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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1891 Ratings

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  1. Aug 12, 2018
    Worst album of the year, a far cry from what it’s Queen title should represent.
  2. Aug 12, 2018
    There’s a very generic quality to this album. Constantly referencing herself as a trophy.
  3. Aug 12, 2018
    Yoh Philips review best summarizes my feelings regarding this album, “I forsee a hip-hop landscape where Nicki is talked about in the past tense. A queen of yesterday, and not the queen of tomorrow.”
  4. Aug 12, 2018
    Definitely not her best Album. I am kind of pissed It was over hyped and pure garbage. Only 1 good song and its only good cuz she name dropped rappers. Save your coins cuz its not worth it. Also an album called Queen should have no features.
  5. Aug 12, 2018
    The hype for this album is beyond my understanding, this album is an incohesive, lyrical, autotune mess. One of the worst hip hop albums in years.
  6. Aug 12, 2018
    This is truly an underwhelming, over hyped album. 19 tracks with 1 or two ok songs, that will likely not have radio impact due to the unreliable aspect, is not Queen worthy.
  7. Aug 12, 2018
    I would not be completely honest if I said I heard the whole album through, I fell asleep halfway through it. Nicki should really consider rebranding herself, this album is a musical sleep aid. I truly believe it has potential as an insomnia cure.
  8. Aug 12, 2018
    Minaj proves to be very thirsty for attention, desperately name dropping everyone in the industry for the hell of making an impact. Her whole album is trash, not even the over hyped “Barbie Dreams” is worth a listen. Just stream Dreams by Lil Kim instead, it’s obvious that’s who inspired the Minaj.
  9. Aug 12, 2018
    This album yells desperation a mess
    Consists of a whole empty brags
    And another proof of her being the messy and cheap lil' kim knockoff
  10. Aug 12, 2018
    Queen contributes some of the most uninteresting performances of Nicki’s career. When the highs come, they never last long enough to create a streak of excellence. By being painfully forgettable, Nicki Minaj has wasted the perfect opportunity to soar.
  11. Aug 12, 2018
    Nicki’s Queen is a long-winded disaster. She takes a never-ending route to prove she's hip-hop royalty but in the process of doing so highlights more flaws than flourishes. Most of the album consists of yawn-inspiring boasts that couldn’t stir a sleeping kitten from its slumber.
  12. Aug 11, 2018
    With this new album nicki take us to the old rap beats, she shows us how she can do every tipe of flow just eith a song, this album is gonna be always in our memories, thank’s for the art
  13. Aug 11, 2018
    This album is all the way ass...she need new subject matter how she rapping about the same things its pretty much a remix album...she gone be 50 rapping about the same thing with the same flow
  14. Aug 11, 2018
    Waited too long for something like this to come out. Too many people just brown nosing and trying to say it’s “artistic”. No, it’s not. I’m good luv, enjoy
  15. Aug 11, 2018
    Nicki entire album is trash. She has one song, and that's Dream so should we say thank you Kim? She is only relevant because of her delusional fan base hyping her up. The celebrities are bias and hypes her up. She is not the queen because she's not original. She's trying so hard to prove her title but she doesn't have one to prove. It will eventually fall off the charts because herNicki entire album is trash. She has one song, and that's Dream so should we say thank you Kim? She is only relevant because of her delusional fan base hyping her up. The celebrities are bias and hypes her up. She is not the queen because she's not original. She's trying so hard to prove her title but she doesn't have one to prove. It will eventually fall off the charts because her fans do all they can but behind close doors I don't think they listen to her because her songs don't stay relevant long enough. Expand
  16. Aug 11, 2018
    There is no cohesiveness, no memorable moments. It’s Nicki’s most lackluster effort, topping Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded.
  17. Aug 11, 2018
    Sorry if i buy a dozen eggs, i dont expect almost all of them to be cracked. Almost all of these songs are cracked. I tried to listen to more but i couldnt. This is the worst! Especially after all of the pushbacks. Highly anticipated and also highly disappointed. Yall tell the truth. You can love her and disapprove of this album. *sigh*
  18. Aug 11, 2018
    Straight TRASH! its so sad how she's the only female rapper that has to start beefs and depend on publicity stunts just to sell..she's coming at cardi whose half her age all because ppl genuinely like her,its not hard to see that nicki minaj is desperate at this point.this album is all over the place and theres no growth in her music.she's so thirsty and desperate to compete with the youngStraight TRASH! its so sad how she's the only female rapper that has to start beefs and depend on publicity stunts just to sell..she's coming at cardi whose half her age all because ppl genuinely like her,its not hard to see that nicki minaj is desperate at this point.this album is all over the place and theres no growth in her music.she's so thirsty and desperate to compete with the young crowd that she even have a song on this album glorifying pill popping because she's trying to target a younger audience...this album should've been titled "peasant" Expand
  19. Aug 11, 2018
    The worst album of the year. Barbz waiting two years for this garbage... Nicki Minaj doesn't respect her fans. This album has only 3 good songs - Coco Chanel, Chun-Li and Barbie Dreams, that's all. All another songs just like a piece of s***.
  20. Aug 11, 2018
    Queen? Where? This was a horrible album like all of her albums. All of Nicki Minaj’s music is mediocre to say the least. What happened to real rap?
  21. Aug 11, 2018
    this is not Pink Friday, no Roman Reloaded is much, much worse. I mean it is catastrophically bad. I counted 5 tracks on this album I liked, the rest was either filler or garbage. And I had the same total for Pink Friday too, the only
  22. Aug 11, 2018
    She talks about the same topic (sex) on almost every song. I expected some growth from Nicki so I was really disappointed.
  23. Aug 11, 2018
    y, no Roman Reloaded is much, much worse. I mean it is catastrophically bad. I counted 5 tracks on this album I like
  24. Aug 11, 2018
    how can you listen to this sh*t, WAKE UP!! And last thing, don't call this rap, because it's pop-rap/electropop. Worst songs are "Super Bass", "Your Love", "Fly", "I'm the Best" and "Dear Old Nicki"
  25. Aug 11, 2018
    humanity, please do this for me, don't buy this irritating garbage please! it will make huma.. no the world better if you stop listening to this garbage
  26. Aug 10, 2018
    Just plain boring. Not worth the hype at all. Nicki doesn’t grow as an artist. This is just too mainstream.
  27. Aug 10, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Depois de tanta espera Nicki Minaj nos entrega um album sólido, com hiphop de verdade , o Queen acaba por ser o melhor trabalho da rapper, bicha a senhora é destruidora mesmo viu viado ! Expand
  28. Aug 10, 2018
    Esse é o melhor álbum que eu já ouvi em toda minha vida, Nicki não nos decepciona nunca eu amo el
  29. Aug 10, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I don't know how she calls herself Queen, this album is so boring, totally hated it. Expand
  30. Aug 10, 2018
    This album was her best ever period. Its better than cardis **** album too and Lil Kim's pitiful attempt for a comeback. If you wanna argue you that you can @ me on instagram @nickiminajoverload **** Nicki spent four years on making sure this album was her best one and have all the factors a good album needs and you salty, petty, nicki minaj haters wanna come on here and biasely rate herThis album was her best ever period. Its better than cardis **** album too and Lil Kim's pitiful attempt for a comeback. If you wanna argue you that you can @ me on instagram @nickiminajoverload **** Nicki spent four years on making sure this album was her best one and have all the factors a good album needs and you salty, petty, nicki minaj haters wanna come on here and biasely rate her album? Foh. Its wild how you cardi fans and lil kim fans like to call us messy and malicious but youll go on here and do this **** **** . Theres more of us barbz than both of youe fanbases combined. The rating will stay in the green. Expand
  31. Aug 10, 2018
    Following the previous 3 albums, "Queen" has not shown any growth in music. You'd expect a new era to start out with something different but there's clearly no advance considering the long hiatus between the previous album release.
  32. Aug 10, 2018
    Horrora, está horrible, pienso que no es sano ni nada bueno oírlo, es una witness total igual de asqueroso como sus singles, es un álbum super flop en cambio su patrona cardi tiene muy buena crítica y 2 #1 en bb hot 100, por que ese álbum si es buena
  33. Aug 10, 2018
    I am a longtime hater of the music industry. Niki, do us a favor, and stop rapping, its not your thing! And on that one song, get rid of the ugly ass autotune.
  34. Aug 10, 2018
    Basica, Monótonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aburidad ym asj nsdfh has jff, .
    sddfjh n +-
  35. Aug 10, 2018
    The entire album sound flat af. The only good song is Barbie Dreams and it's a copy from Dreams by Lil Kim lol
  36. Aug 10, 2018
    Yuck. Aside from Super Bass and Moment 4 Life, this is an album of...... disgustingness to be clean (partly because I'm unsure on metacritic's policy for cursing) We have a song about sh**ing on people, a song about how shes such a bad b*tch and well, thats about it. gross
  37. Aug 10, 2018
    Ridiculous, a EDM/pop album, full of stupid songs and auto-tune, these rumors (it's not music) are f*cking horribles, how can you listen to this sh*t, WAKE UP!! And last thing, don't call this rap, because it's pop-rap/electropop. Worst songs are "Super Bass", "Your Love", "Fly", "I'm the Best" and "Dear Old Nicki", the other songs aren't good. Maybe one of the worst albums ever made in music
  38. Aug 10, 2018
    What a piece of crap. Nicki Minaj is a horrible singer. I think she and JB have met once. Absolute trash. NM is also one of the bad singers that I beat up in Super Smash Bros for Wii U. Avoid this album at all costs. Buy Mario Party 9 or 10 instead of this dog poop.
  39. Aug 10, 2018
    this album is really generic, Nicki was forgotten, it has nothing new to offer to the public
  40. Aug 10, 2018
    humanity, please do this for me, don't buy this irritating garbage please! it will make huma.. no the world better if you stop listening to this garbage
  41. Aug 10, 2018
    Esta de la witness este álbum, muchas colaboraciones nada nuevo, lo mismo de siempre, sera un fracaso, su peor álbum diria yo.
  42. Aug 10, 2018
    Following the success of Pink Friday... Roman Reloaded, Minaj's Pinkprint just does not seem to justify the latter's success. There are a handful of good songs such as Get on Your Knees- however remains Minaj's weakest album to date.
  43. Aug 10, 2018
    Bad, utterly trashy, and highly offensive. Nicki is a talentless witch who makes shoddy stereotypical rap songs such as partying, sex, drugs, etc. Also a terrible candidate for Sugilite from Steven Universe. Please stick to good rap artists such as Azealia Banks, Angel Haze, Dreezy, and Tkay Maidza.
  44. Aug 10, 2018
    I'm honest, Nicki can do better, or is better if i say, she can't do worse than this, this album is a collection of what's the problem of today's music, autotune, horrible rapping, crappy electronic beats and lyrics about drink and f*ck, this album should only be forgotten
  45. Aug 10, 2018
    This is album is a pop album, not a hip hop album. If it is considered hip hop, then this album is garbage. I don't know what route she wanted to take but it's a total fail. This album is an easy skip or ignore for the year.
  46. Aug 10, 2018
    After a failed attempt at trying to resemble the look and sound of Lady Gaga with "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded", Nicki Minaj decides to go back to her more urban roots. Sadly she results in a tiring, flat-sounding, boring hip-hop record. The first five tracks are dull, and bring nothing to the table. Then we get more up-tempo songs like "Anaconda" or "Truffle Butter" that come off asAfter a failed attempt at trying to resemble the look and sound of Lady Gaga with "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded", Nicki Minaj decides to go back to her more urban roots. Sadly she results in a tiring, flat-sounding, boring hip-hop record. The first five tracks are dull, and bring nothing to the table. Then we get more up-tempo songs like "Anaconda" or "Truffle Butter" that come off as extremely sordid. Anything other than those two extremes are fillers and sound awfully like rejects from other big name rap artists. There is absolutely nothing good about this album. Nicki Minaj seems to think that she's "the baddest" but she's not. There are many female rappers, like Iggy Azalea, that have more talent in their fingers than Nicki Minaj has in overall. Expand
  47. Aug 10, 2018
    Nicki Minaj at his worst, worst album
    nothing commercial, all surface to appear to be a rapper she is not
    nothing commercial, talking vulgar or futile things to sell as it did when I was crazy outfits and wigs roses
    trying to be Katy Perry or Lady Gaga
    nicki, on your next album will make you an alter ego or will turn white as iggy? so you can get a number one on the billboard
  48. Aug 10, 2018
    The album is good, because it returns to its roots of hip hop. But the songs lack some spark, are too boring and repetitive. I think a good album but not the best. Expected to do an album like Azealia Banks, Broke With Expensive Taste, which is perfect and innovative, something is missing in The Pinkprint.
    The best songs: Pills N Potions, Anaconda and Feeling Myself.
  49. Aug 10, 2018
    good musics, but it is not the best album her, for me is the WORST, 'The Night Is Still Young' is the best music, pop/hip-hop, but she keeps looking like a prostitute. I like her, but, Nicki needs change
  50. Aug 10, 2018
    This album is no cohesive at all... it is far too long and it seems like she is searching hard for hits
  51. Aug 10, 2018
    Boring. Heard this a million times! A couple good songs and one wasn't even her own flow. Seriously, she is okayish lyrically but her beats were trash.
  52. Aug 10, 2018
    The same method used in Pink Friday: Roman Reload. In one half of the album, she is a **** in another she's the Pop/Rap's Princess. It's obvious that I like the track "All Things Go" opening the work and the other songs like "Pills and Potions" and "Bed of Lies". "Get on your Knees" and "Feeling Myself" let me down. And I hated the masturbation wheel in "Truffle Butter".
  53. Aug 10, 2018
    Disappointed. This album is gross and sexist. Very vulgar. The song anaconda is the worst. Objectifying men, really???? and yet you want to win awards for this? i dont know anymore.
  54. Aug 10, 2018
    I do not see how anyone with respect for music, or anyone with respect for themselves for that matter, can like such an awful monstrosity such as Nicki Minaj. Literally all she raps/sings/whatever the vocals are called..well, lets just call it "rapping", but the only thing she "raps" about is sex and drugs. "Anaconda" is the worst song on the album (although it has become the creator of aI do not see how anyone with respect for music, or anyone with respect for themselves for that matter, can like such an awful monstrosity such as Nicki Minaj. Literally all she raps/sings/whatever the vocals are called..well, lets just call it "rapping", but the only thing she "raps" about is sex and drugs. "Anaconda" is the worst song on the album (although it has become the creator of a few jokes that are quite funny) Expand
  55. Aug 10, 2018
    Unoriginal, mainstream, not worthy for real hip-hop fans. This album has destroyed her career as female rapper, and that's probably her last one. Period.
  56. Aug 10, 2018
    Bubblegum, pop, dumb, non-sense, TERRIBLE lyrics, annoying voice, too much autotune, very very pop. I don't know why this is even classified as a hip-hop album. Between tracks 10-22 there's only bubblegum pop-dance club hits. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY.
  57. Aug 10, 2018
    Absolute rubish, the dance tracks are so generic they are interchangeable among each other, and despite the rap tracks being slightly better, she falls hard with her gimmiks. Pass.
  58. Aug 10, 2018
    Isn't her best work far away. A lot of features to get noticed, but the quality don't delivered. Using a lot of pop culture reference to conquer the public but don't match the track at all. BED there's nothing with the album. Sorry Nicki, but your album tittle don't give you the "queen of rap" title. Neither your album.
  59. Aug 10, 2018
    Nicki Minaj has to be the worst thing to ever happen to music. I listened to the album to see what all the hype was about, whilst listening to it i felt IQ pack up leave my head, it was so bad i felt myself become stupid listening to it.
  60. Aug 10, 2018
    3 words to describe the album: uninspired, messy, mainstream. All the tracks sound the same filled with boring hip hop, annoying poppin' and generic mid-tempo tracks. This album doesn't sound like her good first effort at all. This is only because she (or rather her team) chose the biggest hit-makers producers RedOne and Dr. Luke to produce half of the album. Thanks to them, this record3 words to describe the album: uninspired, messy, mainstream. All the tracks sound the same filled with boring hip hop, annoying poppin' and generic mid-tempo tracks. This album doesn't sound like her good first effort at all. This is only because she (or rather her team) chose the biggest hit-makers producers RedOne and Dr. Luke to produce half of the album. Thanks to them, this record will be a commercial success for sure but it is a whole mess. Expand
  61. Aug 10, 2018
    Nicki Minaj lost her vision. She completely went off the rails. While her debut was a mediocre album in all, it successfully blended pop with hip-hop in a very fresh way. She presented some large characters within Pink Friday and understood their personalities and their place within a mainstream album. On Roman Reloaded her characters have taken over. She tried to make a somewhat doubleNicki Minaj lost her vision. She completely went off the rails. While her debut was a mediocre album in all, it successfully blended pop with hip-hop in a very fresh way. She presented some large characters within Pink Friday and understood their personalities and their place within a mainstream album. On Roman Reloaded her characters have taken over. She tried to make a somewhat double album with two different feels but instead of pulling it off like Beyonce did she completely crashed and burn. She tried too grand of a scheme. She pulls off a few songs on the album though, I Am Your Leader was a standout as well as the pop songs Whip It and Pound The Alarm. Nicki shouldve distanced herself from "Pink Friday" as well as cut about 8 songs from the album. She should have refined herself and came back hard and strong. Instead she came back as messy, which shows on her atrocious album cover Expand
  62. Aug 10, 2018
    The first time i heard it i was like what the am i listening to' Once again leaving her roots of rap and hip hop she turned to pop music. Really BAD pop music. with poor lyricism and so much focus on beef, she once again focused on Lil' Kim and made this album solely on Kim... Re-evaluate your sound, and stop appeasing other outlets ans you will lose in the end.
  63. Aug 10, 2018
    This album is not very well put together. It sounds as if Nicki Minaj does not even know what she wants it to sound like. She pretends to have total control over both rap and pop; however, she was not confident enough to release this album with any less than nineteen tracks. Many of these tracks sound incomplete as well. "Beez In The Trap" endlessly repeats the same lyric. "Pound TheThis album is not very well put together. It sounds as if Nicki Minaj does not even know what she wants it to sound like. She pretends to have total control over both rap and pop; however, she was not confident enough to release this album with any less than nineteen tracks. Many of these tracks sound incomplete as well. "Beez In The Trap" endlessly repeats the same lyric. "Pound The Alarm" has an instrumental for a chorus. "Whip It" is supposed to sound like a pop song, but it does not even have a bridge. Nicki Minaj needs to spend more time making quality tracks and not just putting many tracks together. Expand
  64. Aug 10, 2018
    I'm not a huge fan of this genre of music anyway, but Nicki seems to have taken hip-hop/pop to a whole new level.Gone are the days of the greats; Run DMC and Beastie boys. Rappers like Eminem and Professor Green seem to be the only hope, the hip-hop genre has left. Nicki Minaj seems to be the new banner man, well banner woman of the decay of the genre and the music industry as a whole.I'm not a huge fan of this genre of music anyway, but Nicki seems to have taken hip-hop/pop to a whole new level.Gone are the days of the greats; Run DMC and Beastie boys. Rappers like Eminem and Professor Green seem to be the only hope, the hip-hop genre has left. Nicki Minaj seems to be the new banner man, well banner woman of the decay of the genre and the music industry as a whole. Pretty talentless, with horrible songs and worst of all is completely full of herself. She first came to my attention with her terriblerip off of the Big Pink's - dominoes, on her previous album. Though while that was just bearable, this 2nd one is not. I mean Beez in the trap? Holy Christ alive - that should not be called music!!! Expand
  65. Aug 10, 2018
    She uses ungodly annoying flows that would make the punchline rap look subtle. What's worst is that Nicki (oh, I'm sorry, I mean Roman) is starting to turn into a pop diva and those 8 or 9 songs are obnoxious. Her singing is obnoxious, her raps are obnoxious, the production is obnoxious, it makes Lady Gaga sound like Sarah McLachlan. Let me put it to you this way, if you liked Roman'sShe uses ungodly annoying flows that would make the punchline rap look subtle. What's worst is that Nicki (oh, I'm sorry, I mean Roman) is starting to turn into a pop diva and those 8 or 9 songs are obnoxious. Her singing is obnoxious, her raps are obnoxious, the production is obnoxious, it makes Lady Gaga sound like Sarah McLachlan. Let me put it to you this way, if you liked Roman's Revenge (like me), you'll like 5 of these songs, if you liked Did It On Em, you'll like half of these songs, if you like Super Bass, you'll like the other half plus the deluxe edition bonus tracks. I'll give her credit that she's trying to be diverse and trying to reach out for different sounds. It's just, to me, she failed at doing most of these sounds particularly well. Don't look for the Nicki who said she's "returning to her roots on this album" here folks, that Nicki is nowhere to be found. Expand
  66. Aug 10, 2018
    I was a huge fan of Nicki Minaj, but now it seems she's just concerned with making as much money possible without exerting much effort. There's probably two good songs on here and neither of them are great. Roman Holiday is one of the biggest messes I've ever heard. Good for her for doing whatever the hell it is that she wants, but it's almost insulting that she put this out and expects usI was a huge fan of Nicki Minaj, but now it seems she's just concerned with making as much money possible without exerting much effort. There's probably two good songs on here and neither of them are great. Roman Holiday is one of the biggest messes I've ever heard. Good for her for doing whatever the hell it is that she wants, but it's almost insulting that she put this out and expects us to pay for it. Thank you to Rdio for letting me stream before deciding whether or not to buy it. The pop tracks are nothing new. In fact, they are kind of corny. "Starships were meant to fly"....can we take a moment to decipher what this is supposed to mean? "Marilyn Monroe" is another hilarious song. Expand
  67. Aug 10, 2018
    Queen after waiting 4 years. There are 5 really good song ame topic (sex) on almost every song. I expected some growth from Nicki so I was really disappointed.
  68. Aug 10, 2018
    I hated it, this album is so boring and almost all of the songs has the same melody. I'm really disappointed after waiting 4 years for a new release. She talks about sex on almost every song. I really was expecting some growth from Nicki. She's always putting herself as ''queen of rap'', but this album shows otherwise.
  69. Aug 10, 2018
    Unacceptable after waiting 4 years. There are 5 really good songs like Ganja burns, Barbie Dreams and Good Form, but the rest is really unbearable. She talks about the same topic (sex) on almost every song. I expected some growth from Nicki so I was really disappointed.
  70. Aug 10, 2018
    *sighs* This is honestly the most messiest rollout possible for any era & album. I don’t even no where to start! With the album being postponed and delayed over the last 4 years you would expect the quality of the songs to stand out from her antics? YEA NO. She’s spent more time declaring herself the queen of rap then actually taking her time, and putting quality into her craft. Her Hate*sighs* This is honestly the most messiest rollout possible for any era & album. I don’t even no where to start! With the album being postponed and delayed over the last 4 years you would expect the quality of the songs to stand out from her antics? YEA NO. She’s spent more time declaring herself the queen of rap then actually taking her time, and putting quality into her craft. Her Hate train hasn’t steamed from people being sick and tired of the little effort she’s presenting and giving out to the gp! Her team and fans are filled with a bunch of yes men who just agree and nod their head to everything she’s does and she wonders why everything she releases is a peace of SH*t! I mean cmon! she just finished the album 12 hours ago.. if that isn’t rushed then i don’t know what is! The constant delays and pushbacks and this is all you have to offer? Anyways, t let’s move on to the album. The songs were lackluster as hell. there were a majority of 5 songs that didn’t sound the same or were at least enjoyable to listen too. Barbie Dreams, LLC, & Nip Tuck are the only songs i can see myself listening too a week after this. She could’ve did better than this! SHES NO QUEEN OF RAP. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    On Queen, Nicki spends a lot of time ordering beheadings--which are fun, but get old quick--rather than showing us why she is and should be queen. Here's to hoping the next album gives us a more earnest, more raw glimpse of the head that wears the crown.
  2. Aug 20, 2018
    When Minaj leans into her untouchable strengths as a rapper, things get really exciting and an album of tracks as strong as "LLC" or "Barbie Dreams" would be one for the books. As it stands, however, Queen is another chapter of Minaj's good but largely meandering and inconsistent full-length album output.
  3. Aug 20, 2018
    Queen's title implies it's meant to function as a coronation for one of the biggest rappers ever, but it's more the sound of Minaj fighting to keep that crown on her head.