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  1. Oct 18, 2015
    Minhas expectativas para esse álbum foram mínimas, ainda bem, pois o mesmo não tem nada de muito interessante, fiquei agoniado para esse álbum acabar logo, de tão chato que estava ouvir, tenho que parabenizar Selena por ter feito um bom sonífero, já pode começar a faculdade de farmácia.
  2. Jan 28, 2016
    i'm sorry, but this album have various mistakes
    thats vocals are so superficial
    without a big 'thing' to make this album are special
    selena, surrender!
  3. Oct 10, 2015
    Es un poco parecido a lo que ella ha hecho antes pero con otro toque de musica, se aprecia un poco su mejora vocal pero aun falta mucho para que supere a Bangerz y encima sigue usando muchisimo auto-tune
  4. Nov 6, 2015
    Álbum horrendo e sem identidade alguma. Credo. Queria achar um jeito de conseguir desouvir essa bomba. Parece uma terrorista distribuindo bomba pelos cantos.
  5. Mar 27, 2016
    Mainsteam, factory produced pop junk for the masses. The lyrics are so childish and uninspired that it's disgusting. Skip this album at all costs cuz it's overproduced and her vocals are very weak.
  6. Oct 13, 2015
    Really really bad because it's filled with fillers. Yes there are good songs on it but they are few and far in between. She should have cut out the rest and made it an EP.
  7. Oct 10, 2015
    This album is horrendous. On every song she sounds different. It shouldn't be Selena Gomez' album, but Auto tune's album. People should just realise, she can't sing
  8. Oct 10, 2015
    This album is not so good & different! She uses so much autotune like in her other albums! She can't sing! I saw her making playback many times like when she sings Same Old Love live. In general, I don't recommend it!
  9. Oct 9, 2015
    Se tem uma coisa que não me arrependo te der feito esse ano foi ter comprado o Revival, e se eu pudesse defini-lo em apenas uma palavra, seria SOFISTICADO. Esse realmente é o renascimento da Selena, tanto como artista quanto como pessoa. Foi uma surpresa muito agradável ver a garota de Naturally se tornar a mulher de Good for You. A partir de agora veremos Gomez com outros olhos, e euSe tem uma coisa que não me arrependo te der feito esse ano foi ter comprado o Revival, e se eu pudesse defini-lo em apenas uma palavra, seria SOFISTICADO. Esse realmente é o renascimento da Selena, tanto como artista quanto como pessoa. Foi uma surpresa muito agradável ver a garota de Naturally se tornar a mulher de Good for You. A partir de agora veremos Gomez com outros olhos, e eu estou muito orgulhoso dessa grande transformação. Expand
  10. Oct 9, 2015
    Hated, I think selena does not feel comfortable in their songs, I hope it improves, I like some of it, has talent, but on this album I did not like much.
  11. Oct 12, 2015
    horrible, tragic , auto-tuned mess, her music keeps getting worse and worse every day, i think she should quit singing and move on to acting to be honest.
  12. Oct 11, 2015
    So much autotune, songs are about nothing, bad quality. Selena must admit that singing is not her thing. She is pretty good actress so she need to stay on that line and don't go to the music industry
  13. Oct 11, 2015
    revival is a good album for selena but not the best of the year may have improved voice or maybe it's autotune but has very good rhythm is very good not bad but do not overestimate much this album
  14. Oct 13, 2015
    trash!! this album is horrible, selenas voice so bad...the music with electronic beats clichés, songs dont composed for her, bored songs, shes try sing but CAN NOT. shes all trash artist, i feel sorry for her, i hope she gets to where her friends arrived
  15. Oct 15, 2015
    Um album com otimas composiçoes, mas com algumas musicas com ritmos chatos, enjoativos, mas pelo visto tem um potencial, porem, ficou a desejar devido um pouco de falta dela mesma no album. Parabens a Selena pelo trabalho.
  16. Oct 16, 2015
    Very weak voice, I can not find voice quality nor the instrumental ... has some good lyrics, I could not find any fantastic music that is innovative and something new in pop, boring boring album and I can not even listen to the end
  17. Oct 16, 2015
    I think the album was very boring. I expected more! She has such a tone but she put it all to waste. If you want to hear actual music - I suggest Demi Lovato's Confident.
  18. Oct 16, 2015
    Honestly? The album has a few good songs, but other then that, I didn't really like it. Her voice sounds different in almost every song, as if she got another person to sing the album for her. A lot of the songs are repetitive, boring, or annoying. Plus there's the fact that I'm pretty sure she won't be able to sing any of these songs live. Very generic and I wouldn't recommend it.
  19. Oct 16, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é muito repetitivo... As canções tornam-se chatas... e não possui uma qualidade significativa que tanta expoem por aí... É algo meio começo de carreira! Expand
  20. Oct 19, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Looks like a piece of **** Selena needs to stop singing, this is like trash... Very disappointed... I bought this trash and I want my money back... You should stop Expand
  21. Oct 16, 2015
    Na boa, ao ouvir Good For You, pensei que o álbum novo da Sel seria maravilhoso e que ela seguiria aquele caminho. Porém fui enganado docemente. O álbum tem várias farofas, assim como o seu anterior, Stars Dance. Uma ou outra música melancólica, falando de seu conturbado relacionamento com o Bieber, e só. Me decepcionou.
  22. Oct 16, 2015
    Of what i heard its an ok album. Im not to big of a fan of it kill em with kindness sounds pretty got but im not to big of a fan of it. I would want to hear more vocals
  23. Oct 16, 2015
    Álbum chato, mesma coisa de sempre. como não gostei vou dar a nota que merece, Porque não curti muita a sonoridade desse álbum uma ou outra música salva.
  24. Oct 16, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Tem 5 músicas horríveis e as outras em si repetitivas, porém utilizou muito bem do seu vocal, mas está muito diferente dos lives que ela faz, claro que não todas as músicas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  25. Oct 16, 2015
    Músicas com a mesma sonoridade e Selena sim,evoluiu mas as músicas parecem ser as mesmas. E o capa do álbum não me agradou muito e outra,não acho que seja o álbum do ano. Prefiro algo dançante e calmo no álbum,não músicas sonolentas.
  26. Oct 16, 2015
    Nada contra, mas também nada a favor... Sei que a Selena tem muito mais potencial que isso, amo tanto essa mulher mas fica dificil com esse tipo de músicas ZzzZzZZZ
  27. Oct 16, 2015
    This is such a boring album. Out of 16 tracks I only enjoyed like 4. I was expecting so much by Selena after the masterpiece she released in 2013, Stars Dance. So disappointed in her.
  28. Oct 17, 2015
    She can't sing like this live and I don't like to hear fake voices. Selena should give up of being a singer, if you can't sing you aren't a singer, you are just a fake person trying to get extra money. Selena please get out of this industry and I will thank you forever.
  29. Oct 16, 2015
    nao gostei pior album mesma farofa dançante de sempre selena nao tem alcance vocal por isso sao sempre musicas que nao exigem nada da voz dela preferia mil vezes como atriz
  30. Oct 16, 2015
    pior album piores musicas atriz/dançarina se pagando de cantora, a unica musica boa é camouflage e acaba por aí... selena stop! voce é melhor q isso..
  31. Oct 17, 2015
    This album is really boring, full of rihanna rejects tracks, she could do a better album than this, hope this album flop hard, it doesnt deserves any sucess
  32. Oct 16, 2015
    achei um lixo, as musicas nao tem personalidade, são genéricas e é um tipo de album que é perda de tempo escutar, eu sinceramente esperava mais da selena porque as musicas dela sao maravilhosas mas esse álbum realmente me decepcionou. ps: só gostei de good for you
  33. Oct 16, 2015
  34. Oct 16, 2015
    Parece que estou escutando a continuação da musica anterior, esse é o problema de só alcançar 1 timbre de voz... .
  35. Oct 16, 2015
    i really dont link this album, he is so generic, so boring.
  36. Oct 16, 2015
    Trash. She not even wrote any of the song and she can't sing. Where is her talent? Oh sht, Selena should stay in her acting career. She's a fail in music.
  37. Oct 16, 2015
    pessimo nao gostei sem humor sem voz parece um robo nao gostei apaga viado naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao sou obregada a gostar de nada queridaaaaaaaaaa
  38. Oct 2, 2017
    I really like the selena, but she sings badly, has no presence! she's a great public figure, but singing is not for her. She is even strenuous, but she does not love anything, musically speaking.
  39. Oct 16, 2015
    000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 nao gostei 0000000000
  40. Oct 17, 2015
    horrível e parabéns selenators vocês ficam dando 0 pro confident então nada mais que merecido eu dar 0 pra fave de vocês! Não que isso faça muita diferença, mas se ela tiver mais críticas ruins que já tem pra mim é ótimo
  41. Oct 17, 2015
    Não gostei as musicas me deram sono esperava ,mais ,gosto de good for you foi uma boa musica para o marketing do álbum ,porem ouvindo só decepcionou
  42. Oct 17, 2015
    Esse álbum parece um álbum feito a partir de demos descartadas não pela Rihanna como o Stars Dance, mas pela Beyoncé. Já sabia que viria algo assim...
  43. Oct 17, 2015
    achei muuuuuito fraquinho,selena já fez coisas melhores....só consegui dormir com isso....sinceramente,achei que seria bom como muitos de seus fãs falaram que seria...triste
  44. Oct 17, 2015
    this album is the same as star dance, the songs sound all the same they are all upbeat and its boring she should focus on acting i like some of her movies
  45. Oct 17, 2015
    This album is so disappointing i expect something good but... im so disappointed with her she's just showing that she is not good enough to be a musician :(
  46. Oct 17, 2015
    Awful album, way too much autotune since Gomez doesn't have any vocal ability.. Terrible music production. Such a disappointment. Don't like the album AT ALL.
  47. Oct 17, 2015
    Honestly? The album has a few good songs, but other then that, I didn't really like it. Her voice sounds different in almost every song, as if she got another person to sing the album for her. the album is pretty good but you can practically hear the autotune in her voice and her vocals just aren't strong at all. still love her.
  48. Oct 17, 2015
    Olha não gostei, achei todas as músicas parecidas e não vi nenhum tipo de amadurecimento, só salvo os singles e a maravilhosa Sober que é a única diferente mesmo. Mas no contexto geral é um péssimo albúm, conseguiu ser pior que o anterior e com certeza é o pior do ano, De nada.
  49. Oct 17, 2015
    The album is boring, her voice is getting better, but still looks terrible, the production is good but i prefer confident, and demi's voice is so much better than selena, GO CONFIDENT!
  50. Oct 17, 2015
    De todas as músicas, no máximo umas cinco são boas. Totalmente decepcionante, chato e algumas músicas, quase todas, impossíveis de ouvir até o final. Album péssimo.
  51. Oct 17, 2015
    Probably one of the most basic, boring, and generic albums I've come across. No risks were taken, AGAIN, and A LOT of the songs are filled with autotune and generic beats, most likely to distract the listener from the fact that the singer CAN'T SING. She needs to just stop already and stick to acting or something.
  52. Oct 17, 2015
    Trash year, Selena is crap or sing . ete album has nothing new just the same robot voice and long playback . TOTAL FILLING. crap music. this is music?
  53. Oct 18, 2015
    A lot of songs with autotune. It was something that everyone expected. Her songs make no sense. The song "Good For You" tells everyone that we need to be good for someone. WHAT?? Everyone just need to be good for themselves. It is the wors album of the year!
  54. Oct 18, 2015
    What was that ..... Her voice sound the same over and over. Absolutely trash . Boring and overrated. Seems like gomez will never be my taste in music. Let's stick to acting shall we or just vanished into dust.
  55. Oct 23, 2015
    as a singer she's a good actress, too much autotune i hope she won't use playback in her concerts but she always use it so... not the album of the year, sorry for her and her non-existence vocals
  56. Nov 30, 2015
    don't write her music and awful record
    don't write her music and awful record
    don't write her music and awful record
    don't write her music and awful record
  57. Dec 30, 2015
    album only took two songs not liked the music so boring album that sleep , odiei eu preferia as antigas musicas dela uma bosta sonora nao sei como conseguiu boa nota aqui
  58. Jan 28, 2016
    a terrible, terrible album.What a pathetic attempt, she should just stick to acting.Full of generic, poorly produced songs.Annoying whispering and pathetic singing attempts.
  59. May 23, 2016
    Its quite ok but i still feel like she is still that disney girl I didnt hear any vocals mostly it were auto tunes but she can do better maybe next time if there is one
  60. Jul 6, 2016
    Completely Disappointed, what should be a really good album that shows growth for Selena as an artist who has been releasing music for the better part of a decade, unfortunately is a completely lackluster, bland, and not even very catchy album. Unfortunately, the album is very boring and basic.

    I'm not one of those people who rip on Selena for her inability to sing without autotune, but
    Completely Disappointed, what should be a really good album that shows growth for Selena as an artist who has been releasing music for the better part of a decade, unfortunately is a completely lackluster, bland, and not even very catchy album. Unfortunately, the album is very boring and basic.

    I'm not one of those people who rip on Selena for her inability to sing without autotune, but I just can't excuse this mediocre crap. Very sad. Blandest album yet.
  61. Oct 25, 2016
    i dont understand why she is singer? she hasn't voice or any talent she is popular because of her "beauty" this album is just terrible too much auto tune
  62. Apr 14, 2017
    Horrifyingly bad. Tragic. Awful. Tasteless. Lacks character. Lacks vocals. Lacks lyrical diversity. Lacks musical presence. Such a shame this Instagram model still has a music career.
  63. Aug 11, 2017
    A record so mediocre that it only has whispers, it does playback and it's time for people with voice to dominate the world not with people who only want by their whispering voice
  64. Aug 17, 2018
    can she come up with something else other than bubblegum pop cause its getting boring selena AND GIRLIE CAN NOT EVEN SING
  65. Aug 17, 2018
    Awful. She can't sing, can't write, can't dance, can't produce, can't really do much except for whisper. Why is she even famous...?
  66. Aug 17, 2018
    Fukk this dumb A-$$ cultural appropriating A-$$ BlTCH, #BLACKLIVESMATTER & stream sweetener
  67. Aug 17, 2018
    a basic album full of whispers, she can not sing a note, this is an album made to sleep
  68. Jun 1, 2021
    ughhh hate that awful edm-esque 2015 beat thats prevalent in most of these trash songs.
  69. Feb 8, 2020
    grande bosta selma não é artista não sabe cantar não sabe dançar não vende não faz nada, only ex do the weeknd escorada nos outros
  70. Feb 14, 2020
    Girl I don't know you to say that, but it's for kids..
    It's boring and bad..
  71. Feb 14, 2020
    um dos piores albuns que eu ja ouvi na minha vida, meus ouvidos sangraram e so de olhar pro nome dessa bosta meus olhos doem
  72. Jan 16, 2022
    Im a selenator and im really dispointed , too generic and we already saw similar music , the quality of the sound isn’t good besides the vocals are bad
  73. Aug 21, 2022
    JUST A RANDOM STUFF PUT TOGETHER. The production, vocals and everything is just a mess.
  74. Oct 30, 2020
    This album is a real crap, it is boring, monotonous, repetitive, basic and predictable, one of the worst I have heard in my entire life, a total waste of my time.
  75. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. terrible. nothing makes me like her voice, it's something like torture. I didn't like any song from this album Expand
  76. Mar 23, 2021
    This is alright but not as good as I expected which is why I’m a bit disappointed again..
  77. Mar 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A predictable album with predictable song.. Being alone and heartbroken we sadly already know what she’s going to through. Expand
  78. Aug 21, 2022
    Such a **** album full of auto tune and leak of talent. She should retire music, she’s awful.
  79. Aug 20, 2022
    mediocre, talentless artist who’s known as a joke in the music industry by everyone
  80. Aug 21, 2022
    horrible album and bad voice... why does she have a music career. SHE SHOULD RETIRE IMMEDIATELY.
  81. Apr 7, 2021
    Horrível nunca inovou pois sempre faz músicas para o ex pra conseguir chamar atenção do público.
  82. Jun 1, 2021
    just a very bad album, the music thing isn't for her she has the worst song formulas.
  83. Jun 1, 2021
    quit music quit music literal joke of an artist quit music quit music quit music
  84. Jun 1, 2021
    I tried to like it but just couldn't get into these boring songs with no substance
  85. Mar 24, 2022
    Chamar esse álbum genérico e cheio de descartes da Rihanna de ruim ainda seria um elogio. Péssimo.
  86. Aug 21, 2022
    selena não tem uma voz boa e as músicas infelizmente não são boas, ela é melhor na tv
  87. Aug 22, 2022
  88. Aug 24, 2022
    The only ok thing about this album is the singles and yet some of them are bad , a vocal coach is needed
  89. Aug 21, 2022
    Un grand mojon asqueroso lleno de fracasos y playback digno de una muda, vaya bodrio
  90. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is terrible. And Selena didn’t even write it and she can’t sing. Her voice is so unbearable
  91. Aug 21, 2022
    it's giving kidz bop kids omg it's trash and boring just like her other albums my sister said that kkkkkkkkkkkkk
  92. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  93. Aug 21, 2022
    this album is horrible, she always delivers basic and boring work. she's just another white woman doing some basic work
  94. Aug 21, 2022
    The title is misleading because this is absolutely not a revival. This is is the same old stuff. Nothing new, nothing impressive, just boring with a lot of autotune.
  95. Aug 21, 2022
    the most untalented artist all of time, all of the song basically just autotune
  96. Aug 20, 2022
    A complete trash. The most mediocre album of all time. Don't waste your time listening to this album!
  97. Aug 20, 2022
    Muito ruimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  98. Aug 21, 2022
    Flat vocals, nonsensical and repetitive lyrics- those are just some of the reasons why this album is very bad.
  99. Aug 22, 2022
    great choice for singles but the album tracks and the album overrall sucks except for a few songs
  100. Aug 21, 2022
    Worst album of all the time! I had wasted my time listening to it, if you apreciate your time, don't listen to.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Oct 19, 2015
    Song for song, Revival rivals Carly Rae Jepsen's Emotion for breakout pop album of the year, but if it similarly falls short of greatness, it's due in large part to a lack of originality.
  2. Oct 15, 2015
    There’s enough growth here to accept the occasional stumble. Revival, like ‘Good For You’, is a damn fine, hook-laden surprise. Selena Gomez has found a voice worth paying serious attention to.
  3. Oct 15, 2015
    Revival is an audacious name for a 23-year-old singer's second album, but from start to finish, Gomez earns it. This is the sound of a newly empowered pop artist growing into her strengths like never before.