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  1. Sep 6, 2010
    2010's best hard rock album, and that genre's most exciting newcomers in years. It's a cliche to say that PABH are better live, that the incendiarism of their live shows cannot be captured on a CD, this album has to be viewed through different eyes and on its own merits. And it's a cracker. 'I Punched A Lion In The Throat', 'High Five Swan Dive Nose Dive' and 'Back To The **** Yeah' are as2010's best hard rock album, and that genre's most exciting newcomers in years. It's a cliche to say that PABH are better live, that the incendiarism of their live shows cannot be captured on a CD, this album has to be viewed through different eyes and on its own merits. And it's a cracker. 'I Punched A Lion In The Throat', 'High Five Swan Dive Nose Dive' and 'Back To The **** Yeah' are as complete and visceral post-punk as anything put out by their contemporaries. If you like Queens of the Stone Age or Biffy Clyro then this one is for you. Expand

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