• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: May 3, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21

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  1. LeonardoF
    May 6, 2005
    Not as noisy as their previous releases but it is sooo addictive.
  2. FrederikC
    May 5, 2005
    9 thumbs up.
  3. jeffm
    May 5, 2005
    The Raveonettes have never been shy about their influences and often, such explicit reference to predecessors can be hurtful (see All Music Guide's review painfully stretching the JAMC connection). However, the band here diversifies their influences and the results are a retro, melodramatic masterwork. They play the copycat game with a sly wink and a smile and add heaps of original The Raveonettes have never been shy about their influences and often, such explicit reference to predecessors can be hurtful (see All Music Guide's review painfully stretching the JAMC connection). However, the band here diversifies their influences and the results are a retro, melodramatic masterwork. They play the copycat game with a sly wink and a smile and add heaps of original stylings. The Cramps-y, dancey 'Twilight' thrashes through three and a half minutes of body-jerking delight and 'Ode to L.A.' so faithfully recreates the 60s girl group sound (Ronnie Spektor's here, natch) that it clearly articulates a faithful love of the originals. The sound of Hank Williams, Buddy Holly, 50s rockabilly (alright, maybe the 1950s themselves), and early country all take turns being fed through the band's lens. The influences thus are notable mostly for their diversity and perhaps 'originality' (being uncommonly represented so faithfully in contemporary rock music). Also to be lauded is the band's willingness to alter their sound so significantly from their debut LP and EP, while still managing to sound like themselves. There are some weaker moments: the limp, robotic version of Expand
  4. GunnerC
    May 6, 2005
    Quite simply...the type of album i've been waiting to hear for a long time. The mood of the album is fantastic, avoiding the problems that has befalled other similar recent releases. You think of great things listening to this album, and that's what music's for eh? The best thing about this group is that they just get it. This may sound vague, but i'm sure you know Quite simply...the type of album i've been waiting to hear for a long time. The mood of the album is fantastic, avoiding the problems that has befalled other similar recent releases. You think of great things listening to this album, and that's what music's for eh? The best thing about this group is that they just get it. This may sound vague, but i'm sure you know what i mean. Expand
  5. [Anonymous]
    Jun 4, 2005
    Impressive third album, not as electrifying as Chain Gang of Love but irresistably infectious. Worth a listen, or ten.
  6. Peck
    May 4, 2005
    Although the album doesn't rock out as much as Chain Gang Of Love, the quality of the ballads more than makes up for the lack of loud songs. Ode To L.A. for song of the year.
  7. BriabR
    Dec 29, 2005
    Great album. The danes have not yet discovered the quality of the Raveonttes, maybe thats why so few good bands comes from Denmark.
  8. ChrisC
    May 6, 2005
    I think I like the idea of making a retro-pop album that sounds like 50's pop more than I like the actual album. Love in a Trashcan and Pretty In Black are good tracks, but mostly the album seems like they focused so much on imitating a style that the vocal performances became too understated and dispassionate.
  9. DavisW
    May 9, 2005
    A mostly solid album although I'm not exactly sure how they've evolved into this. They definitely are a unique band in how they've progressed. With their sound, you'd think their debut would sound something like "pretty in black" and then evolve slowly into the "whip it on" sound. Even though they're a little backwards in my opinion, I can't deny their fun style.
  10. PaulH
    Jul 11, 2005
    I liked most of the album, but something is missing here, it's been a while since i've had it now and it's collected a fair amount of dust.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. The restrictions have vanished, the sound has opened up, and the tempos have slowed down considerably.
  2. A major disappointment to say the least, Pretty in Black is such an indifferent and transparent record that it makes one reconsider the quality of the album that preceded it.
  3. Are you listening, Quentin Tarantino? Here's the soundtrack to your next movie.