• Record Label: Sony BMG
  • Release Date: Sep 11, 2015
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jan 10, 2017
    The Scorpions. They just keep rolling. A few hits and misses aside (1999's Eye to Eye release), the Scorpions continue at such a high level. Their latest release, Return to Forever does a masterful job at taking raw tracks from their 79-85 era and breathing new life into them with solid production, great guitar mixes and a solid back beat. Klaus, as usual, brings soaring vocals and hisThe Scorpions. They just keep rolling. A few hits and misses aside (1999's Eye to Eye release), the Scorpions continue at such a high level. Their latest release, Return to Forever does a masterful job at taking raw tracks from their 79-85 era and breathing new life into them with solid production, great guitar mixes and a solid back beat. Klaus, as usual, brings soaring vocals and his range is a strong as ever. Highlights of this CD include Rock Your Car (A raw tune reminiscent of the "Lovedrive" sound). Other faves include Rock n Roll Band, Going Out With a Bang, The Scratch, among others.

    The only place this falls flat is "We Built This House". The Producers were far too involved on this over-polished track to the point it resembles a 1985 Bon Jovi throw-away track.

    Still, a very strong resurgent release for the Scorpions. So well received, it returned them to Arena status for their subsequent tour, many of which were sold out performances.
  2. Jul 16, 2016
    Although I am a fanatic of Scorpions, this is not Scorpions. Generic rock, with repetitive the word rock in almost all of their songs, Klaus lost his voice, and the ballads are not there.. Do not buy this CD, just in case they understand that we need real music.
  3. Apr 20, 2016
    This is an album composed primarily of previously unused songs written back in the 80s, and as a result the riffs and lyrics noticeably resemble albums such as Love At First Sting more closely than the band's other recent albums. The benefit of modern production, as well as some reworking that took place, give these old, nearly forgotten about songs a fresh makeover, and results in anThis is an album composed primarily of previously unused songs written back in the 80s, and as a result the riffs and lyrics noticeably resemble albums such as Love At First Sting more closely than the band's other recent albums. The benefit of modern production, as well as some reworking that took place, give these old, nearly forgotten about songs a fresh makeover, and results in an album that will manage to connect to fans of the band old and new. A lot of phrases are overused - like on "Sting in the Tail" the band goes to great distance to remind you that they're a rock band by using the word "rock" in many of the song titles / lyrics. All in all it's a perfectly serviceable album, and whilst it takes a safe approach, it manages to avoid sounding stale. Expand
  4. Apr 2, 2016
    After 50 years Scorpions still are the same, great, powerful and original. They are one of greatest rock n roll bands of all times, they had their influence on rock specially Hard Rock. Singer Klaus Meine at nearly 70 still has that magical voice with the great instrumentation even better than before. Songs just like the other strong great hard rocks force adrenaline to rush thru your veins.

No score yet - based on 3 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Dec 22, 2015
    Return to Forever follows suit very much, with the 12 new songs here embodying the same over the top celebration and hedonistic revelry of a much younger Scorpions. At times the throwbacks are a little transparent.
  2. 70
    It’s 1984 forever for the Scorpions, a return to slick, semi-hard rock and power ballads.
  3. Dec 22, 2015
    We don’t know that this will be the final Scorpions LP, but if it is, the little band from Hanover will certainly have gone out with, as they say, a bang.