• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Nov 12, 2002
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 93 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 75 out of 93
  2. Negative: 6 out of 93

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  1. KevinC
    Mar 18, 2007
    Pearl Jam is my favourite rock band, and although there are some good cuts on this album, I can't really give it any higher than a six. In my opinion, this is Pearl Jam's weakest album.
  2. Feb 19, 2012
    'Ghost' remains my least favourite Pearl Jam track of all time (yes I preferred Bugs!), however, among the poorly political statements here there are some melancholic and incredible tracks with 'Love Boat Captain' and 'I Am Mine' keeping some consistency. Unfortunately with the inclusion of 'Arc' I am certain many die-hard fans like myself thought it a punch in the face when Vedder's voice'Ghost' remains my least favourite Pearl Jam track of all time (yes I preferred Bugs!), however, among the poorly political statements here there are some melancholic and incredible tracks with 'Love Boat Captain' and 'I Am Mine' keeping some consistency. Unfortunately with the inclusion of 'Arc' I am certain many die-hard fans like myself thought it a punch in the face when Vedder's voice is still capable of soaring so well. Expand
  3. Jun 30, 2012
    The band clearly showing a mid-age slump with a very normal album. Nothing to get too excited about but a decent album. Love Boat Captain and Thumbing My Way showing good melodically structured songs
  4. Nov 6, 2022
    This has the opposite issue that Binaural has - it has a great production style and sound, but the material is more than occasionally lacking. Frankly, Eddie doesn't do "bummed out" very confidently - he's a more dogged idealistic optimist than a defeated misanthrope, and here the mix of his lyrics and the more downbeat material is an odd fit. There are high points ("I Am Mine" remains anThis has the opposite issue that Binaural has - it has a great production style and sound, but the material is more than occasionally lacking. Frankly, Eddie doesn't do "bummed out" very confidently - he's a more dogged idealistic optimist than a defeated misanthrope, and here the mix of his lyrics and the more downbeat material is an odd fit. There are high points ("I Am Mine" remains an anthemic blast and deserved its radio space), but with the exception of Lightning Bolt, this remains among their weakest records. Expand
  5. Tim
    Jun 17, 2003
    It becomes very sad when a band refuses to quit although they're past their prime. The album is full of mostly boring songs aside from a few. Stand out Tracks: I Am Mine, Save You, Bushleager.
  6. DrewK
    Sep 13, 2005
    I'm a huge Pearl Jam fan who has every album and has seen the band live multiple times, so it pains me to rate a PJ album this low. This is PJ's first mediocre/bad record. Binaural wasn't great due to shoddy production, but it least it had good songs on it. Some of these songs actually make me feel embarrassed for the band. Nowhere close to their masterpieces Vitalogy and I'm a huge Pearl Jam fan who has every album and has seen the band live multiple times, so it pains me to rate a PJ album this low. This is PJ's first mediocre/bad record. Binaural wasn't great due to shoddy production, but it least it had good songs on it. Some of these songs actually make me feel embarrassed for the band. Nowhere close to their masterpieces Vitalogy and No Code. Maybe it really is time to call it quits? Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Q Magazine
    An adult rock record in which nuance succeeds over bombast. [Dec 2002, p.108]
  2. Uncut
    A couple of songs could do with more melody and less of Mike McCready's spidery guitar breaks. [Dec 2002, p.132]
  3. Eddie's heartfelt lyrics rarely cohere... [but their] grooves still sound taut, emotive, and world-class.