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Generally favorable reviews- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Dec 26, 2015
    This album has the sonic feel of the more Avant Garde late 70's - early 80's post punk bands that I love (early Cocteau Twins, Ut, Joy Division/early New Order). The vocals/lyrics serve an atmospheric, expressive function rather than a literal one. The songs are a moody post punk psychedelic pop that sound not unlike like the mother ship, Warpaint, but slightly more intriguing... and edgy.This album has the sonic feel of the more Avant Garde late 70's - early 80's post punk bands that I love (early Cocteau Twins, Ut, Joy Division/early New Order). The vocals/lyrics serve an atmospheric, expressive function rather than a literal one. The songs are a moody post punk psychedelic pop that sound not unlike like the mother ship, Warpaint, but slightly more intriguing... and edgy. In a time of endless reconstructions of banal pop styles, this stands out. No wonder some of the critics were is over their heads. Expand
  2. Dec 30, 2015
    Right On! is the solo debut album from the front lady of Warpaint herself, Jenny Lee.

    A good friend of mine, a huge Warpaint fan, recommended me this album and I decided to give it try. My first impression wasn't really a positive one, after consecutive listens I still wasn't very impressed by it. The songwriting wasn't anything to write home about and were overly simplistic for my
    Right On! is the solo debut album from the front lady of Warpaint herself, Jenny Lee.

    A good friend of mine, a huge Warpaint fan, recommended me this album and I decided to give it try. My first impression wasn't really a positive one, after consecutive listens I still wasn't very impressed by it.

    The songwriting wasn't anything to write home about and were overly simplistic for my tastes and Jenny would just repeat the lyrics in the same redundant way. Tracks like the intro, "blind" and "white devil" felt directionless, almost up to the point they almost felt pointless.

    However, the songs that I did like on this record, "offerings", "boom boom", "he fresh" and to an extend "riot" and "bully" are songs that I will have in my rotation for the next couple of weeks. These songs were seeping with attitude, vibrancy and felt ambitious. "offerings" especially gave me some vibes from the recent My Brightest Diamond album "This Is My Hand".

    Maybe I'm missing something, or maybe I don't get the full artistic idea behind this record...
    But I do know that this album just simply did not resonate with me on the level that I hoped for.

    Fav Tracks: offerings, he fresh, boom boom
    Least Fav Tracks: blind, white devil, never

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Dec 22, 2015
    Occasionally, right on!'s stripped-down sonics are too restrained for their own good--"white devil" doesn't have the fuel it needs to truly ignite--but more often than not, the album offers a welcome glimpse of Lindberg on her own.
  2. 70
    Overall, as bass-players solo missions go, Right On! fares well in both connecting to and standing apart from the mothership. Admittedly, the record’s best moments could perhaps have been cherry-picked to fold into the next Warpaint album or compressed into a just EP-length statement.
  3. Dec 14, 2015
    With just a couple of standout tracks, this isn’t earth-shattering stuff--but it will resonate with existing Warpaint admirers, introducing Lindberg’s intoxicating siren call and reminding of the unique potency of her pin-sharp bass playing.