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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 646 Ratings

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  1. Jun 23, 2022
    Scorpion was an album of much debate in its time, but looking at it 4 years later, it actually doesn't seem so bad compared to his two subsequent studio albums. I would wager that the inbetween "mixtape" Dark Lane Demo Tapes is better than this album, as even though they are throwaway tracks, they have more soul than the crap on this project. This album is a compilation of hits which wereScorpion was an album of much debate in its time, but looking at it 4 years later, it actually doesn't seem so bad compared to his two subsequent studio albums. I would wager that the inbetween "mixtape" Dark Lane Demo Tapes is better than this album, as even though they are throwaway tracks, they have more soul than the crap on this project. This album is a compilation of hits which were created by Drake prior, and then tacked on upon release (much like Hotline Bling with Views), hits that landed (such as Nonstop, In My Feelings, and Don't Matter To Me), bored filler songs (one third of the album), and Drake giving us some decent R&B songs (respectable). I give this album a 7/10, since the majority of it was good/decent, and a third of it sucked BIG TIME. Ultimately, this happens to be better than Certified Lover Boy or Honestly, Nevermind. Hopefully that trend changes! Expand
  2. May 9, 2022
    This album could EASILY be a ten if it wasn't insanely overhyped. The songs are mostly good, but ALL overhyped... they were perfect little songs sitting there until the critics showed up. Too overhyped, too overplayed, too much of everything.
  3. Jun 21, 2021
    There’s really only four tracks I listen to on this album: God’s Plan, In My Feelings, Nonstop, and Nice for What. Still that’s better than the last one he put out, Views, where I hardly regularly listen to any of it.
  4. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8
  5. Apr 6, 2021
    What’s up with the user score? This album is perfect, fantastic! He ate all of the tracks up!
  6. Apr 2, 2021
    the stand out tracks really stand out and are great, drake is considering one of the. eat at what he do because of it
  7. Apr 8, 2020
    hopefully drake can make a more concise project with the next one. i didn’t like this one as much as the other
  8. Mar 22, 2020
    Its been out for a while and SCORPION is still in my rotation! DON’t care what haters say, I love it
  9. Jul 18, 2018
    This album showed a very vulnerable and candid drake! His emotions were very palpable on every song! So many amazing tracks on both sides! It is very worth the hour and half that it takes to listen to both sides. It definitely has to listen more then once to fully absorb the very raw and honest lyrics. Even he's been a artist for over ten years he was rapping like he still had something toThis album showed a very vulnerable and candid drake! His emotions were very palpable on every song! So many amazing tracks on both sides! It is very worth the hour and half that it takes to listen to both sides. It definitely has to listen more then once to fully absorb the very raw and honest lyrics. Even he's been a artist for over ten years he was rapping like he still had something to prove! He really outdid himself on every track! Expand
  10. Apr 13, 2019
    Drake is the greatest artist that ever lived. Anyone who says differently can go back to kindergarten because obviously you haven't learned anything about common sense.
  11. Sep 29, 2018
    Great production, versatility and lyrical content all on one project. It's very rare for a rapper to be able to include songs that cover every possible tone and this album does just that, no matter what your current mood is there's a song for you on the album. Of all the rap albums this year this is the only one that does this. Side A gives a more lyrical approach as shown in his famousGreat production, versatility and lyrical content all on one project. It's very rare for a rapper to be able to include songs that cover every possible tone and this album does just that, no matter what your current mood is there's a song for you on the album. Of all the rap albums this year this is the only one that does this. Side A gives a more lyrical approach as shown in his famous "am/pm" series & Side B caters to casual R&B fans...overall a perfectly crafted double album. Expand
  12. Sep 17, 2018
    People here have complained that the music is not quite new. But why mess with success? After all, this album is packed with real jams. It's no Kid A, but you'll be partying in no time once you play this album. Expect In My Feelings to be a classic of the 2010s. Blast this out of your car or rooftop!
  13. Sep 1, 2018
    His best work in years. Lots of really strange weirdos Drake attracts though. I cant imagine hating someone so much that you waste your time spamming bad reviews when you clearly didn't listen to the album.
  14. gfx
    Aug 17, 2018
    Although the album isn't a classic, I've given it a 7 due to the strong end in the second half of the album along with I'm Upset, Sandra's rose, emotionless and Gods Plan giving you a solid album with two hook songs being 'Gods Plan' and 'In My Feelings' without the rest. Personally I think most of this album is unneeded and unwanted with a lot of the first disc being a disappointment thatAlthough the album isn't a classic, I've given it a 7 due to the strong end in the second half of the album along with I'm Upset, Sandra's rose, emotionless and Gods Plan giving you a solid album with two hook songs being 'Gods Plan' and 'In My Feelings' without the rest. Personally I think most of this album is unneeded and unwanted with a lot of the first disc being a disappointment that just follows the trends of other rappers, that aren't as good but are gaining popularity and getting more streams now. I think that the majority of this album is good to listen to to just chill in your room or out with friends but the bad songs can spoil it. Think Drake went OTT with the amount of songs as he had a solid album there but just didn't stop. Heres to another Album like Take Care or Nothing was the same.

    Best Songs: Emotionless, I'm Upset, Sandra's Rose, Don't Matter To Me, After Dark, Final Fantasy
    And March 14. Also don't mind finesse

    Best But Over Played: In My Feelings, Nice For What and God's Plan

    Worst Songs: Nonstop, Elevate, Blue Tint, Ratchet Happy Birthday and Mob Ties
  15. Aug 16, 2018
    [UPDATE 8/16/18: I have updated the scores on certain songs to reflect my current opinions, original review was posted on 8/3/18 with a 6/10 rating]

    Scorpion shows how streaming has taken over sales as the most important way of demonstrating the success of an artist or album. Side 1: 1. Survival, a futuristic sounding, good intro. 8/10 2. Nonstop, an easy to listen to song where
    [UPDATE 8/16/18: I have updated the scores on certain songs to reflect my current opinions, original review was posted on 8/3/18 with a 6/10 rating]

    Scorpion shows how streaming has taken over sales as the most important way of demonstrating the success of an artist or album.

    Side 1:
    1. Survival, a futuristic sounding, good intro. 8/10
    2. Nonstop, an easy to listen to song where Drake does his tough guy act. 10/10
    3. Elevate, song that talks about how "all this happened for myself and my family" 7/10
    4. Emotionless, Mariah Carey should be proud. Best of side 1. 10/10
    5. God's Plan, never really thought it was a great song, i mean its good... 8/10
    6. I'm Upset, the "tough guy" comes back to tell us he's upset 10/10
    7. 8 Out Of 10, it's really a 9 Out Of 10, great track btw 9/10
    8. Mob Ties, at first i hated it, but its growing on me 8/10
    9. Can't Take a Joke, why was this put on the album? 2/10
    10. Sandra's Rose, nice little song and a good track to go with it 9/10
    11. Talk Up ft. JAY-Z, really underwhelming, like his new album with B 6/10
    12. Is There More, no there isn't 3/10
    Overall, its the better side by a little 7.5 (rounded up to 8)
    Side 2:
    1. Peak, bad intro, Survival was so much better 2/10
    2. Summer Games, if it was cut we all would probably be a better album 3/10
    3. Jaded, this song is pretty cringeworthy, definitely a skip 4/10
    4. Nice For What, This song brings the energy this side was lacking 10/10
    5. Finesse, Rihanna deserved a better song, assuming In My Feelings wasn't about her 4/10
    6. Ratchet Happy Birthday, Not the worst song on the album, but its pretty bad 1/10
    7. That's How You Feel, Nicki Minaj sample from her show was one perfectly 10/10
    8. Blue Tint, Future should have been on longer, he deserved a feature at least 9/10
    9. In My Feelings, if he said RiRi, it would have been an eleven out of ten, best on album 10/10
    10. Don't Matter To Me ft. Michael Jackson, love Michaels voice, drake was ok 8/10
    11. After Dark ft. Static Major & Ty Dolla $ign, its good... yeah that's it 7/10
    12. Final Fantasy, the worst on the album, skip 0/10
    13. March 14, first half is great but second is pointlessly long and random 7/10
    Overall, the side was hit or miss, like Views 5.77 (rounded up to 6)

    Standouts for side 1 are Nonstop, Emotionless and I'm Upset
    Standouts for side 2 are Nice For What, That's How You Feel and In My Feelings

    Full Album Rating: 6.6 (rounded up to 7) so its better than the average album but if he cut the "filler songs," he would have had his best album
  16. Aug 13, 2018
    this album is a classic...I am not sure what the haters are talking about. it has something on it for everyone. Drake show vulnerability and maturity throughout this masterpiece.
  17. Aug 12, 2018
    Although having clear flaws; such as the number of tracks and the clear switching from Drake's R&B past to a more watered down hip-pop, there are some catchy tunes and it overall encompasses just enough personal Drake too lay over till his next project with multiple mood changes and beat experimentation throughout.
  18. Jul 26, 2018
    Hard not to be biased cause I have enjoyed Drake for a very long time but with Scorpion I find it hard to listen too. After a couple of listens I have got into it thanks to a few stand out tracks but the thing that is upsetting that 25 tracks most of it is excess. Any Drake album the production choices are whats this albums saving grace.
  19. Jul 16, 2018
    This album is great, he made this album to sell and it has done just that
    I love what he did with this album it’s long but both sides has bangers I love the rapping on the A side and this album is something you can listen to over and over again for years to come
  20. Jul 10, 2018
    Literally gets better every listen. So many haters on this thread, this dude is better than any rapper you all got and people are too scared to admit it. Even on the back side when he sings on In my Feelings or Don't Matter To Me, it's still better than any of the top 50 rap songs. People always find ways to criticize greatness.
  21. Jul 7, 2018
    Honestly this album deserves a 7 but a lot of haters are giving it a 0. I feel this album lacked the energy of More Life. Side A is "jaded". Its like he's trying to prove he can be a dominant rapper, which he is, but he is spitting on boring unenergetic beats. Side B is very solid. It's like he wanted to actually try new things. Here he sounds fresh and is just seemingly letting everythingHonestly this album deserves a 7 but a lot of haters are giving it a 0. I feel this album lacked the energy of More Life. Side A is "jaded". Its like he's trying to prove he can be a dominant rapper, which he is, but he is spitting on boring unenergetic beats. Side B is very solid. It's like he wanted to actually try new things. Here he sounds fresh and is just seemingly letting everything go. If Side A was just as good as Side B, I might consider giving this a 8 or even 9. Expand
  22. Jul 2, 2018
    So much better than VIEWS and More Life. Side A is incredible with a lot of bangers on it like Mob Ties, Can't Tell a Joke, and others. Side B has some great introspective songs like March 14th which is a typical Drake outro, extremely high quality and extremely introspective with great production. I do think this album could be a little shorter, but if you digest it as two differentSo much better than VIEWS and More Life. Side A is incredible with a lot of bangers on it like Mob Ties, Can't Tell a Joke, and others. Side B has some great introspective songs like March 14th which is a typical Drake outro, extremely high quality and extremely introspective with great production. I do think this album could be a little shorter, but if you digest it as two different albums, I think overall it's an incredible body of work. Expand
  23. Jul 2, 2018
    An above average album, some great songs that get you bumping and some terrible ones that will always be skipped. Both sides of the album have good songs even though they are 2 different styles. Better than his last album for sure.
  24. Jul 2, 2018
    I think this is way better than More Life. Scorpion is a solid album by Drake, and yes lyrically it's not that great, but overall i loved it.

    8/10 Fav tracks: Nonstop, Elevate, God's Plan, Can't Take a Joke, Sandra's Rose, Peak, Summer Games, Nice for What, Finesse, Blue Tint, In My Feelings, Don't Matter To Me, After Dark Worst tracks: I'm Upset, Ratchet Happy Birthday, That's
    I think this is way better than More Life. Scorpion is a solid album by Drake, and yes lyrically it's not that great, but overall i loved it.


    Fav tracks: Nonstop, Elevate, God's Plan, Can't Take a Joke, Sandra's Rose, Peak, Summer Games, Nice for What, Finesse, Blue Tint, In My Feelings, Don't Matter To Me, After Dark

    Worst tracks: I'm Upset, Ratchet Happy Birthday, That's How You Feel
  25. Jul 1, 2018
    All of the bad reviews are just from salty Kanye stans who are jealous that Drake stans are getting fed with 25 songs and they have to survive on a measly seven. The truth is that Drake will never please everyone because some people want the "old Drake" and some people want bangers. The brilliance of this album is that it manages to deliver both. You probably won't like every song, but itAll of the bad reviews are just from salty Kanye stans who are jealous that Drake stans are getting fed with 25 songs and they have to survive on a measly seven. The truth is that Drake will never please everyone because some people want the "old Drake" and some people want bangers. The brilliance of this album is that it manages to deliver both. You probably won't like every song, but it offers something for everyone which is imo better than catering to one specific group. The rap side is full of bangers and your typical Drake lyrics. Some of them are overly corny but personally I love those kinds of lyrics. There are some stand-out lines and his flows are overall good, if nothing special. The second side is full of downbeat, introspective, and honestly tear-jerking songs. It's an extremely emotionally honest album and the production, especially on side b, is absolutely beautiful. Everyone will have their fair share of songs that they don't care for, but that list is different for everyone, which is why the album's length was overall the correct choice. Expand
  26. Jul 1, 2018
    The hate that this album gets is pure from hate because of Kanye or other rival rapper to plain hate to the person himself for nothing. I would have given the album a 7.8-8.5 but i'm inclined to give it a 10 because of the unnecessary hate. I enjoyed the album, from production to lyrics. It lowkey reminded me of old school Drake, from Take Care to NWTS. Songs like Summer Games made meThe hate that this album gets is pure from hate because of Kanye or other rival rapper to plain hate to the person himself for nothing. I would have given the album a 7.8-8.5 but i'm inclined to give it a 10 because of the unnecessary hate. I enjoyed the album, from production to lyrics. It lowkey reminded me of old school Drake, from Take Care to NWTS. Songs like Summer Games made me think of So Far Gone, his singing mostly. People in here talking about fillers while the album consists of two sides. 12 songs A side and 12 in the b side. If this was filler and pure commercially aimed he would have gotten more features but instead went for a few. Quality over quantity. I was not fond of Ty before but he overwhelmed me with his performance on the album. Drake could've chosen a better MJ sample but I still enjoyed it a lot. I wanted MJ to go Billy Jean or Smooth Criminal. So to me the album is not his best but it's definitely not his worst despite what the haters are trying to put in here with small excuses from pointing out someone's username to the filler excuse, and even someone mentioning the A side sounded the same but guess what: it didn't cause we had Elevate, Survival and Mob Ties different flows. It was an enjoyable album and try to not look at the haters. The general user rating should not make you think a certain way about the album because there is a certain bias going on. **** the haters. Expand
  27. Jun 30, 2018
    People need to stop acting like this was trash, his level of rapping was more sharp and meaningful thank anything he has made since NWTS, and overall it only had 1 or 2 bad songs out of 25. Far better than Views and More Life.
  28. Jun 30, 2018
    Scorpion has more hits than misses compared to Views and More Life in my opinion. While the album may suffer from filler in second disc. The album on the whole is relatively solid with replay value. Highlights from the album include the DJ Premier produced "Sandra's Rose" along with Nonstop, Emotionless, 8 Out Of 10, Nice For What, Don't Matter To Me (with the late Michael Jackson), TalkScorpion has more hits than misses compared to Views and More Life in my opinion. While the album may suffer from filler in second disc. The album on the whole is relatively solid with replay value. Highlights from the album include the DJ Premier produced "Sandra's Rose" along with Nonstop, Emotionless, 8 Out Of 10, Nice For What, Don't Matter To Me (with the late Michael Jackson), Talk Up (with Jay-Z), After Dark (with the late Static Major & Ty Dolla $ign), Final Fantasy, Can't Take A Joke and the album's Closer March 14th. In addition, the album has some filler / weaker / bad songs in my opinion such as; Jaded, Peak, Blue Tint and Mob Ties which isn't a bad track by any measure but sounds eerily similar to a Playboi Carti song.

    Overall I think this is more focused album from Drake and his strongest release since **** in 2015. I think the discs make the album more conceptual as one is more rap focused and the other more R&B / Dancehall / Pop. This method helps to satisfy both lanes of Drake's fanbase. 8/10.
  29. Jun 30, 2018
    The A Side of the album was actually very decent, and not to say Side B didn't have some good songs, but it just seemed to feel off and nit great. Overall, the album feels like it's going to say something massive, but it just doesn't.
  30. Jun 30, 2018
    Really versatile album, from hip hop turn up songs to emotional R&B songs. Great features including Jay-Z and MJ. Add to that Ty Dolla Sign's vocals, that were really enjoyable. In my opinion one of the best Drake's albums !
  31. Jun 30, 2018
    On this album Drake gave the public his both sides as an artist. The rapper Drake and the R&B Drake. The choice was genius considering the fact everyone wanted that double disc, esp more R&B Drake. Scorpion can be considered as a playlist or as two different albums at the same time, depending on the way you decide to play it. The A side is straight fire. Standout track "Emotionless"On this album Drake gave the public his both sides as an artist. The rapper Drake and the R&B Drake. The choice was genius considering the fact everyone wanted that double disc, esp more R&B Drake. Scorpion can be considered as a playlist or as two different albums at the same time, depending on the way you decide to play it. The A side is straight fire. Standout track "Emotionless" featuring the sample of the infamous Emotion by Mariah Carey is a very true statement of his legacy as a rapper. He spitted bars, delivered production and hot beats through all the 12 tracks. The JAY Z feature was as well great.
    The side B is what everyone has been longing for to hear from Drake. He gave the public those late night Take Care vibes with Jaded. Final Fantasy is the r&b gem equally beautiful to Fire&Desire from Views. The song with MJ deserves an applause. He really managed to bring back some of the unreleased stuff of him and combined it quite well with the modern r&b vibe and his singing voice which is pretty great, considering the fact he's a rapper. In My Feelings can be considered as the biggest plot twist , but in a beautiful way because it turned out to be one of the most summerish songs from the album. Let's not forget about March 14 which I would like to consider as a bonus track of the album. The sh*t is so personal and emotional. Talking about the personal side of Drake I really couldn't expect a better track than Sandra's Rose to describe his precious relationship with his mom, which many of the rapper fail to express it on songs because their pride is too strong to express soft sh*t like that. Drake really did it with this album
  32. Jun 30, 2018
    Solid album.There is almost nothing that I can really say bad about this album.I really like it.
  33. Jun 30, 2018
    GOAT best album of the year haters go away go hate on other trash rappers yall fake
  34. Jun 30, 2018
    This is a streaming era album, and this album is good at what it does- provide a song for every mood, and act as an entry to the two sides of Drake- the braggadocios 6 God side, and the brooding reminiscer side.
  35. Jun 29, 2018
    Great hard hitting productions from top to bottom, Drake is at his most introspective and darkest, addressing past beefs and current dramas. Side A is superior to side B, only a few songs I skipped over. At 25 songs the pacing is handled very well, not many tracks that overstay their welcome. This is definitely an improvement over Drake's past two album releases (More Life & Views) andGreat hard hitting productions from top to bottom, Drake is at his most introspective and darkest, addressing past beefs and current dramas. Side A is superior to side B, only a few songs I skipped over. At 25 songs the pacing is handled very well, not many tracks that overstay their welcome. This is definitely an improvement over Drake's past two album releases (More Life & Views) and damn near a classic although falling short of being one imo (but time will tell). It's a pretty impressive accomplishment when you can release a 25 song album with barely any features at all and make it worth listening to, especially nowadays in the streaming era. I liked the unreleased Michael Jackson sample, Nicki's old sample, as well as Jay Z's feature as Drake's idol and blueprint follower. Drake does his best to give you both sides that he's known for (R&B + Rap) and express his disdain for those who wish his demise in the most artful way possible, but it's clearly time for him to take a long step back now and attend to his own issues before the next summary. I give it a solid 85/100. For me, it's in his top 3 or 5 best albums next to If You're Reading This It's Too Late, Take Care, Nothing Was The Same, etc. Expand
  36. Jun 29, 2018
    Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat.
  37. Jun 29, 2018
    AMAZING drakes most diverse album yet a side got you partying b side got you crying over the bih who saved you in tag back in school
  38. Jun 29, 2018
    I think this is one of his best tbh. I know its cool to hate drake tho. You shouldn't say its too long its 2 different albums so listen to them as such
  39. Jun 29, 2018
    Drake's new album is one of the best of the year, he definitely knows how to do it and worked hard to improve your level since Views
  40. Jun 29, 2018
    Straight Fire. There is almost nothing that I can really say bad about this album. I really enjoyed it.
  41. Jun 29, 2018
    Solid album. A huge improvement from Views and More Life but not as good as Take Care, Nothing Was The Same or If You're Reading This It's Too Late.
  42. Jun 29, 2018
    Drake once again delivers and makes an album that has something for everybody. If you like R&B -Drake, side B has got you covered. If you like hype/bar-heavy Drake, then side A has got you covered.
    Side A: 9.3
    Side B: 8.1
    Overall: 8.7

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
  1. Jul 13, 2018
    Scorpion doesn't even come close to being one of his best; instead, it's a one-trick record stretched out into 25 endless tracks by an artist who's so deep into the self-obsessed, self-pitying rut he created for himself that he can't see daylight anymore.
  2. Jul 13, 2018
    In the long run, a few duds in 90 minutes of material doesn't seem too high a sin, especially considering the same concession could easily be made for a release like the Beatles' White Album. Thus, with Scorpion, Drake makes a cohesive argument for broadening our attention spans and enjoying life's music, regardless of runtime.
  3. Jul 12, 2018
    Scorpion might not be Drake’s most innovative work, but it does help to cement 40’s status as one of the best, and most consistent, producers of our generation, and sees Drake breaking ground commercially if not creatively.