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Generally favorable reviews- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 54
  2. Negative: 2 out of 54

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  1. Apr 6, 2012
    One of my most played albums on my iPod and I never get tired of it. Galvanize is probably one of my favourite songs and it's definitely the best track on the album. I also love the ambient style of most of the tracks. Good album, definitely buy it if you're into electronica.
  2. Apr 2, 2012
    Best money ever invested in my life, ive listened to it thousands of times and still enjoy it, still find new sounds. All the album is great. Listening to Marvo Ging and then Surface to Air is happiness.
  3. Tosh
    Mar 17, 2007
    Some fantastic moments on this album: Surface to Air is just stunning, a beautiful heart-pumping sleek beast of a tune. You can live inside that track for eight straight hours. Galvanise and The Boxer are drop-dead Koool. Successful overall, by a long way.
  4. JanJ
    Sep 4, 2005
    Nothing short of a near miss of a successfull album.
  5. JackBlueberry
    Mar 24, 2005
    Brothers have produced a decent album, to put the review in few wordz. I belong to those who expected something big from this one, however end up in a little dis. Where's the experimental atmosphere these guys used create in the past albums? Still it's a pretty good plate and there are few tracks that will nicely do the leg swinger in clubs.
  6. LennyB
    Mar 21, 2005
    Like all of the Chemical Brothers albums, only the first 4 or 5 songs are worth listening to. However I give this album a high rating based on thier former albums. Thier unique style of music stills gets you moving.
  7. Decepticon_Pom
    Mar 2, 2005
    Their best yet - and Surface To Air is a blinder of a closer.
  8. ChunkAhoyMr.Christie
    Mar 1, 2005
    not as good as the other CDs from the Chemical Brothers but still a verry good disc. they have changed a bit i think and i got a little disapointed
  9. [Anonymous]
    Feb 25, 2005
    After long time, electronic music I can listen, and relax with it... Great
  10. MatiasZ
    Feb 19, 2005
    Este disco esta increible! me parece uno de los mejores de chemical! despues de surrender!! muy groso!
  11. MarcL
    Feb 10, 2005
    I haven't been a great fan of Chemical Brothers earlier works, but this album truly won me over. They have travelled far since their "Block Rockin Beats". They have arrived in a sound that is truly emotional and intelligent. The album is Electronic music, but they have made a stand point and they are striving more towards experimental arrangements and I like it! They do keep the old I haven't been a great fan of Chemical Brothers earlier works, but this album truly won me over. They have travelled far since their "Block Rockin Beats". They have arrived in a sound that is truly emotional and intelligent. The album is Electronic music, but they have made a stand point and they are striving more towards experimental arrangements and I like it! They do keep the old Big Beat vibe, but I believe they are incorporating more 80's kind of sounds. What is amazing about the Chems are that they appeal to such a broad audience, an Indie kid and a hardcore Trance DJ could enjoy this album. My favorite tracks are Believe and Hold On Tight London. Awesome song writing and instrumentation! I truly hope they will come to the US for some live shows! Expand
  12. TedH
    Feb 7, 2005
    Surprisingly accessible, Push The Button pushes the Chem. Bro.s out of the senseless funk they've been in for the last few years back into the fluidity of their early albums. It's the same, but very different--the brothers have more soul and less beat, a balance which somehow meshes better with all that psychedelica. Unfortunately "Galvanize" is just too slow and dull for this Surprisingly accessible, Push The Button pushes the Chem. Bro.s out of the senseless funk they've been in for the last few years back into the fluidity of their early albums. It's the same, but very different--the brothers have more soul and less beat, a balance which somehow meshes better with all that psychedelica. Unfortunately "Galvanize" is just too slow and dull for this album to warrant a 10. It fits--but there's room for improvement. That's the only weak point I can see on the album--suffice it to say that I "Believe" in these brothers again. Expand
  13. EvanD
    Feb 1, 2005
    I recently became a huge fan of the Chems...They don't just do big beat...If you listen to each album, they have very organic flows, and profound statements as a whole...This album is exceptional. I consider it to be a must-have, and recommend it to everybody
  14. Joris
    Feb 1, 2005
    Indeed, can't tip Exit Planet Dust, while the album is as a coherent whole better than Come with us, no single song can't tip the energy of the titletrack Come With Us, the beauty of Star Guitar or the trip of The Test... I prefer Come with Us therefor for its uotstanding songs. Push The Button is rather a mediocre album with no outstanding tracks (only Close Your Eyes and Hold Indeed, can't tip Exit Planet Dust, while the album is as a coherent whole better than Come with us, no single song can't tip the energy of the titletrack Come With Us, the beauty of Star Guitar or the trip of The Test... I prefer Come with Us therefor for its uotstanding songs. Push The Button is rather a mediocre album with no outstanding tracks (only Close Your Eyes and Hold Thight Londen are really good) and their worst album filler to date. I can't stand listening to the boring monotonous Marvo Ging, gives me a headache.... So good album, but you 'd better buy Come with us or exit planet dust Expand
  15. KarenB
    Jan 31, 2005
    Excellent album
  16. howiel
    Jan 30, 2005
    can I give it a 7.5? I pretty much agree with what has been said so far. It's not a bad album (of course I didn't think that come with us was a bad album either), It just doesn't have the kind of soul that the first two albums, and to a lesser degree, Surrender did. The euphoric psychodelia quality that those albums had, (where you listened to the music and actually felt can I give it a 7.5? I pretty much agree with what has been said so far. It's not a bad album (of course I didn't think that come with us was a bad album either), It just doesn't have the kind of soul that the first two albums, and to a lesser degree, Surrender did. The euphoric psychodelia quality that those albums had, (where you listened to the music and actually felt something) is definitely there on Marvo Ging (ala Chico's Groove), and Surface to Air(Certainly not on par w/ The PPR, but really darned good nontheless). Hold Tight London and Close Your Eyes are also beautiful tracks in their own right. The real downfall (omho) is the lack of feel to the beat oriented tracks. Galvanize, though well conceived, never really gets off the ground and ends up sounding like a poor attempt to get a track into the Hip-hop oriented clubs that seem to be dominating the US. The BOxxer is probably the only thing thats really New, a nice vocal collaboration that has the feel of an electric indie/pop groove (like another pairing with the flaming lips but w/o the flaming lips if that makes any sense at all). The rest of it (excepting Left Right which is in the category of "WTF& btw it stinks"), doesn't really do much for me (Reminds me of the feeling, or lack thereof, i got from "It doesn't matter" or "under the influence"). Bottom line, It's still the chemical brothers, and what it lacks in inspiration, it makes up for in technical superiority. Expand
  17. SimonA
    Jan 30, 2005
    The symphonic construction of this masterpeice is ehanced by a library of instrumentation that, whilst inimitably that of the Bro's, is paradoxically streets ahead of its time. This album is critically relevant and marks an important point in the mid-section of an otherwise historically vile and musically nihilistic decade. Don't believe me? Just download "believe" and listen to The symphonic construction of this masterpeice is ehanced by a library of instrumentation that, whilst inimitably that of the Bro's, is paradoxically streets ahead of its time. This album is critically relevant and marks an important point in the mid-section of an otherwise historically vile and musically nihilistic decade. Don't believe me? Just download "believe" and listen to it through headphones. A true labour of love. Expand
  18. Joseph
    Jan 28, 2005
    This is great stuff. I usually don't care for this kind of music (repetitive, beeps and whines) but the chemical brothers never seem to disappoint. It oddly has some soul.
  19. P*Flame
    Jan 26, 2005
    Well, I must admit, despite being a die-hard fan of the Chems music, this aldum is far removed from their glory days as the purveyors of the so-called "Big Beat" movement, but its not terrible either. What it really boils down to is a bunch of tracks that seem mediocore and hackneyed, bookended by a furious lead single, and an ecstatic life-affirming closer. By the way, Tom is bald now.
  20. aland
    Jan 25, 2005
    servicable. solid. a touch dated, but always enjoyable. better than the scarily un-ballsy mess that was 'come with us.'
  21. JJBartelds
    Jan 25, 2005
    Very good indeed, the original inventers of so-called Big Beats are back!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. The problem with ‘Push The Button’ is that it’s all so predictable.
  2. It shows the Chemical Brothers, unlike their peers, are capable of adapting and surviving.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    The Chems' mix of big-beat thumps and psychedelic swirls sounds a bit dated. [28 Jan 2005, p.84]