
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. 50
    Why, after going through a small army of producers and making us wait for half a decade, do you come back with a second rate album that seems geared towards the 13 year old girls in your audience?
  2. The new set lacks Kingdom's cathartic exuberance, not to mention the myriad bouncy sing-along hits that made Gwen Stefani to the '90s what Madonna was to the '80s.
  3. Imagine if your diary was published in a national newspaper two years after writing it. Now consider what dull and repetitive reading it would make, and welcome to 'Return To Saturn'.
  4. Despite a clutch of well-crafted songs, the results are hit and miss.
  5. 50
    Almost every musical style imaginable is crushed into this three-and-a-half minute, something-for-everyone product... But No Doubt's newfound introspection is a tad hard to swallow-
  6. Return Of Saturn is turning out to be nowhere near the DOA dud many had long anticipated. But it's also a dispiriting collection of some of the least empowering music ever recorded...
  7. 60
    There is no doubt that Gwen Stefani is currently the most hyped up singer in the world; nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that she possesses one of the worst singing voices in pop-rock history.
  8. Occasionally her pushing-30 doubts about the single life are touching, like when she imagines Gavin Rossdale would make a good dad. But after five years, two producers, one Spin cover, and one lead review in Rolling Stone, the single Interscope sent her back to the salt mines for is the best thing on her automatic-platinum follow-up.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 100 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 84 out of 100
  2. Negative: 14 out of 100
  1. Mar 11, 2012
    This album is great, it is a true rock album filled with vulnerability, raw power and amazing lyrics! Gwen also admits her faults in theThis album is great, it is a true rock album filled with vulnerability, raw power and amazing lyrics! Gwen also admits her faults in the lyrics. Such as "Artificial Sweetener" and a feeling of envy in "Staring Problem" and heavy emotion in "Magic's in the Makeup." This is just an amazing album. Full Review »
  2. Jul 28, 2012
    Gwen's Vocals Are Amazing! This Is A Very Good Album But In My Opinion Its Not A 9 Or 10!
  3. NatS.
    Nov 8, 2007
    awesome my favorite no doubt cd, the music is deep and full of emotion.