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Universal acclaim- based on 44 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 36 out of 44
  2. Negative: 3 out of 44
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  1. Jun 10, 2022
    A whole lotta 90s vibes from Jonathan and the boys.
    If Ya old enough - You will for sure catch this nostalgia feeling.
  2. Apr 22, 2022
    Очередная скукотища от Korn. Продолжение The Nothing. Не знаю, кем нужно быть, чтобы слушать и переслушивать альбомы Korn начиная с 2000-х: всё это уже звучит как клише (о чем поёт Дэвис в одной из песен), ну так и ладно бы просто ничего нового в звуке. Но ведь сильных и ярких хитов тоже нет. Оценят только заядлые фанаты кукурузы, но я, увы, уже не могу слушать который альбом подряд,Очередная скукотища от Korn. Продолжение The Nothing. Не знаю, кем нужно быть, чтобы слушать и переслушивать альбомы Korn начиная с 2000-х: всё это уже звучит как клише (о чем поёт Дэвис в одной из песен), ну так и ладно бы просто ничего нового в звуке. Но ведь сильных и ярких хитов тоже нет. Оценят только заядлые фанаты кукурузы, но я, увы, уже не могу слушать который альбом подряд, который не отличается друг от друга ничем. Привет, RHCP Expand
  3. Apr 3, 2022
    This is AWESOME ! Korn pleased us with an excellent record, where, as for me, there are no bad and tasteless tracks (except, perhaps, Hopeless and Beaten). Although the sound lacked bass (the sound seems to be too slick and clean, without a zest), the choruses were not as breakthrough and innovative as on the debut album and subsequent works, the work is still perceived holistically bothThis is AWESOME ! Korn pleased us with an excellent record, where, as for me, there are no bad and tasteless tracks (except, perhaps, Hopeless and Beaten). Although the sound lacked bass (the sound seems to be too slick and clean, without a zest), the choruses were not as breakthrough and innovative as on the debut album and subsequent works, the work is still perceived holistically both musically and emotionally (at least there is no such wild contrast as in ''The nothing'', where after hard ''Cold'' there is pop and, as for me, tasteless ''You'll Never Find Me''). Each track is interesting in its own way, as it attracts either the atmosphere, or emotionality, or a great chorus, or all together, which, as a result, after each new listening gives more and more desire to return to the album. It was possible to make the choruses more interesting, more powerful and more saturated, to shoot more clips, but this album is still gorgeous. Expand
  4. Mar 24, 2022
    So Many Riffs, can’t stop listening to it. Jon has so many unique vocals in him, this album has almost all of them on full display. It’s a beautifully aural resonance to behold. Head & Munky absolutely and unequivocally crush it in the Extra Crunchy Riffs department, interlacing, combining, alternating and in perfect haunting rhythmic tones, really driving the direction of the album. Ray’sSo Many Riffs, can’t stop listening to it. Jon has so many unique vocals in him, this album has almost all of them on full display. It’s a beautifully aural resonance to behold. Head & Munky absolutely and unequivocally crush it in the Extra Crunchy Riffs department, interlacing, combining, alternating and in perfect haunting rhythmic tones, really driving the direction of the album. Ray’s drums sound even more precise and intentional than he’s sounded, with less filler and more oomph and gusto, while Fieldy feels a little bit dialed back. Like, you can tell he’s there, but not as prominently as other KoЯn albums. Still a super sickky album from start to finish tho. 9 tracks in about 33 mins. Expand
  5. Feb 16, 2022
    There's not a boring note on this album, all killer no filler, get this album.
  6. Feb 14, 2022
    Perfect álbum exists? Of course not but korn here make something special,quick,objetive
  7. Feb 9, 2022
    More of a continuation that builds upon 2019's superb "The Nothing" than a further evolution that outright surpasses it, the far more natural blend of Slipknot/Lamb of Godesque thrash sensibilities and their classic nu-metal sound struck by Korn this time around nevertheless remains worth the price of admission alone and serves up crushing riffs and soaring singalong choruses aplenty thatMore of a continuation that builds upon 2019's superb "The Nothing" than a further evolution that outright surpasses it, the far more natural blend of Slipknot/Lamb of Godesque thrash sensibilities and their classic nu-metal sound struck by Korn this time around nevertheless remains worth the price of admission alone and serves up crushing riffs and soaring singalong choruses aplenty that will undoubtedly both please fans and deftly reaffirm their newfound position as elder metal statesmen.

    Choice Cuts: "Forgotten," "Start the Healing," "Lost in the Grandeur"
  8. Feb 8, 2022
    I highly recommend this album if you are below the age of 15. otherwise stay away.
  9. Feb 4, 2022
    Masterpiece! Their best record since 2002. So colorful, so rejuvenated, so fresh!
  10. Feb 7, 2022
    I like how often Korn are uploading their albums without losing quality, because it’s still sound like old Korn.
  11. Feb 7, 2022
    I have listened to all Korn's the deal I have with it, why I rated it a 5 out of 10. First of all, it's short. A simple 9 songs, 32 minutes of listening on an 80 minute CD space. I'm not asking for a full 60 minutes, but there's alot you can do with 80 minutes of space, and I believe more of it should be used. Second, every single song has the same exact structure. For exampleI have listened to all Korn's the deal I have with it, why I rated it a 5 out of 10. First of all, it's short. A simple 9 songs, 32 minutes of listening on an 80 minute CD space. I'm not asking for a full 60 minutes, but there's alot you can do with 80 minutes of space, and I believe more of it should be used. Second, every single song has the same exact structure. For example on follow the leader, a song might start with an introduction, then a verse, then a bridge before another verse and then a chorus and then a bridge before a chorus and then the outro. It feels like they just went with what sounded good back then. It wasn't so easy to discern at what part of the song we were at, and they used the CD space. Third, the production is overblown. They turned it way up, absorbed all of the available space for each specific sound and it turned it into being a bit boring because..the punch is removed. Music is turned up by the volume nob, you should never max out the volume on your songs with editing. The reason I didn't give it lower than 5 stars is that it's still enjoyable to listen to. It does still sound good, and even though it's the same exact song structure on every song, it does still sound good. I just wish they would deviate from the formula of intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus, outro. Every single song is written like that on this album. It's safe, and I think not enough effort was put into making this a masterpiece. It's like they're older, they know what works and they just did it. It's not bad, but that hunger for success shows on their earlier albums and you can see here that they know they're already successful so they didn't go all out. It's a safe, listenable album. I like it, but not that much due to how short it is and the simple song formula. Expand
  12. Feb 5, 2022
    listening to this album led me to think that since Untouchables I haven't heard a Korn so true to itself.
  13. Feb 5, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. New album from the nu metal band name korn I am so **** excited from new album name Requiem. But the new album is no dark why, old album of korn sound dark and fell scary (for me) becuse the band start feel dark you know the frist album name Korn on 1994 is **** darkee. Ok come on let's start the review from the new album name Requiem.

    Forgotten: is cute sound but boring (for me) but the riffs is **** great the start riff is good the lyrcis is good the end part is make fell scary and feel weird. I bring to this song 8.6 is cute but good.

    Let The Dark Do The Rest: This the graetes song of the album from of my opinion the start rife is back from the fourth album name Issues frome (1999) but the growling is **** great is make feel so **** good (aaaaaa god is great). The part of the and the song is cool becuse the song is so **** happy. I bring to this song 9.6 is feel so good and make me so happy.

    Start The Healing: This song feel me boring but i love the riffe is cool riffe from nu metal ganre, is a hard rock song is cute song but not from me you can get used to it but it's feel bord from me. But the growling feel nice. I bring to this song 8.0 is a cute song but hard rockee not from me but remember the riffs is cool.

    Lost In The Grandeur: Is a **** cool song the start riffe is **** cool **** but why) but the chorus is nice is feel vibee the elcetronic feel good. is another song reminds from the Issues on (1999) fourth of korn the first and band make the nu metal. Is a **** graet song the part of the end is great becuse is first part of start riffe. I bring to this song 9.2 becuse is make so darkee.

    Disconnect: The start riffe is heavy finally three song feel heavy the chorus is week and addictive but the mid part is srong is grat song the end part is also strong is **** good song i love the song is reminds me from the third album name is the bast album form the nu metal ganera is **** FOLLOW The LEADEЯ on (1998). I bring to this song 8.9 IS THE BAST SONG.

    Hopeless And Beaten: Is boring song the gorwling is bord the star is cool riffe but the song is bord.
    The chorus is funny becuse Jonathan Davis sceming Hopeless And Beaten along the middle rhe end prat is againe boring but heavy is a cute song but boring. I bring to this song 7.9 is not a bad song is a borde againe from me.

    Penance To Sorrow: the **** strat riffe remind me from old album and the album name The Serenity of Suffering from (2016) is good album. Penance To Sorrow start the amizing riffe and The chorus and mid part is feel **** amizing is make feel angry no becuse is a bad song becuse is feel really angry. Good song but the part from the is special is heavy song is the second greates song from my opinion. I bring to this song 10 is a good song.

    My Confession: the start riff is cool from the nu metal is heavy (god you did special) bu the start singer femind me again from fourth name Issues on (1999). Before the chorus feel nu metal no dead and the chorus is cute the song is a bit repetitive but is cool. The part of the end is cool, is a cool song. I bring to this song 8.6 is heavy but A bit repetitive.

    Ok the final song is very feel special.

    Worst Is On Its Way: is the nine song of the album name Requiem is special song. The start riffe remind the third album name Follow the Leader on (1998) before the chorus is **** good and the chorus feel so good and heavy but were the special part of the song on the album is rap part from song name Freak on a Leash (goddaem) the final part feel to is again the rap part and the end is the bass part on blind from the first album.I bring to this song 10 is **** special song.

    In conclusion is good album the possitive part on the album is heavy and good riffs and groovy .But the negtive part is very cute and sweet is not darkee but is good.
    Final score is 94/100 is good album everyone can enter this album because it is special. Thank you so much for reading nex week Reviewed album name Halo from the band name amorphis.
    I forget the final song name I Can't Feel is remind me the from the album name Untouchables on (2002). I bring to this song 9.2
  14. Feb 5, 2022
    I grew up with Follow The Leader (1998) and Issues (1999), and while I wasn't really a Korn fan, the many catchy hit-singles on those albums were undeniably strong metal songs that appealed to me and a world-wide following that cemented Korn as the top metal band at the time. Anyone who saw their performance at Woodstock '99 knows what I mean. I moved on to other music after the ninetiesI grew up with Follow The Leader (1998) and Issues (1999), and while I wasn't really a Korn fan, the many catchy hit-singles on those albums were undeniably strong metal songs that appealed to me and a world-wide following that cemented Korn as the top metal band at the time. Anyone who saw their performance at Woodstock '99 knows what I mean. I moved on to other music after the nineties and lost track of Korn and metal as a whole.

    Requiem is nothing new, it's that signature Korn sound. This can go both ways: you've been-there-done-that and you would have preferred a different direction, or you love good old trip to the past. I'm in the latter camp. The opening song Forgotten especially could just as well been a song on one of their late-nineties albums and I absolutely love it: explosive aggressiveness, alternated by a softer, catchy and groovy melodic part. It's textbook Korn and remains that way throughout the (rather short) album.

    This album grabbed my attention and I'm enjoying it as a blasting nostalgia trip. Sometimes it doesn't have to be more than that.
  15. Feb 5, 2022
    A short, heavy, melodic and highly addictive listening experience. The Nothing was a modern benchmark for the band to beat, and somehow, they were able to.
  16. Feb 4, 2022
    This is a fantastic album. Requiem feels heavy but groovy at the same time. It feels like you wanna get up and move and proper rock out to it.
  17. Feb 4, 2022
    I really wanted to love this album but it sounds exactly like all their other albums from untitled onwards. The same formula is used to write every song and there is no progression in their sound. I loved Korn and so badly want to hear them explore new sounds but I just don’t think it’s going to happen
  18. Feb 4, 2022
    I think the previous album was better. It's a good album but it's short, I suggest you listen
  19. Feb 4, 2022
    Really rushed, premature and somehow redundant. Love this band so much, and that's why it feels so frustrating to hear another fast food album of Korn. They are really capable of making genre changing and mind-bending masterpieces, so why are they going the easy way?
  20. Feb 4, 2022
    I am not a huge metal fan and so didn't think that I would enjoy this album, but I really did. Strong 7 out of 10.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Rolling Stone
    Feb 8, 2022
    When Jonathan Davis sings "I know this all sounds so cliché," on "Lost In The Grandeur," he's pretty much right. [Feb 2022, p.72]
  2. 70
    What remains is a solid, engaging late-period Korn album that doesn’t add an awful lot to their legacy, but certainly doesn’t disgrace it.
  3. Feb 4, 2022
    The hit of serotonin for longtime fans is an absolute joy. Against the odds, Korn have done it again with Requiem, a quick and ferocious blast that finds the band still hungry and innovative nearly 30 years into the game.