• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Oct 29, 2002
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 212 Ratings

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  1. Mixed: 0 out of 212
  2. Negative: 14 out of 212

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  1. [Anonymous]
    Jan 9, 2003
    Her best since Under the Pink
  2. annan
    Dec 19, 2005
    An amazing album and the best one shes done.
  3. ArtW
    Jan 13, 2003
    I never thought anything would top Boys for Pele but she's done it. Amazing album. With the loads of crap coming out these days, I thank you Tori.
  4. TrixieL
    Jan 8, 2006
    I love this album, nuff said
  5. DamienB
    May 20, 2006
    an amazing album and is deff. one of my fav. tori albums expecially virginia and gold dust!!!! if i may say A may zing@!!
  6. Karen
    Aug 17, 2006
    I have read in several arenas the question regarding Tori's lyrics making sense. I have also seen them labeled as ramblings or another genius offering that she is simply trying to to keep the melody of the song in tact. I could not disagree more. What no one seems to offer is this; Tori is a person, a living human being with stories of her own. Do you NEED to know what Dahli was I have read in several arenas the question regarding Tori's lyrics making sense. I have also seen them labeled as ramblings or another genius offering that she is simply trying to to keep the melody of the song in tact. I could not disagree more. What no one seems to offer is this; Tori is a person, a living human being with stories of her own. Do you NEED to know what Dahli was thinking when he painted? Or can you just appreciate it for what it is - Art and nothing more. Beautiful, moving and powerful. I am inclined to believe these songs would make perfect sense to all if we were part of her everyday life. Consider this, if I were to tell you a short story relating to a relationship in my life using catch phases, cute names or local street talk would you know what I am talking about? Exactly! So why do you expect a few paragraphs offered in 10-12 songs every one or two years to be wrapped up in a pretty ribbon and laid at your feet in clear and concise terms? The underlying theme to all of her music is the passion behind it - you KNOW what she is trying to say or relate to us. Sorrow, happiness, silliness all easily read through in her lyrics. Even if I don't know who "Crazy" is, I understand completely. Catch the gist, the theme the message and forget everything else. I don't NEED to know why she was scared by paper tigers to understand what this song is about because I get it! Point taken. I relate. Perhaps she is writing for herself and is kind enough to share it with us. Has anyone consider this? She is first and foremost a human being the Star part came later. Expand
  7. Natasha
    Nov 1, 2002
    Phenomenal! There isn't a bad track on this album! If you want a musician whose albums are all DIFFERENT from each other AND GOOD--here's your artist! If she had repeated what she did on Little Earthquakes--an album that is well over ten years old--over and over again--I'm pretty sure I would have lost interest in her. If you have been looking for Little Earthquakes Part Phenomenal! There isn't a bad track on this album! If you want a musician whose albums are all DIFFERENT from each other AND GOOD--here's your artist! If she had repeated what she did on Little Earthquakes--an album that is well over ten years old--over and over again--I'm pretty sure I would have lost interest in her. If you have been looking for Little Earthquakes Part II...or Part II of just about any album she's made--don't hold it against Scarlet--and don't hold it against Tori--you should have stopped purchasing her albums at some point in 1998 for your own good! Expand
  8. Christian
    Jan 28, 2004
    Personally the best Tori album. Quiet, unhurried and intimately tied to places - very geographic indeed. And there are quite a few records dealing with places. A remarkable collection of wonderful songs that unearths greater depth as one listens more.
  9. Nicky
    May 14, 2005
    This album is quality. My most treasured album is under the pink but excluding the older stuff this is one of my faves. It exudes colour and makes you think about your own personal and emotional journey through life.
  10. ChrisA
    Jun 18, 2005
    Its the best album ever.
  11. AdriJ
    Jul 26, 2006
    Despite not being a Tori fan prior to this album, and discovering it a whole 4 years after its release, I have heard no other album so completely enchanting and captivating as Scarlet's Walk. The wistfulness of "A Sorta Fairytale", the addictive sound of "Taxi Ride", the beauty of "Your Cloud" and the musical masterpiece "Gold Dust" would all move a heart of stone....
  12. Mark
    Apr 28, 2007
    Several years after it's release I keep returning to this album. For those of you out there listening only to MP3's, do yourself a favor and get the CD and a good stereo. You'll be amazed at what you've been missing and how good the production is. On "I Can't See New York," the first crash of the piano after "Is there a signal there" lyric will take your breath Several years after it's release I keep returning to this album. For those of you out there listening only to MP3's, do yourself a favor and get the CD and a good stereo. You'll be amazed at what you've been missing and how good the production is. On "I Can't See New York," the first crash of the piano after "Is there a signal there" lyric will take your breath away. I rate this album as tied with Little Earthquakes as my favorite Tori album, but having a slight edge due to the quality of the sound engineering. Expand
  13. DanaL
    Nov 12, 2002
    Simply wonderful! I can't turn it off.
  14. JamesS
    Nov 13, 2002
    Without sacrificing her style, Tori Amos has evolved her music to one which allows for a wider listening audience. My parents even love it!
  15. CharlesV
    Nov 4, 2002
    I find it refreshing to have an artist such as Tori willing to break new ground with every album. Now as others have said in the past LE had a profound impact on me, but looking beyond what affect that had on me brings me through the shear rainbow of variety that comes from this redheaded goddess. Each album Tori has produced brought new light and new discoveries into her very soul. I find it refreshing to have an artist such as Tori willing to break new ground with every album. Now as others have said in the past LE had a profound impact on me, but looking beyond what affect that had on me brings me through the shear rainbow of variety that comes from this redheaded goddess. Each album Tori has produced brought new light and new discoveries into her very soul. Scarlet's Walk is no different. Although fundamentally very different than all of her past albums it bodes well for the vast variety of talents within Tori's songwriting ability. She is not afraid to try something different and true listeners are well rewarded for her efforts. To often these days we end up with band after band rehashing the same beats and rhythms. So try the new Tori on for size. Maybe she's for you, but maybe she not... Expand
  16. Katie
    Dec 11, 2002
    The more I listen to this CD, the more I love it! In Tori's new version of old music, she states her messages in ways normal, unplagued people can understand. Tori is so awesome!
  17. CarrieP
    Mar 14, 2003
    I love this cd. Every time I listen to it I hear something new. Some critics said that it was too personal to Tori to be considered a 'concept album,' but it was intended to be an acount of her person interaction with this country and her relationships in it. I think it's important to point out that this album would have happened whether 9/11 had happened or not. Her road I love this cd. Every time I listen to it I hear something new. Some critics said that it was too personal to Tori to be considered a 'concept album,' but it was intended to be an acount of her person interaction with this country and her relationships in it. I think it's important to point out that this album would have happened whether 9/11 had happened or not. Her road trip was not because of 9/11. I lose patience with the argument that the album was too long; if you don't want to listen to the whole thing in one sitting, then don't! The number of songs she decided to put on this cd does not add to or take away from each individual song's merit. I'd also like to add that I think it's good and healthy for an artist to experiment, which is what Tori has done in the past and continues to do. I don't think I'll ever get enough of Scarlet's Walk. It's simply beautiful. I can't wait to hear what she comes out with next. Expand
  18. MarceloM
    Mar 27, 2003
    This conceptual album, reminds me the goods of "Little Earthquakes" and "Boys for Pele" albums. This trilogy is maybe the best way to understand the art - ist. Of course, I can added the live cd of the double "To Venus and Back". One thing: Tori, please make better videos.
  19. IrinaA.
    Jan 17, 2004
    This was my first tori album and I just love it! I think it's so beautiful and freeing because, for me, the album is about the fact the journeys you take; the people you meet, the places you go to and the things you see, can be more important than where you came from, or where you're going to.
  20. Bratt
    Jun 27, 2005
    Contains some of her best material yet. The last track, "Gold Dust" is just that. Stunningly powerful. This album feels like a best friend. I don't feel her work has got the credit it deserves. There's so much here of value.
  21. MarkS
    Aug 12, 2006
    Tori lost me for a while. After Boys for Pele, I sorta gave up and it was time to move on from my "high school favorites" on the Little Earthquakes and Under the Pink albums. Just stumbled upon Scarlett's Walk on iTunes and decided to give it a go. I haven't stopped listening for two weeks--at work, at home and in the car. This CD brings me back to the initial infatuation I had Tori lost me for a while. After Boys for Pele, I sorta gave up and it was time to move on from my "high school favorites" on the Little Earthquakes and Under the Pink albums. Just stumbled upon Scarlett's Walk on iTunes and decided to give it a go. I haven't stopped listening for two weeks--at work, at home and in the car. This CD brings me back to the initial infatuation I had with Tori's musical prowess that I discovered in High School. Many of the tracks are simply dramatic. LOVE "Gold Dust"--it's incredible. "Strange" brings me back to Little Earthquakes. Every song in between is equally amazing. Good good stuff. Expand
  22. Feb 11, 2012
    Not only is she pulling off a great album with no filler tracks, she's pulling of a great 19-SONG album with no filler tracks. The album unravels like some classic road movie, and it certainly doesn't feel one second too long. I firmly agree with the user review by Karen - one of the things that makes Tori Amos so special is that she is simply sharing her personal and private world withNot only is she pulling off a great album with no filler tracks, she's pulling of a great 19-SONG album with no filler tracks. The album unravels like some classic road movie, and it certainly doesn't feel one second too long. I firmly agree with the user review by Karen - one of the things that makes Tori Amos so special is that she is simply sharing her personal and private world with us, unedited. The lyrics are definitely not mumbo jumbo, I'd rather say they're like a stream of consciousness in a similar literary vein to James Joyce, but where with Joyce the reader has to rely on intellectual effort, with Tori Amos this kind of literal understanding is not necessary because the music and the voice give so many emotional and spiritual clues to what the meaning behind the words is. I disagree with JoeSixpack's view that this album is overcompressed, let alone the most overcompressed of our times. I wonder if JoeSixpack has heard any chart pop over the past 10 years. No, this is a beautifully engineered album, as well as produced, written and performed. Expand
  23. Sep 24, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Bittersweet Story. I like the concept and the less rock but more piano sounds Expand
  24. May 14, 2018
    tori amos nos agracia com mais um album maravilhoso em sua carreira. melhor faixa é crazy
  25. Dec 7, 2017
    scarlet's walk is a concept album about a woman and her trip to america. it's soft and something different for tori and works really good. i wish she bring this vibe back with this great production
  26. Dec 7, 2017
    this album is a classic underappreciated
    all the songs are 5/5 except the interlude "wampum prayer" and the not so good song "dont make me come to vegas"
  27. Dec 7, 2017
    her best album since choir girl and the last masterpiece she released (native invader is closer to this perfection)
    i cant see new york is the best song in this album
  28. Dec 7, 2017
    hinario da porra
    tori amos rainha do alternativo...........................................................................................................................
  29. Apr 21, 2016
    I truly have no words, this album is a truly masterpiece, I Don't what words -more than beautiful- use to describe it. Probably the best by Tori, along with 'Boys For Pele' and 'From The Choirgirl Hotel'
  30. Mar 15, 2016
    Road trip with Tori! Her best album before or since 2016! Dig it! New to her sound and frankly a devotee now. Seductive and relaxing.....really a relief from singers like Selena Gomez!
  31. Sep 19, 2017
    "Scarlet's Walk" is a milestone in Tori Amos's career. After a first decade of music marked by alternative rock and electronica (1992-2002), the American artist stepped into the realms of AOR and folk to deliver an album that works as a "sonic novel", telling the story of Scarlet, an archetypal female character that travels through the United States in search of her own identity: during"Scarlet's Walk" is a milestone in Tori Amos's career. After a first decade of music marked by alternative rock and electronica (1992-2002), the American artist stepped into the realms of AOR and folk to deliver an album that works as a "sonic novel", telling the story of Scarlet, an archetypal female character that travels through the United States in search of her own identity: during her trip, Scarlet meets people in very different circumstances, from pornstars to cowboys, and delves into the history of the Native Americans, also dealing with topics such as politics, mental illness, homophobia and death. The music is lush and sensual, but never feels overproduced or baroque; on the contrary, the songs benefit from a quite sparse production based on piano/keyboard, acoustic guitars and organic percussion, with the occasional accompaniment of strings ("Strange", "Mrs. Jesus", "Gold Dust"). The songs in "Scarlet's Walk" can be counted among Amos's best vocal performances ever. The single "A Sorta Fairytale" is a perfect example of the album's relaxed spirit, with most of the tracks being slow or midtempo numbers. Best songs: "A Sorta Fairytale", "Strange", "Carbon", "I Can't See New York", "Virginia", "Gold Dust". Expand
  32. Apr 28, 2018
    Probably, one of the best albums with a fully story during the entire record. It's so well told, so reflexive and inspiring that really change your point of view of life tracks. Actually, the awareness of social conflicts is extemely plentiful on this album, like Taxi Ride, Virginia, Sweet Sangria or Wednesday, among the others. Tori provoke an epiphany with these lyrics, it's really aProbably, one of the best albums with a fully story during the entire record. It's so well told, so reflexive and inspiring that really change your point of view of life tracks. Actually, the awareness of social conflicts is extemely plentiful on this album, like Taxi Ride, Virginia, Sweet Sangria or Wednesday, among the others. Tori provoke an epiphany with these lyrics, it's really a change in comparison with her previous records, mainly on the musical style. The genres variates across the album, transiting from the joyful to the sorrowful. Always including the love songs and personal wailings and inner melancholy, but she never lose out her originality. There're son many song i'd can talk about, but I'm gonna chose which I personally consider the best of the album. Carbon, please Lord, the trail of the complete song about the pain of a girl, the bruises on the soul, and even the melody it's so heartbreaking, it really comes to me.The same with Your Cloud, just that this is about a loving theme. Mrs Jesus or I Can't See New York are very philosophical and take back facts of the past that made history. Gold Lust, one of the most beautiful pieces that Tori made, is so human being and inteligent, and is long and full of instruments, the voice of Tori stick out a lot, it really deserves the recognition that already has. In usually don't like the long albums, but Tori built a pathway with this album that generate you a diferent emotion on every song, and make you enjoy it on the way that everyone personally feel. One of my three favourite albums of all times. Expand
  33. Aug 18, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best albums ever. It is the phenomenal road trip album of the 2000's Expand
  34. Sep 12, 2018
    Never in her career has Amos seemed more confident in tone and more serious of the play of her lyrics and sadness as poetry.
  35. Jun 21, 2019
    An album that has stood the test of time. In some ways even more relevant today, than the day it was released. A true masterpiece in every sense of the word.
  36. AMiller
    Nov 1, 2002
    It's a brilliant album. Tori did it again. =)
  37. AddieW
    Jan 2, 2004
    Some of her better work since Under the Pink... it's nice to see her get back to the roots that I fell in love listening to (wasn't a big fan of Strange Little Girls). It's just nice to find an artist who does her own thing and has a fan base who deeply understands her. I've been a fan forever and will listen to her no matter what... but this able was a refreshing step Some of her better work since Under the Pink... it's nice to see her get back to the roots that I fell in love listening to (wasn't a big fan of Strange Little Girls). It's just nice to find an artist who does her own thing and has a fan base who deeply understands her. I've been a fan forever and will listen to her no matter what... but this able was a refreshing step back to all that is Tori Amos Expand
  38. RandyB
    Jun 20, 2005
    This concept album about a girl named Scarlet (an alter ego for Tori I suspect) going on a cross-country road-trip is in so many ways pretty. Sometimes it
  39. Coconut
    Nov 6, 2002
    It's a great album from start to finish... but, uhm, Metacritic, you're forgetting a couple reviews here that might bring up the metascore (Alt Press, Spin, etc.)
  40. AndreaN.
    Sep 25, 2005
    Musically, this is unquestionably Tori Amos' best album since Under the Pink. Songs like "A Sorta Fairytale", "Taxi Ride", and "Virginia" are among the best she's every written. Personally, I love the fact that Amos's lyrics are often cryptic-- I don't consider her overly precious, and I suspect that she isn't really trying to make sense so much as contribute to a Musically, this is unquestionably Tori Amos' best album since Under the Pink. Songs like "A Sorta Fairytale", "Taxi Ride", and "Virginia" are among the best she's every written. Personally, I love the fact that Amos's lyrics are often cryptic-- I don't consider her overly precious, and I suspect that she isn't really trying to make sense so much as contribute to a certain sonic vibe. This is one of my favourite albums, period. Expand
  41. Stephen
    Jun 30, 2006
    Tori's best album. I agree that there are problems with it: production, and at times, the lyrics. Wah wah, 9/11 = sad. But most of the time, she does pretty well, makes me feel like I'm traveling through America, both historically and physically.
  42. NgSzeWoei
    Apr 28, 2003
    Once you've heard it, the tunes just get stuck in your head. It's a great album! Just perfect.
  43. RobbieC
    Nov 17, 2006
    A near perfect album. Powerful, beautiful tale-telling. I would give it a 9.5 if I could, but it isn't quite a 10.
  44. Nov 5, 2012
    There are songs that fail to attract my attention, such as "Do not make me come to Vegas" or "Sweet Sangria". The truth is that I care much about the rhythm of the tracks (even more so than the lyrics itself). From the time you hear "Taxi ride" or "Virginia" I consider them as treasures of the master tori-pieces.
  45. Dec 11, 2017
    it's her best album of the 2000's but still not her best overall
    some songs are so unnecessary in this album but still solid for some reasons and i truly like this album
  46. Dec 11, 2017
    her best album since UTP and one of the best of the 2000's.
    i can't see new york is so far one of the best tori amos tracks and mrs jesus is amazing too.
  47. Dec 12, 2017
    tori minha filha tua acertou mais uma vez em um album bom. scarlet's walk foi definido pela propia tori como um "romance rapido" e seu conceito é sobre a viagem do alter ego de tori chamado scarlet
    o conceito foi bem aplicado e as musicas são memoraveis
  48. Jul 11, 2018
    Not her best but got good songs on this record like “I Can’t See NEw York”.
  49. Aug 15, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Probably one of her best since “Choirgirl” but some moments are too long. not a 10 but good Expand
  50. Apr 14, 2013
    Beautiful voice, lyrics and arrangements. Other than being a piece of art, it is also a great road trip album! Personal favourites: A Sorta Fairytale, Mrs Jesus, Taxi Ride, I Can't See New York
  51. johns.
    Jun 28, 2007
    not brilliant but not bad either her 2 nd worst after the flop the beekeeper. a bit boring but still better than most overrated artists album. if you are new 2 her music give this a pass and buy the brilliant american doll posse. thats more like it! thanx heavens.
  52. Jun 22, 2016
    Tori Amos's tribute to America is probably the last great album that she put out for the better part of a decade. Very strong and beautiful lyrics, influenced by Native American, Gay and Southern cultures. Download: A Sorta Fairytale, Gold Dust, Taxi Ride

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. Walk isn't groundbreaking as much as typical Tori Amos--a dramatic menagerie of atmospheric tracks filled with manic piano, morose characters and so many literary allusions you'll need CliffsNotes to figure 'em out.
  2. 60
    Her message, so powerful when unadorned, tends to get diluted by the awkward arrangements that accompany it.
  3. Alternative Press
    The new album's themes show that Amos is energized with stories to tell once again - making Scarlet's Walk at once ambitious and also one of her most moving collections yet. [Nov 2002]