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Generally favorable reviews- based on 77 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 77
  2. Negative: 16 out of 77

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  1. JamesC
    Oct 27, 2006
    It's probably the best album. It's catchy, inteligent and it's fun!
  2. TylerD
    Oct 27, 2006
    The best album of his career.
  3. MarianneW
    Nov 12, 2006
    Rudebox is one of the best (maybe the best) Robbie Williams album ever. Rudebox is an album you need to listen to more than once to get the songs, (as with all good albums) because you can get a bit surprised at first. The album is a mix of beautiful ballads, hiphop, soul, disco, rap and countrystyle. You can hear that he really likes what he is doing and that makes the album hugely Rudebox is one of the best (maybe the best) Robbie Williams album ever. Rudebox is an album you need to listen to more than once to get the songs, (as with all good albums) because you can get a bit surprised at first. The album is a mix of beautiful ballads, hiphop, soul, disco, rap and countrystyle. You can hear that he really likes what he is doing and that makes the album hugely likeable. The great song She´s Madonna is going to be a hit and there are several more. He sings with emotion in the beautiful songs Summertime, The 80s, The 90s and Burslem normals. Viva life on Mars are catchy, just like Keep on and Good doctor. The actor is also a great tune. He raps in his own way (there is actually no rulebook of how to rap) and he does it well, he talks, sing-talks and sings. As always the lyrics are personal poetry. He has also covered songs that have meant very much to him in his youth and he does it very good. So respect to Robbie Williams for taking this step and it´s amazing how good it all has come out. I can highly recommend this album. It has it all and there´s never a dull moment. You can listen to it many times and never get bored because of the beautiful mix of styles. Expand
  4. TessH
    Nov 5, 2006
    Brilliant Album - great range of tracks - highlights - The Actor / 80's & 90's
  5. alexa
    Oct 31, 2006
    Amazing album - why else would it get to number 1?
  6. THayes
    Jan 10, 2007
    Best Album to date - gets better with every listen - no skipping tracks here
  7. ToddJ
    Oct 26, 2006
    Another modern day classic pop album by Robbie. Like all other masterpieces of the 21st century, it is both innovative and orginal. Reminiscent of Loveless, OK Computer, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. In many years to come people will look apon this album as a brilliant slice of art from 2006. 10/10
  8. ansaris
    Jan 27, 2007
    this is one of his albums with varied songs and styles...nice songs..and most played by me this year
  9. ChrisW
    Dec 25, 2006
    Another smah hit CD. Keep em' coming Robbie!
  10. Apr 3, 2020
    I haven’t heard a male pop album like this, very unique and fun, it stills fresh, people were not ready for this...
  11. LRoss
    Nov 4, 2006
    Great Album, really funny, really easy to listen to. One of his best Albums yet
  12. JohnB
    Oct 27, 2006
    This is a fantastic album, in many ways much accessible and enjoybale than his last two despite the raw explicitness of his lyrics. This is infectious fun. It boggles the mind that the serious music press doesn't "get" this album.
  13. Jul 24, 2020
    I still don't understand why this album was so hated back then, probably because of Rudebox as a lead single, but the album is still amazing. Lovelight, She's Madonna, The 80s (probably the best track), Kiss Me... And many more. Great album.
  14. KILLAH
    Feb 6, 2007
    Excepting the last 3 tracks, this is one dope album. Very hip. Some of Rob's rapping is a tad bizarre ('think with my dingaling') but it's the same quality that accounts for moments like 'use my cuts and lacerations, feed myself a new sensation'. This guy is an artist. I'm sure the Vegas shows are gonna be sick!
  15. TG
    May 7, 2007
    A great throwback album - it's fun, energetic and never takes itself too seriously. Rudebox is pure popcorn fun and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. The first half of the album is stronger and the schtick starts getting a bit old toward the end of the album, but a solidly strong and enjoyable record.
  16. FrankD
    Oct 30, 2006
    I am no Robbie fan at all. But this is the first album I like. Seems to me that the serius music press took it to "serious". Respect!
  17. RobertaS
    Jan 23, 2007
    It´s not a 10, but it´s creative! With all the copies we´ve been seing, it´s at least that. It´s clearly Robbie´s lyrics in a 80´s kind of way, but yet has notihng to do with the 80´s sounds!!!It´s modern and fashion...great!!!
  18. NitramG
    Dec 11, 2006
    I am in no way a Robbie Williams fan, but I found this album to be funny and adventurous in a way few albums have been this year, rudebox and lovelight are excellent tracks and I think williams is to be admired for not just repeating the formula his fans tend to lap up.One of my top 20 albums this year which surprised the hell out of me, and one of the most played.
  19. jimw
    Nov 23, 2006
    definitely not Robbie's best album, I would say half of the songs are excellent (first 5, last 4) but the rest feels a bit "unfinished".
  20. Wander
    Nov 13, 2006
    Just like every Robbie album, some very good songs and some fodder. He sounds like he dont gives a f%^& about his superstar status. That is good, not trying to make the umteenth angels clone (adverising space, anyone?) but doing what he likes.
  21. BenK
    May 11, 2007
    This CD is...interesting. It's not Robbie's best effort - it certainly contains flaws. But there are some amazing songs like the Pet Shop Boys collaborations. It's a little odd for him to go from faux-rock to electro/dance music. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't...
  22. Oct 30, 2010
    This album is good, but I don't really limke the rap tracks. They just sound... strange. Id buy the tracks Rudebox, Lovelight, The Actor and Good Doctor (the only decent rap track).
  23. justine
    Nov 6, 2006
    This is the end... although I hope I'm wrong
  24. SinishaS
    Nov 26, 2006
    i've followed robbie's career since the beginning and i really like his work and himself as a person but i have to admit that rudebox is pretty lame
  25. RobC
    Oct 27, 2006
    He can sing rock, he can sing swing, but now... He's out of ideas.
  26. paulb
    Oct 29, 2006
    His poorest album yet with no real direction or thought, lost in a world of showbiz
  27. SpinCycle
    Jan 7, 2007
    Despite the best efforts of the producers, you just cantt polish a turd. It sounds like a contractual obligation to the record co. They should be asking for some of the big money they gave him as part of his contract back.
  28. OlofR
    Nov 23, 2006
    One of the worst albums I have ever heard. How can you people give it a 10? You must be the biggest Robbie fans ever or be deaf to give this steaming pile of 'rap a score like that. A 10 indicates it's basicly the best you ever have heard. Get some neuance into your list of personality traits. Jesus christ.
  29. Apr 18, 2016
    A sad portrait of an established pop star from the 90s who is so far up his own arse that he doesn't care what rubbish comes out of his mouth to get paid. Painfully awkward rapping and stupid concepts. The title track is perhaps the biggest stinker. What was he thinking? Why would you consider rapping about T.K. Maxx costing less and Jacksons being a mess a good idea?
  30. TimK
    Oct 29, 2006
    I am astounded that something as bad as this even passes for music these days. Robbie Williams should know better by this stage in his career. A disgrace upon the very medium of pop music.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 12
  2. Negative: 3 out of 12
  1. Billboard
    Things hover uneasily somewhere between wholesale reinvention and mere superstar vanity project. [28 Oct 2006]
  2. All too often Rudebox plays like an undeveloped collection of half-baked ideas.
  3. 'Rudebox' is not 'Robbie Williams the serious artiste', but it is an amazing pop album.