• Record Label: Downtown
  • Release Date: Mar 29, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Q Magazine
    May 18, 2011
    Que Veux Tu and La Musique cannily mesh memorable pop hooks and dancefloor energy, but Budet's international aspirations may be offset by her brave, if commercially questionable, decision to sing entirely in French. [May 2011, p.127]
  2. Mar 31, 2011
    Safari Disco Club is unlikely to find itself in the speakers of many dance parties on this side of the Atlantic in coming weeks.
  3. Uncut
    Apr 13, 2011
    Julie Budet's breathy vocals may be a little too Vanessa Paradis, but producers Jean Francois Perrier and Tanguy Destable keep the grooves shiny and the beats sweet. [May 2011, p.103]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Jan 9, 2022
    Currently 69/100 and 8.8/10 (based on ten ratings). Oh my. You can't be serious here. I speak french and it definitely helped me to make myCurrently 69/100 and 8.8/10 (based on ten ratings). Oh my. You can't be serious here. I speak french and it definitely helped me to make my own reflection and opinion about 'Safari Disco Club'. The lyrics are worse than terrible and manage to reach an abysmal, mind-numbing and almost insulting level. It's like they are written by and for children on cocaine. But no, now I can just blame Julie Budet for those nightmares she gave me.

    Vocal performances are lame, effortless and ridiculous. The trio tried so hard to modulate Budet's voice but wow, it is far from being positively effective. It is shrill, anti-melodious, throbbing, physically painful. The instrumental side of the record made me add two points out of ten because some tracks are quite interesting (as 'S'éteint le soleil' or 'Safari Disco Club' songs). The rest is a unmentionable confusing and chaotic mess. Still Budet couldn't keep her mouth shut and kept on slaughter tracks one after one other.

    I really don't understand how you people can appreciate such an album. Read the lyrics guys, read only one refrain ! It's mind-boggling to witness that five different 'specialists' actually enjoyed this collectin of crap ! The only success of 'Safari Disco Club' is to be amazingly weird, empty of decent content. I feel like I'm re-reviewing Playboi Carti's eponymous mixtape : where are your brains you auditors ? Come on, switch them on and realize what you are currently listening to !
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  2. Sep 1, 2019
    This is the album that really started to define Yelle’s style. A electro/pop must-have.
  3. Apr 23, 2011
    Meant to score 7
    If you like James Blake, Nicolas Jaar, Destroyer, Lykke Li and want something a bit faster and lighter this is the album. Its
    Meant to score 7
    If you like James Blake, Nicolas Jaar, Destroyer, Lykke Li and want something a bit faster and lighter this is the album. Its french and fun. You have to watch the video for safari disco to begin to appreciate them.
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