find myself singing the songs to myself?". In this case I have to answer "Yes!". The songs are catchy and I can enjoy them all. There are also some very clever and witty lines. Unlike many other aged rockers, Alice Cooper has not lost his magic after all these years and this is one of the best rock albums I've heard recently. If you're an Alice fan or just a fan of proper rock music then you will not be disappointed! Expand
  2. Jul 30, 2017
    Alice Cooper is simply too good at too many styles and ideas. There is no sign of aging, he sounds as fresh and inspired as he did in 1972. Because of that we see a great variety of songs. He could have made 5 normal albums with this amount of hooks, idea's and arrangements. But it's only one and every song is an entire world, almost an album on its own.
  3. Jul 29, 2017
    This is not an Alice Cooper album. There's clearly a lack of ideas and he doesn't want to work in studio anymore. It's all simply rock stereotyped and that go nowhere, too bad for the 27th album. Don't know why an Alice Cooper fan should listened to it. He should work on Hollywood Vampires instead of doing this.
  4. Jul 28, 2017
    Alice Cooper shows on PARANORMAL that he still has a few tricks up his sleeve - the Scorpions-esque intro on the title cut, the rollicking attack of "Fireball", the runaway train that is "Rats". He also falters slightly here and there - the famous Cooper snarl comes and goes a bit, and when he sings "Don't you know there's cannibals / designed to kill and eat you" he's actuallyAlice Cooper shows on PARANORMAL that he still has a few tricks up his sleeve - the Scorpions-esque intro on the title cut, the rollicking attack of "Fireball", the runaway train that is "Rats". He also falters slightly here and there - the famous Cooper snarl comes and goes a bit, and when he sings "Don't you know there's cannibals / designed to kill and eat you" he's actually self-cannibalizing "Don't you know children / are starving in Korea" from his own "Generation Landslide", and the following angel-dust reference shows that The Coop may have not taken many drugs since he sang the latter. The worst thing here is that "The Sound Of A" is more than a slight rip of Pink Floyd's "Brain Damage". That dipped-in-the-past toe becomes a total dive before the album's over, with nods to both classic Cooper and the "Welcome To My Nightmare" era ("Holy Water" jumps right into that mode with a horn-driven Broadway attack). Whether nostalgic or squarely in the present, no one sounds like they're phoning it in. Who knew that Alice would have his vocal chops, energy and wit intact this consistently at this stage of the game? Then again, Cooper has rarely played by rules other than his own, and if it works, it works.

    This works.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Aug 30, 2017
    While they’re [Genuine American Girl and You And All Of Your Friends] two of the album's best songs, they, like the previous ten tracks, suffer from not just overproduction and out-of-date musical aesthetics, but also a half-hearted attempt to assert something pure about the rock of yore.
  2. Aug 16, 2017
    The result is a loose affair true to his legacy as a golf-club-wielding villain with a dark sense of humor.
  3. Aug 16, 2017
    Paranormal isn't the return to form one might have hoped for, but it's no embarrassment either, and Cooper appears to be having a grand time while giving his fans a good show for their dollar.