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Universal acclaim- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20
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  1. Aug 7, 2023
    Amazing! I have this album on repeat for the last 2-3 weeks. Please make more thrash type albums!!
  2. Jun 17, 2023
    Another amazing album from king gizzard. Definitely great all around. Motor spirit,flame thrower and dragon are definitely next level jams. Do yourself a favor and listen to it. It grows on you even more after each listen
  3. Jun 23, 2023
    Its been a loooong time since a metal album has left me this enthralled. In the ever changing landscape of metal music, King Gizzard somehow breaks their own mold and creates something both spectacular and incredibly odd at the same time. This isn't one of your dads metal bands, its ALL his metal bands, at once, in their heyday, and its BETTER than anything you think is good right now. DoIts been a loooong time since a metal album has left me this enthralled. In the ever changing landscape of metal music, King Gizzard somehow breaks their own mold and creates something both spectacular and incredibly odd at the same time. This isn't one of your dads metal bands, its ALL his metal bands, at once, in their heyday, and its BETTER than anything you think is good right now. Do not sleep on this album Expand
  4. Jun 18, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. They nailed it. This album is fiery, creative, fast paced and has a familiar and classic, yet unique sound. Some moments feel like Tool appreciation and I think that's cool, they do it well! The album is definitely better as a whole than as individual tracks. By the time the Gila Monster riff comes in you've already been sufficiently thrashed! Guitar riff after riff just blasts you, fun album! Yes! Expand
  5. Jul 11, 2023
    It is always nice to hear from KGLW, they have not failed me since 2019, and they sound every time more and more fun, creative, authentic, energetic, true, powerful and so much more. Music should aim to be this at least, and even if I'm not finding my favorite album from them in here, this will be easily enjoyed on the time to come. The lyrics are incredibly creative too, with some suddenIt is always nice to hear from KGLW, they have not failed me since 2019, and they sound every time more and more fun, creative, authentic, energetic, true, powerful and so much more. Music should aim to be this at least, and even if I'm not finding my favorite album from them in here, this will be easily enjoyed on the time to come. The lyrics are incredibly creative too, with some sudden pukes of semantic words, but it has never been negative for the band.
    In this new album there are a lot of mixed feelings and intentions going around that you can barely grasp one at all, but when you let yourself go with it, you will actually return a lot to try to find and enjoy those great notes that define the band completely. Saturated by concept, but fun and true to the band, this album is one more great joy in this trash, progressive, stoner, experimental trip.
  6. Jul 28, 2023
    The composition is very good but the production is not so good. Tool vibes, in general progressive metal vibes. Cool cool cool cool.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Jun 22, 2023
    Despite its razzle-dazzle, this is the rare King Gizzard release that actually sounds like it was composed as quickly as it was.
  2. Uncut
    Jun 22, 2023
    It takes up where 2019's Infest The Rats' Nest left off, though was pieced together from improv jams. [Aug 2023, p.33]
  3. Mojo
    Jun 21, 2023
    Rarely has a plunge into apocalyptic hell been such a hoot. [Aug 2023, p.82]