• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Apr 7, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 280 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 30 out of 280
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  1. Apr 14, 2017
    I feel like this album is missing a lot of what FJM's previous records had. This time around the lyrics don't seem as compelling and punchy and the instrumentation is bland. There is no exuberant flavor to this album, nor was there a single moment of catharsis for me. Sure, there is lyrical depth, but there's so many words being said and not enough notes being played. Did he forget toI feel like this album is missing a lot of what FJM's previous records had. This time around the lyrics don't seem as compelling and punchy and the instrumentation is bland. There is no exuberant flavor to this album, nor was there a single moment of catharsis for me. Sure, there is lyrical depth, but there's so many words being said and not enough notes being played. Did he forget to write music? This doesn't feel like a good Father John Misty record, it feels like a bad Elton John one. Expand
  2. Apr 13, 2017
    This is literally Twitter Rants: The Album. FJM is just a whiny anti-Christian edgelord. Please do not waste your time on this album. There's really not much going on.
  3. Apr 11, 2017
    This album filled with Tillman complaining about religious people, entertainment industry, politics, and religious people again (he even mocks the Biblical prophet Elijah... like how annoying is FJM seriously. Dude hates Christians). I want to like this album and I want to like him so badly. But I guess this guy is just a jerk and wants to make music about his pretentious opinions. Its notThis album filled with Tillman complaining about religious people, entertainment industry, politics, and religious people again (he even mocks the Biblical prophet Elijah... like how annoying is FJM seriously. Dude hates Christians). I want to like this album and I want to like him so badly. But I guess this guy is just a jerk and wants to make music about his pretentious opinions. Its not even interesting Leaving LA is just slow piano and complaining. Please spare yourself on this poor excuse for an album. (100% chance FJM fanboys will "not find this review helpful") Expand
  4. Apr 10, 2017
    I cannot fathom the universal acclaim for this album. I couldn't get past the 1st verse of most of his songs. Far too many "$5 words" (when a quarter would do), and no ability (or probably intent) to connect with the listener. Does he realize calling everyone a "hack" makes him look weak-minded and petty? He wants to rage against the machine - fine. He wants to rant on a Brooklyn stage -I cannot fathom the universal acclaim for this album. I couldn't get past the 1st verse of most of his songs. Far too many "$5 words" (when a quarter would do), and no ability (or probably intent) to connect with the listener. Does he realize calling everyone a "hack" makes him look weak-minded and petty? He wants to rage against the machine - fine. He wants to rant on a Brooklyn stage - ok by me. However - an album is a poor venue for this kind of invective. He is so tone deaf, so verbose about what he's trying to get across - he has become merely a self aware version of Morrissey. Loved "honeybear", hard pass on "comedy". Expand
  5. Apr 10, 2017
    I was looking forward to this as "Ballad of the Dying Man" was actually a really good song but as the new singles kept rolling out, my expectations vaporized. Each song sounded just like the one before it and the lyrical content is absolutely vomit and cringe worthy. I loved Fear Fun and Honeybear. I get it, he's always been full of himself and he always will be, but at least those albumsI was looking forward to this as "Ballad of the Dying Man" was actually a really good song but as the new singles kept rolling out, my expectations vaporized. Each song sounded just like the one before it and the lyrical content is absolutely vomit and cringe worthy. I loved Fear Fun and Honeybear. I get it, he's always been full of himself and he always will be, but at least those albums were entertaining. This album is like a flatline from beginning to end. There is no pulse, there is no diversity, there is no personality. Can't even fathom the high critic score. This album will age very poorly, and not just because I don't like it, but because it's just commentary on 2016 basically. I just don't see how anyone can enjoy this. Listen to something else instead unless you want to hear moaning bad lyrics over poorly done minimalism. I cannot explain how bad this album is. Such a snooze fest and don't even get me started on "Leaving LA." Quite possibly the worst song I've ever heard. I just have nothing good to say about this album so I'll leave it here. Expand
  6. Apr 8, 2017
    His previous albums were among my favorites. This time around, he spent so much time writing the lyrics he forgot to write any songs. I'd rather just read these lyric sheets while listening to I Love You, Honeybear. While I liked Bored in the USA in the context of his past album, this new record is like listening to that song on repeat for 75 minutes.
  7. Apr 8, 2017
    Philosophical thinking MASTERPIECE.
    This remembered me Pink Floyd mellow sounds found in the album The Final Cut.

    Possibly one the best albums of the year!

    Can't wait for more of this in the near future.


Universal acclaim - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Apr 28, 2017
    One of the most frustrating releases of recent times. Tracks meander insipidly, crushed by the weight of a solipsistic “message” and the real moments of quality only serve as a reminder of what might have been.
  2. Apr 18, 2017
    To be sure, his willingness to descend into darkness, both regarding the world and within himself, is a large part of the man's appeal, but here he seems to have misunderstood, or simply ignored, what makes him truly great.
  3. Magnet
    Apr 14, 2017
    Tillman wisely scales back the orchestration and flourishes to their bare minimum in order to put his voice and lyrics at the forefront. [No. 141, p.54]