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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1269 Ratings

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  1. Dec 22, 2017
    Em has always been political, Em has always been controversial. People says this is not good because they are only here for songs like Love the way you lie or Monster. They are the people most likely to skip songs searching for some hip beat and chart topping songs, but not for the meaning and the reality.
  2. Dec 18, 2019
    From tracks that talks about America's issues that reflects from Eminem's BET freestyle to tracks that reflect on Eminem's life and state in hip-hop, Revival is a mix between all of his previous albums that have gone platinum. Only one track seems to stand out poorly: Chloraseptic. Thankfully, its remix performs better, but blows the original out of the water and makes a blister inFrom tracks that talks about America's issues that reflects from Eminem's BET freestyle to tracks that reflect on Eminem's life and state in hip-hop, Revival is a mix between all of his previous albums that have gone platinum. Only one track seems to stand out poorly: Chloraseptic. Thankfully, its remix performs better, but blows the original out of the water and makes a blister in Revival. Without that track, its an easy 10. Expand
  3. Jan 22, 2020
    I actually like this album despite so many hating this one ..............................................................................
  4. Jan 22, 2020
    There's a few skips but the lyricism is still top notch! Em gives us his take on issues in America.
  5. Dec 18, 2017
    Still listening but anyone giving this a 0 or 10 just dumb. There are some lines that should of not made it and should of been some ill production from guys like Alchemist, Preemo, Madlib, Statik, ApolloBrown and guys like this but it's still a solid B-
  6. Dec 16, 2017
    Ottimo album, uno dei migliori, entra dritto nella mia top 5 di Marshall. Sicuramente non avrĂ  il successo degli altri album, soprattutto per scelte sbagliate dei singoli lanciati
  7. Dec 21, 2017
    As always, his albums have good production. The beats are made perfectly for what he wants to express. More to the point, this album is not one of those albums that rappers are making this days...and i mean the exploit of fans by today's rappers who use easy to make beats and the same sound,vibe and lyrics with every song they do. This album is straight forward, you can understand what heAs always, his albums have good production. The beats are made perfectly for what he wants to express. More to the point, this album is not one of those albums that rappers are making this days...and i mean the exploit of fans by today's rappers who use easy to make beats and the same sound,vibe and lyrics with every song they do. This album is straight forward, you can understand what he feels , he is not mumbling non sense, and as usual the flawless delivering of those top lyrics. And he did a lil' bit of something for everybody on this one. That's why i recommend this album without thinking twice. Expand
  8. Dec 19, 2017
    Not a bad album. Lots of people are criticizing it based on Eminem's actions, and not on the album itself. Most of the people here, I bet, didn't even listen to the record.
  9. Dec 16, 2017
    I am not Eminem's fan, but i always knew he is one of the coolest rappers. This album is everything i like in his music. Moderetely lyrical, aggressive and this emphasis on text, not instrumental, i think is best thing in this album.
    It's really cool, but i don't thinks i will listen to it much, only for a few songs, but all of the songs should be together, it's not 18 songs in one place,
    I am not Eminem's fan, but i always knew he is one of the coolest rappers. This album is everything i like in his music. Moderetely lyrical, aggressive and this emphasis on text, not instrumental, i think is best thing in this album.
    It's really cool, but i don't thinks i will listen to it much, only for a few songs, but all of the songs should be together, it's not 18 songs in one place, it's more like one song divided on pieces.
  10. Dec 15, 2017
    It's that kinda album that takes time and couple listens to grow on you , definitely not his best but indeed a good album, couple of production problems and couple of meh and bad songs other than that it's great
  11. Dec 15, 2017
    Solid album and get's better with every listen. Was the first Em album I didn't initially click with but once I took a second listen I loved it. As he has a track for everyone the initial listen can be overwhelming but its a grower of an album.
  12. Dec 15, 2017
    It may be a side step from his last 3 efforts, but it's still a joy to listen to the rap god.

    His new track Believe explains it perfectly... "But how do you keep up the pace and the hunger pains once you've won the race? When that pool of exhaust is cooling off Cause you don't got nothing left to prove at all 'Cause you done already hit them with the coup de grâce" I
    It may be a side step from his last 3 efforts, but it's still a joy to listen to the rap god.

    His new track Believe explains it perfectly...

    "But how do you keep up the pace and the hunger pains once you've won the race?

    When that pool of exhaust is cooling off

    Cause you don't got nothing left to prove at all

    'Cause you done already hit them with the coup de grâce"

    I mean, in all seriousness, what else could he do? We got about 5 more serious Em tracks, a few goofy ones, a few political tracks, radio friendly ones and even a trap song.

    Just imagine being Em and having to make an album that appeals to fans of his older music, Relapse and his newer "pop/rock" type tracks.

    Like it or not, he received a bunch of new fans when he released Recovery and he needs to appeal to everyone

    Literally gotten impossible to please all his fans.

    But as a fan, I'm enjoying this album.
  13. Dec 15, 2017
    Though the subject matter is repetitive and self-contradictory, each song has its merits to be a classic in their own right. Rick Rubin production is disappointing compared to Dr. Dre (as is most production), but Eminem continues to prove himself as both a lyrical mastermind and possibly the most competent rapper when it comes to flow. I think he sold himself short a bit on flow, notThough the subject matter is repetitive and self-contradictory, each song has its merits to be a classic in their own right. Rick Rubin production is disappointing compared to Dr. Dre (as is most production), but Eminem continues to prove himself as both a lyrical mastermind and possibly the most competent rapper when it comes to flow. I think he sold himself short a bit on flow, not providing a track with the eye-popping flows of Speedom or Wicked Ways. Nonetheless, critics of this album must realize that Eminem did this album for himself, from the personal lyrics to his Trump-bashing that many fans dislike, but if any artist deserves the right to release a self-indulgent album it's Eminem. I personally find the criticism of Trump inspiring and, above all, proof that Eminem is still thinking straight. Expand
  14. Dec 16, 2017
    I dont get all those people who expect Em to rap like he did 20y ago. Are you the same person you were 20y ago?
    To be fair there are 1 or 2 songs that drag the score down but overall its a pretty good LP.
    As for the features to me personally Khelani outperformed all the others.
    Castle and arose, what a way to end.
  15. Dec 16, 2017
    I like the lyrics and production on some songs like Believe, Offended, Framed and River, but on others the are very dull and dumb. Not like his other albums, but this is quite good.
  16. Jan 22, 2020
    This is actually a good album. Some people expect Eminem to be X, other people expect him to be Y, and other people expect him to be Z, and they always have an excuse to criticize him and not let him be the undoubtedly greatest again. The truth is that he's the greatest, either if you want to accept it or not.
  17. Mar 13, 2021
    Is this Eminem’s worst album? Yes.
    Does that mean it’s a bad album? No.
    Lyrically, Eminem is so far above any other artist out there. This is an engaging album, full of emotion and new things to say from Em. There are some suspect production choices, and the songs are so varied in content/style that you almost certainly won’t like every song. Still, this project is stronger than most
    Is this Eminem’s worst album? Yes.
    Does that mean it’s a bad album? No.

    Lyrically, Eminem is so far above any other artist out there. This is an engaging album, full of emotion and new things to say from Em. There are some suspect production choices, and the songs are so varied in content/style that you almost certainly won’t like every song. Still, this project is stronger than most other rappers will put out in their entire careers.

    If anything, this album is proof that when people jump aboard the hate train because it’s the “cool” thing to do, the evidence doesn’t matter. Unless you have put your blinders on and have committed to hating everything Eminem puts out ever again, you will recognize this for the solid album it is.
  18. Mar 27, 2020
    This album is underrated and overhated. Yes, there are couple bad songs in this album, like Chloraseptic's very sloppy flow or Believe's average lyrics, the album overall is quite solid. The best songs on this album would have to be Walk On Water, Castle, and Arose
  19. Oct 18, 2020
    It does sound as if he actually wanted to start a rap-rock band, but goddamn, Rick Rubin why didn't you stick to Linkin Park? The rest is just typical eminem, overhating him is useless lmao
  20. Nov 20, 2022
    I was a revival hater when it came out but recently, i've listened to it again and i gotta say that this album is underrated af. most of the people just listen for fun and don't get the depth of some lyrics. castle, arose, river and framed are great songs. it's a pity that there are also songs like need me with pink, that **** is awful never want to hear it again, but overall, it wasI was a revival hater when it came out but recently, i've listened to it again and i gotta say that this album is underrated af. most of the people just listen for fun and don't get the depth of some lyrics. castle, arose, river and framed are great songs. it's a pity that there are also songs like need me with pink, that **** is awful never want to hear it again, but overall, it was really good for me after listening to it twice Expand
  21. Nov 25, 2022
    Not my favorite, I have to admit. But still a banger. Still in love with Castle, Arose, Tragic Endings and Framed.
  22. Dec 1, 2022
    Not his best work but a lot of people still can't understand most of his lyrics in this record. Being truly honest, some songs aren't good, like "Need Me", but some others are just overhated for no reason.
  23. Jan 17, 2019
    'Revival' is not even close to Eminem's best album, but it's still decent. The thing is, with an artist like Eminem, his worst work (which in my opinion is Encore) is still something worth listening to. I think songs like "Walk On Water", "River", "Believe", "Framed", "Like Home", "Tragic Endings", "Remind Me", and "Castle/Arose" were all highlights of this album. I think there are songs'Revival' is not even close to Eminem's best album, but it's still decent. The thing is, with an artist like Eminem, his worst work (which in my opinion is Encore) is still something worth listening to. I think songs like "Walk On Water", "River", "Believe", "Framed", "Like Home", "Tragic Endings", "Remind Me", and "Castle/Arose" were all highlights of this album. I think there are songs on here which cater to different sections of his fanbase, which always turns out terribly unfortunately. I think the real reason why this album was so panned is because he alienated half of his fans by telling them to go to hell if they supported President Trump, and because the ad campaign behind it was not very effective. As to why it was panned by critics, it honestly beats me. I do find it funny that the social justice critics didn't come to Eminem's defense when he was talking about legitimate issues with America's politics and racial inequalities. I guess they're still triggered about his edgy lyrics from the past. Most of the users who are leaving bad reviews on the album probably have an issue with the production and choice of beats, and honestly that's my biggest issue. Some of the beats were a little too bland, and Rick Rubin's production was horrible. But to rate this album a 0 is ******* ridiculous, and I'm tempted to give a score of 10 just to offset those morons. Ultimately, this album feels like a less impressive version of Recovery, and I hope he does less pop features in the future, and returns to rapping over legendary Dr. Dre beats. Overall, my final score is between a 7 and 7.5, thanks for reading! Expand
  24. Apr 22, 2018
    A bad Eminem album is still better than many other albums that are made every year. With that said, this is a pretty bad Eminem Album. It has its moments, but it feels 20 minutes too long. It feels like a better version of Relapse, but it's much closer to Relapse than any of his other work.
  25. Dec 15, 2017
    This album has a lot of enjoyable songs, like Castle,Arose and Framed,but not that good production on some songs and sometimes very dumb lyrics are the reason this is only a 7. Overall,a OK album.
  26. Dec 18, 2017
    Text required but I just want to leave a score. I have nothing impactful to say regarding this album.... Arh still need to add a few more words because apparently that was enough in the first place...
  27. Dec 16, 2017
    It would be a good album, if it was’t Eminem. Eminem is an artist, who should be on higher level. There are few good songs(River, Believe), but Revival is worse in comparison with previous albums
  28. Dec 15, 2017
    Far from his best work, this album was damaged by the attempt to satisfy too many people, almost as if there were several album concepts and he decided to go with all of them. There was a little bit for everyone except for the Slim Shady fans who can't seem to understand that the man is getting too old for that high pitched voiced and that content. Eminem is still lyrically and technicallyFar from his best work, this album was damaged by the attempt to satisfy too many people, almost as if there were several album concepts and he decided to go with all of them. There was a little bit for everyone except for the Slim Shady fans who can't seem to understand that the man is getting too old for that high pitched voiced and that content. Eminem is still lyrically and technically insane and was very entertaining for most of the 19 tracks (indeed there are a few disposable songs). He has been getting mixed reviews from his fans since The Eminem Show and will continue to get said reviews unless he brings back his old content which, even though I prefer his older work, doesn't fit the mature rapper picture. Expand
  29. Dec 16, 2017
    The album contains a lot of high-points and some pretty average tracks. IMO the highs makes up for the lows. The album is packed with a bunch of nice punchlines and wordplay, and in true Eminem fashion it also contains some very graphic and gut wrenching imagery.
  30. Dec 16, 2017
    Best album since Eminem Show to me.Revival contains music for everyone and that's why it is better than his last three albums but from the other hand many people didn't get enough their type of Marshall's music so they leave mixed or bad reviews.I hope that Revival won't be underrated as much as MMLP2 though

Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 24
  2. Negative: 6 out of 24
  1. The Wire
    Feb 23, 2018
    Chosen topics prove less crucial than his relentlessly tedious delivery. [Feb 2018, p.51]
  2. Q Magazine
    Jan 30, 2018
    Eminem has never sounded more like a man out of time. [Mar 2018, p.107]
  3. Jan 18, 2018
    At least a third of the tracks are songs I could do without. The other two-thirds show that whether you love or hate the modern day Marshall Mathers, he's still as relevant as he ever was.