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Universal acclaim- based on 51 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 51
  2. Negative: 1 out of 51

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  1. Feb 23, 2022
    Неплохой альбом, есть несколько хороших песен, однако уже после «Up» чувствуется упадок группы.
  2. RH
    Jul 25, 2006
    The band set out to capture the summers of their youth on record, and they did that. A 10 for atmosphere and sound........the problem, however, is that the songs just aren't here - it meanders a lot. If you're sitting outside, letting the sun bake your skin, it works well in that thoughtless fashion.........but when you pay attention to it, the work falls apart faster that balsa wood.
  3. JaceN
    Feb 11, 2006
    For a band that once said it wasnt going to produce endless sequels to Monster and New Adventures In Hi-Fi...wasnt going to repeat what worked to get easy sales...they sure love producing sequels to UP...and repeating what didnt work with an army of fans claiming "all us critics are too stupid to understand the songs" defense to criticism. Most of the tracks wouldnt be so bad if they For a band that once said it wasnt going to produce endless sequels to Monster and New Adventures In Hi-Fi...wasnt going to repeat what worked to get easy sales...they sure love producing sequels to UP...and repeating what didnt work with an army of fans claiming "all us critics are too stupid to understand the songs" defense to criticism. Most of the tracks wouldnt be so bad if they didnt incorporate strange instruments or cliche lyrics. Fumbling around for a hook is best done on your own time but even then when youre tinkering in the studio, its not the best reason to put a stinker on the only CD youll put out for a few years merely because some hidden quality of it reminds you of a song from your youth...and you want to share that with the world. We want R.E.M back! Expand
  4. shakermaker
    Aug 16, 2001
    they always sound the same after all these years it's gettin boring

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. 'Reveal' sees REM exhale, relax and ease into a new confidence with a collection of songs to fill your heart. Every track here sifts with a live energy that was previously polished out of 'Up', and they sound all the better for it.
  2. It's a landmark album for REM and the fans who stayed faithful, a shot in the arm for music in 2001 and - unless they're too foolish to accept it - a long-awaited treat for all the listeners who bailed out after Monster.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Reveal is billed as the band's return to form, and mostly it is.... But like 'Up,' much of 'Reveal' is haunted by an ennui that's curious for a band that made their name by talking about the passion. [18 May 2001, p.79]