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Universal acclaim- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 83 out of 89
  2. Negative: 1 out of 89
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  1. Dec 8, 2014
    QOTSA deliver a debut record that sets out the bands stall for the rest of their career. The music is primal yet at the same time complex. The rhythm section pounds along with often sludgey power chord sequences in brutal fashion but this is more than your average hard rock/metal. You get a sense that QOTSA are a band with serious self belief. There is no doubting the talent of the bandQOTSA deliver a debut record that sets out the bands stall for the rest of their career. The music is primal yet at the same time complex. The rhythm section pounds along with often sludgey power chord sequences in brutal fashion but this is more than your average hard rock/metal. You get a sense that QOTSA are a band with serious self belief. There is no doubting the talent of the band but I do think what we have here is a bit on the raw side and the likes of "Rated R" and "Songs For the Deaf" trump the debut. "Queens of the Stone Age" is a good introduction to the band and an essential listen for fans. Casual listeners should check out some of their later stuff first but be sure to check out the likes of "Regular John", "Walking On the Sidewalks" and "Give The Mule What He Wants". Expand
  2. Nov 27, 2014
    Simply put, this album is gritty as **** and I love it. The dirty fuzz in the instrumentation give it a nice, uncut and rough edge that really caps off the overall vibe of the album. It's untamed, it's loud, and it's superb. Excellent riffing and heavy everything, not to mention the almost southern drawl delivery from Hommes that makes Queens of the Stone Age who they are.
  3. Feb 6, 2014
    While Songs for the Deaf just about edges it, this is my second favourite album of all time. Includes a lot of my favourite QOTSA songs and is just an all round brilliant album. Has a great tone that's half way between Kyuss and QOTSA's later records and (probably) includes my favourite ending song of any QOTSA album. Just buy it.
  4. Feb 26, 2012
    The reissue of the debut album at last! After around nine years, Queens Of The Stone Age have re-mastered and re-released their 90s stoner rock self-titled album. My personal favourite songs include Mexicola and Regular John, both of which sound a lot less 'muddy' than the original. A couple of songs have been added to the track list including Spiders And Vinegaroons.
    Everything somehow
    The reissue of the debut album at last! After around nine years, Queens Of The Stone Age have re-mastered and re-released their 90s stoner rock self-titled album. My personal favourite songs include Mexicola and Regular John, both of which sound a lot less 'muddy' than the original. A couple of songs have been added to the track list including Spiders And Vinegaroons.
    Everything somehow sounds a lot clearer here, and this new quality of old songs really adds to the energy. To any more recent Queens Of The Stone Age fans: don't be surprised by the less refined style of this album; there's definitely a lack of that spacious atmosphere we've gorwn accustomed to hear from Josh Homme and his band. However the tasty riffs and wall-of-sound guitar tone definitely make up for this! This is closer to Homme and Oliveri's 80s stoner metal band Kyuss than anything the queens have done since Songs For The Deaf (this is probably due to Oliveri's input until 2003 when he was fired from the band for being a wife-beating maniac.... Anyhoo...).
    Absolutely worth buying, unless you have anything against Kyuss. Or Nick Oliveri. Or crude album covers.
  5. j30
    Sep 4, 2011
    One of the most important hard rock bands from the late 90's early 00's re-releasing their brilliant debut LP. A near perfect album.
  6. May 27, 2011
    I fire up Slave I, pop in this album, rollup a dutch, light it and collect bounties in a galaxy far, far away.

    Regular John and Mexicola are my favorite songs on this record, although when I caught Han Solo trying to pull the ol 'float away with the garbage trick', I was listening to How To Handle A Rope... so now I'm partial to that when I need to get sh*t done.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2011
    Now reissued and remastered, those principals are still sound: classic riffs and also more toothsome and unswinging structures, what ch are nice, especially when they stop. [Apr 2011, p.94]
  2. Mojo
    Apr 20, 2011
    Homme has gone on to make sexier records, but for sheer creepy sensuality QOTSA is the definitive article. [Apr 2011, p.112]
  3. Q Magazine
    Apr 14, 2011
    The newly remastered version is also bolstered by three additional track as reclaimed from the vaults. [Apr 2011, p.114]