• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Nov 12, 2002
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 93 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 75 out of 93
  2. Negative: 6 out of 93

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  1. DaveN
    Sep 22, 2006
    I like Pearl Jam. I really do despite my score. Ten, Vs., and Vitalogy were all brilliant records. Even the critically hated Yield was very good. Then No Code came out and I wanted to vomit. Binaurial didn't help that much as well. With Riot Act, Pearl Jam has succeeded in releasing three horrible albums in a row. I tried to get into this one. I listened to it for a week straight and I like Pearl Jam. I really do despite my score. Ten, Vs., and Vitalogy were all brilliant records. Even the critically hated Yield was very good. Then No Code came out and I wanted to vomit. Binaurial didn't help that much as well. With Riot Act, Pearl Jam has succeeded in releasing three horrible albums in a row. I tried to get into this one. I listened to it for a week straight and I still hated it. There are maybe 2 good tracks. Not great, good..barely good. The only reason it doesn't get a 2 or lower is because while its a bad CD, even horrible, it has a very slightly interesting side to it where if the band put more effort into it, it could have been a pretty good release. Expand
  2. GuyH
    Apr 12, 2007
    Pearl Jam career arc: Ten (8), Vs (5), Vitalogy (8), No Code (6), Yield (5), Binaural (4), and this is where I give up! (2)
  3. purrjim
    Nov 23, 2004
    I never expect to like a cd after just one listen. After about 30 listens I hate to admit it, but this cd is a let down, a dissapointment. Where is the voice that carried me throught it and above it, even below, but never down?
  4. borneos
    Nov 13, 2002
    steaming pile. poor pearl jam
  5. PaulH
    Jul 3, 2005
    Boring, that's the only word I can think of when I think of this Album and Pearl Jam's Career since their first two albums.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Q Magazine
    An adult rock record in which nuance succeeds over bombast. [Dec 2002, p.108]
  2. Uncut
    A couple of songs could do with more melody and less of Mike McCready's spidery guitar breaks. [Dec 2002, p.132]
  3. Eddie's heartfelt lyrics rarely cohere... [but their] grooves still sound taut, emotive, and world-class.