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  1. Nov 21, 2020
    BEST RAP/POP ALBUM EVER MADE!!! Whip it is my favorite. And starships is a cultural reset. Nicki really raps amazingly on this album. She always outdoes herself. I stan the queen of rap.
  2. May 14, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Mediocre I don't know what he thought to stand out so ugly some songs are saved but the others are horrible to listen to with his voice. I wouldn't listen to it again until that I die HORRIFYING Expand
  3. Apr 26, 2012
    Nicki had a great run with Pink Friday, what with Moment 4 Life, Super Bass, and Right Thru Me, and this album wasn't anything to sneeze at either. I love "Starships," and strangely, I liked "Stupid Hoe" but this isn't something she should totally be proud of. I mean, this one seems a bit rushed, and half the songs stunk. Right By My Side seemed a bit sloopy, along with her single "Beez InNicki had a great run with Pink Friday, what with Moment 4 Life, Super Bass, and Right Thru Me, and this album wasn't anything to sneeze at either. I love "Starships," and strangely, I liked "Stupid Hoe" but this isn't something she should totally be proud of. I mean, this one seems a bit rushed, and half the songs stunk. Right By My Side seemed a bit sloopy, along with her single "Beez In the Trap." Overall, I give the CD an unimpressive 6.25/10, it just wasn't the feel her last album had, which was a let down. Expand
  4. May 28, 2012
    This Album Was Panned Since The Start..
    But In My Opinion This Is Better Than Pink Friday This Album Shows That Nicki Can Rap And Sing!
    Amazing Variety Of Songs!
    One Of The Best Albums Of 2012!
  5. Nov 4, 2012
    Com alguns anos de blog nas costas, já posso me orgulhar de ver carreiras nascerem e depois prosperar ou morrer. Uma delas que o blog acompanha desde o comecinho é o da Nicki Minaj bem antes dela estourar e virar um dos nomes ou o nome mais importante da nova geração de artistas americanos. Já tinha reparado no talento dessa rapper muito antes dela virarCom alguns anos de blog nas costas, já posso me orgulhar de ver carreiras nascerem e depois prosperar ou morrer. Uma delas que o blog acompanha desde o comecinho é o da Nicki Minaj bem antes dela estourar e virar um dos nomes ou o nome mais importante da nova geração de artistas americanos. Já tinha reparado no talento dessa rapper muito antes dela virar mainstream. Posso me orgulhar de não ter sido "arrebatado" não apenas por que ela está no topo, mas por ter reconhecido uma artista competente atrás da persona que ela foi criando para si. Com o lançamento do primeiro álbum dela, Pink Friday, ela foi promovida "a coisa mais quente do pedaço" e vi ela se tornando multifacetada misturando hip hop com pop em um álbum "com resultado abaixo do esperado, mas bem além da média" parafraseando eu mesmo no Primeira Impressão do álbum. Um ano e quase meio depois, Nicki consolidou sua carreira e vai lançar seu segundo álbum continuação de PF que foi intitulado Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded. E como resultado posso dizer que o trabalho ficou com resultado acima do esperado, mas na média de outros trabalhos.

    Explicando: Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded é bem melhor no resultado final que seu antecessor, mas fica na média se compararmos com outros trabalhos do estilo. Acontece que, apesar de colocar sua marca bem distinta com rapper/cantora de múltiplas personalidades, toda a produção fica presa a formulas já usadas tanto do lado hip hop, do R&B e do pop. Aqui, bem mais que no PF, a divisão entre estilos está muito bem definida. Começa com hip hop, passa pelo R&B e termina no pop/dance. Então, nada mais justo que dividir cada segmento para avaliar melhor o álbum.

    Hip Hop (Das faixa 1 até a 6 e com influência pesada na 7)

    O começo o álbum mostra Nicki no seu campo original misturando batidas mais marcadas e momentos mais estilizados. Algumas canções parecem pré-fabricadas em sua construção de arranjo. Esse hip hop mais street pode ser encontrado em vários contemporâneos de Nicki. Ela vai de Roman até a Nicki verdadeira com poucos momentos geniais, mas sempre mantendo o nível alto. O que chama atenção é que a maioria dos featurings se encontram nessa parte fazendo em certos momento ela quase ser eclipsada por alguns pesos pesados. As composições mostram em sua maioria uma Nicki que acerta nas partes mais sérias e se diverte nas de conotação mais despreocupada. E daqui que vem a melhor canção do álbum: Champion, com os pesos pesados Nas, Drake e Young Jeezy. Uma batida mais tradicional, mas elevada com a ótima letra e o trabalho inspirado de todos os envolvidos. Também de destaca Roman Reloaded (resenhada a seguir) e a esquizofrênica Roman Holiday que a versão para o álbum é melhor que podia se esperar depois da apresentação no Grammy.

    R&B (Com certa influência na faixa 7 que é Champion e na 8 e 9)

    Falando das duas com maior influência no estilo que são a 8 e a 9, temos o pior momento do álbum. Seja na "romântica" Right By My Side com o Chris Brown e na estranha Sex In The Lounge com cara de faixa do álbum do Lil' Wayne que não por acaso ele faz o featuring a lado de Bobby V. Falando dessa última, ela simplesmente deixa para escanteio a "dona" da canção. Completamente dispensável.

    Pop (Da faixa 10 até a versão Deluxe)

    A parte mais coesa do álbum mostrando a melhor faceta do trabalho. Comandado principalmente por RedOne, o lado pop do trabalho é um dos melhores pop/dance chiclete do últimos tempos. Todas as canções são feitas para tocar nas rádios do mundo inteiro, dançantes ao extremo, boas composições mesmo sem fugir do arroz com feijão, com interpretações que apenas Nicki consegue dá ao misturar cantar com o rap. Então, qual o problema? A questão é: será essa faceta um desejo de Nicki ou a gravadora vendo o potencial dela com o estilo a fez ir por esse caminho? Essa dúvida e a sensação que as músicas se parecem muito uma com as outras, ainda mais colocadas uma atrás da outra, dá uma prejudicada no resultado final. Aqui a melhor faixa sem dúvida nenhuma é a ótima Beautiful Sinner. Uma mistura de dubstep com dance resgatando as origens de Nicki. A segunecia de Starships, Pound the Alarm e Whip It e acertada. Enquanto Marilyn Monroe é uma balada pop diferente, mas bem legal. Tem a interessante parceria com o rei do dacehall Beenie Man em Gun Shot. O erro aqui está em Fire Burns que não mostra nada e faz o ritmo caí antes do final. O mais curioso é ver Stupid Hoe fechando a versão normal já que apesar da pegada mais "violenta" seria a canção que mais chegou perto da mistura hip hop, pop e o "estilo Nicki" que ela já fez.

    Nicki Minaj ainda consegue se destacar e Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded mostra uma artista mais madura, mas ainda falta entregar o "álbum". Quem sabe na próxima?
  6. Sep 1, 2013
    Two year's later, Minaj let's her alter ego Roman out of the box with "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded" her long awaited second release, thanks to her smash hit "Starships" she hopes that lighting can strike twice for her, and while the second half of her album is great if conventional dance pop heavy, I can't get over how forgettable and boring the first half of this album is, Roman ReloadedTwo year's later, Minaj let's her alter ego Roman out of the box with "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded" her long awaited second release, thanks to her smash hit "Starships" she hopes that lighting can strike twice for her, and while the second half of her album is great if conventional dance pop heavy, I can't get over how forgettable and boring the first half of this album is, Roman Reloaded is a big disappointment for fans of her first album and will divide up whether you like it or not, and for me I'm in the middle. The first half of this album has some the worst rap songs I've heard in a while, with such bland and boring tunes like "Come on a Cone" and "Roman Reloaded" which is unfortunately paired up with Lil Wayne. There is no story to tell and it all just sounds like extras from her last album that she couldn't squeeze in, so she put them in here. The first half is painfully nine songs long (you could've cut out at least three of those songs) that are all rap that's plain vanilla, the only exception from the first half that I liked was the duet with Chris Brown on the song "Right By My Side" which was surprising heartfelt and honest. The second half was much better if not perfect, starting off with the song "Starships" and it keeps on going with other standouts like "Pound the Alarm" and "Whip it" it all sounds like a different and much better album than from the previous nine songs. But most people will end up hating it due to the fact that all of it is dance pop, well it does work better than just normal rap. The second half has some flaws, some of the songs get a little boring with all the EDM, plus the final song "Stupid Hoe" could've been cut out. Also this album is very long with nineteen songs some people might not get to the final few songs, which show off Minaj's vocals which are pretty great. Overall I can't recommend Roman Reloaded cause you may enjoy one half but hate the other half, at best I could say that you should just get the singles you like instead of the whole package, you'll thank me later. Expand
  7. Nov 9, 2012
    I feel as if she split her fans in two. Half of them don't like the pop songs and some don't like the Rap songs. I feel as if she would have blended them more with a twist it wouldn't have been split.

    All in all I love the album. Sex In The Lounge. I know she can satisfy both of her audiences on the re release.
  8. Nov 17, 2012
    You know what? This isn't half-bad. There's certainly something for everyone. Ok, some of the songs can be a bit hit-and-miss - but this is certainly her strongest collection to date. The only issue I have is the track order.
  9. Jul 29, 2013
    Oh my god... i totally love this album! ''Champion'' is probably the greatest song. She's not only a rapper, she can sing too. Of course Nicki isn't the best but it's still great and enjoyable.
  10. Jan 30, 2015
    The album is good where Nicki Minaj unleashes herself into full force with her cartoonish characters and clever writing. But then in other parts it gets bogged down by bland pop hooks and just lame production. Overall, it ultimately ruins the album before a disaster of a finish with Stupid Hoe, one of Nicki Minaj's worst songs.
  11. Dec 1, 2013
    What happened?
    This the only question that can be asked to describe the train wreck that is NIcki Minaj's sophomore effort 'Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded". For an artist who burst onto the scene so unique, fresh, and funky as hell... Nicki Minaj has certainly lost her step. Following her 2010 debut 'Pink Friday' wasn't going to be an easy task, and but she didn't even come anywhere close
    What happened?
    This the only question that can be asked to describe the train wreck that is NIcki Minaj's sophomore effort 'Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded". For an artist who burst onto the scene so unique, fresh, and funky as hell... Nicki Minaj has certainly lost her step. Following her 2010 debut 'Pink Friday' wasn't going to be an easy task, and but she didn't even come anywhere close with this glorified re-release. The first half of 'Reloaded' plays out like a continuation of 'Pink Friday'. The same edgy rap, just a little less exciting 2 years removed from her debut. The second half of this 22 track juggernaut, plays out even worse..... like a typical label creation radio pop star. I understand the concept of creating a little something for everyone, but to pack it on a 22 track set just makes it so un-interesting and ultimately a let down (speaking album wise) because it completely fails to be cohesive.

    That all being said... there are certainly a few standouts out of the bloated mess of a track list. 'Starships', the #1 chart smashing lead single will obviously be a cult favorite because, well, Nicki taught us such a groundbreaking new lesson... "Starships.... They were meant to fly". Pop wise 'Whip It', 'Pound the Alarm' and 'Va Va Voom' are certainly fun party jams.... while rap wise, 'Roman Reloaded', 'Stupid Hoe' and 'Roman Holiday' all prove Nicki hasn't lost her chops.....

    Overall the album's a mess..... better luck tying it up a little more cohesively next time Nicki.
  12. Jan 7, 2014
    Starships 7.5 Single Sold she is the Queen of Rap/Hip-Hop and no other female rapper could ever do what she is doing, she is just the best Rapper of all the time.
  13. May 22, 2014
    Although it lacks the focus and consistency of "Pink Friday", Nicki Minaj's critically divisive second album can be summed up as "Loud, Fun and Unapologetic". It is almost split evenly between rap and pop, which polarized many of her core fan base. Some of the collaborations are a bit questionable, and the pop portion can get a bit mindless and repetitive. This record definitely showsAlthough it lacks the focus and consistency of "Pink Friday", Nicki Minaj's critically divisive second album can be summed up as "Loud, Fun and Unapologetic". It is almost split evenly between rap and pop, which polarized many of her core fan base. Some of the collaborations are a bit questionable, and the pop portion can get a bit mindless and repetitive. This record definitely shows Minaj experimenting in EDM, as showcased on the lead single "Starships", although still retaining the hip hop qualities that she is known for. This album is not for everyone, but is still worth a listen. Expand
  14. Apr 27, 2014
    This is a great album is you can appreciate it for what it is.. purely hip-hop fans will not like it, purely pop fans will not give it merit and purely R&B fans will find it a bad album. If you judge this album without the confides of 'genre' i believe that maybe you would enjoy the album a lot more. 10/10
  15. Jun 24, 2014
    Did Nicki break the rules with Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded? Yes. Is it something bad? Not at all. Saying that this album is "bad" just because of its pop/electro-pop tracks is just as dumb as saying that Eminem can't rap because he's white. Literally, there's nothing bad about successfully combining hip-hop music and pop culture (and not only pop music since Nicki brings pop beats added toDid Nicki break the rules with Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded? Yes. Is it something bad? Not at all. Saying that this album is "bad" just because of its pop/electro-pop tracks is just as dumb as saying that Eminem can't rap because he's white. Literally, there's nothing bad about successfully combining hip-hop music and pop culture (and not only pop music since Nicki brings pop beats added to a "pop" persona on this album's cover and music videos). Starting off with "Roman Holiday", a timeless and catchy track, the whole album brings us furious and rage-filled lyrics, mercilessly sung by her alter-ego, Roman Zolanski. The following tracks "Come On a Cone" and "I Am Your Leader" are pretty much equal to each other, with challenging hip-hop lyrics and pop choruses + an electronic instrumental. "Beez In The Trap" is surely its most ghetto moment, with a catchy chorus/hook and the amazing participation of 2 Chainz.
    Fast-forward to the track "Right By My Side", we see Nicki's attempt of bringing pop music inside of hip-hop, and she manages to do it quite well (despite for "Sex in the Lounge" and "Masquerade") through the following 6 or 7 tracks. As "Beautiful Sinner" ends, we get this classic and emotional ballad, "Marilyn Monroe", with Minaj's voice showing that she's not a common female rapper. "Young Forever", "Fire Burns" and "Gun Shot" are the most calm moment on this record, bringing naive and sweet lyrics blended with her voice being sweetly "modified" (not sure if it's a very good thing).
    And then we finish with a pop anthem with a (yet more) catchy chorus, "Va Va Voom", that has a calm and sexy bridge. It's not plausible, though, to say it is Nicki Minaj's best work, no. But she did gave us a record full of Top 40 hits and at the same time, well written lyrics, only stating her deserved title of "hip-hop queen" on nowadays.
  16. Aug 30, 2014
    I love this follow up album to Pink Friday, I love the tracks Roman Holiday, Beez In The Trap, Automatic & Masquerade. This album has many genres and I like that about this album.
  17. Dec 19, 2014
    Bicha, a senhora sabe fazer melhor, viu! Mas, esse é album é bem legal, "Champion" sem duvida é uma das melhores musicas dela. Roman Reloaded é legal, mas não supera Pink Friday
  18. Apr 15, 2015
    This was probably Nicki Minaj's worst album to date. There are way too many dance tracks on here that are overly repetitive and don't show Nicki's talent as a rapper. I'd have to say the first half is better than Pink Friday but the second half is her attempt to make all the typical mediocre pop music out. Grade: C+. Highlights: "I Am Your Leader", "Come on a Cone", "Roman Reloaded". WorstThis was probably Nicki Minaj's worst album to date. There are way too many dance tracks on here that are overly repetitive and don't show Nicki's talent as a rapper. I'd have to say the first half is better than Pink Friday but the second half is her attempt to make all the typical mediocre pop music out. Grade: C+. Highlights: "I Am Your Leader", "Come on a Cone", "Roman Reloaded". Worst songs: "Starships", "Automatic", "Pound the Alarm" Expand
  19. Jul 3, 2015
    This Album is the big new version of a woman on Rap. Nicki is the bestest! She combined styles, gave much of Pop Music but never leaving aside the rap. Bringing in an innovative way. She was beyond pop, experimenting with Hip-Hop and Rap giving us a timeless album. The Rap on the album has the chemical rap, but with a very good catch.
  20. Oct 21, 2019
    bad album, in general bad concept, too many ideas, too many rhythms which don't hit in any way, a way of wanting to get the attention of critics which he achieved but in a bad way
  21. Oct 16, 2015
    Melhores músicas: Starships, Pound The Alarm, Whip It, Marilyn Monroe, Fire Burns, Stupid Hoe, Masquerade, Va Va Voom, Right By My Side, Champion
  22. Feb 3, 2016
    Mesmo nicki sendo uma artista talentosa esse álbum não expressa sua capacidades ao máximo, muitas músicas mal escritas, talvez por falta de tempo após seu album anterior, mal produzidas, e sem conteúdo.
    Melhores : champion, hov lane, roman reloaded e young forever.
  23. Aug 22, 2016
    Nicki is perfect for the occasion , his lyrics are danceable but also makes you dance and can take your side rudo.Canciones as Roman Reloaded , roman holiday , perfect songs are stupid hoe to remove your anger without being violent , songs like whip it , va va voom starship and you start dancing without moving a single bone, and songs like monroe marilin put you to mourn without taking aNicki is perfect for the occasion , his lyrics are danceable but also makes you dance and can take your side rudo.Canciones as Roman Reloaded , roman holiday , perfect songs are stupid hoe to remove your anger without being violent , songs like whip it , va va voom starship and you start dancing without moving a single bone, and songs like monroe marilin put you to mourn without taking a single tear Expand
  24. Aug 15, 2018
    Amazing Roman zolanski is just another part of Nicki that shows off her amazing MC skills
  25. Mar 27, 2020
    [This is a review from November 26, 2017, and does not totally reflect my current opinions on the album.]

    This is actually one of the most creative and cohesive albums by a hip-hop artist. Nicki Minaj really took a risk on this album and she is definitely more than "just a rapper". The first half of the album contains hip-hop songs where she delivered many dope verses and the second
    [This is a review from November 26, 2017, and does not totally reflect my current opinions on the album.]

    This is actually one of the most creative and cohesive albums by a hip-hop artist. Nicki Minaj really took a risk on this album and she is definitely more than "just a rapper". The first half of the album contains hip-hop songs where she delivered many dope verses and the second half of the album contains bubbly dance songs which seem to be made for fun. But it is fair to say that this is not a great follow up to Pink Friday. "I Am Your Leader" had the best rap verse on the album, "Beez In The Trap" being the close runner-up and "Va Va Voom" being the best pop song on it. What makes this album good is that it is original and never done before. You can hate "Roman Holiday" for being a weird song but it is actually a theatrical and experimental song, it's not meant to be silly. She alters herself in a way that really puts the IT factor on her albums, which makes it different in an enjoyable way. I suggest you get into her albums.
  26. Sep 13, 2020
    The album begins weak with a desperate cry from Nicki to make believe that it can be purely rap if it
    she wants and although this pathetic attempt works for some tracks in others it is simply easily forgettable. Luckily Minaj realizes her mistake shortly before the middle of the album and begins to bring what worked perfectly for her previous work, pop. The album takes a very fun twist
    The album begins weak with a desperate cry from Nicki to make believe that it can be purely rap if it
    she wants and although this pathetic attempt works for some tracks in others it is simply easily forgettable. Luckily Minaj realizes her mistake shortly before the middle of the album and begins to bring what worked perfectly for her previous work, pop. The album takes a very fun twist with quite enjoyable and danceable electronic sounds that make us remember why Nicki Minaj is a diva.
  27. Sep 2, 2018
    A great chart-friendly album. Almost every song on the album is single material. It does have a lot of forgettable tracks, though.
  28. Aug 14, 2018
    Well done album, mix of different genres and excellent collaborations with different artists.
  29. Oct 12, 2018
    “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded” tem alguns momentos teatrais, com faixas bem produzidas e com um conteúdo lírico satisfatório. No entanto, a segunda metade do álbum continua a puxar pelo lado genérico e comercial de Nicki Minaj. Ela é uma das rappers mais originais da música rap, isso é certo. Talvez num futuro próximo veremos a artista num cenário ajustado ao seu estilo.
  30. Jan 11, 2020
    Álbum no qual a artista conseguiu mostrar a sua versatilidade ao transitar entre o rap e o pop. Graças a esse álbum ela se consagrou mundialmente como rapper com vários hits.
  31. Feb 1, 2020
    More of the same disgusting, alienating garbage that throws maggots on the rotting fruit of the hip-hop-soiled popular music industry. Total garbage.
  32. Dec 8, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This albums shows That Onika Tanya Marak AKA Nicki Minaj is not just a Rapper.
    One of the things I was very interested On this album is that she usted different sounds, beats & flows. Wich is actually pretty Good 'cause sometimes artists take the sound of their first Album and keep it on their 2nd work. I just loved that Minaj showed versatility.
  33. Jul 20, 2019
    ok simplesmente horrível, não gosto, músicas ruins não devia nem ter lançado
  34. Aug 23, 2019
    It's really a hit or miss with this one. If you're feeling some good hip/hop or pop vibes, I recommend this to anyone. If you're feeling more of a rap type of album, this isn't for you. There are really only a couple of songs on here I would call full on rap. Other than that, it's your basic go-to pop hit album.
  35. Aug 30, 2019
    Un álbum bastante completo, amo Starships, Young Forever y Fire Burns también es muy buena.
  36. Sep 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nicki es toda una explosión de color,alegría y rap duro en PFRR,sabe equilibrar las dosis exactas como en Beez in the trap Expand
  37. Sep 20, 2019
    Now Nicki is now just a rapper, she has to develop and we see it. Some songs are electronic and some are not. There are pop & rap, but Nicki is today's woman and she has to follow the trends. Electronic is the part of all genres.
  38. May 24, 2020
    Nicki Minaj's sophomore album shows growth from her debut project. While the lyrical content is something to work on. The production value and features are chosen better on this record. I also appreciate being able to see both the pop and rap side of Minaj on this album. I certainly am starting to appreciate the work she puts out for her audience and I look forward to how she will grow inNicki Minaj's sophomore album shows growth from her debut project. While the lyrical content is something to work on. The production value and features are chosen better on this record. I also appreciate being able to see both the pop and rap side of Minaj on this album. I certainly am starting to appreciate the work she puts out for her audience and I look forward to how she will grow in her artistry.

    Album Track Ranking:
    1. Masquerade
    2. Va Va Voom
    3. Turn Me On (feat. David Guetta)
    4. Starships
    5. Beez in the Trap (feat. 2 Chainz)
    6. Roman Reloaded (feat. Lil Wayne)
    7. Automatic
    8. Young Forever
    9. Right By My Side (feat. Chris Brown)
    10. Pound the Alarm
    11. Marilyn Monroe
    12. HOV Lane
    13. Stupid Hoe
    14. Beautiful Sinner
    15. Whip It
    16. Champion (feat. Nas, Drake & Young Jeezy)
    17. Sex in the Lounge (feat. Lil Wayne)
    18. Fire Burns
    19. Gun Shot (feat. Beenie Man)
    20. I Am Your Leader (feat. Cam'ron & Rick Ross)
    21. Come on a Cone
    22. Roman Holiday
  39. Feb 5, 2020
  40. Feb 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. uma playlist cheia de farofa das boas, tem para todos os gostos e estilos, vai do rap para o edm ♡ Expand
  41. Jul 10, 2020
    I still don't get why this album has a yellow critique and "the re-up" edition has her highest qualification. I think this is a masterpiece, very innovator, the fact why I personally think nicki minaj is a genius and a queen is because she makes the perfect mix of pop and rap, with her unique flow and this album proves it all
  42. Sep 2, 2020
    It is a very good album with very good lyrics and very well distributed pop and rap sounds. The queen of hip-hop
  43. Aug 27, 2020
    Um álbum a frente do seu tempo e quem discorda eh corno e fudido das ideias
  44. Apr 22, 2021
    É um álbum arriscado, que, se baseando na formulação de pink friday que buscou fundir rap e pop, nesse nicki tentou rap e edm, as vezes funcionando, em outras não, como um projeto longos, as tentativas frutradas acabam deixando esse album algo meio a meio
  45. Sep 20, 2020
    muy buen album en este album se demuestra que nicki no solo domina el rap sino tambein el pop . Ella es increible . Solo las reinas pueden hacer esto
  46. Oct 18, 2020
    No this album is trash. She trying to hard to be everything else but a rapper. I’m here for the rap songs but it’s giving Chinese girl band... I don’t know who listens to this type of crap consistently ..
  47. Nov 20, 2020
    Amooooo, es una de sus álbumes más versatiles, es muy divertido y no te aburres de escucharlo.
  48. Nov 23, 2020
    Nicki Minaj but once showing to be the greatest in rap! an album with impeccable beats and rhymes, Roman is undoubtedly his biggest alter ego.
  49. C03
    Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. QUEEN OF RAP no one seeing my girl the girlies just can’t compare and that’s that on that Expand
  50. Dec 29, 2020
    Simply Pop-Rap perfection. Although some of the songs could’ve been shelved/replaced, Minaj always manages to deliver amazing albums.
  51. Apr 21, 2021
    I have no idea why the critics only gave this album a 60 while it deserves at least a 85. Rap meeting the pink!!!
  52. Apr 22, 2021
    This is not a rap album just a selftittled queen of rap making generic pop
  53. Apr 30, 2021
    She is the queen of rap, Nobody can stop it, Nobody can stop it, its lyrics and flow are wonderful.
  54. Jun 17, 2022
    Depois de se escorar no pop em seu álbum de estreia, nicki minaj resolveu buscar inspiração em alguma caçamba de lixo do Queens para compor esse álbum. Não tem uma música que preste nesse álbum, lixo sonoro atrás de lixo sonoro do começo ao fim desse álbum podre
  55. Aug 26, 2021
    A strong follow up to her debut, love that she can blend pop and rap so well. Highlights for me are right by my side, pound the alarm and gun shot.
  56. Oct 24, 2021
    omg it is so bad and the cover art is so messy i think we can just say that she’s over
  57. Nov 22, 2021
    One of my all time favorite albums. I don’t know why so many people dislike it. Nicki really shows her versatility here and almost every song is a bop
  58. Dec 5, 2021
    nicki can everything she is incredible talented artist
    she can make pop, rap and other
  59. May 18, 2022
    This album is also for summer and like what I always said I love it. Maybe I'm a just addicted to Nicki ☺️
  60. Jun 26, 2022
    I love this album and i love her tracks of this album. I really love her electronic rap
  61. Jan 29, 2023
    This album really shows the variety of Nicki Minaj. There are more rap/Hiphop leaning songs and ones that lean more towards a more pop/electronic sound. Even influences of RnB can be found. Apart from the different genres the album delivers hit after hit after hit. The only critic point is, that the album seems a bit unstructured and some tracks seem very rushed. Nevertheless the album inThis album really shows the variety of Nicki Minaj. There are more rap/Hiphop leaning songs and ones that lean more towards a more pop/electronic sound. Even influences of RnB can be found. Apart from the different genres the album delivers hit after hit after hit. The only critic point is, that the album seems a bit unstructured and some tracks seem very rushed. Nevertheless the album in it´s entirety has a great positive, exciting energy and will most definetly put a smile on your face! Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 30
  2. Negative: 3 out of 30
  1. Oct 8, 2012
    It lumps together all the rap tracks on the first half, and lets the pop fluff fill the rest.
  2. The Source
    Aug 22, 2012
    Nicki's shining moments are her straight-up, hip-hop tracks. [#252, p.87]
  3. If you enjoy contemporary pop whose market-tested blare offends both rockist philistines and IDM aesthetes, her second album is a worthwhile investment.