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Universal acclaim- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Aug 21, 2017
    Post Electric Blues is one of Idlewild's best albums, up there with the Remote Part and 100 BW. It's mix of Roddy Woomble influenced folk numbers like "(The Night Will) Bring You Back To Life" and "Take Me Back to the Islands" and Rod Jones' style rockier songs like "Post Electric" and "Dreams of Nothing". Post Electric Blues is at it best when these two styles fuse together to createPost Electric Blues is one of Idlewild's best albums, up there with the Remote Part and 100 BW. It's mix of Roddy Woomble influenced folk numbers like "(The Night Will) Bring You Back To Life" and "Take Me Back to the Islands" and Rod Jones' style rockier songs like "Post Electric" and "Dreams of Nothing". Post Electric Blues is at it best when these two styles fuse together to create wonderful songs like "Younger than America" and "City Hall". Collapse
  2. Oct 17, 2010
    Post Electric Blues is a very strong album, made stronger by Idlewild's history. This album has a sense of reckless abandon, in that it sounds like the band have made the album for themselves and no one else. The songs still soar with energy, but now there's a maturity that keeps them grounded.
    Their first albums have a 'piss and vinegar' energy to them and some cracking tunes, which drew
    Post Electric Blues is a very strong album, made stronger by Idlewild's history. This album has a sense of reckless abandon, in that it sounds like the band have made the album for themselves and no one else. The songs still soar with energy, but now there's a maturity that keeps them grounded.
    Their first albums have a 'piss and vinegar' energy to them and some cracking tunes, which drew me to them in the first place. So when they released Warnings/Promises which is full of pop sensibilities and instrumentation, I rebelled. But a year after that I gave it another chance and realised how great the album is. Then came Make Another World which felt like a half baked attempt to get back to their rougher origins, and appease everyone but themselves.
    Post Electric Blues isn't a return to form - it's a record of a band embracing who they've become and enjoying themselves.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Under The Radar
    Oct 26, 2010
    Like or dislike them, this is a band who have forged their own sound from their formidable influences, and they flaunt it effortlessly, and occasionally brilliantly, on this fine album.
  2. On Post Electric Blues, they're a worldly pop/rock band, showing off their Scottish roots on the Celtic numbers and channeling the American heartland.
  3. This is, generally, straightforward guitar rock with tinges of country and folk drawn from Roddy Woomble's sabbatical in New York as a folkie.