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Mixed or average reviews- based on 159 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 83 out of 159
  2. Negative: 47 out of 159

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  1. Mar 20, 2022
    This album is generic, I'll admit, but the album has a soothing nostalgic feel along with a creative type of genericism intertwined within each song. It's an underrated Weezer album... — Weezer Hater
  2. Jun 22, 2020
    While this album may have many flaws, you cannot deny that Rivers can't stop partying partying.
  3. peo
    Mar 1, 2019
    An album that makes you think if weezer was making music because they wanted.
    The album only has 3 good songs , the rest is forgettable, bad or horrible
  4. Feb 19, 2019
    Definitely their weakest point. "If I Want You To" is a good song but the others are mediocre... we're not even going to bring up the Lil Wayne feature.
  5. Apr 10, 2018
    This album to me can be summarized in 2 words: Wasted potential

    It's not as abysmal as many make it out to me and it's definitely not a 10/10 classic like some users have rated it on here. But every song, even the worst ones show some potential. A lot of the choruses are hooky and catchy as pop music tends to be and the musicality isn't too bad most of the time. The lyrics are what puts
    This album to me can be summarized in 2 words: Wasted potential

    It's not as abysmal as many make it out to me and it's definitely not a 10/10 classic like some users have rated it on here. But every song, even the worst ones show some potential. A lot of the choruses are hooky and catchy as pop music tends to be and the musicality isn't too bad most of the time. The lyrics are what puts this album's rating lower down the most with either dumb meaningless lyrics or some kind of creepy lyrics (that might've been okay if it happened once or twice, but it seems to be endless on this album).

    But I do get the hate this album gets from actual Weezer fans. I'm not a huge fan of Weezer aside from certain songs. This album is so unlike Weezer in pretty much every way.

    I think a combination of the best traits of this album combined with the best traits of other Weezer albums could make Weezer's best album to date
  6. Mar 26, 2018
    The worst album I've ever heard in my life. It's amazing that a band as great as Weezer released this-
  7. Dec 18, 2016
    Raditude, (aka Hell 2009), is Weezer's follow up to the kick-ass, power punk, hidden gem of Red, and, in all honesty, Raditude is one of the worst albums I have heard in a long time, the instruments are lazy, the songs boring and lazy, and one of the worst collaborations in history with Lil Wayne, "Can't Stop Partying", this album is just so boring and lazy it makes me wonder how good thisRaditude, (aka Hell 2009), is Weezer's follow up to the kick-ass, power punk, hidden gem of Red, and, in all honesty, Raditude is one of the worst albums I have heard in a long time, the instruments are lazy, the songs boring and lazy, and one of the worst collaborations in history with Lil Wayne, "Can't Stop Partying", this album is just so boring and lazy it makes me wonder how good this album could have been if they just put effort into it. Expand
  8. Apr 27, 2016
    Raditude is rightfully considered one of Weezer's worst. Only "I Want You To" is a track from this record that could possibly be considered in a collection of the band's best lead singles, but would have to settle for an honorable mention in that scenario.
  9. Apr 18, 2016
    With Raditude, Weezer hit creative lows in order to achieve commercial highs. "If You're Wondering..." seems to start the album off on a positive note; it's a perfectly tolerable Weezer hit. But then, things start to go downhill. Most songs are simply mediocre, a couple of others and just downright offensive, namely "Can't Stop Partying." The usage of Lil Wayne as a guest appearance isWith Raditude, Weezer hit creative lows in order to achieve commercial highs. "If You're Wondering..." seems to start the album off on a positive note; it's a perfectly tolerable Weezer hit. But then, things start to go downhill. Most songs are simply mediocre, a couple of others and just downright offensive, namely "Can't Stop Partying." The usage of Lil Wayne as a guest appearance is almost unforgivable. Plus, it's hard to tell whether Rivers is parodying mainstream pop with this song or if he's being deadly serious - but he sounds particularly miserable despite singing about having women around him as he parties. Either way it's just a mess that doesn't work. Some of the old Weezer charm manages to slip in at sporadic moments, but all in all it's unremarkable and simply not very well written. Expand
  10. Aug 7, 2015
    This is my least favorite album of all time. This isn't because the music is necessarily bad (but it is pretty lazy). It's not because the lyrics are necessarily bad (but you can't really argue for them with lines like "I will ape the goomba if you tire"). It's because I have a certain standard for Weezer- my favorite band. They have to be good. It's hard for me to think that masterpiecesThis is my least favorite album of all time. This isn't because the music is necessarily bad (but it is pretty lazy). It's not because the lyrics are necessarily bad (but you can't really argue for them with lines like "I will ape the goomba if you tire"). It's because I have a certain standard for Weezer- my favorite band. They have to be good. It's hard for me to think that masterpieces like Pinkerton and albums like this can come from the same band. If it wasn't Weezer it might be acceptable, but unfortunately for this album it is a Weezer album and so it mud be compared to Blue and Pinkerton, and that is where it fails. Expand
  11. Mar 22, 2015
    7/10 .................................................................................................................................................
  12. Feb 3, 2015
    Once again, there isn't really an excellent song anywhere on this album, as with the last few Weezer albums starting with Make Believe. The best obviously being If You're Wondering if I Want You To (I Want You To). The lyrics are painfully forced. Every rhyme makes me think of Cuomo sitting at a table and thinking, "What rhymes with 'had'? OF COURSE! 'Sad!'" Like seriously. The lyrics onOnce again, there isn't really an excellent song anywhere on this album, as with the last few Weezer albums starting with Make Believe. The best obviously being If You're Wondering if I Want You To (I Want You To). The lyrics are painfully forced. Every rhyme makes me think of Cuomo sitting at a table and thinking, "What rhymes with 'had'? OF COURSE! 'Sad!'" Like seriously. The lyrics on this and the last few albums sound like mediocre middle school poetry. There are also multiple musical/stylistic faults I found with this album. For instance, the guitar solo starting around the 2-minute mark of In the Mall sounds so similar to the guitar solo of Rush's Tom Sawyer. Search it up. It's ridiculous. (Not to mention the track also has an obnoxiously loud main riff that doesn't remind me of going to the mall ever.) Also, noting that one track, Love Is the Answer is a 'Hindi Version' of a song on Spotify could not be more offensive, and I'm not even Hindi. The last thing this album needed was a racial song title. This album is full of flaws, and it deserves to be criticized. Expand
  13. Jan 9, 2015
    A veces, es increíble cómo te puede atrapar cierta mediocridad por parte de un artista que, es visible cómo se trata de una broma que ya tenía en mente Rivers y sus compadres. Con canciones pésimas, reflejándose dramáticamente con canciones como "Can't stop partying" y "In the mall", quizá guste de adolescentes que estén en su pleno vivir de aquellas juntas en donde las fiestas alocadas seA veces, es increíble cómo te puede atrapar cierta mediocridad por parte de un artista que, es visible cómo se trata de una broma que ya tenía en mente Rivers y sus compadres. Con canciones pésimas, reflejándose dramáticamente con canciones como "Can't stop partying" y "In the mall", quizá guste de adolescentes que estén en su pleno vivir de aquellas juntas en donde las fiestas alocadas se desatan. Expand
  14. Dec 17, 2014
    Raditude, Weezer's 7th studio album, starts off in promising fashion with opening track "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To". Next we have the unfortunately named "I'm You Daddy" which has a decent hook and a typical Weezer chorus. Unfortunately things go rapidly downhill from here and by the time we get to the end of the record you start feeling sorry for the once greatRaditude, Weezer's 7th studio album, starts off in promising fashion with opening track "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To". Next we have the unfortunately named "I'm You Daddy" which has a decent hook and a typical Weezer chorus. Unfortunately things go rapidly downhill from here and by the time we get to the end of the record you start feeling sorry for the once great Rivers Cuomo and the fact that a man who was once rightly considered a surf punk genius has been reduced to this. The last third of the album is painful to listen to. I have to give credit where its due for the first 2 tracks and a few others that tread along mediocrity territory without being offensively bad. If your a fan of early Weezer then avoid this to keep your romantic notions of the band intact. Expand
  15. Aug 22, 2010
    I enjoyed this album for what it was, that being a very poppy rock album. Definitely no where as good as their older albums Raditude still had very catchy tunes. Despite this I believe it to be the worst Weezer album.
  16. NathanCo
    Jan 7, 2010
    Supernature is a classy, glamorous and sexy album which you can tell has been well produced. Any track from the album could be a hit single.
  17. RenataA
    Dec 4, 2009
    It's a middle of the road Weezer album. However, since they're far superior to other bands, it's an overall great album. The lyrics are sort of silly but the melodies are great.
  18. andy
    Nov 26, 2009
    I'm sorry, this is weezer's worst. the 5 is for the deluxe. Run over by a truck and prettiest girl are awesome. the single great and i like trippin'. i love every album and i thought the red album was a step forward, but some of this is just so bad. i dont care if its not pinkerton but there so much more capable of aking beter music. In one year they went from the kick ass I'm sorry, this is weezer's worst. the 5 is for the deluxe. Run over by a truck and prettiest girl are awesome. the single great and i like trippin'. i love every album and i thought the red album was a step forward, but some of this is just so bad. i dont care if its not pinkerton but there so much more capable of aking beter music. In one year they went from the kick ass "greatest man that ever lived" to " im your daddy". "dreamin" to "the girl got hot" (which is the worst weezer song ive ever heard). im sorry but this album is quite the dissapointment, and im one of the unusual weezer fans who really does love (inspite of a few clunkers here and there) every weezer album. Expand
  19. NathanS
    Nov 23, 2009
    To put it most simply, this album is the musical version of a horrifyingly embarrassing mid-life crisis. It's nothing more than Weezer trying to sound young and fresh and hip and cool and blah blah blah, while forgetting that, not only are they too old to be cool, they've long been the poster children for geek rock and thus will never truly BE cool. I don't want a repeat of To put it most simply, this album is the musical version of a horrifyingly embarrassing mid-life crisis. It's nothing more than Weezer trying to sound young and fresh and hip and cool and blah blah blah, while forgetting that, not only are they too old to be cool, they've long been the poster children for geek rock and thus will never truly BE cool. I don't want a repeat of Blue. or Pinkerton, or Green. I'm not looking for them to go back to what they where. I"m just asking for Weezer's next step in evolution to actually BE evolution, and not just an attempt to cash in on pop melodies marketed to teenagers. Expand
  20. KelS
    Nov 21, 2009
    Worst Weezer album ever. And that's saying a lot. Anyone who enjoys this album is either 12 or fooling themselves.
  21. PorksworhR
    Nov 19, 2009
    A mighty fine pop album. Doesn't have some of the great moments that 'Red' had but is a lot more consistant. 'In The Mall' and 'Trippin Down The Freeway' were the real highlights for me. Keep Weezin'.
  22. MaryH
    Nov 19, 2009
    I thoroughly enjoy this album. If you're looking for the blue album you won't find it with Raditude. I think people forget that bands learn and grow with each passing year just people do. So what if it's trying to be a "pop" album? This album exhibits their fantastic musicianship, as well as well thought musical composition. It's what I know, love and expect from a I thoroughly enjoy this album. If you're looking for the blue album you won't find it with Raditude. I think people forget that bands learn and grow with each passing year just people do. So what if it's trying to be a "pop" album? This album exhibits their fantastic musicianship, as well as well thought musical composition. It's what I know, love and expect from a Weezer Album! Collapse
  23. Jess
    Nov 18, 2009
    Simply Awesome! So glad the guys are back to their old ways!
  24. Marjorie
    Nov 18, 2009
    Sure, it may be better than some melodies on iTunes but... musically, this is just horrible! It is not about people being die hard Pinkerton fans. It is about the fact that people KNOW the potential of Weezer and to listen to an album like this just breaks your heart. You know those times in college when you wrote an essay the night before it's due when you had all semester to work Sure, it may be better than some melodies on iTunes but... musically, this is just horrible! It is not about people being die hard Pinkerton fans. It is about the fact that people KNOW the potential of Weezer and to listen to an album like this just breaks your heart. You know those times in college when you wrote an essay the night before it's due when you had all semester to work on it? Well, that is how this album feels, a solid F. Expand
  25. SteevinW
    Nov 18, 2009
    A: Everyone who is stupid enough to not get the messages of these songs should not be allowed to review it. B: With that said, Raditude is a great, rocking album. Whoever said Raditude will be looked back on in the same vein as Maladroit is right on.
  26. SaraB
    Nov 18, 2009
    AMAZING music, as usual from Weezer!
  27. timj
    Nov 17, 2009
    Very little on this album is redeeming. Only weezer fans who are under 17 should get it. If you grew up loving blue album or pinkerton, just shoot yourself now.
  28. DennisA
    Nov 17, 2009
    After listening to the album a few really grew on me. There are some really good songs on it. Like all Weezer albums there are songs that are great and some that I don't get...but overall this is a must have for Weezer fans.
  29. ChandlerB
    Nov 17, 2009
    Can't stop partying is epic.
  30. ParadornS
    Nov 17, 2009
    Raditude is a unique exotic album. First time hearing will make you be quite shock if you like their previous albums. Because this work packed full of pop music to catch your fine ears. That's not the way the old Weezer works anyway but I very feel great after listing to it a few times.
  31. FREDB
    Nov 17, 2009
    Great pop album ! Very good songs. I particularly like all the fun behind the words.
  32. gailp
    Nov 17, 2009
    I must confess: I am a major =W= fan and can say truthfully-Weezer can do no wrong in my eyes. I like the light-hearted aspect of Raditude, and think the new music will enjoy greater acceptance down the line. Plus who doesn't love that =W= Snuggie?
  33. HappyH
    Nov 17, 2009
    Weezer continues to experiment with new sounds and collaborations with others that can only intrigue. I can hear Beach Boys melodies and that can only be good as Rivers Cuomo explores his inner surfer. I wish all the elitist publications would ease up & be sincere: Weezer is having fun with it and so should you.
  34. SnuggieF
    Nov 17, 2009
    I think Rivers Cuomo is hot and sexy-I don't really care about the music. He could sing a song about a trash can and I would like it. Too bad he's married! Another good one that got away!
  35. weezer
    Nov 17, 2009
    Rivers Cuomo has discovered the Fountain of Youth and he's not ashamed of it either. Rather than rehash stale stuff from yesteryear, Weezer surges forward and displays an irreverent playfulness to go along with the catchy tunes. All those snobby Pitchforkers-can go stick it! Yes-" I Want You To!"
  36. BrentG
    Nov 17, 2009
    Like fine wine. Weezer Raditude is awesome! It takes a few listens to really appreciate the variety that is packe into this album. Previous albums were very good too, however had a pretty common sound. This is a fun album since you get to hear so many sound of Weezer with creative lyrics. I think raditude goes way beyond a simple crowd pleasing act of pop faith and really lays down a Like fine wine. Weezer Raditude is awesome! It takes a few listens to really appreciate the variety that is packe into this album. Previous albums were very good too, however had a pretty common sound. This is a fun album since you get to hear so many sound of Weezer with creative lyrics. I think raditude goes way beyond a simple crowd pleasing act of pop faith and really lays down a multi flavored sound. Expand
  37. mschultz
    Nov 17, 2009
    Rad (period). This is a really fun album.
  38. CodyF
    Nov 14, 2009
    This album would be worthy of a 8 or a 9 if it weren't for "Love is the answer" in which Weezer has a go at making a hybrid of rock and traditional Indian music, I'm serious. However the rest of the album is on par with the Weezer's recent Brilliance, It's just... That... one... TERRIBLE SONG... ARGH!
  39. Mattias
    Nov 11, 2009
    They performed a couple of the tracks at Fuji Rock in Japan this summer, and my expectiation was quite high. As witht he Red Album I felt a bit ripped-off after the first listening, but this CDs has grown on me after that and it is after all a much better album than the mess that was the Red Album. However this high-school movie of a album might have needed a bit more darkness to even it They performed a couple of the tracks at Fuji Rock in Japan this summer, and my expectiation was quite high. As witht he Red Album I felt a bit ripped-off after the first listening, but this CDs has grown on me after that and it is after all a much better album than the mess that was the Red Album. However this high-school movie of a album might have needed a bit more darkness to even it out, Dont want to let you go, feels a bit lonely. A fun listen,but II would like River to write something a bit more personal next time rather than once again targeting the Myspace generation. Expand
  40. JoshuaD
    Nov 10, 2009
    "The Underdogs" is one of the best, most heartfelt and touchingly sung songs I have heard in quite a while. While I am not a music critic by any stretch of the imagination, I think that Weezer could have done a lot worse with this, but I am still impressed by their second album released within two years.
  41. Mike
    Nov 10, 2009
    The red album was not that bad... I expected much more from this one... The old Weezer is dead. Guys you let us down.
  42. JT
    Nov 9, 2009
    The main problem with the album is that there isn't one song on here that is better than anything else the band has released. Even their worst album (which I consider to be "Make Believe"), is light years better than "Raditude". There was only a one year hiatus between "The Red Album" and "Raditude", which makes me think that this could have been a decent album had they waited and The main problem with the album is that there isn't one song on here that is better than anything else the band has released. Even their worst album (which I consider to be "Make Believe"), is light years better than "Raditude". There was only a one year hiatus between "The Red Album" and "Raditude", which makes me think that this could have been a decent album had they waited and tooled their songs instead of just releasing ANYTHING in hopes it will sell. Disappointing to say the least. Expand
  43. RobertT
    Nov 6, 2009
    Great, great album. Best one since Maladroit in 2002 (Maladroit was also considered to be pretty generic and underwhelming upon release as well). I predict the reaction of Raditude will be like Maladroit where people will look back and consider it a great rock album, but not held to as high regard as Pinkerton (still their magnus opus).
  44. JoeyB
    Nov 6, 2009
    It's alright, and has some good songs, Weezer fans should get it.
  45. JosephA
    Nov 6, 2009
    I do believe this is the post-Pinkerton album some of us have been waiting for. Alive, colorful, plainly confessional, hooky, and drenched in current musical trends while retaining an undeniable Weezer foundation as set by Blue & Pinkerton.
  46. Kyle
    Nov 5, 2009
    This ranges from merely acceptable ((If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To) to horrific and dry (In the Mall, Love is the Answer). Where is the personality? Where is the brain tickling? Dear God, why must Weezer be a pale shadow of their former self?
  47. R.Dawg
    Nov 4, 2009
    An extremely fun listen (especially with the Deluxe Edition tracks mixed in) with songs like Trippin' Down The Freeway, The Prettiest Girl In The Whole Wide World and Can't Stop Partying offering some of Rivers' best ever melodies dressed in rich and meaty guitar, bass, drum and sometimes even lush synths. At this point, if people want something at the level of the first An extremely fun listen (especially with the Deluxe Edition tracks mixed in) with songs like Trippin' Down The Freeway, The Prettiest Girl In The Whole Wide World and Can't Stop Partying offering some of Rivers' best ever melodies dressed in rich and meaty guitar, bass, drum and sometimes even lush synths. At this point, if people want something at the level of the first two albums, those still exist and are every bit as good the 2nd or 52nd time you hear them. Raditude is feels like a step in 10 different directions, maybe only half of them are being right ones, but the songs each work on their own terms and don't seem to impede on one another (though that may have to do with the many different producers that worked on it) and just deliver a light-hearted soundscape. Sometimes great summer albums come out in November. Expand
  48. DustinC
    Nov 4, 2009
    Doesn't it make you laugh when you hear Weezer fans bicker everytime a new album comes out? Why isnt it the Blue Album? Why isnt it Pinkerton? Why isnt it the Green Album? yada...yada...yada...get over it, Cuomo has always written whatever he feels like writing.
  49. JasonC
    Nov 4, 2009
    Utter crap. With this album, Weezer has completed their journey from trend setting pop artists to sellout trend-CHASING goofball hacks. I can't take anymore. I'm done with these guys.
  50. JonA
    Nov 4, 2009
    It's no Pinkerton, but it does what you think it will, and does it well.
  51. ryanw
    Nov 4, 2009
    True It is not the Weezer, I still found the album very fun to listen to. Listen every band evolves and eventually strays away from the origin of their debut album. Blink-182, U2, The Beatles, all of these great bands have changed their sounds as they've grown up. We have all grown with them and should appreciate their work.
  52. Broo
    Nov 4, 2009
    This album come with good songs (i want you to, hang out, put them back together, freeway) and very bad songs (turn me round, the underdogs on deluxe edition). Love is the answer is kinda weird but not that bad, can't stop partying is funny. Still better than Make believe.
  53. Dan
    Nov 4, 2009
    Poppy and escapist on the surface, darkly ironic deep down. As with the Red Album, most of the bonus songs are leagues better than the weaker songs on this album. Overall, their most consistent since 2001's, the Green Album. Fans awaiting the next Blue Album or Pinkerton will need to keep up their 13-year vigil, but Weezer's most commercial album yet should please most and Poppy and escapist on the surface, darkly ironic deep down. As with the Red Album, most of the bonus songs are leagues better than the weaker songs on this album. Overall, their most consistent since 2001's, the Green Album. Fans awaiting the next Blue Album or Pinkerton will need to keep up their 13-year vigil, but Weezer's most commercial album yet should please most and introduce news fans to the band. Expand
  54. LyleS.
    Nov 4, 2009
    As anyone that gives this record a peep of praise ever realized how painfully forced River's lyrics are? They make him sound like a 11-year-old trying to act like a 15-year-old. If the argument is made that he's trying make some deep social critique about the superficiality of it all, spare me the optimism. All River's is trying to do is become Kiss part 2. It's As anyone that gives this record a peep of praise ever realized how painfully forced River's lyrics are? They make him sound like a 11-year-old trying to act like a 15-year-old. If the argument is made that he's trying make some deep social critique about the superficiality of it all, spare me the optimism. All River's is trying to do is become Kiss part 2. It's turning into a bloody mess. This criticism isn't even because I'm an old school Weezer fan. Its from cutting through an enamel thin pop to see this necrotic nerd with a lightening bolt guitar strap. If Weezer has become a bad reality cartoon then i guess this all works. (PS I've listen to ratitude and the rating is for the record). Expand
  55. trickman
    Nov 4, 2009
    Though not a fan Weezer, I could still get "hook up" by this album very quickly. My finger can't stop tapping, simply new and fresh.
  56. BatesL
    Nov 4, 2009
    The final death of Pinkerton. I'm okay with that.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 25
  2. Negative: 7 out of 25
  1. Instead of trying to divine the line between earnest and ironic, Weezer fans should just sit back and enjoy what works here. And like every Weezer record, plenty does.
  2. The weird aftertaste of Raditude isn't that Cuomo has so surrendered the oddball charm of his band's first two albums, though. It's that his late-career pursuit of mindless, opulent fun is so transparent that it almost taps a deeper vein of interior sadness than anything on "Pinkerton."
  3. Given what we know about Cuomo’s eccentric inner world, it’s hard not to find those dazzlingly perfect melodies kind of hollow.