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Universal acclaim- based on 1313 Ratings

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  1. Mar 22, 2015
    10/10 ................................................................................................................................................
  2. Apr 23, 2015
    After a brief return to his roots as Slim Shady, the Eminem side of Marshall returns on this album with force! He seems happy, reborn and passionate on every single song and his rhymes are as sharp as ever.
  3. Dec 11, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is great, no offensive lyrics, great flow on some of the songs but some of them are sick but still worth your money. The singles, Love the Way You Lie, Not Afraid, Space Bound and No Love are sublime. Expand
  4. Jan 11, 2016
    This was one of the first albums i got a physical copy of and back in the day i was listening to it every day. Now i realize that is not as good as i thought but remains a pretty decent one , maybe the best after the eminem show.
  5. May 23, 2017
    I honestly think this is one of Em's better albums, many people would disagree with that but this album has many very good very different songs.

    Best songs: Cold Wind Blows / Talkin' To Myself / No Love
  6. Jul 18, 2017
    good album.....................................................................................................................................................................
  7. Nov 7, 2018
    Em’s flow is amazing here. Sure the punchline might be dad jokes-ish but i find them both charming and funny. His energy is also on top. Sure it’s abit poppy but i honestly dont think that hurts the album. Criminally overhated. Helped me through some hard times aswell

    My Rating: 9/10 Favorite Tracks: Space Bound, Going Through Changes, Not Afraid, Love the Way You Lie Least
    Em’s flow is amazing here. Sure the punchline might be dad jokes-ish but i find them both charming and funny. His energy is also on top. Sure it’s abit poppy but i honestly dont think that hurts the album. Criminally overhated. Helped me through some hard times aswell

    My Rating: 9/10

    Favorite Tracks: Space Bound, Going Through Changes, Not Afraid, Love the Way You Lie

    Least Favorite Tracks: Cinderella Man, W.T.P, Untitled
  8. Feb 13, 2019
    Eminem still proves that he's one of the best Rappers in the game and his best album since the Eminem Show. Definley love this album. I highly recommended it.
  9. Nov 20, 2018
    Recovery is in my personal opinion the only eminem album that I LOVE all of the songs, I just feel is energy passing trough me when is rapping, and honestly is one of few rappers that does that to me.
  10. Jan 20, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not better than Relapse but still a great album. Best selling rap album of the decade, 2 diamonds selling single shows how legendary this album is. Recovery starts with cold wind blows & ends with an underrated song untitled with few iconic songs in middle. Features did good job especially Lil Wayne. Rihanna did a great job. A great album with a different flow. Expand
  11. Jan 20, 2020
    Not my favourite but some good tunes on here. Better than Relapse. Fave tracks; Changes, Not afraid, Love the way you lie
  12. Jan 23, 2020
    Insant classic. This is the best album of all time. Nothing can be better than this. This is the greatest piece of music.
  13. Jan 19, 2020
    Better album than most of some pop albums. This is the truly comeback for Eminem.
  14. Jan 22, 2020
    The emotion and heart put on this album and great lyrical display by Eminem makes the album one of the classics in hip hop
  15. Jan 22, 2020
    Classic ..............................................................................
  16. Jan 22, 2020
    This album shout every one facking mouth its was pure fire thanks agian em ❤️
  17. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good Expand
  18. Mar 24, 2020
    Although it's a great project, I hate to think about it cuz this was the seed to turn pop. And I blame all those who praised it 'because it was a little poppy-flavored.' It made him continue that until forever. It changed him forever ffs. Relapse >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recovery
  19. Mar 25, 2020
    Loved this album. Emotionally Impactful it was. Best Songs on the album would be Going Through Changes, Seduction, and Love The Way You Lie
  20. Jun 21, 2020
    In my opinion - his best album. I good remember those times when i was a teenager, hanging out in the streets with my friends and don't care about nothing, just enjoying life at it's fullest sense of a word. I guess that was the only album where Eminem was speaking from his heart, without using any alter-egos, that's one of the main thing that make this album so unique, still to this day.
  21. Jul 8, 2020
    This is a great cd. Eminem rocks and for all of you people who do not like him, then there is something wrong with you in the head.
  22. Aug 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Good Album i really love not afraid and recovery save a lot of people from drug Expand
  23. Aug 28, 2020
    This **** is the greatest album of the 2010s that why it is the best selling rap album of the 2010s
  24. Oct 2, 2022
    a great album that is an actual great way of rebranding Eminem in a way that doesn't make him sound like a tired horrible way of rebranding a funny sounding slim shady
  25. Nov 22, 2022
    one of the best rappers to ever entered the game. thanks Em,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  26. Dec 1, 2022
    One of the best albums of 2010. Period. The perfect mix between pop and rap. Production is good but the best part are Em's lyrics. A lot of americans say that this album is mid but you don't realize that US are not the only country in the world and this album absolutely ruled every chart in Europe. When we speak about Eminem we speak about a music type made for everyone, something thatOne of the best albums of 2010. Period. The perfect mix between pop and rap. Production is good but the best part are Em's lyrics. A lot of americans say that this album is mid but you don't realize that US are not the only country in the world and this album absolutely ruled every chart in Europe. When we speak about Eminem we speak about a music type made for everyone, something that Kendrick and Kanye can't match and their sales in Europe and other countries outside the US tell you why. Expand
  27. Jan 4, 2023
    Great great album , Eminem is totally back from drugs , just fire , i love it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 28
  2. Negative: 4 out of 28
  1. No matter how cleverly he's rhyming, which varies, he could use subject matter beyond married-to-the-game and his traditional obsessions. But with Shady in the shadows, rarely are these themes lifted by Em's long-recessive sense of play.
  2. Much of Recovery centers around such themes as romantic devotion and anxiety, but the resulting material rings unsurprisingly hollow.
  3. Sadly, a piecemeal approach to production (Dr Dre has just one credit) leaves the album lacking an abiding mood and drowning in fashionable soft-rock samples.