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Generally favorable reviews- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 42
  2. Negative: 4 out of 42
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  1. Nov 29, 2019
    Brave and beautiful Aron really knows what he is doing. This shows a look inside his mind. Really dark
  2. Feb 22, 2017
    This album was fantastic. Perfect blend of rock instruments and electronic elements, and the songs were great. Run, Jailbreak, I am, and Woman Woman were my favorite songs. Whoever you are, I recommend checking it out. It's worth a listen.
  3. Nov 25, 2016
    I didn't love this album at first, and I've gradually started hating it. See, there's nothing wrong with songs like Hollow Moon and Run (especially the former is definitely worth checking out), but the overall narrative of the record just hurts to read into. Lines like "if the phone rings, tell him nothing/or maybe one thing, that hell is coming" on Drinking Lightning make me wonder why II didn't love this album at first, and I've gradually started hating it. See, there's nothing wrong with songs like Hollow Moon and Run (especially the former is definitely worth checking out), but the overall narrative of the record just hurts to read into. Lines like "if the phone rings, tell him nothing/or maybe one thing, that hell is coming" on Drinking Lightning make me wonder why I liked Megalithic Symphony so much in the first place. Ugh. Expand
  4. Oct 3, 2015
    I haven't been this excited about a new band since early Soundgarden. What Aaron Bruno has done with RUN is absolutely wonderful and groundbreaking. In my opinion, during the last fifteen years music has been so stale. I thought I would never experience the feeling you get when you discover a new band and play songs over and over. Well, it's happening to me again with Run. Each and everyI haven't been this excited about a new band since early Soundgarden. What Aaron Bruno has done with RUN is absolutely wonderful and groundbreaking. In my opinion, during the last fifteen years music has been so stale. I thought I would never experience the feeling you get when you discover a new band and play songs over and over. Well, it's happening to me again with Run. Each and every song is unique, a work of art. I'm memorized how Hollow Moon starts off almost like an 80s pop song, then you're hit with "mother **** I'll be dead soon" and suddenly you're in a hard rock song. I Am is simply beautiful, so is Headrest for the Soul. I cannot say enough to express my love for this album! Expand
  5. Jul 31, 2015
    First five tracks are beyond fantastic because they show the power and originality of the band. Unfortunately, the spirit is gone after them and it never ever comes back (it seems that it has been kept up between repetitive and unmemorable choruses, bland instrumentals and a general nonsense and tiredness). It's a pity, because the album could have been much much better than this. 6.3/10
  6. Jul 20, 2015
    When I first heard a preview for "I Am" I was afraid that Run would basically be "Sail" reinvented throughout the whole album, however when I finally listened through the entire album I was actually quite impressed to find the album is a pleasant mix of softer sweeter songs, and more intense jamming songs. All in all it isn't some sort of musical breakthrough, but it is catchy and has aWhen I first heard a preview for "I Am" I was afraid that Run would basically be "Sail" reinvented throughout the whole album, however when I finally listened through the entire album I was actually quite impressed to find the album is a pleasant mix of softer sweeter songs, and more intense jamming songs. All in all it isn't some sort of musical breakthrough, but it is catchy and has a good enough variety of songs to be somewhat of a guilty pleasure Expand
  7. Jul 1, 2015
    This album deserves much more attention! i personally loved this album. the album had a mix of songs from intense songs to soft songs which all sounded amazing. AWOLNATION is the best band ever!
  8. May 10, 2015
    Run will satisfy the hardcore, die hard AWOL Nation fans.The rest though, may either enjoy this album or forget it just as easily. What carries the album though are two beyond superb tracks: Hollow Moon (Bad Wolf) and Run. There are other good songs on this albums, along with unsatisfying ones, but the two aforementioned songs are worthy of high praise.
  9. Apr 5, 2015
    Great album, like the way it flow together but lacks that crazy genres change of Megalithic Symphony. In its place is a much more cohesive album both lyrically and sonically. I love the instrumentation, the originality of the songs, and the vocal presence. As an album I think it's fantastically introspective but as for listening to certain cuts on their own I'd say only about 1/2 the songsGreat album, like the way it flow together but lacks that crazy genres change of Megalithic Symphony. In its place is a much more cohesive album both lyrically and sonically. I love the instrumentation, the originality of the songs, and the vocal presence. As an album I think it's fantastically introspective but as for listening to certain cuts on their own I'd say only about 1/2 the songs lend themselves to exclusive listens. In other words, one of the main detriments is that the whole is much stronger than its parts. Some may like it's cohesiveness more, others may miss the sporadic mood of the first. What really puts the album over the top for me is certain cuts are very raw and very beautiful. I'd give it a 7.5 but I'll opt for an 8 cause I think this album needs more exposure

    Favorite Songs: Jailbreak, I Am, Dreamers, Windows, Holy Roller, Woman Woman

    Forgettable Songs: Fat Face, Run, Drinking Lightning, Like People Like Plastic
  10. Mar 25, 2015
    What the album is lacking in comparison to "Megalithic Symphony" are the really outstanding songs. Nearly every song on the album is nice and easy but none is exceptional.
  11. Mar 24, 2015
    This album is simply amazing. I was in awe over megalithic symphony and I would say it is still one of my favorite albums. This album though, it hits close to home. The soul put into this album is outstanding. Every time I relisten to a song, I find something new I like about it. The more I listen, the more I can't get enough. I absolutely love this album. Kudos to you Bruno. You are aThis album is simply amazing. I was in awe over megalithic symphony and I would say it is still one of my favorite albums. This album though, it hits close to home. The soul put into this album is outstanding. Every time I relisten to a song, I find something new I like about it. The more I listen, the more I can't get enough. I absolutely love this album. Kudos to you Bruno. You are a modern day rockstar. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Q Magazine
    Apr 1, 2015
    Heroic. [May 2015, p.100]
  2. Mar 27, 2015
    The aptly named Run never really finds its mark, as it too often charges brazenly into the ether and is gone forever.
  3. Kerrang!
    Mar 18, 2015
    Most of it's the aural equivalent of a shoulder rub, but when it's good, it's very good indeed. [21 Mar 2015, p.54]