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Universal acclaim- based on 315 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 35 out of 315
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  1. May 26, 2017
    When I listen to this crap the first thing I think of is the old people that blame rap for being repetitive. If you haven't heard this overrated album before; don't bother listening to it now.
  2. Jun 7, 2017
    A grounbreaking masterpiece that still holds up half a century later, Sgt. Pepper´s 50th Anniversary Edition brings back the pennicle of rock music as we know it in all its shining glory.
  3. Nov 9, 2017
    Неплохой ремастеред классического альбома The Beatles,много хороших дополнений.Очень объёмный альбом,но также и напоминание,что музыка Beatles вечна и из неё до сих пор можно выпускать большое количество хорошего материала.
  4. Jun 9, 2017
    Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is the most important rock & roll album ever made, an unsurpassed adventure in concept, sound, songwriting, cover art and studio technology by the greatest rock & roll group of all time.
  5. Jan 13, 2018
    The Beatles are a masterpiece and make me and everyone else feel great! Their songs are the best! If you don't know The Beatles, you don't know what music is.
  6. Jul 5, 2017
    Beautifully remastered masterpiece in an amazing package. The deluxe edition with vinyl and the book are immersive. This edition was more than I expected. Often, repackaged albums do little to improve on the original, but this package drew me in and I have spent many hours enjoying it. A classic.
  7. May 28, 2017
    A true classic album that has proven the test of time for over fifty years now. If you love this album, this new version is a treat. Ignoring the early takes provided on more expensive editions, the remastering/remixing done to the album itself is utterly phenomenal in updating this work of art. If you haven't already heard the new remixes, do it now. They work so well that I willA true classic album that has proven the test of time for over fifty years now. If you love this album, this new version is a treat. Ignoring the early takes provided on more expensive editions, the remastering/remixing done to the album itself is utterly phenomenal in updating this work of art. If you haven't already heard the new remixes, do it now. They work so well that I will wholeheartedly consider this to be the definitive version of the album. I hope to see this remastering/remixing technique applied to a plethora of albums to come, it's just that good. Expand
  8. May 26, 2017
    What a marvelous deluxe edition of the influential Sgt. Pepper album. Firstly, the album restores all of the thirteen tracks in their original, bright-eyed glory. The epic opening to simulate a live theatre production, the vivid psychedelic imagery in "Lucy With the Sky With Diamonds", the skeptical optimism in "Getting Better", the celebrated Lennon-McCartney partnership at its finest inWhat a marvelous deluxe edition of the influential Sgt. Pepper album. Firstly, the album restores all of the thirteen tracks in their original, bright-eyed glory. The epic opening to simulate a live theatre production, the vivid psychedelic imagery in "Lucy With the Sky With Diamonds", the skeptical optimism in "Getting Better", the celebrated Lennon-McCartney partnership at its finest in "She's Leaving Home" and "A Day In the Life", and the immensely innovative studio techniques in all the tracks are restored. However, the greatness of this album has already been known since its release. Giles Martin's, the son of original producer George Martin, mix turned out is the real account of ranking, and overall it is oddly satisfying and personable. It shines the album in a new light while still somehow keeping it Sgt. Pepper. Although some felt the original album was a tad bit lackluster in contrary to the rave critical reviews, with criticism directed at an isolated Harrison song and a myriad of McCartney quirky love songs, the decade-spanning influence, whether or not you love or hate it, of this album can not be undermined. This deluxe edition puts a special emphasis on the historic value and production of the album; this is no more prevalent than by adding studio takes and "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Penny Lane", songs that were not in the original album but has significant ties to it. Overall, the album succeeds in allowing you to go back to 1967 and remembering that it was "twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play..." Expand
  9. May 30, 2017
    Sgt Pepper was never my favorite album by the Beatles [Revolver is my personal fave]. However, this new remix is such a vast sonic improvement, it is like a re-introduction. Extremely, lovingly well done. Cheers to Giles Martin and his team on this amazing accomplishment!
  10. May 28, 2017
    This is where art and music first met. It's not my favourite, but anyone who rates this below 9 is just trying to be ignorant or really has no clue about music
  11. May 30, 2017
    The bonus tracks are outstanding. You can hear the authenticity of the band. The rough takes are obviously good enough to make it onto an new Beatles content, I mean c'mon...what's not to love here.
  12. Jun 1, 2017
    This is not just another reissue, this is a gorgeous restoration of a great album. The material is well-known and needs no further comment; the work put in by Giles Martin is what we're talking about, and it's top-notch. Vocals are fuller, clearer, Ringo's drums come out from the shadows and shake the floor, the soundstage is wide and detailed - the differences are truly dramatic whenThis is not just another reissue, this is a gorgeous restoration of a great album. The material is well-known and needs no further comment; the work put in by Giles Martin is what we're talking about, and it's top-notch. Vocals are fuller, clearer, Ringo's drums come out from the shadows and shake the floor, the soundstage is wide and detailed - the differences are truly dramatic when compared to the old stereo mixes. I'd love to hear the entire Beatles catalog with this treatment! Expand
  13. May 31, 2017
    With a couple of reservations, this is a fantastic new mix. Martin has succeeded in providing much more clarity and punch than the sad original stereo mix that was executed in just about 12 hours without The Beatles even being present compared to the weeks that were spent laboring over the mono mixes. The mix is particularly effective in opening up the vocals and highlighting theWith a couple of reservations, this is a fantastic new mix. Martin has succeeded in providing much more clarity and punch than the sad original stereo mix that was executed in just about 12 hours without The Beatles even being present compared to the weeks that were spent laboring over the mono mixes. The mix is particularly effective in opening up the vocals and highlighting the McCartney-Starr rhythm section. While every song sounds great, standout tracks (as far as an improved mix) are Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, Getting Better and, particularly, Good Morning, Good Morning. The way the horns are amped-up and spread out on Good Morning really kick the song into high-gear.
    Martin used the mono mixes as a guide to the overall sound that the The Beatles intended and in nearly every case has managed to capture the immediacy and power of those original mixes. My only major quibble comes with A Day in the Life. In the original mono Ringo's drums were prominent and powerful but, for some reason, Martin has chosen to leave them mostly in the right channel. This really lessens the impact that would have been achieved if the drums had been spread across both channels. For that reason alone the mono mix will still be my go-to version of the song. On the plus side, he really nails the
    orchestral blast that caps the track.
    I'm also slightly disappointed that Only a Northern Song, which was recorded during the Pepper sessions, was not included. They also didn't reproduce the original psychedelic dust jacket, at least not in the version I have.
    Overall, though, this is a stellar effort. I hope this is successful enough that Martin is able to remix the other two Beatles albums that most desperately need it, Revolver and Rubber Soul.
  14. May 29, 2017
    The cock-suckery from the losers who gave this album a negative review is just plain sad. This is a wonderful album. After reading the "negative" comments, I had to get my blood pressure checked cuz all of that salt really took a toll on my sodium levels.
  15. May 28, 2017
    One of the nest rock groups, or maybe the best. And a beautiful album with a beautiful song like ; With A Little Help From My Friends, a Day in The Life, Getting Better, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, She's Leaving Home and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Most of song of Beatles are the best what i hear in my live. I love The Beatles,because when all is lost all you have to do isOne of the nest rock groups, or maybe the best. And a beautiful album with a beautiful song like ; With A Little Help From My Friends, a Day in The Life, Getting Better, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, She's Leaving Home and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Most of song of Beatles are the best what i hear in my live. I love The Beatles,because when all is lost all you have to do is try to listen The Beatles. There songs are the best what happens to the world. The group have song about any thing and all of this song have something special. A beautiful classic. Expand
  16. May 26, 2017
    What a marvelous deluxe edition of the influential Sgt. Pepper album. Firstly, the album restores all of the thirteen tracks in their original, bright-eyed glory. The epic opening to simulate a live theatre production, the vivid psychedelic imagery in "Lucy With the Sky With Diamonds", the skeptical optimism in "Getting Better", the celebrated Lennon-McCartney partnership at its finest inWhat a marvelous deluxe edition of the influential Sgt. Pepper album. Firstly, the album restores all of the thirteen tracks in their original, bright-eyed glory. The epic opening to simulate a live theatre production, the vivid psychedelic imagery in "Lucy With the Sky With Diamonds", the skeptical optimism in "Getting Better", the celebrated Lennon-McCartney partnership at its finest in "She's Leaving Home" and "A Day In the Life", and the immensely innovative studio techniques in all the tracks are restored. However, the greatness of this album has already been known since its release. Giles Martin's, the son of original producer George Martin, mix turned out is the real account of ranking, and overall it is oddly satisfying and personable. It shines the album in a new light while still somehow keeping it Sgt. Pepper. Although some felt the original album was a tad bit lackluster in contrary to the rave critical reviews, with criticism directed at an isolated Harrison song and a myriad of McCartney quirky love songs, the decade-spanning influence, whether or not you love or hate it, of this album can not be undermined. This deluxe edition puts a special emphasis on the historic value and production of the album; this is no more prevalent than by adding studio takes and "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Penny Lane", songs that were not in the original album but has significant ties to it. Overall, the album succeeds in allowing you to go back to 1967 and remembering that it was "twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play..." Collapse Expand
  17. May 29, 2017
    One of the most influential albums in rock / pop history. Remastered with a lovely crafted stereo mix, produced by George Martin's son Giles Martin. Each song sounds good, modern and fresh and is a more than pleasant listen.
    Best songs: The whole album
    Worst Song: Being for the benefit of Mr.Kite! If I had to pic one.
  18. May 30, 2017
    The fact that this has a 100/100 just because the tracks have been restored is ridiculous. It had lots of impact but this album was not a 10/10 then and it certainly isn't a 10/10 now.
  19. Jun 16, 2017
    Best album ever writen, It's actually such a masterprice album Beatles always had left best albums in pop history, I'm so proud of them I wish I was born on their generation to enjoy every moment
  20. May 26, 2017
    Excelente álbum. Traz tudo de bom e um pouco mais do que essa banda maravilhosa fez e faz de melhor ao longo dos anos. super recomendo! The Best Album Of Year.
  21. May 26, 2017
    El mejor álbum de la historia que mas decir!! es perfecto es el claro ejemplo de evolución a buen camino de una banda, la cantidad de innovación que hay en este álbum es impresionante bueno que mas decir, álbum perfecto, sin palabras. Love The Beatles
  22. Jul 3, 2017
    Sandwiched in between "Revolver" and the "Magical Mystery Tour" project, The Beatles delivered "Sergeant Pepper" during a period of unprecedented creativity and ambition. Released bang in the middle of the summer of love, this album is rightfully lauded as one of the all time greats. It's pop music as was never really heard before and created the most expansive blue print for trackSandwiched in between "Revolver" and the "Magical Mystery Tour" project, The Beatles delivered "Sergeant Pepper" during a period of unprecedented creativity and ambition. Released bang in the middle of the summer of love, this album is rightfully lauded as one of the all time greats. It's pop music as was never really heard before and created the most expansive blue print for track layering used for the millions of psychedelic pop/rock albums that have come since. For me, "Sergeant Pepper" isn't necessarily the bands best album but it is certainly their bravest and most experimental from start to finish. In discussions I've had with people there is always one track they would leave out or replace with something from "Magical Mystery Tour" or that had both records been merged it would have been superior. For me I think each track on the record merits inclusion and for a band who were best known for their singles, "Sergeant Pepper" is the ultimate album experience, working best when consumed whole, listened in sequence. George Martin has to get major credit for bringing the whole thing together - so many sonic layers and textures to blend, when you consider the technology available at the time he did an incredible job not only in keeping The Beatles idea's focused and coherent but in aiding them to translate into a record with such clarity. The remastered and remixed 2017 version really brings this to fruition and is a worthy update. This album is a must have in your collection. "A Day In The Life" is the greatest song ever recorded. There are probably too many 9/10 tracks to warrant it being given a perfect score but in terms of bravery, experimentation, creativity and pop sensibility altogether simultaneously, you'll struggle to find a job done better than this. Expand
  23. Nov 19, 2017
    One of the greatest albums of all time. Just gets better and better with every song. Anyone who dislikes it is clearly determined to hate the Beatles.
  24. Aug 30, 2017
    One of the top rock albums ever created, every track is amazing and since release became a classic, they are so good its no wonder, a continuous listen is a blast that never gets boring.
  25. Apr 15, 2021
    The most cohesive, imaginative album I've ever heard. A concept album that is so visceral that it feels like it's ingrained into the English culture. I feel like I'm walking through the streets of London in the '60s when listening to it or like I'm watching a Wallace and Gromit film.
  26. Jun 23, 2017
    I know this album, since I was a kid. I know it by heart. When I heard A deluxe 50th anniversary edition The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, I was shocked. What I got was kind a new album of The Beatles, all alternative takes are like unexpected gift from beyond. Amazing album, especially for fans. I hope we'll get more of unheard versions of other albums - White AlbumI know this album, since I was a kid. I know it by heart. When I heard A deluxe 50th anniversary edition The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, I was shocked. What I got was kind a new album of The Beatles, all alternative takes are like unexpected gift from beyond. Amazing album, especially for fans. I hope we'll get more of unheard versions of other albums - White Album maybe? HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Expand
  27. Jun 29, 2017
    This album is very beautifully remastered and remixed and helps in bringing out and making every instrument and voice richer and pronounced. Lovely album
  28. Jul 10, 2017
    I could tell in on my first listing, that Martin used the mono mix as a guide. That is the only one I listen to since it's rerelease . I do agree and love the way this seems like a "new release" as the rework is so beneficial.
    The other thing that I thought once it got going was, it's also not rocking and rolling a lot. I think the new detail on the mix does this. Not a bad thing, I just
    I could tell in on my first listing, that Martin used the mono mix as a guide. That is the only one I listen to since it's rerelease . I do agree and love the way this seems like a "new release" as the rework is so beneficial.
    The other thing that I thought once it got going was, it's also not rocking and rolling a lot. I think the new detail on the mix does this. Not a bad thing, I just thought it was interesting...
    and don't forget all the PID "clues".
  29. Aug 9, 2017
    3 words for the ones who are uncertain about listening to this masterpiece.


    Never felt so much after listening, my favorite band's best album in it's 50th anniversary.
  30. Mar 6, 2018
    ¿Todavía hay gente que piensa que los Beatles están sobrevalorados? ¿En serio?

    De esta obra está todo dicho. No es el mejor, no todas sus canciones son perfectas, pero si es y será el MAS IMPORTANTE Y EL QUE, JUNTO A REVOLVER, LO CAMBIÓ TODO.

    -Lo mejor: Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Fixing a hole, Shes leaving home, Benefit of mr kite, Within without you, A Day in the life.

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Dec 7, 2017
    50 years on still doesn't obscure its frivolity. Paul McCartney dominates vocally and compositionally, and a mind-bending stereo remaster redefines the psychedelic summit while making the mono mix on disc 4 superfluous, but a pair of demo discs single out John Lennon's backbone contributions in multiple takes of pre-LP single "Strawberry Fields," plus "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" and "A Day in the Life."
  2. Magnet
    Jul 18, 2017
    This shining-up of the Sgt. Pepper grail is gorgeous. [No. 144, p.51]
  3. 100
    [Giles] Martin and co-engineer Sam Okell have done a loving job, getting away from some of the oddities of the familiar stereo mix done by Abbey Road engineers. ... It is like seeing a favourite movie again in high definition. It doesn't replace the original, it enhances it.