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Generally favorable reviews- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 54
  2. Negative: 6 out of 54
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  1. Nov 25, 2022
    Yes!! they are back. This is Pure gold. The RHCP sound that I fell in love with 20 years ago. Frusciate (guitars) created that magic again, along with the vocals (kedis), drums (smith) and bass (Flea) are all on point. Who says rock is dead!! Love RHCP.
  2. Nov 11, 2022
    The consummate musical skill and chemistry that the Chili Peppers effortlessly radiate on "Return of the Dream Canteen" isn't always enough to compensate for the record's songs largely sounding derivative of their past hits, but the continued thrill of hearing the band's classic lineup back together in perhaps the grooviest, funkiest mood they've been in for years may prove just enough toThe consummate musical skill and chemistry that the Chili Peppers effortlessly radiate on "Return of the Dream Canteen" isn't always enough to compensate for the record's songs largely sounding derivative of their past hits, but the continued thrill of hearing the band's classic lineup back together in perhaps the grooviest, funkiest mood they've been in for years may prove just enough to satisfy fans.

    Choice Cuts: "Tippa My Tongue," "Peace and Love," "Eddie," "My Cigarette"
  3. Oct 17, 2022
    They like to leave great stuff at the end of records showing pride in what art they’ve shared with us all. There is a rushed response to the album by many overpaid writers. I haven’t listened to enough it times yet but the majority of the songs keep rusting into retrospect that there is sheer good here
  4. Oct 20, 2022
    Groovy and funky as fu@k, more experimental and out there, and all the better for it.
  5. Oct 17, 2022
    This album is quality from start to finish. Every band member takes it up a level. It’s creative, it’s funky, it’s everything you would expect from the Chili Peppers after reuniting with John F. For me it’s the best album since Stadium Arcadium. Highlights include Eddie, Bella, Roulette, Bag of Grins and Carry me home.
  6. Oct 17, 2022
    The album title says it all – this is the LP I've been waiting for since By the Way, my favorite RHCP record.

    The Return of the Dream Canteen isn't as bloated as Stadium Arcadium, while still managing to cover roughly the same terrain size, so one doesn't feel as overwhelmed by all the different detours and side trips. It's also more consistently fun than both stints with Josh
    The album title says it all – this is the LP I've been waiting for since By the Way, my favorite RHCP record.

    The Return of the Dream Canteen isn't as bloated as Stadium Arcadium, while still managing to cover roughly the same terrain size, so one doesn't feel as overwhelmed by all the different detours and side trips. It's also more consistently fun than both stints with Josh Klinghoffer (though The Getaway comes fairly close), and while it doesn't have a track as ecstatic as "The Heavy Wing", it beats Unlimited Love just for the fact that it doesn't contain a major clunker like "She's a Lover", my least favorite RHCP song since "Pea".

    The worst song on ROTDC, "Afterlife", sounds pretty much like a SA leftover, but it's still miles better than "She's a Lover" since it doesn't have an overcooked chorus and an ugly guitar sound at the end. "My Cigarette" and "Copperbelly" would be the other two not-all-that interesting tunes here for me, but at least they were trying something different with the former, and while the latter's chorus gives me "One Way Traffic" vibes, the song overall manages to stand on its own and is catchy enough.

    That's pretty much it for the gripes – the rest of the LP I think is stellar. Yes, some moments of déjà vu do pop up here and there (and they're mostly related to Stadium Arcadium), but that's bound to happen I suppose—especially since RHCP have been using the melodic-alternative-rock-with-the-occasional-funk-workout blueprint since Californication, to various degrees of success.

    My personal favorite tracks are "Roulette", with its yacht rock guitar licks and grooves; the feel-good "Shoot Me a Smile", which would've fit nicely on BTW; "La La La La La La La La", whose verses kinda remind of what Paul Weller was doing circa Saturn's Pattern; and the closer "In the Snow", a six-minute electro-rock/post-punk hybrid with spoken word passages.

    As for the group members themselves, they're all doing their usual thing...and they do not disappoint. Anthony Kiedis gives a really nuanced performance on "Eddie", a song that didn't do all that much for me initially, but it really thrives within the confines of the album. He can go from crooning to rhyme-spitting, depending on the track. John Frusciante is the MVP here, but he doesn't go overboard like he did on SA. Instead, he plays in a more understated fashion (not dissimilar to the one on BTW), and when he does show off, it makes sense due to the context ("Eddie"). And then we have Flea and Chad Smith, the ever-reliable rhythm section that holds it all together. None of them have a clear-cut standout moment to shine like they had on UL ("One Way Traffic", "The Heavy Wing"), but the LP is stronger for it.

    Lyrically, it's the same-old-same-old – a mix of pop-culture references, double entendres and personal stories. It may be gibberish to some, but I don't listen to RHCP for deep and profound lyrics.

    All in all, I'm very pleased with the result and if this ends up being their last album, I couldn't complain whatsoever because they would end on a high note.
  7. Oct 17, 2022
    RHCP as they have been for 20 years : Great stuff mixed with lots of fillers, uneven and sometimes boring tracks. But overall, if we mix the best stuff of their last 2 albums, we get a pretty decent, groovy and funky album, with lots to enjoy. Fewer is better guys, please find someone who will guide you in keeping some of it for LPs or Deluxe albums.
  8. Oct 16, 2022
    Excellent album! Arguably more cohesive and funkier than Unlimited Love although whether you like it more or less depends on the kind of Chilis you want. I'm amazed that they still have this much creativity left to be honest as a handful of these songs easily stand up to their best work. Frusciante absolutely SHREDS on this album! Anthony's vocals dip less often into cringe here (HandfulExcellent album! Arguably more cohesive and funkier than Unlimited Love although whether you like it more or less depends on the kind of Chilis you want. I'm amazed that they still have this much creativity left to be honest as a handful of these songs easily stand up to their best work. Frusciante absolutely SHREDS on this album! Anthony's vocals dip less often into cringe here (Handful is particularly guilty though) with some absolutely golden choruses and Chad and Flea are on fire throughout. Standout tracks for me are Peace & Love, Eddie, Roulette, Afterlife, Copperbelly & In the Snow. Expand
  9. Oct 16, 2022
    This is "easily" their best work, including UL, since the masterpiece Stadium Arcadium. Welcome back John !
  10. Oct 15, 2022
    Exactly the album I wanted when hearing Frusciante was returning. UL was really good, but this might just blow it out of the water…
  11. Oct 15, 2022
    The last time these four guys took me on a musical trip this powerful was Stadium Arcadium. I thought Unlimited Love was great and an album where the band were striving to write great songs, if not on the level of their best work, but I can confidently say that Return of the Dream Canteen finds the band reaching heights they had not reached since Stadium Arcadium. Once again, these fourThe last time these four guys took me on a musical trip this powerful was Stadium Arcadium. I thought Unlimited Love was great and an album where the band were striving to write great songs, if not on the level of their best work, but I can confidently say that Return of the Dream Canteen finds the band reaching heights they had not reached since Stadium Arcadium. Once again, these four guys are musical innovators, transcending what it means to make music. While Unlimited Love was the perfect comeback, finding them picking up where they left off with Frusciante, Return of the Dream Canteen is a brand new chapter. While Unlimited Love plays like a collection of great songs, Return of the Dream Canteen is a complete, immersive experience that needs to be heard as one for the complete picture, much like their 2002 masterpiece, By the Way. Expand
  12. Oct 14, 2022
    Too bad E diddy shrimp is a clown and can’t see good music with his own eyes and stuff. This is easily their best since Stadium Arcadium. UL was good but this is great. Better bass by Flea throughout better guitar shreds by Fruciante as well as better harmonizing. Anthony’s vocals sound better here as well.
  13. Oct 14, 2022
    Blows Unlimited Love away, easily their best work since Stadium! This sounds like a proper return to that RHCP sound, and is a proper sequel to Stadium Arcadium. The first album I bought, listened to it twice trying to get a groove for it, couldn't. Got this one on day one and I am on my second run through it enjoying everything about it. The sonics of the album sound like a high fidelityBlows Unlimited Love away, easily their best work since Stadium! This sounds like a proper return to that RHCP sound, and is a proper sequel to Stadium Arcadium. The first album I bought, listened to it twice trying to get a groove for it, couldn't. Got this one on day one and I am on my second run through it enjoying everything about it. The sonics of the album sound like a high fidelity Stadium Arcadium, the guitar and vocal tones sound like they haven't aged a day in the almost 17 years since. The melodies are memorable, solo's well thought out, and the BG vocals are something only Frusciante could deliver. My only critique is the My Cigarette sounds like it belongs on the UL. A little too digital, and probably one a left over Frusciante synth track.

    Makes me hope that album three will revisit BSSM.
  14. Oct 14, 2022
    It's like they picked up right where Stadium Arcadium left off. John on guitar and Rick Rubin producing is a hard to beat combination.
  15. Oct 14, 2022
    Unlimited Love was just training, Dream Canteen is the real deal. Their best work since Stadium Arcadium.
  16. Oct 14, 2022
    Probably their best since Stadium Arcadium. They are clearly enjoying themselves this year and so am I.
  17. Oct 14, 2022
    ROTDC retorna al sonido tradicional de RHCP. Los slap de Flea, los riffs de John, los toques de batería de Chad, magia pura!
  18. Oct 14, 2022
    Far better than UL, really funk, Flea is doing some magic here again, Frusciante vocals are amazing as aways.
    And the wind instruments remember me de first albuns of the band.
    Love It!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Oct 19, 2022
    While some of these songs can feel regressive or at least undercooked on their own, they’re reframed by the open-hearted sadness that takes over the album’s second half.
  2. Oct 14, 2022
    Mildly soulful, rarely unpalatable, the Chili Peppers keep delivering American fast-food for the ears, even as they enter their sixties.
  3. Oct 14, 2022
    Return of the Dream Canteen is better overall than the previous effort. It might have a couple of higher sonic peaks, but suffers from similar flaws. Obviously, one hour-long album with the strongest tracks recorded in the past couple of years would have been enough for a stronger comeback.