• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 129 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 6 out of 129
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  1. Apr 24, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is kinda weird EP but personally I liked it so much. Such a great mastering, melodies, vocal lines and more. I know that POST HUMAN not for all "true" BMTH fans, but still such a good EP to listen to for new fans Expand
  2. Sep 22, 2022
    I absolutely love this EP So much. I definitely think this is one of BMTH's Best Projects they have released and it has some of my favorite tracks from the band since their "Sempiternal" Album in 2013 which btw is still the best project they have dropped. But Anyway I basically loved every single track on this EP and I even loved the interlude which I usually think is just ok on mostI absolutely love this EP So much. I definitely think this is one of BMTH's Best Projects they have released and it has some of my favorite tracks from the band since their "Sempiternal" Album in 2013 which btw is still the best project they have dropped. But Anyway I basically loved every single track on this EP and I even loved the interlude which I usually think is just ok on most projects but on here I loved it. The final thing I wanna say is that I cannot wait for whenever the band decides to drop the 2nd Installment of the Post Human EP Series and I'm hoping it is as amazing and well crafted as Survival Horror was. Expand
  3. Jul 23, 2021
    perfect ep. good collaborations. I can't wait to hear those songs live.
    favorite tracks: kingslayer, 1X1 , parasite eve.
  4. Mar 19, 2021
    Love what they did on this album, not only is it topically more relevant then ever.
    How there sound keeps changing and fresh although i see why that could turn some off.
  5. Mar 2, 2021
    Before this EP dropped, I was very uninterested in metal. I always found it too loud and obnoxious, but this EP changed that. Whilst the base of the music production on this EP isn’t too different from other metal bands, think Korn, Slipknot and even a bit of slayer sometimes, this EP makes the transition into full metalcore, which I have found to be a much better genre than heavy or deathBefore this EP dropped, I was very uninterested in metal. I always found it too loud and obnoxious, but this EP changed that. Whilst the base of the music production on this EP isn’t too different from other metal bands, think Korn, Slipknot and even a bit of slayer sometimes, this EP makes the transition into full metalcore, which I have found to be a much better genre than heavy or death metal. But don’t worry, it goes incredibly hard. The features are all great too, they really thought this one out. Great project. Expand
  6. Dec 21, 2020
    The pure rage of the EP, wrapped in unbeatable production made this BMTH release an instant hit for me. Metal fan or not, you will thoroughly enjoy this one.

    Favourite tracks: Parasite Eve, Obey, One Day The Only Butterflies Left Will Be In Your Chest As You March Towards Your Death

    Least favourite tracks: Dear Diary is as creative and well-produced as the rest, but was not a track I loved.
  7. Dec 11, 2020
    I am obsessed with this EP, it's just such a mood, so excited to hear that this is just the first of a series of EPs
  8. Dec 8, 2020
    best 2020 release and their best album since Sempiternal. its agressive, energetic and natural
  9. Dec 7, 2020
    Post-Human: Survival Horror is nothing from what I expected but is everything I wanted, the mix between brutal and melodical songs, starting from Dear Diary's blast and ending with the depressive piano on the only butterflies, passing with parasite eve's weird electronic sounds and kingslayer's brutal/anime sound make this a memorable record that is worth hearing from the first to the last second
  10. Dec 6, 2020
    Post Human: Survival Horror is the perfect mix of all the sounds that made their previous albums shine, as well as new ones. The band succesfully takes those to a new level, at the same time keeping that dark Bring Me flair. This EP is their best work to date.
  11. Dec 4, 2020
    Innovative, genre redefining, catchy, emotional, heavy, powerful and just part of a bigger picture. This album makes me excited for what is to come in the next year.
  12. Nov 29, 2020
    Amazing, just simply **** amazing. A lot of bangers on this EP. As a nu-metal fan I really didn't expect something this good from a metalcore band. I was really surprised by how damn good this was.
  13. Nov 20, 2020
    Great representation of the angst behind the world in these times. Some of the best instrumentals from BMTH who find the sweet spot between their death metal past, and their Nu-metal present. Although some lyrics have that cringy and edgy undertone (obviously expected with a BMTH album), some of them are catchy as **** Although most of the features aren't the best, BABYMETAL hit hard onGreat representation of the angst behind the world in these times. Some of the best instrumentals from BMTH who find the sweet spot between their death metal past, and their Nu-metal present. Although some lyrics have that cringy and edgy undertone (obviously expected with a BMTH album), some of them are catchy as **** Although most of the features aren't the best, BABYMETAL hit hard on Kingslayer, and left me wanting more. Very good EP. Expand
  14. Nov 19, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's the Best album of 2020 They managed to unite the two sides of the fans, those who liked the old band and those who like the new band! balanced and satisfying music. Expand
  15. Nov 8, 2020
    A total return to form for bring me, It has everything that has made BMTH one of the best and most creative bands on the planet today, every song brings a new take on classic sounds
  16. Nov 8, 2020
    The First Album/EP in like FOREVER! where i love every singel Song just absolutely amazing.

    Every Song is perfectly Crafted gives you enough "New" with every Track and nothing overstays it's Welcome. Absolut Banger
  17. Nov 8, 2020
    One of the bests since sempiternal. So heavy and so beautiful at the same time.
  18. Nov 2, 2020
    perfect ep!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bring me the horizon is the best band of all time!!!!
  19. Nov 1, 2020
    The new Bring Me The Horizon EP, marks a new start for the modern pop/rock band. Each track on this is as punchy as the other with pulsing guitars and driving drums complementing each other well.
  20. Oct 31, 2020
    Variation; all the best Bring Me bits and more. Experimental and outright perfection, Dear Diary, all the way to One Day The Only Butterflies...
  21. Oct 31, 2020
    Captures all of the angst, rage, and frustration of 2020 while hearkening back to Bring Me the Horizon's earlier days. Oli is using gutturals again. While by no means a return to their deathcore roots, this is the heaviest material the band has released in years and wouldn't have felt out of place on Sempiternal despite having the same experimental vibe as Amo. It's essentially a marriageCaptures all of the angst, rage, and frustration of 2020 while hearkening back to Bring Me the Horizon's earlier days. Oli is using gutturals again. While by no means a return to their deathcore roots, this is the heaviest material the band has released in years and wouldn't have felt out of place on Sempiternal despite having the same experimental vibe as Amo. It's essentially a marriage of the two best chapters of the band's history and feels so very timely. What's not to love?

  22. Oct 31, 2020
    The best work I’ve seen from them , they have truly invented their own genre. Excellent !!
  23. Oct 31, 2020
    simply showing BMTH that they can take elements of many genres and do with them something that does not seem deformed, with this album they set precedents of what a Metal band can be Leaving conventional metal schemes
  24. Oct 31, 2020
    Bring Me The Horizon have in my eyes always been a unique band and one i have enjoyed thoroughly for years, but this latest one has been something i haven't heard before, and i can't stop having it on repeat. The lyrics, the production, all incredible. Amo was experimental and i was a fan, but this EP is just as experimental but brought forward Bring Me The Horizon's vibe along with it.Bring Me The Horizon have in my eyes always been a unique band and one i have enjoyed thoroughly for years, but this latest one has been something i haven't heard before, and i can't stop having it on repeat. The lyrics, the production, all incredible. Amo was experimental and i was a fan, but this EP is just as experimental but brought forward Bring Me The Horizon's vibe along with it. Every song takes you on a rollercoaster, of emotions, with anger, energy, sadness, and almost out of this world into your own one. I thoroughly enjoyed every single song from it. 10/10 Expand
  25. Oct 31, 2020
    f u c k i n g e p i c
    Best modern metal band period
    Cant wait for the new ep
  26. Oct 31, 2020
    Good old BMTH is back, and even more, they're back with technology. Don't know why it's considered an EP in this 9-tracks, 30 more minutes long, but there are no duds whatsoever. Meticulously spot on, with each scream, drum kicks, and synths; they complement each other.
  27. Oct 30, 2020
    Es una combinación perfecta de los álbumes que ha sacado la banda. El EP de principio a fin te transmite una sensación indescriptible, de los mejores trabajos de Bring me the horizon
  28. Oct 30, 2020
    I’ve been a fan from the start and I enjoyed this entire album. I expected a lot of softer songs and I was blown away with Oli’s screaming and the entire bands performances. If this is the style BMTH will become known for, I think that’s a pretty damn good thing, this sound was nostalgic and fresh at the same time.
  29. Oct 30, 2020
    I’m been a fan of BMTH since their ‘Count The Blessing’ days and they became my favourite band once they released ‘Suicide Season’. I’ve enjoyed all their sounds, including that of ‘Amo’. I will say that while I was fan of the 4 singles released for this EP (Ludens, Parasite Eve, Obey and Teardrops) I was amazed by this EP as a whole. ‘Dear Diary’ and ‘Kingslayer’ are my personalI’m been a fan of BMTH since their ‘Count The Blessing’ days and they became my favourite band once they released ‘Suicide Season’. I’ve enjoyed all their sounds, including that of ‘Amo’. I will say that while I was fan of the 4 singles released for this EP (Ludens, Parasite Eve, Obey and Teardrops) I was amazed by this EP as a whole. ‘Dear Diary’ and ‘Kingslayer’ are my personal highlights and I never thought a collab with BMTH and Baby Metal would be that amazing. Overall this is an EP that the every version of BMTH can put on and enjoy. If you were a fan of their work from Suicide Season to Thats The Spirit, this EP is just for you. Old Oli makes a few appearances on this album. 10/10. Expand
  30. Oct 30, 2020
    There’s nothing a don’t love about this EP, was very worried after Amo but a true return to form
  31. Oct 30, 2020
    Post Human: Survival Horror viene a demostrar lo capaz que es bmth en su ambición de volver a sus origenes y aún así sonar maduros y frescos.

Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 8, 2020
    The haters will protest, but this is the sound of metal dragging itself into the future. [Jan 2021, p.83]
  2. Nov 5, 2020
    SURVIVAL HORROR is one of the band's best distillations of their extremes, providing just enough brutality without sacrificing their evolving vision of how melodic and experimental a metal band can be.
  3. Oct 30, 2020
    Post Human: Survival Horror doesn’t break any moulds, it’s the sonic equivalent to fast food, by which you’ll consume it, enjoy it, and forget about it right after you’ve finished it, but it’s fun while it lasts.