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Universal acclaim- based on 101 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 90 out of 101
  2. Negative: 9 out of 101

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  1. MandelI
    Aug 2, 2004
    Hands down...the best album so far of 2004.
  2. NseE
    Aug 4, 2004
    Omigosh, this is just brilliant!! It is a grower. The first couple of times I played it, I wondered what all the fuss was about a few Elton John sounding songs and some disco songs, but repeated playing revealed what a clever and beautiful cd this is. 'Comfortably numb' sounds like an electronic Bee Gees. 'Laura', 'Mary', and the lush, epic 'Return to Omigosh, this is just brilliant!! It is a grower. The first couple of times I played it, I wondered what all the fuss was about a few Elton John sounding songs and some disco songs, but repeated playing revealed what a clever and beautiful cd this is. 'Comfortably numb' sounds like an electronic Bee Gees. 'Laura', 'Mary', and the lush, epic 'Return to Oz' sound like very brilliant, modern, Elton John stuff. Very clever lyrics, unexpected twists in musical direction, and a great sense of humour aptly describes this cd. Definitely a strong contender for album of the year, and best newcomer Grammy. Expand
  3. randyh
    Feb 3, 2005
    The best!
  4. J.A.S.
    Feb 3, 2005
    This is a refreshing change. Nothing ordinary -- and great to dance to. I'm hooked and happy.
  5. KateB
    Jun 10, 2006
    I love this album and don't know how people can slate it as badly as they have. I agree with the majority, and I love the way that Ana Matronic and Jake swap vocals in songs like Filthy/Gorgeous.
  6. trinah
    Apr 27, 2004
  7. LM
    Apr 6, 2004
    Love it!
  8. portia666
    Apr 9, 2004
    Pure genius and pop heaven. Can't wait to see them break it big here in the states as they have in Europe:)
  9. JamesF
    May 2, 2004
    An absolute surprise for me. Listening to "Take Your Mama Out" on MTV i thought 'wow this is great'. I brout the album expecting it to be average with the 1 good first single. However, every song on this album is a stunner. Absolutely Fabulous!
  10. JackJ
    May 8, 2004
    There is no album better at the moment! A new band, with new talent! A new ERA is coming and Scissor Sistors are right at the centre of it!!
  11. JeremyB
    Aug 1, 2004
    I think this album is great from start to finish, it's something i've never heard before. Very different and the lyrics and poetic yet understandable (except i don't understand how "Take Your Mama" is a song about coming out totally). I do think it's one of the top cd's to come out in 2004.
  12. ericf
    Aug 13, 2004
    got it and can t get it off my head love it one of my best buy this year my favorit track is get it get it so different then all other cd's u can buy at the moment i think if u like electro pop and disco well that s one you don t want to miss out genius exelente fantastic lol i just love it lets hope the next one gone be as good
  13. JelleC
    Jan 2, 2005
    Its an awsome cd, I love it, I'm addicted to it! bye
  14. AndresD
    Feb 11, 2005
    Truely brilliant, this is the best album I've bought in years. It doesn't matter if your gay, straight, bi or bloody trans-sexual this album crosses all boundries, its bloody fantastic!!! So hurry up and buy it already!
  15. AntonyM
    Mar 18, 2005
    I never understood the whole posters on the wall obession of fanatical fans to one particular group. Now I know! The sissor sisters in my opinion is the greatest group of the 20th centery. I can listen to this album 2-3 times a day not grow tired of it. Infectious lyrics, up tempo beats and strong messages its all here folks.
  16. Bujarr
    May 14, 2005
    The best album of the year.Funy,smart...Really surprised,very different from stuff that i usually listen,but they manage to mix diff. music styles,creating something VERY Special.
  17. LizB
    Feb 16, 2006
    I agree with Rebecca L. This is the best album I've heard in a long time and I'm going to be 54 this year so I've heard a few!
  18. garyc
    Dec 16, 2004
    this is the best album ever produced, great sounds and fantastic band.
  19. RichardH
    Mar 22, 2004
    Every time i put this cd on, i just smile. Isn't that what music's all about?
  20. CharlesG
    Mar 25, 2004
    Simply the best...There are no other words for this work of sheer brilliance...Sure to be on my top ten list at the end of the year!
  21. CShelCShoreS
    Apr 12, 2004
    An amazing record from a very promissing new band. While the songs switch in styles, the album becomes whole as an accurate portrayal of what is youth culture these days. Looking for a good time, confused with their place in the world, but all in all trying to figure it out and move forward. This is a record that everyone will be able to find something in to turn them on. If you heard a An amazing record from a very promissing new band. While the songs switch in styles, the album becomes whole as an accurate portrayal of what is youth culture these days. Looking for a good time, confused with their place in the world, but all in all trying to figure it out and move forward. This is a record that everyone will be able to find something in to turn them on. If you heard a song or two and are interested, rest assured that you will not be dissapointed... and may be changing your new favorite song with every new day. Expand
  22. paulr
    Apr 17, 2004
    brilliant album, such a joy to listen to, the range of music sure takes me back to the 70's.
  23. SophieG
    Apr 27, 2004
    this album is the best album, like, ever!!!
  24. StephY
    Apr 6, 2004
  25. roxannea
    May 20, 2004
    this album is sexy , fun and very camp !! a deffo summer anthem is goin to be take your mama out !! without a doubt wether your a punk , a rocker a townie either way your goin to love this album !!
  26. soniah
    Jul 14, 2004
    it is the best album i have ever heard in my life. well done guys. love ya!!
  27. DavidW
    Jul 19, 2004
    Fantastic debut record. This is what Elton John sounded like when he was good. CShelCShore is absolutely correct in his review. Listen to this album when you drive cross-country and it will blow your mind.
  28. AaronL
    Jul 27, 2004
    One of the most exciting albums I have heard in years. A unique amalgamation of sounds and styles that can bring to mind Elton John, the Bee Gees, Loggins & Messina, and others without sounding imitative. Brilliant.
  29. SarahB
    Aug 22, 2004
    I love this CD. I bought it for "Laura", little suspecting the other gems I would find. It combines catchy choruses and effortlessly funky instrumentals, making it an album where all the song have stuck in my head at some time or another. From the very very fun song "Music Is The Victim" to the melancholy ballady type thing "Return to Oz" I just think it's brilliant.
  30. tomh
    Sep 1, 2004
    words can not express how much i love this album. owning every elton john and roxy music cd i can't think of any other group that would make me replace them till now. sisters please come to columbus, ohio!!!!

Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. [An] intensely enjoyable record, which plays like a singles collection.
  2. Scissor Sisters' debut is a brilliant ode to a musical era defined by vapid decadence and disposable dance tracks.
  3. Mojo
    Spread over a whole CD, there is some worryingly featureless stuff. [Apr 2004, p.102]