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Universal acclaim- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 15
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 15
  3. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. May 15, 2020
    This review contains spoilers. A special album. Glasser showed her intelligence and prime skills while creating "Ring". Home, Glad, T, Tremel, Mirrorage and Treasure Of We are the best songs on it! Collapse
  2. Oct 3, 2011
    Glasser is Cameron Mesirow and with her full-length debut album she joined the most intriguing and original female vocalists ever (watch your back Björk). Ring is a sublime combination of heavy percussion and synths. The songs themselves are highly creative yet instantly attractive. Apply is one of the best opening songs Iâ
  3. Jan 31, 2011
    Imagine walking through a jungle in the year 3000 and coming across a long lost female pagan group with synthesizers in hand and you will know you're listening to Cameron Mesirow's, (aka Glasser) debut LP, Ring. She welcomes you to her land with hard stomping tribal drums, fat lower octave synths, and primitive yelping on opener track "Apply" (somewhat reminiscent of Bjork's 2007 LP,Imagine walking through a jungle in the year 3000 and coming across a long lost female pagan group with synthesizers in hand and you will know you're listening to Cameron Mesirow's, (aka Glasser) debut LP, Ring. She welcomes you to her land with hard stomping tribal drums, fat lower octave synths, and primitive yelping on opener track "Apply" (somewhat reminiscent of Bjork's 2007 LP, Volta's opener "Earth Intruders"). The abstract lyrics and animal cries soon naturally fade to a more ethereal sounding track called "Home" with it's quirky use of hand claps, brass, marimbas, and synths. After that you will be taken to the slower and in my opinion the least exciting tracks of the whole album, "Glad" and "Plane Temp". While they are indeed beautiful and cohesive to the rest of the album, they were growers and most plain sounding songs. But quickly you are treated to the synths that were lacking it's true leading presence in the latter two, with synthscapade "T". With it's magnificently layered vocals and hypnotizing beats, like all of Ring, this song is more heartfelt but still emotionally strong at the same time by it's vulnerable lyrics but yet with it's hard beat. Swimming down the hard beat from "T" you become immersed in "Tremel", a beautiful and sexy growing tribal chant, definitely the most unique song off the whole album. Then you are lead to pagan ceremony gone synth-pop track "Mirrorage". If radio was a little bit more open minded this would be blasting out of everyone's car, with it's catchy hook ("How can I trust in you?") fast bass drums, funky vocoders, and celestial cymbals. "Treasure of We" keeps on the same more poppier side of Ring, but lacks the character of "Mirrorage". The final track "Clamour" (reminscent of Bjork's 2004 LP Medulla vocals) brings the album in a extravagant but somewhat haunting end but ends off with an outro that does tie the album in a "Ring" with the growing "Apply" drums finishing the album just as it started. The album's ethereal power makes it convincing the Glasser will prevail into becoming an ethereal giant joining the ranks of Florence Welch, Alison Goldfrapp, Enya, Bjork, and Kate Bush. Definitely, the best post-modern album in a long time, but the most interesting factor is it's primitive sound constructed entirely on samples, MIDI, synths, and computers. This album is huge and every sound on it is huge and massive, with many layered tracks which suprisingly never becomes irritating. Ring is right for anyone into great earthly electronic and artistic music. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Uncut
    Feb 25, 2011
    With Ring, Mesirow concocts a fractured pop that accentuates the layers of electronic composition, though her voice is the guiding instrument. [Dec 2010, p.104]
  2. Jan 3, 2011
    A smart debut that's fun to get lost in.
  3. Dec 21, 2010
    Strangely, a distinct analogue warmth still shines through. Think Enya filtered through chillwave.